Chapter 545
Wei An shook his head and said, "I'll go to other places to have a look."

After saying that, he immediately turned around and left the courtyard.

The seemingly normal young participant in front of him felt strange to Wei An, who seemed normal, but there was indeed a beast-like panting sound in the room just now, and it was definitely not a snoring sound.

Wei An can still tell the difference.

Moreover, this young man was too enthusiastic towards strangers, so he took the initiative to invite himself into the house after only two sentences.It is impossible for the participants who can survive here and seem to have not suffered any harm to be so careless.

So to sum it up, Wei An thinks it's best to keep a distance from the other party, otherwise he won't know how he died.

From this point of view, under the current weird situation, the scary-looking participant in the side courtyard where he is located is considered normal, but this seemingly normal young man is eccentric.

Wei An quickly walked through the atrium and returned to the side courtyard where he was, not forgetting to close the side courtyard door.

After he left, the young man didn't close the door of his room immediately. Instead, he stood there and stared at the direction where Wei An's back disappeared. The smile on his face gradually faded until he remained calm.

After another moment, the young man slowly closed the door of his room. The moment the door closed, the young man's clothes, skin, muscles and hair collapsed and fell off, as if wearing a layer of skin. Can't support it either.


Wei An sat on the wooden bed in his room, took out the star chain with his backhand, and then habitually passed the subtle fear emanating from his body into the last node in the chain.

The skull node immediately began to greedily absorb these fears, like a bottomless pit, never satisfied.

During this period of time, Wei An has become accustomed to doing this, as long as he is free, he will put his own fear into the last node of the star chain.

Although I don't know how much fear is needed to successfully exchange this node and then fully open it, but the water will flow forever, and this day will always come.

While thinking and analyzing the current situation, while imbuing the star chain with fear, time passed quickly.

The sky gradually became dark.

You don’t feel hungry in this strange talk, and the situation here is weird. If you make the participants feel hungry and have to find food all the time, it will be more difficult to survive for three days.

Seeing that the outside was about to become completely dark, Wei An walked over and prepared to close the door of his room from the inside.

It would be even more dangerous to go out to search for the suit at night, so he planned to act again tomorrow morning.

The moment the door was closed, Wei An's eyes were fixed, but he saw a figure disappearing at the gate of the courtyard, as if he had just left.

If he read correctly, the person who went out should be the man in the fourth room who lost his eyes and had his lips sewn shut.

"This guy is going out at such a late hour?!" Wei An was a little surprised.

After nightfall, the old house was pitch black, there was no light to be seen, and there was something weird everywhere. It stands to reason that it should be more dangerous. That guy couldn't see and couldn't speak, so he chose to go out at this time. It's very strange. eccentric!
Wei An didn't close the door for the time being, and stood at the door waiting for a while, and saw that the gate of the side courtyard was only ajar, but the blind man never came back.

He hesitated for a while, but did not go out, but fastened the bolt inside the door, returned to the bed and sat down.

Not long after, he consumed 50 energy points and started a "plot speculation".

After a while, he raised his head with a sudden realization expression.

"No wonder, staying in the house at night is even more dangerous!"

However, Wei An is not going to leave immediately like that blind man. Now that he knows the situation, he wants to stay here and take a look, at least to figure out the whole strange story plot.

After all, he is not an ordinary participant, and he is simply satisfied with completing this ghost talk mission. If he can find the close guard suit, he doesn't mind destroying this C-level ghost talk.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Although he didn't feel hungry, staying in this room made Wei An feel sleepy very quickly. This should be the effect of the strange talk rules in this room.

Wei An stood up and walked around the room to dispel the drowsiness.

After an unknown amount of time, a rustling sound came from outside the house.

Because there is no light in this room, and it is darker than the outside, so he can roughly see the outside situation through the crack of the door that cannot be completely sealed.

Soon he caught a short figure, it was the weird boy who greeted him at the entrance of the lobby, with two shofar braids on his head trembling, walking lightly in the courtyard of this side courtyard.

The other party seemed to have no purpose, just walking back and forth, and there was no other sound except the sound from the soles of the feet.

But Wei An seemed to see that the boy's lips were constantly moving, and he was muttering something while walking back and forth.

This scene was very strange. After walking around the courtyard for dozens of times, the boy left the courtyard, probably to the opposite side.

After a while, a singing sound came faintly, the voice was mournful, melodious and long, it seemed that the source of the sound was still in the corridor behind the lobby.

"After a farewell, the two places are hanging each other. We only talk about three and four months, but who knows five or six years..."

After Wei An heard the singing clearly, the voice was slowly approaching in this direction, and he immediately left behind the door of the room, no longer looking outside through the crack of the door.

"The lyre...playing it carelessly, the eight-element script...can't pass it on..."

The sound of singing approached again, as if it had already reached the gate of the side courtyard, that is, in the atrium.

The voice was miserable and distressing, revealing a feeling of wanting to cry without tears, and it seemed that the singer had already shed his tears dry, and what flowed out of his eyes was no longer tears, but blood.

"Nine chains are broken from it, and the ten-mile long pavilion is waiting to be pierced..."

When singing here, the voice becomes more tragic, it doesn't sound like the singing in the mouth, but a cry of sorrow and resentment for the injustice in the world.

Because the chanter is already very close to here at this moment, her voice sounds as if it is close to her ears, and from time to time her voice will suddenly become sharp and high-pitched with the style of the song, and the piercing voice is just like the strange boy speaking during the day, It is said to be singing, but it is actually venting, crying, and screaming at the top of its lungs.

At such a distance, Wei An's body was covered with goose bumps, the hairs all over his body exploded, and his scalp felt slightly numb.

While venting its anger constantly, the chant continued to approach here, swaying slowly, and soon drifted into the side courtyard here, resounding at the place where the weird boy was walking just now.

"Thousands of thoughts, thousands of thoughts, all kinds of helplessness...resent...jun...resentment."

The moment the word "resentment" was uttered, it directly echoed in Wei An's room. Although the door was closed, a dark figure was already standing in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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