this is not a joke

Chapter 566 Coming to the Dark Space Again

Chapter 566 Coming to the Dark Space Again
dark space.

In this endless darkness, scattered footsteps and whispers sounded from some invisible places, and there were even faint screams from farther away.

But these voices will disappear suddenly again soon, like hallucinations.

It seems that calmness is the norm in this dark space.

And here is the empty space between the world of strange stories and the human world, which Zhang Zuxia has been exploring before.

Suddenly, at the top of this dark space, in that completely invisible dark place, a strange black air rolled up.

The darkness above this space was completely enveloped by these black air. At this moment, it was as if someone had fallen into the sea of ​​clouds formed by the black air, causing the sea of ​​clouds to churn and spread out in all directions.

A large black round object fell from above and hit the uneven ground of the dark space with a bang.

Immediately, the round object quickly spread out, revealing Yunzhen and Wei'an inside.

After Xuanzhen let go of the fur balls, she immediately looked left and right, and found that she had returned to the dark gap space where she hunted and killed Wei An and the "bridge builder".

This place left a deep impression on her, because besides the "man who built the bridge", she had met the person who terrified her, but it seemed that the strength of that person had been greatly weakened. Threat is also reduced.

So at that time, Xuanzhen vowed to kill those who were with Wei An, except of course the "bridge builders".

But who knew they were still running away.

Now I never thought that I was clearly killing Wei An and was about to pull out this thorn in my heart, but suddenly landed here.

Yunzhen still remembered that she had already completely trapped Wei An, but she fell into this place when she entered the gap between strange stories.

On the other hand, Wei An, although he was completely wrapped in fur balls by Yunzhen just now, he is now wearing a khaki hooded raincoat, which not only covers his body, but also covers his head. The whole body is covered tightly, even the face is covered.

As a result, although Wei An was wrapped in the hair ball, and the fur ball was full of extremely aggressive hair, the yellow raincoat on his body was almost covered with hair, but the wound on his body pierced by the hair Very few.

This raincoat is called "Rubber Raincoat". It has a hood and a mask. As a red armor, it is the highest armor quality that Wei An has seen so far, and it is also one of the highest-level armor caught from Su Ya.

Because other armors could not be concealed, they were all centrally managed by the management bureau. Only this rubber raincoat, which Su Ya kept carefully, was kept by Wei An.

"You did it on purpose!" Xuan Zhen's voice echoed in Wei'an's ear, "You let me catch you on purpose and lead me back here!?"

After the fur balls scattered, Wei An had already got up quickly, and continued to wave the halberd and ax gently in his hand.

Although he was injured at the moment, it was not serious.

And although the power of the halberd and ax is not as strong as before, if calculated individually, at least it can still exert the effect of purple weapons.

Coupled with the intact fear helmet, his combat power is still infinitely close to the black level.

The long-range attack was greatly reduced, and Wei An only had time to cut off the hair around his body, and then took advantage of Yunzhen's surprise, and took a few steps back.

"No!" After retreating a certain distance, he replied: "Who knows how come in because of the name?"

Although the answer was no, the children could tell that there was no surprise on Wei An's face, obviously he had expected to come here a long time ago.

As for how Wei'an returned to this dark space with her, Yunzhen couldn't think of it anyway.

"Even here, I can still kill you!"

After Yizhen stabilized her mind, she rose into the air again, her long hair fluttering behind her, and the fur balls scattered on the ground began to gather again.

Even some broken hairs got directly under the uneven ground, and only the tips of the hairs were exposed, growing continuously.

In this realm, unlike entering other strange worlds that do not belong to oneself, the weirdness here does not have much barriers to rules, so Yunzhen's methods can be displayed more, and they are also more unscrupulous.

Not long after, a lot of hair grew on the ground under Wei An's feet. These hairs intertwined and climbed up, and quickly wrapped around Wei An's ankle.

Wei An immediately retreated, but the speed was obviously not as fast as hair growth.

Yunzhen floated forward and followed closely.

At this moment, Wei An suddenly stopped, raised his head, and smiled.

"Do you know why we are fighting here?"

Yunzhen had doubts in her heart at first, and was always on guard against what kind of tricks Wei An would play. Now when she heard this, she became even more wary, the hair on her feet was still spreading rapidly, and at the same time she turned her head to look around.

Just heard Wei An say: "Because only here, he can come in."

After finishing the words, he turned his head and shouted to the dark space behind him: "Dad, Dad..."

"It's coming, it's coming, don't rush, it's... I'm exhausted!"

Wei Zhengdong's voice sounded from behind Wei An, and then a panting old man ran out of the darkness and approached here.

At this moment, Wei Zhengdong was as tired as a dog, he was out of breath, even his face was slightly pale, it was obvious that he ran too fast all the way.

The "teacher's last wish" strange talk just now is connected with the strange talk in bedroom 309. In fact, the strange talk in bedroom 309 has long been recorded in the Zhoucheng Administration Bureau, and it is already an old strange talk.

The exact location and information are well documented.

Wei An also talked about this strange talk with his father Wei Zhengdong in detail after experiencing the 309 dormitory before, so Wei Zhengdong remembered all the details here.

As long as he remembers the strange story, and the level of the strange story is not high, and the rules are not strong, he can get in touch with him through Wei'an.

So after the father and son got in touch with each other, Wei Zhengdong immediately called Wen Qiong who was still resting and sleeping in Biluo City. build up.

And based on Wei Zhengdong's perception of "Death God's Choice", he is already very familiar with that strange talk, and at the same time he is familiar with that dark space.

So after establishing an inductive connection with the channel opened by the cursed corpse, Wei Zhengdong soon appeared in the dark space.

The moment he saw Yunzhen, Wei Zhengdong, who hadn't recovered his breath, was taken aback suddenly, and looked sideways at Wei An: "It's this woman again!"

Wei Zhengdong was instinctively afraid of Yunzhen in front of him, because the last time he was chased and ran away by the other party happened in this dark space, it was really thrilling.

At that time, even Lin Rui, who had the ability to manifest, could only fight and retreat, blocking most of the attacks from Yunzhen.

"So..." Wei Zhengdong stared at his son.

He knew that there was a reason why Wei An summoned him here. Since he was facing this woman, his son must have already had the means to get him to deal with her.

As soon as the idea came up, Wei An raised the halberd ax in his hand and pointed the tip of the halberd ax to his nose.

The surface of the halberd ax was stained with some black substance, I don't know what it is.

"Here, dad, it's the same as last time, but just now I failed to poke her butt, but just poked her thigh, does that count?"

Wei Zhengdong licked the corner of his mouth: "Forget it!"

Then he leaned over and sniffed hard.

(End of this chapter)

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