this is not a joke

Chapter 642 Outbreak

"You're just timid, what are you afraid of? The four of us together can't beat a ghost?" The inch-cut man patted his chest.

This guy should be exercising regularly, with a relatively burly figure and obvious chest muscles.

Then he looked at the man holding the book, and this man was just the opposite of him, a lot weaker.

The man holding the book originally planned to share the book he read with his friends after the bonfire, but he was called to play a game of catching ghosts by the short-haired man and the fashionable woman.

Glancing at the girl sitting next to him, whom he had always admired, the man holding the book said softly, "Xiao Jing, do you want to play their game?"

This girl named Xiaojing has long hair and shawls. Although she doesn't wear as much makeup as the other girl, she is very beautiful without makeup.

She nodded slightly: "Don't spoil everyone's fun, let's play for a while, if they don't listen to you share this book later, you can tell me alone, I like to hear it."

The man holding the book giggled and nodded repeatedly.

"How to play?" The fashionable girl stood up and patted the tight denim shorts.

The inch-headed man said: "Although the roof of our room is broken, but fortunately there is no rain, and there is moonlight, the atmosphere is very good! In this way, according to the standard method of hunting ghosts, we stand in a corner of the room alone, There are four of us standing in the four corners. Everyone must face the corner, with their backs to the outside. No matter what they hear, they can’t look back. After the game started, I walked counterclockwise along the wall and patted a person on the shoulder. That person couldn't look back at me, but immediately walked along the wall to the next corner, patted that person on the shoulder, and everyone walked around like this."

"What's so interesting about this?" The man holding the book shook his head.

The fashionable woman seemed a little excited: "I see, I see, will there be an extra person in the end?"

The inch-cut man nodded quickly: "It's possible! At that time, you may find that there will be a person standing in the first vacated corner of the wall, and that person will be a ghost! This is a ghost hunting game."

The man holding the book and the woman named Xiaojing couldn't help but get goosebumps on their backs.

"I don't play, it's a bit scary!" Xiao Jing said.

"Then the three of us won't be able to play," said the inch-cut man.

"I don't play either." The man holding the book held the book in his arms tightly, and subconsciously looked around. At this moment, it seemed that only the book in his arms could make him feel safe.

"It's impossible for two people to play together." The fashionable woman sat down again and glanced at them complainingly, "You two are so boring!"

The man holding the book faltered and said: "If you don't play what you... you said just now, you can... you can play other things too."

"What are you playing?" the inch-cut man asked with a look of disdain.

"For example, uh, collecting books." The man holding the book thought for a while and replied, "We put out the bonfire and sat around here. I put the book among everyone. We all closed our eyes and couldn't open them. Wait until the count reaches ten. Finally, open your eyes. If the book is still there, it proves that there is no ghost. If the book is gone and we haven’t moved, it means that a ghost took the book away and hid it. How about it?”

The cropped man glanced at the fashionable woman, and they nodded slightly.

And Xiaojing gently tugged the man holding the book, because she felt that playing like this was a bit creepy.

"It's okay, we are all here, this book cannot disappear." The man holding the book smiled and whispered to her.

The four had no objections.

The short-haired man quickly extinguished the bonfire that was about to go out, and the four of them sat together.

The man holding the book placed his book among the four of them, and warned the others as the inch-cut man said just now: "Remember to close your eyes, and don't open your eyes no matter what you hear later."

"When will I be able to open my eyes?" the fashionable girl asked.

"In 1 minute, I'll set an alarm on my phone." The man holding the book quickly set his phone.

The four closed their eyes.

No one spoke, and the surroundings became quiet. Outside the abandoned house, there was a breeze rustling the weeds, as if a person was walking through it.

But they all know that these are just illusions, and there is no one outside.

After a while, there seemed to be slight footsteps sounding around, but everyone was in a state of subtle tension at this moment, not sure whether they heard it or an illusion caused by inner tension.

However, they all focused on the position of the book in front of them. As long as there was no movement in that place, there was a high probability that the book would not be taken away by the ghost.

During this period, the corners of the man's mouth curled up and his eyelids lifted slightly, ready to silently look at everyone's facial expressions with the help of the moonlight.

But at the moment when he was about to raise his eyelids, he found that his eyelids suddenly became heavy, and his thinking was a little unresponsive. It seemed that he was very tired from playing today. After sitting quietly for a while at this moment, he attracted the drowsiness.

The cropped man didn't think about opening his eyes again, but closed them obediently.

Jingle Bell……

The alarm clock on the phone suddenly rang, and the 1-minute countdown ended.

The fashionable girl was the first to open her eyes, her expression gave the impression that she had been squinting for a while, her eyes were a little sleepy, and she said as if she had just woken up from a dream: "Oh, countdown..."

Before he finished speaking, he stared straight at the place where the book was placed just now, only to see that there was nothing in that place!
The others also opened their eyes, staring at the open space stupidly.

"Where's the book?" The fashionable woman said in surprise, "Who took it? I didn't hear it just now..."

When she said this, she stopped suddenly, not sure if she really heard the movement around her just now, because she did have the illusion of footsteps walking.

The fashionable woman and the cropped man stood up at the same time, looked elsewhere in the room, but did not see the book.

The two came to the door of the room one after the other, and just walked in alone, and almost bumped into each other.

The fashionable woman hurriedly took a step back, looked up at the same time as the cropped man, and then were dumbfounded.

I saw that the person who was about to enter the room was the man holding the book.


The fashionable woman and the cropped man were so frightened that they quickly turned their heads to look, and found that the man holding the book who was sitting on the ground just now was no one there, only Xiao Jing who was sitting next to him was still sitting there, looking at this side in surprise.

"Is it time?" The man holding the book standing at the door touched the back of his head and smiled silly, "I knew I should move faster, I just hid the book..."

"No, you were obviously still sitting there just now, and sat with us!" the inch-cropped man said with a trembling voice.

"Are you talking about him? Impossible, I've been following him." Xiao Jing's voice came from behind the man holding a book at the door, and then poked his head out and looked at the two with a smile.

At this moment, the scene froze instantly.

The fashionable woman and the cropped man only felt that their scalps were tight, their limbs were extremely stiff, and the color on their faces was gone.

The two turned their heads with great difficulty, and when they looked at the place where they were sitting just now, they found that there was no one there, even Xiao Jing from just now was gone.

At this moment, the fashionable woman tugged at the sleeve of the crop-cut man, and the crop-cut man followed her gaze, feeling a sudden shock in his heart.

I saw a man and a woman standing faintly in the two innermost dark corners of the room. The backs were the man holding a book and Xiao Jing who had just disappeared on the ground.

Only Xiao Jing who was standing in the corner suddenly made a voice: "Stand still? The game is about to start."

When I looked back at the door, I found that the man holding the book and Xiao Jing who had just stood there were already curled up on the ground. Their bodies just blocked the door, and their faces were pale, their eyes were closed, and their chests did not heave. is already dead.

This is... two corpses!
And the other two in the room...

"Stand up, I'm going to pat my shoulder." The man holding the book in the corner said sullenly.


cool city.

TV news feature report.

"The city hall has issued the latest notice. In the near future, citizens are requested not to approach the banks of the Lianghe River, no matter during the day or at night. If you approach by accident, or if you find that your body suddenly becomes heavy, please don't panic. Turn around immediately and leave backwards, and run as much as possible. During this period, no matter what you see, don't stop, remember not to fall, don't fall..."

"What the hell news is this?" A man from out of town who just got off the bus at Lianghe Station turned off the news that popped up on his phone.

This man happened to be on a business trip in Liangcheng. When he arrived at his destination, he found that there was no one on the banks of the Lianghe River. Even if there were pedestrians in the distance, they all hurried past with their heads down, as if they were in a hurry.

After leaving the platform, he had just put his phone away when he suddenly felt his body sink, as if being held down by an invisible force.

Looking up, there was nothing there, and he immediately remembered the news he had just read.

Feeling bad, according to the news, whether you believe it or not, the man turned around immediately.

The moment he turned around, the man's pupils shrank, and he saw another man about five or six meters behind him, his back was facing him.

Looking at the back of this man, in a white shirt, with a brown briefcase in his hand, he is clearly himself.

"It's weird, it's weird! During this period of time, many places... it's true, it's actually true!"

The heartbeat began to speed up, and the man hurriedly walked backwards, not daring to turn around again.

The moment he walked backwards, the person whose back was exactly like his also started to walk backwards, and even his walking habits were very similar to his own.

The man was quite frightened, remembering what was said in the news, he quickly ran backwards, and there seemed to be no shelter in front of him in his memory, so the escape process should be smooth.

At the same moment, the man who was walking backwards also started to run backwards, but the speed was obviously not as fast as the man himself.

With a stagger, the man bumped into a raised pavement tile by the side of the road. Unprepared, he took a few quick steps back but still fell to the ground.

With a face full of horror, he put his hands on the ground and wanted to stand up immediately, but it seemed that it was too late.

Because at the moment he was sitting on the ground, the man who had been turning his back to him suddenly turned around. He was exactly the same as himself, but his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't see his teeth or tongue. It's just pitch black.

Frantically pounced on the man who was struggling to sit up!
Baiwa City.

Crying white-haired girls roam the streets at night.


Wells that are addicted to human beings appear inexplicably, singing sounds come from the bottom of the wells, and a large number of people fall into a state of trance and jump into the wells.

Yuelong City.

The fog appeared out of thin air, covering the large and small areas of the city, but anyone who entered the fog would make people crazy, become extremely aggressive and destructive.

Zhoucheng, Fucheng, Fancheng, Biluocheng, and even the central city.

Human-skin lanterns floating in the sky, children meowing, relatives who just died came back home after waking up collectively, vans devouring humans at street intersections suddenly appeared with multiple selves, some people’s dreams kept coming true, and many people The cause of death and countdown appear above the head... (End of this chapter)

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