Chapter 580

The exploration is not over yet.

Wei An withdrew his mind, this time he did not expect that he would get a great harvest through the aragonite solution.

Just relying on the consciousness exploration in the dream, I learned some information about the two major ghost stories.

Now he also knows that even the ghost story that he has not been to, such as the main ghost story of the large ghost story just now, also has the ability to go in and find out at this moment.

This kind of detection is different from participants or intruders, but it turns out to scan the whole picture of the strange story from a bird's-eye view, as if the gods are here!
I wondered in my heart, what other weird stories I wanted to inquire about, or would be helpful to my future plans.

But he couldn't remember it for a while, and Wei An suddenly wanted to see if he could enter the dark space now.

After all, this dark space is very special, if he can enter through the method just now, then his dream will be really against the sky.

Thinking about entering the dark space, Wei An immediately walked forward.

This time he stopped walking and turned to look around.

If it is like the previous few times, as long as you think about a certain ghost story in your heart, after walking a few steps forward, the fog in front of you will become thinner, which means you have reached the destination ghost story.

But now after walking for so long, there is still a lot of thick fog, which means that he cannot enter the dark space.

"It seems that only Dad has this ability." Wei An said to himself.

Soon he froze for a moment: "Well, no!"

I am now in a dream, and the place where I lie down and dream is in that dark space.

In other words, he is already in the dark space at this moment, how can he go in again?

If he really enters the dark space from the dream again, will he see another self lying on his stomach in the aragonite solution?

So this is a paradox, it is impossible for two selves to appear, which makes it impossible to enter the dark space through dreams at this moment.

"It may be possible to enter the dark space, but now because of the paradox of entering, it is impossible to enter." Wei'an thought in his heart.

Soon he adjusted his thinking, no longer thinking about entering a certain ghost story, and no longer thinking about the dark space, but began to think about the rules of the ghost story, the atmosphere of the rules, the formation of the rules, the area covered by each individual ghost story, etc. .

While thinking, he once again moved towards the front of the mist.

Not long after, the fog in front of him became thinner again.

This scene made Wei An's pupils shrink slightly, because at this moment he didn't want to check any ghost stories, but was thinking about the rules of ghost stories itself.

But now that the fog is suddenly thinning, it means that he will be like before, looking down at a strange story from the sky.

Taking a step forward, he really stood on the top of the sky again, looking down
After seeing everything in front of him clearly, Wei An suddenly trembled violently, his heart beat like a drum, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

He found himself standing in the sky, with nothing under his feet, and in front of him was no longer a strange story, but... the whole world of strange stories!

At this moment, Wei An's position has become higher, so his vision has become more comprehensive. Although he can't see everything, he knows that his vision is no longer limited to one of the monsters.

There are at least a dozen strange stories in front of him, and each strange story is a world. For example, the closest to him is a parking lot that is suspended in the air, and the surrounding area is completely covered by white mist.

But Wei'an's perspective can see through the fog until he sees the strange story in the parking lot itself.

He could still see a few participants walking cautiously in the dark parking lot, some of them with weapons in their hands.

A trace of energy is emerging from the top of these people's heads, invisible and intangible, but Wei An can clearly feel it at this moment.

The line of sight moved away from this strange story, and turned to another strange story, which was a highway connecting tunnels and bridges.

From a distance, this road looks like a Mobius ring, connected end to end, upside down, but natural.

At this moment, a car was speeding on the expressway, and there were three participants sitting in the car, looking anxiously, constantly looking out of the car.

Apparently they have circled here countless times, thinking that they have encountered a ghost hitting a wall, and they will never be able to get out again.

Wei'an's eyes flicked over each ghost story. He saw this kind of ghost story of a scene, he also saw a regional ghost story connected by multiple scenes, and he saw a ghost story the size of a small town.

There is more or less fog floating above these strange stories, and the participants inside are constantly emitting energy into the world of strange stories.

Now Wei An knows that these energies are what the rules depend on.

The rules constantly create, optimize and release tasks, the purpose is to allow it to survive.

Wei An cast his eyes far away, and he saw the looming black and white city ghost story again.

Because it was far away from him, what he saw this time was not the whole picture, but after scanning around, there was no second one in Wei'an's line of sight for a strange story as big as the Black and White City.

This shows that not just any weird story is city-level, and not just any weird one can evolve into a black-and-white girl.

At present, compared to Yunzhen, the black and white girl should be stronger than her.

However, Wei An believed that besides the large-scale ghost story, there must be other city-level or even cross-city level ghost stories.

"So I'm now in the world of ghost stories!"

He remembered that the black and white girl once said that there are more places to be explored in his dreams, and what he found at this moment should be what the black and white girl mentioned.

I didn't expect to be able to enter this big world that belongs to strange stories from the perspective of God!

What he sees are all independent ghost stories, and he can even see their regular operation and energy absorption.

In order for these weird talk rules to survive, according to Wei An's thinking, there should be greater rules on top of them, otherwise who will explain where the rewards for the participants come from?Where did those weapons and equipment come from?

"Bigger rules?!"

Thinking of this, Wei An couldn't help but prepare to look up to the sky above him.

If there is a greatest rule, it must be at a higher place at the moment.

But the moment he raised his head, he realized that this action could not be completed!
As if constrained by an invisible pressure, he couldn't raise his head at all at this moment, he could only look down at the strange stories that were running.

Said it was pressure, in fact, Wei An didn't feel any force oppressing him and couldn't raise his head, but he just couldn't make this movement.

After trying a bit, he had to give up.

At the same time, he retreated slowly, blending into the mist behind him.

He didn't continue to explore. In fact, he understood almost everything he could understand. He thought about returning to his own community. The fog in front of him quickly dissipated, and he quickly returned to the gate of the community in his dream.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the black and white woman standing at the gate, looking at him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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