this is not a joke

Chapter 560 The Power of the Suit

Chapter 560 The Power of the Suit
Now that it is confirmed that the strange talk in bedroom 309 and the set have not been taken away, it means that my judgment this time is correct.

Wei An was about to enter the blood-colored mist, and when he passed through the strange talk in the dormitory, his spine suddenly went cold, and before he could turn around, he heard the Trickster hurriedly said: "My lord, be careful!"

At this time, the boy had already avoided it, and stood on the right side two meters away from Wei An, shouting.

It may be that there is no physical attack itself, which leads to the boy's strong sensitivity to physical attacks, and he can know the target of the attack extremely keenly first.

Besides, he now also thinks that Wei'an is stronger. If he doesn't hug this thigh well and doesn't show his role at the critical moment, he is afraid that Wei'an will blame himself at that time.

It can be seen that the whole body of the deceitful boy is full of desire to survive.

Wei An had already reacted, but it was too late for him to dodge, he just arched his back suddenly, and quickly moved the human skin that can withstand all things to this place.

In the next second, there was a piercing pain in the skin, but then the pain disappeared immediately due to the coverage of the foreign object resistance receptor, and the thick human skin swelled up, making the extremely long and thin flesh thorn that sneaked up on him blocked from the body.

Then Wei An turned around, and saw the white-haired old woman who had been unable to hide just now was standing behind him.

She was three heads shorter than herself, and not much taller than the crooked boy, because the old woman's limbs had undergone serious mutations.

I don’t know if it’s because of the mania, her limbs are no longer the soles of the feet and the palms, but all turned into four thorns. The place where the soles of the feet should have been was replaced by four sharp, thin-skinned thorns covered with bones. Instead, it looks weird.

At this time, the white-haired old woman's white hair has turned blood red, and even her eyeballs are red, and they are about to bulge out, staring straight at Wei'an.

After the blow failed, the moment Wei An turned around, she raised her right arm and stabbed at Wei An's eyes!
Wei An thrust out the tip of the halberd axe one step ahead, but after the sharp part of the halberd ax pierced the white-haired old woman's chest, it was the same as when the opponent attacked him just now, unable to penetrate the flesh.

Slightly surprised, Wei An quickly noticed that the halberd ax still pierced her flesh, but the old woman was thin and had no flesh at all. After penetrating through the skin, it touched the bone.

It's just that her bones are too hard to be broken open, and there is a faint red shadow after the mania that diffuses out of the wound, which is extremely strange.

Wei An immediately took a step back, quickly drew back the halberd axe, and slashed at the old woman's body three times. Each ax exhausted all his strength, but failed to cut off the old woman's body, and even stuck in her body Can't do it in the bones.

The old woman's bones that reflected the red shadow were indeed extremely hard, not comparable to the faceless female teacher.

Now not only did he not seriously injure the other party, but it shocked Wei An until his arm went numb.

You must know that the power of this halberd and ax is equivalent to a purple weapon at this moment. Although it seems that it can drag the strange white-haired old woman to death after a long battle, this is obviously not the result that Wei An wants to see now.

This white-haired old woman originally belonged to the old monster in the hidden mission in the "teacher's last wish" strange talk, and she was the kind who was responsible for chasing and killing the participants and would not be killed herself.

That is to say, it is an invincible existence in this ghost story.

Even before he became manic, Wei An had to use a halberd and ax to kill her easily. Now, after her rage, even though she can be killed with a halberd and ax, it has become extremely difficult.

Without hesitation, Wei An immediately covered his face with the third set of fear helmet he had just found, and a terrifying aura flowed out along the bottom of the helmet in an instant, and this aura rose up like water vapor, and quickly It spread to the halberd in his hand.

The facial features on this helmet are lifelike, and two eye holes and nostrils are left, but the metal nose bridge is reinforced at the nose wing, and the lips are sealed.

Wei An held the halberd and ax with both hands, and a sense of fullness that he had never experienced before appeared. It seemed that what he was holding was not a weapon, but was waving his arms. It was as if the halberd and ax had grown completely on his body. , into one.

Not only that, Wei An could clearly feel that the halberd ax was heavier than before.

Although it doesn't feel strenuous to dance, it indirectly shows that the power of the halberd and ax has become stronger under the blessing of the fear helmet, and the attack has become more arbitrary.

Judging from the written description after obtaining the frightened visor, the close guard suit has already exerted more than half of its power at this time. Although it is still not as good as the black weapon, it is still close to the range of power covered by the black weapon.

Although the white-haired old woman was in a state of mania, she obviously found that Wei An, who was wearing the helmet at this moment, seemed to be stronger than before.

However, in her mania, she would not retreat, but let out a shrill scream, showing her toothless gums to Wei An, and a large amount of suspension was produced between the gums, which looked extremely disgusting.

Immediately, the white-haired old woman jumped up, stretched out the sharp thorns of her hands and feet towards Wei An, and made a strange movement as if she was about to throw herself into Wei An's arms. He stabbed hard in the chest and head.

Wei An took two steps back again, and his figure had already disappeared more than half of the bloody mist leading to bedroom 309.

The moment the white-haired old woman jumped up and approached his body, the halberd ax slashed at the white-haired old woman under the blessing of the helmet, from head to toe, with a crash, this time there was no obstacle at all, even if the halberd ax hit Most of them are the thin and hard bones of the white-haired old woman.

But as long as it touched the blade of the halberd axe, under the power of a black weapon, even the white-haired old woman in a manic state would be split in half immediately.

After she was destroyed, the strange story shook slightly, especially the sound of gurgling in the dry well, as if the dry well was filled with water again.

But at this moment, Wei An and Boy Tale were at this end of the path, far away from the dry well, and they didn't know that there had been an extremely sudden change in the dry well.

After Wei An killed the white-haired old woman, she saw her body turned into a pile of dust.

Sensing that this strange talk is undergoing some kind of change, Wei An asked the Poor Boy: "If the rules of this strange talk in a state of mania are eliminated, what will happen?"

The Tale Boy shook his head: "Mania is not normal, and this strange story is not normal. The mania here is not caused by the rules themselves, but is intensified by some kind of intensification. If it is killed, it will collapse first, but because it is destroyed by me The bridge and the mirror are connected, so it can't collapse for a while. But it will affect the house, and it will also affect another strange story to accelerate its collapse."

"How long is the impact?" Wei An asked.

"I don't know." The boy shook his head, "But we have to speed up and disconnect the two sides as soon as possible, otherwise the bridge mirror may not be able to support at that time, and our house will also collapse!"

Wei An immediately turned around and walked into the bloody mist of the strange talk in bedroom 309, and the boy jumped and followed behind him.

Just breaking through the fog, Wei An was startled suddenly, and found at least four ghosts standing stiffly outside the bloody fog.

Silent, shadowy, as if waiting for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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