this is not a joke

Chapter 597 is dead!

Chapter 597 is dead!
"So this is the very important thing that Zhou Wenbing forgot!"

Staring straight at the safe in front of him which was covered by piles of corpses just now, Wei An was a little dazed.

Especially seeing that the groove on the front of the safe shows the pattern of the K of Hearts, and this K of Hearts is lying quietly in his inventory at this moment.

Wei An had been surprised when he saw the K of Clubs safe, but he didn't have the K of Clubs to curse poker, so he couldn't open the safe.

And the club K safe was obviously placed in front of him by the people from the gate of hell, to attract him to put the playing cards into the groove so as to open the safe.

This shows that the people at the Gate of Hell knew that Wei An had a card, but they didn't know the suit, so they took the risk.

But now, a safe with the same suit as the poker suit held by Wei An was placed in front of him, which was unexpected by no one.

I don't know how Zhou Wenbing found the safe, but he probably wasn't "dead" at that time, so in order to hide the safe, he deliberately used so many corpses to press it at the bottom.

But I didn't expect that after I "died", my memory was lost, and I forgot about it, but I just vaguely felt that there was something important that I couldn't remember.

It's just that now that Zhou Wenbing knows his situation, he has no nostalgia for playing cards or safes.

The only thing he still remembers is to meet someone.

Wei An doesn't know who is worth meeting in this strange story, and now Wei An is focusing all his attention on the safe in front of him.

Kneeling down to get close to the safe, Wei An took a careful look at the grooved King of Hearts, and then took out the Cursed Poker King of Hearts from his inventory.

After a little hesitation, he pressed the playing card into the groove.

No matter what is opened in this safe, Wei An thinks it is necessary to try it.

Because this poker card is already very magical, and it can be regarded as an extremely special type among special props.

Now it can be used to open the safe in front of him, maybe the value of the things in the cabinet is higher than the poker itself.

So Wei An knew that even if the safe would be dangerous after opening, he had to give it a try.

After this red heart K snapped into the groove, red ripples emanated from the surface of the card body, spread out of the groove, and then permeated the entire safe itself bit by bit.

Just in case, Wei An took a few steps back and stared at the safe vigilantly.

With a click, the door of the cabinet opened quickly, and the space inside the cabinet was gradually revealed to Wei An.

At this time, Wei An's expression gradually became astonished, because he found that the safe was empty!
After waiting for a while, when there was no movement, Wei An approached, looked inside carefully, then reached in and touched around.

The space in the safe was small, and there was nothing there.

"This is……"

Wei An was full of doubts, and took another look at the red heart K embedded in it, and he stretched out his hand to try to pick it.

Originally, I thought that this poker card would not be able to be taken out after being inlaid in, but I didn't know that the poker card immediately fell into my hand, and at the same time, a red light swam around the card surface, and soon disappeared.

"Is this the end?" Wei An glanced at the open safe again.

He didn't know what he got after opening it just now, as if there was nothing, but the red light on the card seemed to be different from before.

"Has this playing card changed?"

He looked carefully at the red heart K in his hand for a while, but he couldn't see anything unusual.

To be honest, he is a little disappointed now.

It feels like a treasure has been opened, but nothing has been opened.

After checking again and again in front of the safe and finding nothing else, Wei An turned around and left.

He suspected that something must have happened just now, but what happened after opening the safe was very obscure and could not be directly observed with the naked eye.

If possible, he is ready to have the opportunity to try this K of Hearts to see if there is any difference from before.

Perhaps the change happened to this cursed poker, so there is no difference for the time being.

I spent some energy points to exchange for the soul crossbow, and found that it was a red weapon.

Without much research, Wei An put it into the inventory, and immediately sensed the direction Zhou Wenbing had just left through the associated tracking skills, then left the basement, and quickly returned to the ground to continue chasing along the alleyway.

The safe has been opened at this moment, and there is still a diamond K in Zhou Wenbing's abdominal cavity, so it cannot be left in the hands of others.

Relying on the induction, Wei An quickly walked through several alleys. He didn't know where he was now, but just walked forward with the slight induction.

After turning several corners, I finally found that the induction began to increase, which proved that Zhou Wenbing should not be far away at this moment.

However, just to the left of Wei An, another door leading to the Colosseum appeared. Although this door was closed, there were footsteps behind the door.

By virtue of the induction, Wei An knew that the person behind the door was not Zhou Wenbing, because the induction from the cube K on Zhou Wenbing was still in front of the alleyway.

The footsteps approached quickly, and then the door creaked open, revealing the darkness inside, and nothing could be seen.

In the next second, Pei Na's face emerged from the darkness, her face was slightly pale.

After seeing Wei An, she was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Wei An instantly sacrificed the halberd axe, held the handle of the halberd ax with both hands, and struck the top of her head with the axe. Come down without any hesitation.

Pei Na almost kicked it sideways, but immediately realized that Wei An's target was not her, but behind her.

But Pei Na was still startled, because the person following behind her at this moment was none other than Ma Xun, the deputy director of the Wei Tan Administration Bureau!
The target of Wei An's attack was indeed not Pei Na's head, but something in the dark near behind Pei Na's head.

"Don't do it! He is..."

Before Pei Na could finish her words, Ma Xun's whole body in the darkness shook violently. From top to bottom, half of his head was split in half by the halberd axe. He stood bent over without making a sound. There, and then the whole person fell to the ground.

Pei Na was shocked, and when she was about to scold Wei An, she suddenly felt a strong sticky feeling coming from her back, as if her back was completely glued to something behind her, but she didn't notice it until this moment. The feeling of stickiness spread all over the body.

When she was about to look back, Wei An shouted: "Don't look back, come out quickly!"

While talking, Wei An reached out and grabbed Pei Na's right wrist, pulling her outward quickly.

An extremely strong tearing pain came from behind Pei Na, the pain made her clench her teeth, unable to imagine when something went wrong with her.

This pain was extremely strong, surpassing any pain Pei Na had experienced when she was injured in the past, which made her guess that she had already suffered a very serious injury.

The trembling of the body appeared involuntarily, and the consciousness also became a little trance.

After leaving the darkness behind her, Wei An quickly supported her. At this time, Pei Na also found her legs trembling, and she felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

From Wei'an's perspective, he could still see the figure of Ma Xun who fell on the ground in the darkness where Pei Na had left, and was slowly retracting, and at the same time, a voice came.

"It's a pity, almost..."

When she looked down at Pei Na's back, she found that her back was bloody and her internal organs could be seen, and many of these internal organs were beginning to rot.

Not only that, but the figure of a little girl faintly appeared on the rotting part of the back, as if imprinted on Pei Na's body.

At this moment, Pei Na's lips were pale and her face was ashen-colored, but her expression was puzzled. Her body was no longer trembling, but her vitality was being lost.

"The person behind you is not Ma Xun!" Wei An said: "He should have died a long time ago! The three senior officials who came in, Ma Xun, Xie Yuanming and Cao Wensi, are all dead without exception!"

(End of this chapter)

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