this is not a joke

Chapter 615 Unbelievable

Now it seems that the probability of the ghost talk appearing again is extremely low.

Because the last time a ghost story came out was when it encountered that super-large ghost story, and there was my father as a bridge in that dark space, grafting the world of ghost stories and the real world.

This makes strange stories appear in the human world on a small scale.

Of course, after rescuing his father Wei Zhengdong from the dark space, the "bridge" disappeared, and soon the human world returned to normal.

This time, I haven't heard that such super-large ghost stories have appeared again. After all, there are only a few A-level ghost stories.

In addition, my father has been staying at home and has not gone to other places, let alone entering the dark space to act as a bridge again.

The door was unlocked, and when the door was pushed open, there was a living room.

However, Wei An couldn't see the scene inside clearly, because the lights were not turned on, and the lighting of the buildings in this community was not very good, and more than half of the curtains in the room were drawn.

He stood at the door and looked inside carefully. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could probably see the layout of the room clearly, but there was no one in the living room.

It is suspected that the direction of the bedroom is too dark to see anything.

When he came here, Meng Yibo once said that Tian Jing's father thought he was a bird, so he jumped from the window of one of the bedrooms.

Soon Wei An heard a sound coming from the direction of the kitchen or bathroom.

Recalling that the woman came home with a vegetable basket just now, maybe she was cooking in the kitchen, he immediately opened the door completely, and then walked carefully on tiptoe towards the kitchen.

The doors of the kitchen and the bathroom were close together, but the bathroom was darker, and there was a glimmer of light coming from the kitchen, but it was still just the light coming in from the window, and no one turned on the light.

Wei An stood outside the kitchen and poked his head out to look inside.

A woman turned her back to him, was standing in front of the kitchen counter with her head down, and turned on the faucet, as if she was cleaning something.

Looking from the back, the other party was wearing home clothes, but I don't know if it was because of the dim light, the home clothes seemed a little dirty, and Wei An couldn't tell the identity of this woman.

After a moment of hesitation, he walked out, stood at the kitchen door, and cleared his throat.

After the noise, I thought that the person with his head bowed in front of the kitchen counter would turn around to look at him, but there was no movement from the other party.

Wei An coughed and said, "Hello!"

the same moment.

Meng Yibo, who was standing in the stairwell waiting and observing the movement, suddenly heard a ding from the elevator entrance. He immediately looked around and saw that the elevator had just stopped on this floor.

Not long after, the elevator door opened, and a woman with disheveled hair and pajamas came out, and went straight to Tian Jing's house with the door open.

From Meng Yibo's earplugs came the voice of a colleague watching outside: "Boss...boss, the situation is wrong!"

Meng Yibo also felt that the woman who just entered the room looked familiar, and suddenly understood at this moment, he heard a voice from the earplugs: "The woman who came out of the elevator just now seems to be Tian Jing's mother! Because she was wearing the same clothes when she disappeared. This is the suit."

"This person is Tian Jing's mother, so who was the first to enter the room?" Meng Yibo's expression changed.

kitchen door.

After Wei An spoke, he saw the woman who was washing something stop and slowly raised her head.

At this moment, Wei An suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He subconsciously checked to see if there was an inventory in his mind, and then sensed the plot editor.

Nothing was found.

This shows that there is still no sign of ghost talk coming out here, otherwise the editor will definitely appear.

The woman turned her back to Wei An, her body did not move, but at this moment she had already started to turn her head slowly.

With the light coming in from the window in front of her, Wei An saw her appearance and was slightly taken aback.

Because he found that there were many wrinkles on the woman's face, even if she turned half of her face at this time, this feature was very obvious.

The next second, the living room door that was originally open not far behind was suddenly closed, and the door lock clicked.

Wei An subconsciously turned his head and looked over, and saw that the entrance of the living room was temporarily in darkness because the door was closed, and there seemed to be a person standing there, a person with disheveled hair.

At this time, the woman in the kitchen had turned her head completely, but her body didn't move, she just turned her head 180 degrees.

Wei An didn't see this scene, because his attention was completely attracted by the woman standing in the darkness at the door of the living room.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door, and soon Meng Yibo's anxious voice came: "Wei An, Wei An, someone just came in! The one who came in was Tian Jing's mother! The first person was not!"


Although Meng Yibo's voice was not loud, Wei An could hear it clearly.

He immediately turned his head to look at the woman in the kitchen, but when he turned his head, he saw a face less than half an arm's distance away from him, and this wrinkled woman was standing in front of him without a sound.

Taking a closer look at this moment, Wei An immediately realized that the woman in the kitchen was not Tian Jing's mother, but...his grandma!
Because at this moment, the woman who has been enchanted by the Nasi technique imagines that she has become a cat, chewing something in her mouth, holding a cleaned small carp in her hands, and with the squirming in her mouth, a fish tail bone It came out and was sucked back by her.

Wei An's mind buzzed, and everything in front of him felt unreal.

He could feel that he was indeed in the real world, but the old lady who appeared in front of him was already dead. It was because of the behavior of having a cat after being hit by Nath, and eating too many things that should not be eaten, which made her died of massive gastric hemorrhage.

But this person who was clearly dead stood in front of him alive at this moment, and was still chewing on the fish bones.

And the person standing at the door of the living room should be Tian Jing's mother who imagined herself as a ghost.

Wei An felt cold all over his body. When the old lady in the kitchen stuffed the carp in her hand, he immediately retreated into the bedroom, quickly closed and locked the door.

At the same moment, the woman at the door of the living room came towards the bedroom, and the old lady who was about to stuff the carp into Wei An's mouth just now also walked to the door of the bedroom.

The sound of scratching the door panel was heard very quickly outside the door. It sounded so harsh that it made people scratch their hearts and lungs, and goose bumps appeared all over their bodies.

Wei An took a step back, but suddenly there was a sound from the curtain behind him, as if someone was pulling it.

He turned around immediately, and saw a person standing behind the curtains, slowly pulling the curtains open, and then a man appeared in front of him, with a strange smile on his face, looking at him with a smile.

When the curtain was opened, his appearance also appeared in front of Wei An.

Although Wei An didn't know him before, he intuitively thought that this should be Tian Jing's father, the guy who jumped to his death from the building.

With a bang, the man opened the window beside him, and a gust of cold wind came in.

He grinned and said, "Do you want to be together? It's very cool outside."

While talking, he approached Wei'an, reaching out to grab Wei'an's clothes, pulling him and jumping out of the window.

Wei An directly kicked the man in the lower abdomen, and the man took two steps back, his face became ferocious, and he rushed directly at Wei An.

Wei An had already opened the bedroom door, and he quickly dodged behind the door.

The two people outside squeezed in at the same time, and happened to collide with the man inside. Wei An took the opportunity to jump out and rushed into the living room.

With a bang, the living room door was knocked open by Meng Yibo and two other monitoring colleagues. The three of them saw the weird family in the bedroom just as they entered.

Meng Yibo took out his gun and pulled the trigger at the clawing family. The bullet hit them, but they only took two steps back briefly, and these people continued to move forward without pain.

"Get out first!" Meng Yibo shouted.

While shooting, he was responsible for breaking the rear. When he came to the door of the living room, he just finished firing all the bullets in the magazine, and then closed the door. At the same time, a colleague handed over a broken U-shaped lock. Lock this door directly.

There was another scratching sound from behind the door inside the house, but the weirdness inside couldn't come out for a while.

"I can't be beaten to death, why... what's going on?" Another colleague trembled and said in shock: "The strange story... really came out again?"

Meng Yibo looked at Wei An, who was thinking with a surprised face.

He was also greatly shocked at this time, because the weirdness had completely appeared in front of his eyes just now, but his inventory, including the spirit totem, and even the plot editor did not respond at all.

This scene baffled him at all.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Meng Yibo staring at him with red eyes.

"How? Have you found the reason? The most important thing now is to figure out why they become weird! Is this... a weird story?!"

Meng Yibo's words were almost roaring, giving people a feeling of hysteria, as if the swarm of bullets just now had completely aroused the violence in his heart, and at this moment, he might have to kill a few monsters to stop it.

It was the first time Wei An had seen this guy look like this, so he couldn't help being stunned.

Although the U-shaped lock on the door was broken, the door was stuck just hanging there, and the people inside couldn't break through the door unless they had great strength.

"Let the reinforcements come over first, and seal this place, and all the residential buildings will be sealed." Wei An pressed the elevator button and looked at Meng Yibo, "Also, your behavior just not calm."

Meng Yibo's eyes were still red, but after hearing Wei An's words, he was a little dazed, and then asked the other two to guard here, while he took out his cell phone to make a call.

Just as Wei An walked out of the elevator to the first floor, his cell phone rang, and it was Pei Na calling.

"I contacted Tang Li. At first she said she didn't find anything unusual, but after investigation, she found something surprising," Pei Na said.

"What discovery?" Wei An asked.

"Except for a person surnamed Yang who is in charge of ending the Colosseum strange talk, she knows none of the other staff members." Pei Na said, "You know this is impossible, because Tang Li has been in the administration for a long time, almost It’s been there since the beginning, so it’s impossible for her not to know everyone.”

"She should have drawn an inference, so what is her conclusion?" Wei An frowned.

At this time, he walked out of the community building, took a deep breath, and looked up at the sky.

"Tang Li inferred that something had changed in the world. After she inquired, she said that the Administration had recruited a large number of people in the past few days, so she didn't know any of these people." Pei Na explained, "She said the recruitment was so slow. The idea of ​​multiple people is the idea of ​​one of the higher-ups of the Administration, that person seems to have gone crazy!"

"Extreme? Someone is going to extremes again!" Wei An muttered to himself.

"Yes, that's the feeling, um, you..." Pei Na suddenly paused, then changed the subject and said, "How long have you been back? I, I miss you a little bit!"

"You're also going to extremes," Wei An said.

"Don't you?" Pei Na bumped into the steel plate with tenderness, and asked, "Tell me about your excessive narcissism?"

Wei An did not answer directly, but said: "I encountered a strange thing here just now. It should be that a strange story has come out, but there are some things that I can't figure out. I will talk about it when I come back."

"Then come back quickly." Pei Na said.

Not long after Wei An left the community, Meng Yibo called and asked him what he was doing.

Wei An didn't say it clearly, but told him that he might have found a solution, and asked him to block the community for a while, waiting for an answer.

I took a taxi and returned home quickly. Pei Na was in the living room, but her parents were missing.

After asking, my mother went to sell vegetables on the street again. In the past two days, she bought a lot of vegetables, and the refrigerator at home could not be stacked anymore, while my father went to a park next to the community, where there were many old men and women dancing and playing chess , is a good place for him to pretend to be aggressive.

After returning home, she briefly described what happened just now. Pei Na was startled, and immediately began to check her own gun, and took out the gun that Wei An didn't bring with her just now, and told him to carry it with him from now on. .

Wei An put the pistol on the coffee table, pulled Pei Na to sit in front of the sofa, and said, "I suspect that we are still in the ghost story and have not left the A-level Colosseum."

"Why do you say that?" Pei Na asked with a frown.

Wei An did not directly say that it was because his plot editor could not be opened.

Because according to my own understanding of this cheat, if the ghost talk comes out, his editor can definitely be used, but now it can't.

The function of the editor is different from the item bar and the spirit totem. Even if those two things cannot be used, they can definitely exist as long as there is a ghost story editor.

The relationship between them cannot be broken.

So now that I have come across a strange story but cannot start the plot editor, it can prove that the current situation is unusual, not a strange story, nor the real world, but very likely... at the level of consciousness.

Besides, there is another doubt, that is, it seems that everyone's personality and emotions have problems and become extreme.

This is somewhat similar to the rules of the Colosseum Ghost Talk. At least their emotions are changing. I don't know if this is another level of "beast nature" stimulation.

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