this is not a joke

Chapter 626 A Severed Finger

Chapter 626 A Severed Finger

Lu Jinsheng hid alone in the corner of the church. He didn't know how long it had been, but he just fell asleep for a few days, and then heard the door of the church being opened, and several footsteps came in.

Rejuvenated, Lu Jinsheng immediately stood up and looked over, and saw a man in a black dress with well-combed hair walking in the front, followed by six people.

These people were dressed in different clothes. Lu Jinsheng's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he said, "Master Zong, you are finally here!"

"Bo Hai and Yang Kai have already received your message, but they have to wait for me to come back before making a decision, otherwise they would have come here long ago." The man in black dress said slowly.

He is exactly the elder Jindi that Lu Jinsheng said, and the two are also relatives, but others don't know it.

While talking, Jin Di looked at the golden equal arm balance in the middle of the church with a strange light in his eyes.

"Devil Scale!"

As the patriarch who directly manages Lu Jinsheng and others, he clearly knows the function and value of this scale better.

I searched for a long time in these ghost stories of nodes, but found some treasures, but none of them are as valuable as this scale.

If the Fishing Queen's fishing rod ranks first in terms of randomly obtaining weapons and equipment in the ghost story, then the devil's balance in the devil's trading ghost story, not to mention the second, at least the third.

The most important thing is that the items obtained by the balance after the transaction are also random, but there are traces to follow. For example, in the eyes of the devil, the items it provides are equivalent, but often such equivalents are more evil.

Of course, just because weapons or other special items are evil doesn't mean they're bad.

Things that are often partly malicious are very powerful in the weapons and equipment of ghost stories, but their practicability is stronger than that of ordinary equipment items, and they have unexpected effects.

Just pay attention to one thing, when you exchange some horrible things, destroy them in time.

Like Wei An, these people from the patriarch's organization have one thing in common, they are not strange stories that entered through conventional methods.

For the current strange talk, they are not real participants, nor are they intruders, but outsiders.

However, this devil's balance is the same as that fishing rod, no matter what the identity of the person, as long as they encounter it, they can use it, and they are not restricted by the rules of this strange talk.

And Sect Leader Jin Di seemed to be clear that the rules of this strange talk were not actually in this balance, but in other places.

But those are not important now, he just needs to prove that the balance is indeed a demon balance, and then take it away.

Even in the process, the rules of this strange talk will be touched.

If it is necessary to destroy this strange talk in order to take away the balance, Sect Leader Jin Di will choose to do so without hesitation.

"After you discovered the balance, what did you use to make a deal with it?" Jindi asked Lu Jinsheng who was standing aside, staring at the golden balance.

Lu Jinsheng replied immediately: "Use my psychedelic ring."

"What's that thing coming out of the scale?" Jindy asked.

"A bigger psychedelic ring, no, it should be called a bracelet." Lu Jinsheng answered while taking out a huge psychedelic ring the size of a bracelet from his inventory.

For the first time, Jin Di took his eyes off the balance and looked at the "bracelet" in Lu Jinsheng's hand, his eyes fixed.

The other members of the patriarch's organization standing at the back also looked at the huge psychedelic ring that had been exchanged.

"How can you exchange this thing?" Jin Di asked.

In his speculation, the trade item should not come out of this thing.

Lu Jinsheng replied: "I don't know, but the hallucinogenic effect of this guy is amazing. I tried it shortly after I got it, and the hallucinogenic coverage effect reached a radius of 100 meters, while the previous hallucinogenic ring covered [-] meters. The range is only about five meters."

Jin Di shook his head: "That's not right, after the transaction item is placed, it should be exchanged for a completely different item, how could it be an enlarged version of the same item?"

Because someone from the paternal father's organization had accidentally entered through normal channels before, that person managed to leave this strange talk smoothly, and only after he went out did he bring out the information about the "devil's deal" strange talk.

That's why the people in the Zongfather's organization knew about this strange talk and the devil's balance.

According to that person's statement at that time, they probably understood the function of this balance, and knew that the items exchanged from it would not be an enhanced version of the original transaction item, but something else.

But what Lu Jinsheng got now was obviously an enhanced version of his own item. In other words, this was not like a transaction at all, but an opportunity to enhance an item.

With doubts, Jin Di, who was wearing a black dress, stood in front of the balance and looked carefully. He was much more careful than Lu Jinsheng, and soon found that the planes of the trays at both ends of the balance were different.

One of the tray planes has nothing, but the other tray plane has some patterns, these patterns are very faint, only part of them can be seen vaguely, but they can't tell what they are.

Pointing to the scale, he asked Lu Jinsheng, "Which tray did you put the hallucinogenic ring on?"

Lu Jinsheng replied, "It's the one on your left."

The tray on the left is the one with nothing on the surface and no pattern traces.

Jin Di frowned: "You have a high probability that you misplaced the tray, otherwise it would be impossible for the ring to only appear in an enhanced version instead of another item of the same value."

"Did I... misplace it?" Lu Jinsheng was surprised.

Jin Di thought for a moment, pointed to the surface of the tray on the right, and said, "There are traces of patterns on this tray. It should be the side where the trading items are placed, while the other side is where the exchange items are issued."

Lu Jinsheng touched the back of his head.

Jin Di spread his hands to a man behind him. The man hesitated a little, but he quickly took out a black round-brimmed hat from his inventory and handed it to him.

"Master Zong, this is a piece of defensive equipment, yellow grade."

Jin Di glanced at him: "If you exchange for a more powerful defensive equipment with an enhanced version, do you want it?"

The man looked embarrassed, but he nodded immediately: "Yes!"

Behind this person, a woman with dyed purple hair smiled and said: "Yang Kai, you brat has always been so stubborn, why are you willing to take out a yellow armor this time? Could it be that you... have prepared it for a long time?" Understand?"

The man named Yang Kai seemed to have been taken into consideration by the purple-haired woman, his complexion changed slightly, but he immediately raised his head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, the head of the clan wants me to contribute, will I refuse?"

"So just take out a piece of armor with the lowest level here, so that you can directly exchange it for something else that is useful?" The purple-haired woman said with a smile.

Yang Kai looked cold and stopped talking.

Zongzhang Jin Di always knew that this guy named Yang Kai was very thoughtful and selfish. Although he was ridiculed by the purple-haired woman, he would not point it out. He just put the black round-brimmed hat with pattern marks on it. On the tray over there.

Everyone involuntarily took a step back and stared at the balance quietly.

The same as Lu Jinsheng's operation before, the end of the balance where the things were placed was quickly skewed, but after it was skewed to a certain angle, it immediately began to recover, and a black, Something wriggling.

This thing doesn't look like a hat, nor is it something that everyone is familiar with.

After the balance was restored to balance, it gradually became a substance. At this time, this thing has become a thin thing, and it seems to have nails.

"This is... a finger!"

All eyes were fixed on the severed finger. The severed finger was about two-thirds the length of a full finger, but it was at least a circle thicker than a normal adult's finger. Jagged flesh, but dried blood.

The fingernails are not very long, but very sharp and yellowish-brown in color.

At this moment, the severed finger was slowly wriggling, and the fingernail rubbed against the metal of the balance tray, making a piercing sound, which was inexplicably strange.

"Why isn't it an enhanced armor?" The man named Yang Kai was surprised, and the expectations in his heart just now were now in vain.

Jin Di said in a deep voice: "You know what a fart! At first, Lu Jinsheng put it in the wrong place. Only the things obtained on the other side of the tray may appear in enhanced versions or have weakened functions, but on this side I put them It is correct, and you will get the real deal from the devil."

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw a reddish light emerging from the surface of the severed finger, which quickly traveled all over the body, and then disappeared.

The entire severed finger straightened abruptly, and the sharp nail part suddenly trembled violently, and the fingertips tapped on the metal tray, making an urgent and urgent collision sound.

Outside the church, on the other side of the vast grassland, Wei An and the boy hid in the grass, quietly staring in the direction of the church.

"My lord, what are we waiting for here? Don't you want to go in?" The boy couldn't help but said, "I can control the puppet to attract their attention first, and then use it to shake the face to control other people."

Wei An shook his head: "We don't need to take action, as long as they are greedy, the devil's balance will make them unable to eat."

The boy recalled the first time he used the balance, and asked puzzledly: "Why are the adults so sure that they will be deflated? Even if the thing is exchanged, the lethality is still..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze for a moment, remembering what Wei An had drawn on the tray of the balance.

"My lord, what was the last time you drew on the scale?"

Wei An smiled and replied softly, "Some spells."

"What's the use of drawing that thing?" The boy was still puzzled.

Wei An said: "Of course it's useless to draw it alone on the tray, but if there is a trade item on it, there is a great possibility that the devil will think that the spell was exchanged with that trade item."

The boy was stunned: "That is to say, the traded item plus the spell will be the same item to the devil? In this way, the value of the item blessed by the spell will exceed their expectations."

Then he shook his head: "But what effect will it have?"

"That spell... contains malice," Wei An said.

The boy's eyes lit up immediately: "Maliciousness is added to the traded items, so the exchanged items will definitely exceed the trader's imagination."

"Not only that." Wei'an waved his hand, "The devil's balance is inherently evil, I think it will be very angry at the malice bestowed on him by others, and then it will have some consequences that even I can't predict."

"My are simply..." The boy looked at Wei An with admiration.

However, in Wei An's eyes, these expressions were more or less pretentious.

In the church, in front of the devil's scales.

The squirming severed finger suddenly turned into a gleam of light, pierced into the cheek of the nearest Yang Kai, made a hole in his left cheek, jumped into his mouth, and then burrowed in through his throat.

Yang Kai's mouth was immediately covered with blood, and several teeth spit out from his mouth, looking at the others in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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