Gao Wu: Myth's Strongest Legend

Chapter 491 Howling Wind, Master of Hell

Chapter 491 Howling Wind, Master of Hell
At this moment, the image released by Han Xin is exactly the battle situation of Fengming Battlefield.

After countless people saw it.

I was stunned.

They finally got it.

It turned out that the support said by the ancestors had not arrived for a long time, it was stopped by the big army, and even himself fell into a bitter battle.

And the help he had been waiting for never came.

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Originally, they were still hoping that Luoshen Temple could break through the main front and turn defeat into victory.

But now, it's all just a delusion.

In the face of the bloody attack of the major armies in Daqian, he watched the people around him being hacked to death one by one.

They are desperate.

The timing of Han Xin's release is also very good. The attack for more than ten days is the most exhausted and most shaken moment.

The expressions of the great ancestors changed suddenly.

But no explanation.

Explanation is to cover.

At this time, the long absence of reinforcements is the biggest evidence.

They could feel the will of the defenders dropping rapidly, turning into mourners.

The ancient ancestor of the Duan family looked cold and stern, holding the holy sword, knowing that the army of Luoshen Temple might not be able to come, and the situation was under the control of Emperor Daqian.

This reminded him of Emperor Dongchu.

At that time, the emperor of Dongchu also walked in the sky like this, with infinite strength, but it was a pity that his fall was too sudden

The current Emperor Qian is more terrifying than Emperor Dongchu.

He doesn't seem to have a weakness, and he doesn't know how strong he is.


After Han Xin collapsed the opponent's morale, he swung his army to attack more fiercely than before, and the sea of ​​gods transformed by power quickly annihilated everything.

Facing the dry army rushing from all directions.

Although some of these defenders uttered their final wailing to show their ambitions by death, but in the face of despair and strength, only slaughter greeted them.

And all the sages and powerhouses in Daqian stepped out of the sky and launched a sage frenzy.

It was driven by a force, and the smoke of the wolf was billowing, full of the smoke of war.

The battle situation has reached the last moment.

The next step is to launch a decisive attack.

The appalling and terrifying oppression came surging forward, showing the strength of a strong man.

at the same time.

The ancient world of the Duan family opened up, beams of divine light hit the sky, and a powerful aura was awakened.

Immediately, one after another figures walked out of this world.

Among these people, even the weakest have legendary cultivation.

And the strong ones are as strong as the sages.

Most of them are already very old, and their souls are decayed, as if they have walked out of a coffin.

The Duan family is older than the Eastern Chu Empire.

In this ancient power, the heritage of generations will be sealed, and it will only be used when the family is alive or dead.

The Duan family, this moment has come.

Therefore, all the inside information was summoned out without any hiding.

"The family, it's the last moment, after all, they still haven't been able to reverse the cycle of time."

Among these people, there is an old man who is the oldest, like a skeleton, who will fall down whenever the wind blows.

But the power he exudes is the Holy Ancestor.

He existed earlier than the ancestors of the Duan family, and he was sealed earlier. He can be said to be one of the founders of the Duan family.

Instantly understand everything.

The strength of the Duan family has not reached the point of weakening.

In fact, their strength has been growing steadily during the millions of years, and it can be said that at the peak of their prosperity, they encountered stronger Daqian.

He looked around.

Too many familiar people are gone.

Sealing with the origin of heaven and earth to make oneself fall asleep is not omnipotent after all.

"All the knowledge of the Duan family has been used!"

Old Ancestor Meng was also terrified when he saw it.

The Duan family deserves to have a profound background. For generations, it has sealed up so many strong men, and its strength is not comparable to that of the Meng family.

Looking forward to the past, there are too many densely packed elders and strong men.

A terrifying force swept through the shock.

This is the end of the war.

After these sealed old antiques were released, they didn't think about going back alive, but dedicated their last strength to the family.

Only in an instant.

Without hesitation, they rushed towards the strong man who came to kill him.

life for life.

If they hadn't been sealed up, they would have deserved to die long ago, and at the last moment of their lives, they would kill as many powerful people as they could.

Facing this group of lifeless backgrounds.

Dagan's fighting spirit did not waver.

Trapped beasts still fighting.

The last craziness.

The most holy powerhouses headed by Li Jing, Han Xin, and Xu Da had already killed them, and an earth-shattering battle of destruction broke out.

Block this group of old antiques.

Why did Han Xin break the morale of the army.

In fact, his real purpose was to make them afraid to fight for the Meng family and Yushan sect powerhouses.

More power can be concentrated.

The coercion of the vast taboos, the melee between Dagan and the saints tore the world into an endless swallowing black hole, and it is still expanding.

Li Jing's moves were fierce.

The Heavenly King's halberd swept across.

bang bang bang!Many old antiques were swept away by him, and the weak ones exploded directly.

And when the Tower of Heaven fell, the majestic force was to hit an old antique of the holy level until its whole body burst.

Although the Duan family used a relatively large number of old antiques at this time, the strong ones were at their peak and full of energy and blood.

"Avatar of Martial Saint, Martial Saint Slash!"

Guan Yu condensed in the battle formation of five tigers, bursting out with monstrous power.

Wu Sheng's real body suppressed the sky, and the Qinglong Yanyue knife slashed out, and immediately opened an abyss in the sky, smashing the figures along the way to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the five generals attacked at the same time.

And Pang Tong mastered the art of sparks.

As soon as he pointed, a flame suddenly appeared on a person's body.

The man slapped it hastily, but what frightened him was that the flames suddenly started a prairie fire, engulfing his whole body in an instant.

A single spark started a prairie fire.

Pang Tong controlled the flame, and the prairie fire burned wildly.

The explosive strength of the powerful people made them even more terrified and panicked. Even if the Duan family came out with all their strength, it was still difficult to resist the attack of the strong people.

As soon as Han Xin pointed at Bingxian, thousands of troops and horses rushed out, sweeping across the vast expanse.

Use the power of chaos to transform chaos warriors.

However, Han Xin's sword has been changed, and it is the Chaos Thunder Sword bestowed by Qin Yu. With a light wave, countless Chaos God Thunderbolts will come down, causing a shocking sensation.

Han Xin's main attack is the powerful men of the Meng family.

Although the Meng family and the Yushan sect fought in the Duan family, they suffered a lot of losses in the bloody battle for more than ten days, and suffered a series of blows, so their fighting spirit was the least firm.

This is breaking their fighting spirit.

Such a fierce battle, fiercely fought, is a battle for the saints.

In the current situation, it is clear that there are many sages and strong men in total, who are above the big ones, but under the attack of the big ones, they retreat again and again.

The sky and the earth are shattered, and the void is like a deep sea tide, constantly devouring and sweeping, one can imagine the damage caused by this battle.

Bai Qi raised his sword, hell shrouded.

He finally walked out slowly.

Shrouded in bloody blood.

Bai Qi turned into the cruelest master of hell, his blood armor was extremely glaring, and when he walked, it seemed that there were countless dead souls wailing at his feet.

Among these dead souls, there are 3000 million people who were killed in the pit.

Foot in hell.

Bai Qi is definitely the scariest.

Although Lu Ban and Shang Yang are strong, what they are best at is not fighting after all.

But Bai Qi is different.

He is best at killing people.

The holy ancestors of the Killing Dao are equally rare as the holy ancestors of the time domain.

The endless killing sword energy spread wildly around.

What's even more horrifying in their hearts is that under the intervention of Bai Qi's power, they seem to have left this world and entered the real hell.

"He turned heaven and earth into hell!"

Horror resounded.

Not bad.

Bai Qi didn't make a move until now, just to turn the world into hell, and build his hell world with enough blood.

The most affected is the human slaughter army.

In this environment, their fighting spirit rose crazily, and the bloody charge rolled over, passing the cold wind of hell to everyone head-on.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After being stained with blood and soil in hell.

The Dagan Army broke out with a more violent killing intent, and the coldness in the eyes burst out, intending to kill all the opponents who stood in front of them.

All legions are cooperating with Rentu Army as the absolute core.

The ancient ancestor of the Duan family looked gloomy.

Staring at Bai Qi.

Feel the pressure.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized something, and the peerless sword intent rushed out crazily, with an aura that was several times stronger than before.

"I understand."

The ancient ancestor of the Duan family murmured.

"His sword intent has undergone an astonishing enhancement!"

Patriarch Yushan said in shock.

Being too close to the ancient ancestor of the Duan family, the sword intent rushed away, which made him feel tingling all over his body.

And this shows that the strength of the ancient ancestors of the Duan family has grown tremendously.

"This is my real way of swordsmanship, the path of quasi-overlord!"

The ancient ancestor of the Duan family stepped out of the Jian River.

His realm was very close to the quasi-overlord millions of years ago, but he was unable to break through for so long.

He always wanted to get the treasure of the ancient world of Dongchu and push him to break through.

Can be under pressure in vain.

He suddenly woke up.

Relying on external force alone is not enough, you must have a fearless heart and the will to cut through everything.

Go forward indomitably, even if it is death, there will be no regrets.

This road is very dangerous, but at the same time it is also very profitable.

If he can survive this battle, even if he doesn't have the ancient treasure, he still has the confidence to become a quasi-hegemon.

Bai Qi's cold and heartless eyes saw that the strength of the ancient ancestor of the Duan family had grown, but there was still no disturbance.

The battlefield is changing rapidly.

Today, the ancient ancestor of the Duan family must die, and cannot walk out of his hell alive.

And Bai Qi will not make him a quasi-hegemon.

"Heaven-slashing style!"

The ancient ancestor of the Duan family made a decisive move, and suddenly launched a sword-slashing style, bombarding and killing with the most violent force.

Bai Qi Hell must be broken.

He understands very well that from the beginning of the war to the present, he has been in the layout of Bai Qi, and cannot escape his control.

Bai Qi holds the sword in one hand, and fights with a killing god slash.

the same moment.

Duan Feng and another holy ancestor, Lao Antique, shot at the same time.

Bai Qi is so strong, even if the ancient ancestor's strength has improved, it will be difficult to completely resist, and the strength of the three of them must be combined to have hope.

Kill Bai Qi with the power of three people.

Even Duan Feng is ready to kill himself and sacrifice his own ideas.

But Duan Yun has disappeared.

She didn't join the battle.

The ancient ancestors of the Duan family could not predict the outcome of this battle. As early as in the siege for many days, they already knew that the reinforcements from Luoshen Temple might not be able to make it through.

He can fight to the death.

But millions of years of family inheritance cannot be cut off.

Therefore, the ancient ancestor of the Duan family should be prepared to fight to the death, while letting Duan Yun withdraw from the battlefield with the family seeds, so as not to perish.

After all, with the presence of the Holy Ancestor, even if it fails here, it will not cause death.

"With the strength of the two of us, help the ancient ancestors reverse the situation, even at the cost of their lives!"

Duan Feng looked determined.

(End of this chapter)

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