"Isn't this the Colosseum?" Wei An was surprised.

Because even if it is not a real fighting beast here, at least one or a few weird ones should appear, and then start a duel with the participants.

But now it seems that is not the case at all, even the so-called Colosseum is not what I understand.

After being wrapped in black and red aura, the so-called Colosseum has now become another scene, a simple, dusty room.

Wei An's identity was also changed at this moment. It seems that what he is experiencing now is a kind of role-playing strange talk.

"The flipped one?"

Looking at the subtitles that appear on TV, it seems that this is the beginning of a TV series.

Wei An looked left and right, and the room he was in was not only very old and dusty, but also very small.

Apart from the current living room, there is only a small bathroom and a bedroom.

Looking from his direction, the bedroom was also very small, and the bedding on the bed was messed up and looked dirty.

Now that I let myself watch TV, and there is no reminder of other tasks in the Colosseum, Wei An is at ease when he comes, and sits down, watching the TV series that has already started.

He didn't know if the flow of time in the Colosseum was normal, but he felt that the more he watched the TV series, the more interesting he was.

Just now I just wanted to take a quick look at it, but I was quickly attracted by the plot inside, and almost forgot the purpose of entering the Colosseum.

The plot of this TV series is not complicated. A girl named Xiaomei's parents passed away early, and only her grandma is still at home, so she has been brought up by her.

Later, grandma got dementia, and Xiaomei, who was growing up, began to take care of her. Xiaomei was not seen by her peers in the community since she was a child, and she often bullied her intentionally or unintentionally.

Later, Xiaomei realized that if she wanted to avoid being bullied, she had to pretend to be strong, at least when facing her own weaknesses or fears, she had to pretend that she didn't care and wasn't afraid.

From then on, she began to intentionally learn from some powerful characters on TV, no matter in terms of behavior or thinking, Xiaomei gradually developed a weird habit of imitating others.

As long as she met someone and felt the need to imitate, she would always subconsciously imitate the other person, perfectly.

Later, she was able to imitate herself exactly like that person, not only body language, but also the voice of that person, Xiaomei could completely imitate it, no matter if it was a man or a woman.

From then on, the painting style of the plot began to change drastically. From then on, Xiaomei’s neighbor, a girl named Mu Ya, would often hear her mother’s footsteps and her mother’s laughter at home.

You must know that Mu Ya's mother died of cancer a year ago, and when she was still alive, the mother's attitude towards Mu Ya was extremely arrogant, throwing fists and kicks and swearing at every turn.

This caused Mu Ya to accumulate too much resentment in her heart, and she dared not show it to her family, especially her mother, so she transferred these emotions to Xiaomei.

There was a time before that Muya and other friends took pleasure in bullying Xiaomei all day long, and she would treat Xiaomei as her mother treated her.

After her mother died of illness, the pressure on Mu Ya was much less. Although she continued to bully Xiaomei habitually, her attitude was not as strong and terrifying as before.

Xiaomei's imitation of other people's behavior has always been carried out secretly, and then slowly manifested in her daily behavior, so even people close to her don't know that she will imitate this ability.

Muya thought her mother's ghost had returned, and she was so scared that she couldn't even sleep for a few days. The feeling of facing her mother that was about to disappear returned at this moment, and she became out of her mind, like a frightened bird.

And the TV series has an excellent grasp of the horror atmosphere.

The horrifying sneer of "Mother" echoed in the empty corridor, whispered beside Mu Ya's bed, and sounded behind her from time to time...

Through the closed window, Muya saw the "mother" on the other side rolled up her sleeves and was about to beat her up. The vivid body language exuded the feeling that the storm was coming, even though Wei An was not only separated from the TV. The glass, even across the TV, has a creepy feeling.

What's more, he still knows very well that the "mother" at this moment is actually Xiaomei's disguise.

Wei An also knew what made him feel the same way, the character of Xiao Mei was designed as a sinister one.

She never smiled in the play, and she has a pale face all the time. That face also reminds people of a dark heart, viciousness, and ferocity that will do anything to achieve her goals.

After seeing it, Wei An's two arms were unconsciously covered with goosebumps.

Especially in the scene where Xiaomei disguised herself as a "mother" and hid outside the window sill, and strangled Muya, who had been frightened half to death and was still ignorant and about to escape, on the other side of the window sill.

Wei An felt cold all over his body, as if his heart had stopped beating.

The silk thread used as the murder weapon was extremely tough, and it completely severed Muya's neck, and was finally retracted slowly by Xiaomei, who was squatting on the ground on the other side of the window sill, blood dripped onto Xiaomei's face along the silk thread.

Soon, Xiaomei showed a satisfied smile.

When she returned home, when facing her grandmother who had been suffering from dementia for many years, she even imitated her grandfather. No matter in behavior or language, she was exactly the same as the wife in her memory.

When he saw Xiaomei who had turned into his grandfather lying on the bed, holding her grandma's head in front of her chest, gently stroking and whispering, Wei An didn't feel how warm this scene was, on the contrary, his heart rose. Extreme discomfort.

Because he suspected that one day, Xiaomei might go to extremes because she didn't want to see her grandma suffer from this Alzheimer's disease, and she might not necessarily kill her.

As soon as the idea came up, Xiaomei whispered softly, and said slowly: "My wife, do you miss me?"

"Think!" Grandma whispered, her face brimming with happiness.

"Then...let's...see you next time."

After saying that, Xiaomei's hand gently stroked grandma's wrinkled neck, and then her five fingers slowly tightened.

The scene was so real that Wei An didn't want to see the next scene, but immediately closed his eyes.

The sound of being unable to breathe entered his ears, giggling, then a silent struggle, and finally... Xiaomei let out a chuckle.

After a while, when no sound was heard, Wei An opened his eyes, but what he saw frightened him so much that his body trembled violently.

I saw Xiaomei's pale, haggard, expressionless face completely filling the entire TV screen.

The moment Wei An closed her eyes just now, she had already got up from the bed, as if she had broken through the fourth wall of the stage, and was staring at Wei An outside the TV without blinking.

Soon Xiaomei's lips moved slightly, and she said quietly: "Are you... ready?"

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