this is not a joke

Chapter 577 Bathing

Chapter 577 Bathing
Cheng Kejun was terrified by this scene, let out a cry of panic, sat down on the ground, stared at the half of the female corpse with his eyes, and backed away crazily.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about searching for aragonite, because the corpses that could appear here must be weird.

Wei An had already come to him, took a closer look, and said, "It's okay, this weirdness has disappeared, it should have been dead for a long time."

Immediately afterwards, he also searched around, even turned over the corpse of the strange woman, but found nothing.

Wei Zhengdong was also searching everywhere, and he said to himself: "There is no reason! The aragonite is so big, why did it just drop to the ground and disappear?"

After the words fell, the father and son suddenly turned their heads to look at the female corpse on the ground.

"Is there something wrong with this weird corpse!"

Cheng Kejun was in a state of confusion, but he knew he couldn't leave here, and he didn't dare to go back if he didn't find Aragonite.

"Son, look over there, and Cheng Kejun and I will go to the other side to have a look." Wei Zhengdong ordered: "There must be something weird here, otherwise it is impossible for Aragonite to disappear."

"Okay, Dad." Wei An nodded.

Wei Zhengdong dragged Cheng Kejun into the darkness on the other side, while Wei An deliberately took a few steps in the opposite direction, and then fell back quickly.

Seeing that Wei Zhengdong and the others were no longer here, he took out a cinnabar pen and tapped lightly on the ground on the right where the half of Yunzhen's body lay.

Then he stood up and stepped over, the scene in front of him suddenly changed in the next second, and Wei An was already standing in the barrier spell that had been drawn in advance.

In addition to the isolation spell, there is also a slightly smaller invisibility spell inside the isolation spell.

However, with the barrier of the isolation spell, people in the outer space cannot touch this invisibility spell at all.

And at this moment, the disappearing aragonite was quietly staying in place under the double protection of the invisibility spell and the isolation spell.

It's just that you can't enter these two spells, and you can't touch and observe the aragonite anyway.

After Wei An came in, he immediately took out a small iron stove that Su Ya temporarily gave him.

This special item has also been requisitioned by the Administration, but it has not been handed over to the warehouse for safekeeping, so it is still in Su Ya's hands.

The strangeness can be burned in the small iron furnace, and a purple flame can be burned, which can be preserved and burn everything.

Wei An has tried it before, and even with this flame, clear water can be ignited, which is very strange.

But the premise is to use the burned monsters as raw materials, and make sufficient preparations in advance.

And before coming over, Pei Na had already stuffed a few monsters collected in her wordless book into this small iron furnace, and when it was burning, Wei An immediately threw the aragonite into the furnace.

As the flame burned, the aragonite, which was originally soft to the touch, quickly turned into a solution visible to the naked eye.

However, as Su Ya said, the particularity of aragonite makes it not disperse no matter what form it exists in. Instead, it turns into a solution and gathers into a pool, passing through the gap of the small iron furnace, along the path below the small iron furnace. The ground spread.

Fortunately, the two charms drawn by Wei An are big enough, so they won't be able to touch the cinnabar lines for a while.

After a while, this soft aragonite completely melted away.

At this time, Wei An also burned all the monsters that Pei Na had prepared for him, the flames went out, and the furnace cooled down slowly.

Wei An put away the small iron stove, lay down on the ground and carefully looked at the melted aragonite.

He felt that this was different from the state he had imagined before. The black mass in front of him was not quite like a solution, but another form of aragonite.

In other words, aragonite can exist in various forms, and this solution-like form is one of them.

It's just that aragonite in this form has the encapsulation of a solution.

After the temperature of the solution dropped a bit, Wei An took out the star chain, pulled out the evil nail on the tenth node, and put it in the aragonite solution.

Soon, a layer of black sticky matter surged up, enveloping the star chain bit by bit, as if it could recognize the special heterogeneity inside it.

Strangely, after putting in the entire star chain, Wei An found that the aragonite solution hadn't decreased, it was still the same as when it melted before.

He took out the Guard Medal again and placed it in another corner of the solution.

I saw another layer of black sticky matter covering the Guards Medal.

I took a closer look, but I still couldn't see the decrease in the stock of the aragonite solution. It seemed that the solution was doing the purification and absorption of foreign substances by the way, rather than the main work, and it didn't consume much energy at all.

"This really amazing!"

With a thought in his heart, Wei An stretched out his hand again, and this time he stretched out his entire palm and pressed it into the solution until it submerged the back of his hand.

From a sensory point of view, he found that these solutions still showed no signs of diminishing, although they had slowly wrapped his little arms.

A very comfortable gentle feeling spread throughout his body, especially making his mind peaceful again, as if he was taking a comfortable hot bath.

This sense of comfort penetrated every cell in the body that was being nourished, and soon spread to the brain. The originally active brain nerves began to gradually subside at this moment.

Wei An didn't bother to think about it anymore, he put his other hand into the aragonite solution and felt more comfortable.

Then he stepped on it with both feet, and finally he pouted his buttocks, sank his head, and directly stuck his cheek on the aragonite solution.

A mild black solution rose up, slowly covering Wei An's head, then his body, limbs, until he was lying on his stomach in the solution.

At the moment the solutions still look unchanged.

And Wei An, who entered it, fell asleep almost instantly, and his mind had never been so relaxed for a moment.

That kind of relaxed feeling, as if the whole body does not belong to me, completely released.

In particular, the relaxation of the brain made him stop thinking about anything, but let the current state allow the brain to sink and float in the black solution, as if wandering in the depths of the sea.

In the feeling of incomparable comfort, a light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Wei An found that it was a door, and then turned his head to look around.

Very familiar, this is my bedroom.

He returned to the familiar bedroom in Zhoucheng's home.

Although the strange feeling was still there, Wei An didn't realize the difference at this moment, but was just curious about what he did yesterday, because he couldn't remember it at all.

The only thing I remember is that I just got up just now, and I am still a little sleepy.

After putting on the cotton slippers and standing up, Wei An did a set of radio gymnastics as usual, and then opened the bedroom door to go out to take a shower.

Only now did he realize that the light outside the door seemed too bright, as if a powerful spotlight had been turned on in the living room.

Opening the door carefully, the bright light suddenly disappeared the moment the door opened, and the living room layout was familiar before him, but the living room door was open.

There was no one in the room, it was dead silent.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and the scene in front of him made him completely come to his senses.

I once again entered the weird dreamland!

But it seems that this time I haven't seen any weirdness, and there is no weird knock on the door, because even the living room door is open.

(End of this chapter)

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