this is not a joke

Chapter 584 The Colosseum

While Wei An was observing the situation in the basement, a shriveled old man approached him, with a foul smell in his mouth, and said slowly, "Participant, are you new here?"

Wei An didn't answer immediately, but turned his head to look at the old man, and then glanced at the people behind him who were still alive.

These people also looked up feebly and looked at themselves.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and replied to the old man, "You...are all participants?"

The old man grinned, his voice was hoarse, coupled with his shriveled body, he felt that he would be out of breath and die in the next second.

"Apart from being weird, there are no natives in this strange talk, and all of them are participants."

After a pause, the old man pointed at everyone in the basement: "Everyone you can see, whether they are living or dead, they are all."

Wei An was shocked in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

That being the case, he felt that there was no need to hide anything, and asked, "Is there anyone here who came in from the Eternal Love City camp?"

As soon as these words came out, those living people turned their heads to look at the people around them.

Only two people slowly raised their hands. These two hands were dirty without exception, and there was another hand with two fingers missing.

Wei An nodded: "There are only you two in this basement!"

The two didn't speak, they just looked at Wei An silently.

"They are too lazy to talk anymore." The old man next to him said again, "The participants who just entered this strange talk have to enter the Colosseum once, and when you come out alive, they may have the energy to have a good conversation with you. Otherwise, now with No matter how much you say, you may say it to the dead, and it doesn't make any sense."

Wei An was a little puzzled.

When he was about to ask a question, the old man seemed to know what he was thinking, and continued to speak: "I am the only one who talks a lot here, so don't be curious. If I don't talk, I might have died a long time ago. Your mission prompt hasn't appeared yet, wait until you get out of this place." At the moment in the basement, everything is understood."

Wei An nodded and stopped talking.

It seems that this place is tantamount to hell, not only can't be completed smoothly, but also very grueling.

There are very few people who can really successfully complete and leave, which has caused these participants to lose hope of life, and they no longer think about how to escape in their lifetime, but how long they can live.

This is muddling along, the real shit.

"How soon can I go to the Colosseum?" Vian asked.

The old man shook his head: "It may be in the next second, or it may take a few hours or a day or two."

"Did the other participants who entered together enter the Colosseum one by one? Or did several people go together?" Wei An continued to ask.

"Everything happens, there is no fixed number." The old man pursed his chapped lips, and the folds on his face drooped. It was not known whether it was formed on the skin or because of the accumulated dust.

"What are the buildings outside this basement?" Wei An pointed to the outside.

The old man replied: "There are more basements. The first floor has accumulated a force that controls all participants all the year round. If the Colosseum that belongs to you is not opened, you will not be able to go up to the first floor anyway. Now even Even if you pry open the basement door, you won't be able to go up."

At this moment, Wei An had begun to get used to the stench from the basement. He was puzzled and said, "If you can't go up normally, you are here. After so many corpses rot, isn't there a plague?"

"There is no disease here." The old man shook his head. "Except for mental torture, there is nothing to fear. As for physical trauma, except for those caused in the Colosseum, the injury will not worsen after returning to the basement." , but freeze at the moment of entering the basement."

"Then these corpses..." Wei An was surprised.

"The suicides are all suicides." The old man showed a miserable smile, approached Wei An, and said in a low voice: "Can you understand that scene? The injuries of living people will freeze in this basement, so it must be fatal in one go." Suicide can only be successful if they are injured, and the difficulty of their suicide is several times that of the normal world. But they have all done it, can you imagine how eager they are to die?"

Wei An was stunned.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, the image of everyone wanting to die appeared irresistibly in my mind. It was due to the amount of mental pressure that caused such a result.

"The body will rot only after the real death of a person?" Wei An muttered to himself, "Is it true that he is dead when his spirit is dead!"

The old man next to him was taken aback for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, staring straight at Wei An's side face.

Finally, I couldn't help but blurted out: "Who are you?! With your thoughts, how can I... never... have never heard of it? Spiritual death is real death, so no matter how heavy the physical body enters the basement They won’t die because of their injuries, because their... spirits are not dead! But if their spirits are dead, their bodies are just..."

The old man cast his eyes on the rotting corpses on the ground, and turned his attention to Wei An again.

"you you……"

Wei An stood up, looked at the two people who raised their hands just now, and said, "I'm here to rescue them. Of course, it's not just them, but all of you...all of you!"

At this moment, a strange sound of footsteps sounded outside the basement door, coming from the first floor, step by step, walking very slowly, and did not stop until it completely descended to the basement door.

When the footsteps sounded, everyone felt silently.

Until Wei An felt his heart beat, which seemed to resonate with the footsteps.

The old man looked at Wei An and couldn't help reminding: "Have you felt it? It should be time for you to enter the Colosseum!"

Wei An nodded and walked towards the basement door.

When they came to the door, the door opened by itself, revealing the steps leading to the top, but the door was empty, as if the footsteps just now were just a sound, without any entity.

The sound of footsteps ringing in someone's heart indicates that it's time for that person to fight.

Wei An didn't take it seriously, but looked back at everyone, and said, "Remember, keep your spirits alive, and wait for me to come back!"

At this time, everyone in the basement couldn't help but cheer up, and there was a glimmer of hope in the lifeless eyes just now.

After saying these words, Wei An turned and walked up the steps.

Arrive quickly on the first floor.

This floor is a narrow empty room without anything, and the door of the room on the first floor has been opened at this time.

When Wei An just walked to the door leading to the outside, a text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Welcome, participant, you have entered the strange story—the Colosseum! 】

【Ghost Story: Colosseum】

【Grade: A】

[Type: Multiplayer (occasional)]

[Description of the event: Every animal is essentially a beast, cats, dogs, birds, and insects are, and so are you.You all have the nature of beasts hidden in your body, but you just haven't found a proper outlet to vent it out.Welcome to the Colosseum, the "beast" here is not just the animals you know, but generally refers to all, including humans and weird.Entering the Colosseum, you can randomly contact with a strange, monster, through your story, or its story, and finally develop an ending.Beast fighting items are randomly generated, please take good care of them. 】

[Main task: 1. Complete a beast fight first; 2. Be careful not to let yourself die while waiting in the basement; 3. Follow-up tasks will be released randomly. 】

[Main task reward: 2000 energy points]

[Hidden mission: yes]

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