this is not a joke

Chapter 551 What are you talking about?

Chapter 551 What are you talking about?
The moment Chen Fang saw the black shadow, she knew that the other party had found herself because she sensed a change in her body.

In a hurry, she took out the Tang knife with one hand, but at the moment she was extremely weak, even the arm holding the knife handle was sore, and she almost dropped the Tang knife on the ground.

The black shadow rushed over quickly, and at the same time, more hands protruded from Chen Fang's belly. It seemed that even the armpit had grown out, and the force of pulling it out was greater.

A slender black shadow descended from the sky, like a nimble little snake, flitting past the black shadow that was pounced on Chen Fang, leaving only dots of light scattered like stars in the mid-air.

Seeing that the black shadow that was pounced on Chen Fang was split into two, and then the whole body exploded with a bang, and it was too late to escape, and it dissipated without even snorting.

This black shadow is the strange thing that supports the young man's flesh like a kite, and it can quickly sense Chen Fang because the seeds of transformation have been planted in Chen Fang's body before.

The next second, Wei An withdrew the star chain, secretly said: "This chain is really useful!"

This star chain was the first time he used it to deal with monsters. He did not expect it to be very effective. Like the synthesized halberd and axe, it had both physical and mental attacks, and it was more effective than the halberd and axe in terms of mental attacks.

Just now, he just turned on the attack effect to the fifth node, but he didn't expect that the weird black shadow would be blown away with one blow, leaving no scum left.

So it may not be necessary to open five nodes, maybe four nodes can completely handle the opponent.

After killing the black shadow, Wei An immediately approached Chen Fang, and under the terrifying blow just now, the arm in Chen Fang's stomach also felt a huge threat, and it suddenly slipped back into her stomach again, Surging inside, not daring to appear again.

Chen Fang's face was as pale as paper, and she quickly covered her stomach tightly.

Wei An said: "This place has been exposed, let's leave first, I think... maybe I have found the exit."

Chen Fang stood up, and with his support, the two quickly left the rockery.

Not long after they left, two shofar braids appeared on the corridor. The boy was about as tall as the railing of the corridor. At this moment, he was bouncing around and looking at the rockery. He was still chattering and saying some incomprehensible words.

During the process of leaving with Chen Fang, Wei An had already mentioned his two plans, one was to draw the traveling spell now to let Chen Fang leave, and the other was to leave from the suspected exit.

Chen Fang hardly hesitated, and said decisively: "Isn't it just a weird arm? I can still persist."

Unlike Wei An, every investigator below the middle level now values ​​the weapons and equipment harvest and energy point rewards obtained by completing a ghost story.

No way, this is an important way for them to quickly increase their strength and save their lives in the next strange talk.

In fact, Chen Fang has almost finished the ghost talk now, but she is stuck at the last level, and Wei An has found the suspected exit point for her, so she has to give it a try again.

The energy points between investigators cannot be gifted or plundered to each other, and can only be obtained by each investigator with their own strength.

"The arm in your stomach has developed to the end, is it going to completely replace you and control your body?" Wei An asked looking at the wound on Chen Fang's stomach.

"It should be a direct occupation." Chen Fang said.

The two temporarily returned to one of the rooms in the side courtyard. At this moment, there were no dark shadows and weirdness here, so they were safe for the time being.

Wei An said: "The exit is not anywhere in this ancient house. According to my observation, it should be behind Gui Ying's resentful soul."

"Behind?" Chen Fang was surprised.

"There is a different space there. Only when you look directly at Gui Ying, you can find the space behind her through the corner of your eye. There are monsters in it and there is a high probability that it is the exit." Wei An said: "My idea is, let me continue. Look directly at Guiying, and find an opportunity to enter when the alien space appears. If it is as expected, I will let you in immediately. But the difficulty is that someone needs to hold Guiying for a while, otherwise once she leaves, that alien Space will disappear again, at least briefly in front of us."

"If it's just for a while, I can hold her back." Chen Fang gritted her teeth and said, "Although she may force me to look directly at her."

Although Chen Fang didn't know how Wei An made it possible for him not only to be unaffected when looking directly at Gui Ying's resentful soul, but also to discover the different space behind her, but she knew that everyone had secrets, and Wei An didn't say anything. , she will not ask too much.

Wei An took out a cinnabar pen and began to draw on the ground, saying: "I will draw a barrier spell now, you stand inside the barrier spell, although Gui Ying's wraith can see you, but she can't directly hurt you. You may be affected during this process, but as long as you do your best to resist this influence and do not get out of the isolation spell, you will be safe."

After drawing the isolation spell, Wei An stood up and said, "As long as you persist until I explore the monsters in the different space and confirm the exit location, I will return immediately and pull you there."

In fact, Chen Fang doesn't need to look directly at Guiying's resentful soul as soon as she appears. She can try to avoid looking directly at the beginning, and then resist the desire to look directly. The longer this resistance lasts, the better.

Just hold on until Wei An finds the exit.

Wei An was a little worried, and drew a few exorcism spells learned from Yizhi, and distributed them around the isolation spell.

However, the invisibility spell cannot be used in this plan, otherwise Gui Ying's resentful soul will not be able to see Chen Fang's figure, and this monster will definitely not stay too long. When she leaves, Wei'an's plan to search for a different space will probably come to naught again.

After doing all this well, Wei'an is going to activate the "bystander mode" that was interrupted just now, and let Chen Fang make some noise here, deliberately attracting Gui Ying's resentful soul.

At this time, Chen Fang, who was already standing under the isolation spell, suddenly asked, "Brother An, what did you keep muttering when you were drawing the talisman just now?"

Wei An was taken aback: "I didn't mutter, I just told you the few precautions before drawing the talisman, and then I... didn't say anything."

"No." Chen Fang shook her head in surprise, "You've been talking all the time. At first I thought you needed to chant some spells while drawing the spells, but it didn't sound like you listened carefully. Anyway, you kept talking and didn't stop until just now."

Wei An looked at her in astonishment and asked, "What did I say?"

"It's not complete sentences and words." Chen Fang recalled: "It's like... similar to... chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, this sound."


Wei An's scalp was numb, and at this moment he suddenly felt a chill all over his body, which made him unable to help but look around.

(End of this chapter)

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