"Mom, will my cousin die if I drink this water?" The fat boy asked puzzled.

The middle-aged woman shook her head: "I won't die, but...hehe, when you ask him how much one plus one equals, he won't be able to answer."

"Really?" The fat boy let out a simple and honest laugh with a lollipop in his mouth, "Okay, okay, cousin is a big fool!"

Wei An stared at this scene from the third perspective, looked at the fat boy with a trembling fat face, and said to himself, "Why are you so happy? Did you finally find someone stupider than yourself?"

He didn't know why his emotions changed at this moment, as if he had completely substituted into the boy who was beaten, as if he himself was suffering such inhuman treatment.

The pain in his body is still there, but he knows that he is in a coma at the moment, his mind is very confused, and his thinking is not running so smoothly.

But the strange thing is that he could notice that his thinking was running slowly because it was related to the unknown solution he drank just now.

Time passed quickly in this image, and in a blink of an eye, Wei An felt that his mind had returned. He opened his eyes, looked at the past from the perspective of the little boy, and found that he was looking at the ceiling, that is, lying on the bed.

The whole body was in severe pain, and it was completely red and swollen.

In some red, swollen and bruised places, the swollen flesh disappeared and swelled again and again. Under the ravages of that hateful woman, they could not heal at all.

The most important thing is that Wei An noticed that the little boy's thinking had become relatively slow, and it took him a long time to react before he realized that he was beaten by his aunt again.

But when my uncle came home from get off work every day, he didn't care about himself at all. He just looked at him indifferently, and then went back to the house and never came out again.

My aunt gave him something to drink every day. It felt spicy and irritated his throat. He didn't want to drink it, but almost every time he was beaten to the point of passing out, he drank it without any resistance.

The little boy intuitively felt that this was not a good thing, but he could not refuse, nor could he escape.

After the sudden death of his parents, his uncle and aunt appeared. From then on, he was his own hell, and the sky above his head was never sunny again.

"Die, just find a chance to commit suicide." A thought rose in Wei'an's mind.

He knew that this was the thought of the little boy at this moment, but he and the other party had telepathy, achieving the effect of empathy.

After moving his hands and feet, he found that his left wrist was tied with an iron chain. The other end of the chain was on the iron window next to the bed, and was firmly locked with the iron window fence.

Wei An tugged hard, but remained motionless.

He looked left and right, hoping to find some way, even if there were sharp objects around him, as long as he could commit suicide.

But what was desperate was that there was nothing around, and he was tied up and couldn't move, and he couldn't find anything to end his life.

The pain in my body was still coming, and it was getting more and more painful, especially the position of the vest, as if a hole was about to be pierced by something.

Wei An knew that the moonlight man lying on his back was still hurting him at this moment.

If it weren't for the foreign object resistant receptors to resist for him for a while, I'm afraid he would have been killed by that weird moonlight man long ago.

But now time is running out, and it cannot be delayed for too long, otherwise life is still in danger.

"Brother fool, are you awake?" At this moment, a voice sounded from the door.

The door was opened, and the fat boy walked in with a bag of brightly colored mushrooms in his hand. He threw the mushrooms on the ground casually, stood two meters away from the bed, and looked at Wei An.

Wei An asked, "Where's Auntie?"

"Kill the big rooster outside, and she will stew chicken legs for me later." The fat boy pointed to the mushrooms on the ground, "Mom said, cook these mushrooms in stewed chicken soup for you to eat, and you won't be able to get up after eating them." It's..."

Wei An was stunned.

Mushrooms?Can't get up after eating?

This made him suddenly think of something.

There was a brief silence in the room, as if the little boy knew what he was about to face, because the fat boy suddenly slipped his mouth.

Wei An's lips moved, and he said what the little boy was thinking: "You don't know that, my aunt saw that I was injured, and specially used chicken soup stewed with shiitake mushrooms to make up for my body. I couldn't drink it, so I just let me lie down. Get better sooner in bed."

"Is that so?" The fat boy was a little puzzled, and he really didn't look very smart.

The little boy nodded: "Stewing shiitake mushrooms in chicken soup is very beneficial to the human body, and the recovery will be quick. If you are not injured, then eating this food will especially nourish your brain, and you will be the first in the class in the exam."

"Let me ask my mother? Why don't you give me such a good thing." The fat boy turned around and was about to go out.

"Hey, if she doesn't give it to you, I'll just give it to you." The little boy said, "This is a secret between the two of us. Don't tell anyone. I'll eat half of it, and I'll leave some for you quietly. Then you You will be smarter than me, and I will not be as good as you in the future exams."

"Really?" The fat boy was a little moved.

"Auntie is also doing it for my own good." The little boy continued, "From now on, everything in this room will be yours, and no one is allowed to steal it from you, so we naturally have to share good things together."

The fat boy laughed: "Thank you cousin, I won't tell anyone, save some for me tonight."

After saying that, he took out a lollipop from his pocket and prepared to hand it to the little boy.

The little boy shook his head: "The food is all yours, I don't want it from you."

The fat boy nodded, put away the lollipop, and happily left with the bag of mushrooms.

The picture in front of me was dim for a while, and when it gradually became clear, it was already night.

A bowl of fragrant chicken soup stewed with shiitake mushrooms was brought in front of Wei An, and the sarcastic middle-aged woman leaned over to his side and said expressionlessly, "Eat more, finish this bowl."

Wei An hardly hesitated. Although he knew that the mushrooms were poisonous, the little boy's behavior still instructed him to quickly take the bowl. While drinking the soup, he chewed the delicious mushrooms and scattered chicken skins in his mouth.

I have to say that the stewed shiitake mushrooms in chicken soup has a very strong aroma. If you don't know that it is poisonous, it is really delicious.

This bowl was quickly finished by Wei An.

He put down the bowl, thanked the woman pretending to be ignorant, and said to the woman: "Auntie, this is so delicious, I want another bowl."

The woman seemed to be weighing something in her heart, and immediately shook her head: "You can't eat more, you can only eat one bowl today, and eat the rest tomorrow."

Wei An hurriedly nodded: "Then you can put it here and give it to me tomorrow. Thank you, auntie!"

The woman smiled calmly, turned and left.

Later, the fat boy sneaked into the house without turning on the light, and asked in a low voice, "Cousin, are you asleep?"

At this time, Wei An's stomach was already hurting like a knife, and he wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, and his face turned purple.

But the fat boy couldn't see it in the dark.

Enduring the discomfort, Wei An reluctantly opened his mouth: "Come here, I'll wait for you to come, let's eat delicious... mushroom soup together."

Although the fat boy was relatively stupid, he still felt a little suspicious at this moment, because Wei An was out of breath when he spoke, and there was obviously something wrong with his body.

When he took a closer look, he was startled: "Cousin, you...you are sick, very sick..."

"It's okay." The little boy shook his head, and still said, "I'll be fine if I eat some more mushroom soup...it's okay, you can serve me a bowl."

The fat boy turned around hesitantly: "No, I'll call mom..."

"No, drink soup with me." The little boy said in a low voice, holding back all his strength.

The fat boy turned a deaf ear and ran out.

The little boy's plan failed, he didn't come up in one breath, spit out a mouthful of blackened saliva, and passed out on the bed.

Wei An felt that he was dead, without the little boy's thinking, but still had his own thinking, which was a wonderful feeling.

He found that his body was slowly rising, as if he had turned into a soul. At the same time, a pain that was a hundred times stronger than before hit him, and he had the illusion that his body had been split.

At this moment, he saw that his floating shadow on the ground had separated from him and was struggling.

This is how the moonlight man attacks himself? !

After the severe pain, is the shadow separated from himself?

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, he thought of the slender black shadow that had been attacking him in the first ghost story, the shadow named "Yin".

Is this how the weirdness of shadows came about?Is it the shadow of someone who was attacked by the moonlight man before?

If the slender black shadows are produced in this way, then this place is a strange story with a plot, and it is completely different from other areas where the dead city is located.

Having a plot means that other functions in your own plot editor are also available!

A thought immediately popped up in Wei An's mind.

"Bystander mode!"

With a flicker, his body instantly broke away from the control of the current plot, and his own shadow, which was still struggling violently just now, was forcibly retracted into his body by a force.

Wei An felt a sense of fullness in his whole body in an instant, and he was no longer exhausted, and immediately stood in front of the little boy's bed in the scene in front of him.

Staring at the little boy who died of poisoning on the bed, looking at the open door, I could still hear the footsteps of the fat boy running away.

"Okay, you can use the spectator mode." (End of this chapter)

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