this is not a joke

Chapter 548 Face Painting

Chapter 548 Face Painting
Unexpectedly, Chen Fang's injury was caused by such a thing.

Wei An was slightly startled, but it is not appropriate to talk about it in detail at the moment, he helped Chen Fang and sneaked into the back garden quickly.

Because the back garden is not far from the side courtyard, separated by a wall, but the back garden is larger in size and consists of three corridors. The pools below two of the corridors have dried up, exposing a lot of rockery, but The ground is all muddy.

On the other side, there is still half of the water in the pool under the corridor, but the water inside has turned dark green and emits a foul smell.

Chen Fang was hiding under a rockery in that dry land.

After the two went down quickly, Wei'an found that only this place was dry and not muddy, otherwise there would be a lot of footprints on the ground, which couldn't be hidden at all.

Chen Fang firmly held her stomach, and let Wei An stuff her into a cave under the rockery, and then Wei An himself got in, blocking the entrance of the cave.

Although this place is small, it is barely enough for Tibetans.

The two settled down temporarily, and Chen Fang took out a pill that was only a small half, and then kneaded it into powder, forming a very light transparent film, covering the hole.

Wei An was a little surprised, and heard Chen Fang say: "This thing can temporarily cover our aura. Brother Jian Hui gave it to me. He said it was only for this. He didn't use it himself. He gave it to me. I don't know. How is he now?"

"Jian Hui also came to this weird talk?" Wei An asked.

Chen Fang nodded. After sitting down now, she looked a little better than before, but she still felt uncomfortable, and replied: "Our two investigators, plus other ordinary selected participants, there are seven people in total. The five people Except for the one in your side courtyard who is still alive, everyone else is dead, and the young man who chased me down has also died long ago. I have been converted now, and if I cannot leave this strange talk before dawn, I will also become a weird."

Wei An frowned and nodded: "Let me find a way to see how to get you out of Guai Tan. First, tell me what your mission is and whether it is the same as mine. And Jian Hui, you don't have to worry about his safety, this guy is old Gou Yi, if everyone is destined to die, he will also be the last one."

Chen Fang looked surprised, but thinking of Jian Hui's reputation, she forced a smile, and then told her mission information.

Wei An compared it and found that it was exactly the same as himself, and it seemed that there was no special mission information.

Upon questioning, Chen Fang had actually been here for five days, and had already passed the three-day deadline, but she hadn't been able to find out where the exit was.

Moreover, according to Chen Fang's speculation, the exit might not exist at all, or it would only open after a certain period of time or when conditions were triggered. She just wanted to go out to look for it again, but encountered the weirdness of the young man and was touched by him. After infection.

Wei An knew in his heart that if he found an exit for Chen Fang now, she would be able to leave before dawn and avoid being transformed and dying.

Chen Fangdao: "Most of the participants looked directly at Gui Ying's resentful soul. They didn't want to look directly at them, but there was a force that made them unable to control themselves. Even Jian Hui and I almost fell victim to it. In the end, The surviving participant was a ruthless person who cut out his own eyeballs, so he was temporarily spared."

"How did he sew his mouth shut?" Wei An asked.

"The mouth was sewn shut?" Chen Fang showed surprise, "He could talk when I saw him?! His mouth was not sewn shut."

Wei An lowered his head in thought and stopped talking.

After his plot speculation just now started, he learned that if he stayed in the room for a long time, he would be frightened by the strange boy coming over at night, and then the singing sounded, and Gui Ying's wraith would approach step by step, and finally stood on his own before bed.

And indeed, as Chen Fang said, even if she wanted to avert her gaze at that time, she would involuntarily look up, unable to resist at all.

But later, standing under the invisibility spell, I could easily not look at Gui Ying's wraith. This shows that Gui Ying's wraith can control the target's sight to be forcibly fixed on her, provided that she must look at it. Only by being able to see the other party can one control the line of sight, or in other words, exude the ability to attract the other party's line of sight.

Now as long as he activates the invisibility spell or turns on the spectator mode, he will never look at this woman directly again no matter what.

Not only that, but the spectator mode can also avoid being found by the weird boy and the phantom attached to the young man.

After thinking of this, Wei An said to Chen Fang: "You just stay here and don't go anywhere, wait for me to come back. I will find that exit before dawn, and even if I can't find it, I will come back to see you before then."

Chen Fang nodded with a painful expression.

At this moment, the hand in her abdomen is becoming more and more active. Although the wound is dry and no longer bleeding, the extra hand is absorbing a large amount of blood in her body. Not only has the forearm grown, but also the elbow and arm is also taking shape.

It is conceivable that in a few hours, a strange person may be born directly.

At that time, Chen Fang's whole body was sucked dry, and she was bound to die.

Wei An passed through the film and left, while Chen Fang stared blankly at his leaving back, frowning tightly, biting her lower lip with her teeth, blood was already coming out of her bite.

When Wei An returned to the corridor, he had already turned on the spectator mode.

At the same time, there was a temporary blind spot in Chen Fang's memory of him at the same moment. Chen Fang looked confused, but remembered that she had placed a lot of hope on someone, but at this moment she couldn't remember who this person was. Who, why should I wait here.

But all she knew was that she was not waiting to die, but had to wait here, because that hope would keep her alive.

After turning on the spectator mode, Wei An no longer had any scruples, and walked directly to the place where the singing sound first came.

Originally, he still had enough time, so he planned to use these two or three days to find clues, and by the way, he also completed the strange story task, but now he met Chen Fang, whose life was in danger, so the plan had to be changed.

When he came to the corridor behind the lobby, the figure of the weird boy appeared, walked out from the back door of the lobby, and walked quickly in the direction that Wei An was going.

This guy was still walking on tiptoe, extremely fast, and he was still humming, not knowing what he was talking about.

He quickly turned into one of the rooms with the door open. This is a bedroom, which probably belonged to the boy.

The boy walked quickly to a bronze mirror, picked up the pen on the table, and quickly traced his face with skillful movements, still muttering.

At this time, Wei An stood in front of the door and listened carefully, only to realize that what he was muttering was: "It's faded, the makeup is faded, it would be terrible to be discovered by that old monster... Yah!"

This guy may have listened to Gui Ying's resentful soul singing a lot, but now when he talks to himself, everything he says has his own singing voice, and he doesn't forget to hum and sing at the end.

After drawing two strokes, it seemed that it was not so smooth, or the painting was not as perfect as imagined. The boy pulled his whole face off, slammed it on the table, and spread the skin of his face. A painting was drawn carefully.

Wei An immediately shifted his eyes down, he had a feeling that he couldn't see the boy's real appearance, just like he couldn't look directly at Gui Ying's wraith.

But after thinking about it, I was in the bystander mode, and even if I saw it, it wouldn't have any effect, so I raised my head and looked at the boy's real face.

(End of this chapter)

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