this is not a joke

Chapter 569 Conflict

Chapter 569 Conflict
Even in normal times, this boy basically has no physical attacks, and what's more, he is not good at this type of attack.

At the same time when Jian Hui suddenly aroused the metal thorn, Trickster was too close to react in time, and was pierced by the metal thorn from his temple, and directly pierced through the cheek on the other side of his head.

Because Jian Hui was a sneak attack, and he used all his strength.

After receiving this fierce blow, the boy's head immediately tilted to the side, his mouth was slanted and his eyes were slanted, his upper and lower jaws were misaligned, his eyes were turned upwards, as if he was looking at Jian Hui, and he didn't understand why he suddenly attacked him!

There wasn't any fluid coming out of the wound, and he couldn't see any painful expression on the boy's face. His only feeling was surprise, but it didn't reflect on the face that didn't belong to him.

This metal thorn has the power to kill ordinary monsters, and even the special monsters like the Boy with a Tale have the effect of severely injuring them.

But Jian Hui wouldn't know that the Boy of Wicked Tales is not an ordinary monster, and it just so happened that the part where he killed the Boy was his head, but this head of the Boy was the most special part of him as a weird one.

This head, if you take off the boy's two braids, you will find that there is no face, no skull, and nothing on his shoulders.

That is to say, the boy's so-called head is actually the mind of an outsider, what is in the heart of an outsider, what will appear when watching the boy of tricks.

At the moment it looked like his head had been pierced, but there was actually no harm at all.

The weird metal stabbing effect had almost zero impact on the boy at this moment.

Instead, it was Jian Hui's sudden attack that angered the boy, causing the deceitful spell he cast on Jian Hui to explode in advance.

Because this is an old house, and the effect of the deceitful spell was also enhanced by Qiao Jing's ability, Jian Hui suddenly started muttering to himself, but he didn't know it.

"You... why... Gu Gu... it's okay... Chi Chi."

Seeing that the Trickster's body moved to the right and slowly pulled his head out of his metal thorns, Jian Hui's eyes almost bulged out, staring at the boy's head that was slowly recovering.

Originally, he thought that his unexpected blow would at least severely injure the opponent. If he was lucky, he might even kill him directly.

At least now that there is something wrong with the ancient house, and the boy belongs to one of the little monsters, after several considerations, Jian Hui is ready to attack the other party by surprise.

Although I have always been stubborn, it does not mean that I will give up making a move when the situation is getting better for me.

But who knew it would end like this!

Jian Hui knew that he had made a mistake.

At this time, the Whispering Boy no longer has the harmless expression of humans and animals just now. On his site, there are old houses and bridge mirrors. Crazy up.

This caused the deceitful spell he assigned to Jian Hui to explode without any relief.

Jian Hui only felt a sudden itching on his face. At the same time, he still didn't realize that his lips were trembling up and down, as if fighting, and strange voices came out of his mouth.

Originally, he wanted to continue attacking the boy's body with metal thorns, but at this moment he had to stop.

Jian Hui immediately took a few steps back, keeping a certain distance from the boy, and then stretched out his hand to scratch his face, and quickly scratched the bloodstains, because it was so itchy that his whole head seemed to be twitching intermittently.

If the metal thorn stabs the boy for the second time, the boy will be really hurt, and he won't be so itchy right now.

But it's too late to say anything.

While backing away from the boy, Jian Hui scratched his face.

In his opinion, if he kept a certain distance from the other party, maybe his face would not itch so much.

But things didn't go as planned, instead, he felt his face was getting more and more itchy, and more bloodstains appeared on his face.


Jian Hui knew that the other party might have poisoned him, or cast some strange curse on him.

His face was full of distress, and when he was about to take out his long-cherished treasure to lift the curse, Wei An's voice suddenly sounded at the gate of the ancient house.

"Boy, this is my own person, lift your curse."

The Whispering Boy looked up and found that it was Wei An who came. He shuddered suddenly, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he ran over in a bumpy manner.

"My lord, are you alright, my lord? As long as you are ok! As long as you are ok!"

After saying that, he tugged at his braid, and ran happily towards Wei An.

At the same time, this guy also immediately sensed the fear in his body, and found that the fear still existed, and it seemed that it hadn't completely disappeared because of Wei'an's departure just now.

This can't help but make the Tale Boy more afraid of Wei An, but he still has a smile on his face.

After pulling off his shofar braid, Jian Hui's face had stopped itching, but the whole face was in severe pain at this moment, because he dug out all the bloodstains, one by one, and blood flowed down his cheeks .

Jian Hui didn't have time to wipe off the blood, so he just looked up at Wei An, looked at the boy's courteous face towards Wei An, and then thought of the boy's angry look when he treated him just now.

This strong contrast made him suddenly feel that everything in front of him was no longer real.

Most importantly, why is Wei An here? !

"I just said it?" Wei An walked in with a smile, "Chen Fang said that she came with you, but she has been away for so long, and I have never seen you. So you are still here!"

"Did Chen Fang go out?" Jian Hui was stunned.

Wei An nodded, and roughly talked about the encounter between himself and Chen Fang. Of course, he concealed many key links.

Jian Hui was stunned for a while, then asked: "That is to say, you have ruined this strange talk, so maybe I don't have a reward?"

Wei An gave him a blank look: "There should be, and you'll know when you get out here. What, do you want to leave now?"

Jian Hui nodded immediately if he didn't leave now.

"Leave from behind Gui Ying's corpse in the side room, there is the passage." Wei An pointed in the direction of the side room, "Her body was split in half by me, walk in the middle of the body."

Jian Hui swallowed, nodded, and looked at Wei An like a monster.

He didn't expect that after a long time no see, this guy would grow to be as powerful as he is now.

But when I think about my poor ability, it is also not easy to live on my own.

Jian Hui's heart soon calmed down.

He solemnly nodded to Wei An: "Then I'll leave first, and get together someday."

After Jian Hui ran to the side room with a face covered in blood, Wei An asked the boy what happened when he was not around.

At this time, he thought of a question, perhaps he could use the boy's familiarity with and control over this strange talk to achieve it.

This method is a bit risky and dirty, but it should work.

(End of this chapter)

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