"Uncle Master, do you think the son of Emperor Wu Daotian of the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace will be able to survive the tribulation of being banned from the great avenue this time?"

Su Qinghuang carefully looked around at the geniuses and powerful forces gathered around him, and then asked Han Daozi beside him.

Facing her inquiry, Han Daozi frowned slightly, then sighed and shook his head.

"Uncle Master, why are you sighing? Do you think that Wu Aotian will not be able to survive the great tribulation this time?"

Su Qinghuang didn't know why.

"Well...who knows."

"Since the beginning of time, there have been so many talented people in the world, but only a handful of them have been awarded the title of Great Dao."

"Basically, 100% of the people fell on the road to block the avenue."

"Wu Aotian of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace is ranked number one in the Zhenwu Universe in terms of qualifications, foundation, talent, character, perseverance, opportunity, good fortune, etc."

"In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, no one is his opponent!"

"Characters like Wu Daotian have never appeared in many great universe eras."

"His qualifications and strength are impeccable and undisputed, but the title of the avenue depends not only on himself, but also on many factors."

"Therefore, no one can guarantee that Wu Daotian can survive the catastrophe of being banned from the avenue."

"In my opinion, he is more likely to be unable to survive..."

Han Daozi analyzed in a deep voice.

after all!

In the universe, there are really too few beings who have received the title of Great Dao.

"Uncle Master, I think you are a bit alarmist. Since the Great Dao Title exists, there must be a glimmer of hope. It is impossible not to get through it."

"In the past, wasn't there a man named Ren Woxing who survived the great tribulation and obtained a complete great title?"

"That person seems to be from Zhenwu Universe too!"

"Since Ren Woxing can succeed, Wu Daotian will definitely have a chance. I don't believe that Wu Daotian will be any weaker than Ren Woxing."

Su Qinghuang said rationally.

Han Daozi snorted at her absurd reasoning and did not continue to argue with her on this topic.

Whether Wu Daotian can succeed will be known in three days.

"By the way, Uncle Master, didn't you say that this time you would find some amazing talents for our Shangqing Dao Sect?"

"But who can think highly of our Shangqing Dao Sect?"

"Senior Brother Mu Feng and I, as well as other senior brothers, were all deceived by you unreliable old guys."

"We were deceived by you because we didn't know the true situation of Shangqing Dao Sect. Do you still want us to follow you to deceive others?"

"Nowadays, the Shangqing Dao Sect is in a state of poverty and poverty. Apart from a simple mountain gate and a plaque, there is nothing else."

"With such a sect's heritage and dilapidated state, unless someone is blind, who would join the Shangqing Dao Sect?"


Su Qinghuang seemed to have thought of something and began to complain one after another.

Every time she said a word, Han Daozi's face turned gloomy.

"Shut up, who taught you to talk nonsense?"

"How can our Shangqing Dao Sect be as miserable as you say?"

"Except that the sect is a bit older and there are fewer people, the other places are not bad."

"At least, our Shangqing Taoist Sect has a solid foundation. At least it has received the destiny. It is the true destiny of the Zhenwu universe."

"On this point alone, other forces will never be able to compare."

"At the moment, our Shangqing Dao Sect is only temporarily in decline. Sooner or later, it will take off one day."

"As long as we pursue and strive unswervingly, I believe that the Shangqing Dao Sect will regain its former glory and glory..."

Han Daozi painted a bright future for the two of them.

Facing the pie he drew, Su Qinghuang and Qiu Mufeng beside them both sighed and shook their heads.

They had heard this kind of words countless times in Shangqing Dao Sect.

At first!

They were still young, and it was because they heard such magnificent descriptions that they decided to join the Shangqing Dao Sect.

However, when they actually entered Shangqing Dao Sect, they realized how miserably they had been deceived.

All the beautiful scenes described before are gone!

The huge Shangqing Taoist Sect only had a dilapidated mountain gate and guarded the title of Tianming Taoism.

It is even more far away from the top orthodoxy of Zhenwu Universe...

Not even a hair on my head can compare with that!
If they could regret in life, they would never choose Shangqing Daozong.

Now that we have boarded the pirate ship, there is nothing we can do.

"Uncle Master, I would like to ask, if...if we, the Dao Sect of the Qing Dynasty, really meet a genius like Wu Daotian, can we protect him?"

"Of course!"

Facing Su Qinghuang's questioning look, Han Daozi answered affirmatively without even thinking about it. "Qinghuang, although our Shangqing Dao Sect has been defeated, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so we still have some wealth."

"We don't cause trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble either!"

"Whoever dares to bully me, Shangqing Daozong, will have to see how hard his life is."

"Even if a top-level orthodoxy like the Zhenwu Imperial Palace offends us, they can still make them pay an extremely painful price."

"After all, these four words, Tianming Daotong, represent everything."

"No matter how weak the Shangqing Dao Sect is, it was the one who carried the destiny in the past. Not everyone can bully it."

"You must always believe this!"

"If it can't even protect its own disciples, the Shangqing Dao Sect will be in vain..."

Han Daozi said domineeringly.

Destiny orthodoxy!

This is the highest glory of the universe!

At the same time, it is also a symbol of identity, status, and strength.

The Shangqing Taoist Sect, at its most glorious time, once carried the destiny of Zhenwu Universe and was the true destiny of the Taoism.

Just these four words, many other ancient powerful forces will not be able to achieve it in their lifetime.

"Qing Huang, Mu Feng, you are the hope for the future of Shangqing Dao Sect. You must not let external factors affect yourselves."

"As the saying goes, to make iron, you need to be strong yourself!"

"When you are strong, you can fear nothing..."

Han Daozi taught the Tao earnestly.

Regarding his preaching, Su Qinghuang curled her lips and didn't take it to heart.

Their qualifications and strength cannot bear the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the Shangqing Dao Sect.

Therefore, this arduous task should be left to others.

"Uncle Master, I will use my Luck Golden Eyes to keep an eye on him later. If there is a suitable person, I will tell you immediately."

"As for whether you can be deceived, it depends on your ability, uncle."

Talking time!
While Su Qinghuang looked at the major forces around him, he also observed the talented heroes who arrived, hoping to find a few suitable ones to recruit into the Shangqing Dao Sect.


Just as she was observing carefully, suddenly, a huge roaring sound came from the distant void.

Under the gaze of everyone around, the void of the original world set off violent ripples, and a huge door to the world appeared out of thin air.


Seven figures slowly walked out from the gate of the world...


"Zhenwu Emperor's son, Wu Daotian!"

"Wu Gaotian!"

"Wu Gaotian is here!"

When the seven figures appeared, everyone gathered around the original world unanimously focused their eyes on Wu Aotian at the front.


He became the only focus of the audience!
Wu Daotian's genius and reputation are not only resounding throughout the Zhenwu universe, but also other universes.

Many people present had only heard of his name, but had never seen him in person.


Wu Daotian's attack on the Grand Avenue title pushed his reputation to an unprecedented height.

Everyone wants to know and admire such a great hero.

"Is this man Wu Aotian, the rumored son of the Zhenwu Emperor and the most talented person in the Zhenwu Universe?"

"He is truly a genius, rare in history!"

"Uncle Master, Wu Daotian's destiny is majestic throughout the heavens and the universe. The phenomena of his destiny are like the tide of the universe, endless."

"As expected of the Zhenwu Universe and the most powerful genius in the universe, his future prospects are simply limitless."

"There are only a handful of people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him...eh..."

Seeing Wu Daotian appear, Su Qinghuang immediately chirped to Han Daozi beside him and told what he saw.

Before she could finish her words, her voice suddenly stopped as if she had seen something extremely terrifying.

The whole person was staring at the people behind Wu Gaotian.

A pair of eyes, wide open!


He kept gasping for air... (End of this chapter)

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