this is not a joke

Chapter 648 Dead City

Wei An would never have thought that he would see a red coffin here.

Although the coffin was in the darkness of the room, he could still see it clearly when standing at the door. It was almost exactly the same as the coffin of Cursed Corpse, the only difference was that it seemed to be a little bigger.

Of course, due to the tall body of the Cursed Corpse, the lipstick coffin it was in was already big, but this one was even bigger.

The stiffness of the body became more obvious at this moment.

After seeing this scene, Wei An had already reacted, and he immediately glanced at the bright mushroom planted by the cursed corpse on his arm when he left.

Although the mushroom has exploded, it has not completely disappeared, but the shattered skin of the mushroom is still attached to the skin of his arm.

At this moment, this layer of epidermis glowed slightly red, very faint, and it was almost impossible to detect without careful observation.

Wei An suspected that the presence of mushrooms caused his body to become stiffer at a slower rate, otherwise he might have been completely frozen when he approached the door of this room, and fell directly to the ground.

The strong sense of danger made him quickly retreat. Although the uncoordinated body and limbs caused him to walk unsteadily, fortunately there was no trouble.

After retreating to a place farther away from this room, the body's frozen stiffness really began to ease. Although he could feel it, it was obvious that Wei An had found the source of all these changes.

Stay away from the room just now, or you will be cursed by another cursed corpse in the red coffin.

Although he didn't go close to look at the corpse in the red coffin, he wanted to be sure that this corpse was the same as the cursed corpse he was familiar with, only the way of cursing was different.

"If there is another cursed corpse lying in the red coffin in the room..."

Wei An turned to look at other rooms on the street. The doors of these rooms were all open, revealing the dark space in the house.

After I appeared just now, because I was the closest to that house, I felt cold, and the cold went deep into my bones. In fact, I was affected by the cursed corpse in the red coffin in that house.

Then now...

After Wei An thought of this, he walked towards another open room, his eyes cast into the darkness of that room, and a similar red coffin faintly appeared in his vision.

When approaching the door of this house, a sense of prostration and powerlessness came. It was not the feeling of being frozen and stiff and difficult to move, but the strength of the whole body was lost at this moment, and it was impossible to save it. Soon Wei An died. He heard his own panting.

He was so tired that not only his limbs were shaking, but it was also difficult for him to breathe.

Obviously, the curse method of this cursed corpse is different.

The skin of the tattered mushroom on his arm began to shake again, as if sending out some kind of response. Although Wei An felt unwell, he could still hold on, so that he would not be completely overwhelmed by the force of the curse.

When I came to the second house, I took a look inside. There was indeed another red coffin, and it was smaller than the coffin of the mushroom cursed corpse, indicating that these cursed corpses were not the same size. The body size is obviously larger than the mushroom curse corpse.

Feeling powerless, Wei An quickly retreated to the center of the street and looked around. At least a dozen doors were open, indicating that there were probably various cursed corpses inside.

The curse power of these cursed corpses is very strong. If it weren't for the imprint of the mushroom cursed corpses, Wei An believed that when he approached the first room just now, he had already encountered great danger, and it was impossible for him to get through it safely.

Every cursed corpse here has its own curse power, and each curse is different.

Looking around, there are a large number of rooms with open doors on the distant road, revealing the dark interior space, and the roads extend in all directions and criss-cross.

Wei An didn't know how big this city with narrow streets was, but he could imagine that if there was a red coffin in every open room, the number of cursed corpses here would be impossible to estimate!
It is not known whether this is the lair of the curse corpse, but there are two possibilities. One is that the mushroom curse corpse also belongs to this place, but it was moved to the outside world of strange stories by means.

The other is that all the red coffins were brought in from the outside and placed in every room here temporarily or for some reason.

After standing on the side of the street and observing for a while, Wei An leaned towards the former speculation.

Because he is very familiar with the shape and pattern of the coffin, and found that some parts of the buildings here also have similar or even the same shape, so it is very likely that this is the hometown of the cursed corpse.

In other words, the cursed mushroom corpse was removed by someone.

But it seems that this place is not like the upper world that Wei An is looking for. At most, this place belongs to the world of cursed corpses, a space between the world of strange stories and the upper world.

Or it can be said that the cursed corpse world is in front of the gate to the upper world.

"We need to find a passage to enter the upper world." Wei An muttered to himself.

He went on.

At this moment, he suddenly had the feeling of being stared at, turned his head and looked around, there was a dead silence, nothing.

The gaze staring at him did not come from the opened room here, as if... it was in the sky.

He looked up at the dark sky. According to the calculation of the time in the human world, it seemed that it was dusk and night was about to fall.

A feeling of uneasiness rose from his heart. For some unknown reason, Wei An felt that he had to do something before night fell, otherwise something bad would happen.

He quickly walked to the next open room, so as to confirm whether there were red coffins in those rooms, and whether there were any differences.

During this process, Wei An was surprised to find that his inventory was only translucent, and the items inside could not be taken out at all.

This shows that this place is between strange talk and reality, or another kind of weirdness that I can't understand.

When he approaches each room, various curse powers will appear. Some of these curses are similar, and some are completely different, but they will all act on the people who are close.

Only when Wei An stood in the center of the street, the various curse forces canceled each other out, leaving this area in an empty area, so nothing happened.

But at this time, Wei An could feel the strange gaze appearing again, staring at himself standing in the middle of the street.

"It's not safe, there is danger everywhere here."

He knew that if he hadn't been taken care of by the Mushroom Curse Corpse, he would have died hundreds of times by now.

But this is not the solution, the night has covered the last ray of light, and the moonlight is faintly showing through, but it is very strange to see where the moon is.

After standing in the center of the street and resting for a while, he was about to continue to look for a way out. At this moment, that strange gaze wandered around Wei An's body, like a needle prick.

And at this moment, Wei An suddenly smelled a rancid smell, which didn't come from the nearest room, but from himself.

He looked down, and found that the skin on the back of his left hand was torn, and a little pus was flowing out. He looked at his legs, and opened the clothes. He didn't know when, the skin on his body had rotten and rotten changes to varying degrees.

"Could it be that staring at that thing for a long time will make me rot?" Wei An immediately began to look for the next room.

Just two steps out, with a click, a lump of rotting flesh on the calf of his right foot fell to the ground. (end of this chapter)

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