"The third layer of the abyss, the legendary master Demon Owl, greets the Demon Lord of the upper realm!"

When he saw the majestic figure appearing on the altar, the Demon Owl immediately bowed with great respect.

His eyes were filled with desire and intense awe.

The mysterious being before him was a powerful being from the fourth layer of the abyss. Neither his status nor his strength could match his.

Although as the legendary master of the third layer of the abyss, Demon Owl is qualified to go to the fourth layer of the abyss at any time, but he does not want to go.

I would rather have a chicken head than a phoenix tail!
On the third layer of the abyss, he is the supreme ruler; but if he goes to the fourth layer of the abyss, he will lose everything he has.

Falling from the altar all of a sudden and becoming a lowly ant at the bottom of society, this huge gap is something the Demon Owl cannot accept.


According to the rules of the abyss, conditions are required for species from the lower abyss to enter the upper abyss.

Take the creatures in the third layer of the abyss as an example.

Abyss creatures below the dominance level can only possess the strength of a lower-level lord at most after entering the fourth level of the abyss.

An ordinary overlord who enters the fourth layer of the abyss will gain the status of a legendary overlord.

The legendary master, upon entering the fourth layer of the abyss, will acquire the status of a mythical great lord.

Only the mythical master, after entering the fourth level of the abyss, can ascend to heaven in one step and directly obtain the status of the master.

and so!
According to the Demon Owl's current status as a legendary master, once he reaches the fourth level of the abyss, his status will drop two levels.

By then, you can only reach the level of a mythical lord at best!

The fourth level of the abyss is much more terrifying than the third level. Whether it is the number of abyss species or the strength of the abyss, the two are not on the same level.

There is absolutely no comparison!
When the Demon Owl reaches the fourth level of the abyss, he can only be a slave to others.


"Legendary master, Demon Owl?"

As the Demon Owl introduced himself, the mysterious shadow above the altar murmured softly.

Between words!

Revealing a hint of contempt and disdain.

It seems that he doesn't think highly of the Lord of the Abyss like the Demon Owl.

"What you are holding is a token left by the former Lord of Destruction on the third layer. It is used to communicate between the third and fourth layers of the abyss."

"I am an envoy under the command of the Yuanmie Lord. What is your purpose in contacting the upper abyss?"

"If you want to ask for chance or luck, forget it."

"The third layer of the abyss contains a vast unexplored demonic world. As long as you are willing to work hard and are not afraid of death, you will still be able to gain something."

A calm and indifferent voice came from above the altar.

Hear this!

The demon owl quickly shook his head.

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood. I am not seeking for opportunities or good fortune, but I recently discovered a powerful and advanced world in the human world, and I want to present it to the Master of Yuanmie."

"That higher world in the human world is bigger than any other higher world."

"The most important thing is that there is a mythical demon seed of the third layer of the abyss inside."

"As long as I take down that advanced world, I will definitely be able to ascend to heaven in one step and become the master of the fourth level..."

The demon owl said respectfully.

The higher and greater world of the human world?

The mythical demon species that dominates?

After hearing what the Demon Owl said, the mysterious shadow above the altar instantly cast a sharp gaze down.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Absolutely true!"

"That advanced world is called Hongtian World. We are currently attacking the third layer of the abyss with all our strength, but the situation is not optimistic."

"And, recently, a demon god appeared in the third layer of the abyss, and we are powerless."

"So, I want to..."

"So you plan to offer the Hongtian World to the fourth layer of the Abyss and let us send troops to attack, right?"

The man's voice suddenly became cold and gloomy.

Faced with this questioning, Mo Xiao was very calm and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Not bad!"

"We do want to use the power of the fourth layer of the abyss to eradicate the god of evil."

"This will not cause any loss to the fourth layer of the abyss, but will bring huge benefits." "Whether it is the Hongtian World or the mythical dominant demon seed, they are both hard to come by."

"If we don't have to, we don't want to give up like this..."

The Demon Owl sighed deeply.

Hearing this, the mysterious shadow on the altar was silent for a long time, and then snorted coldly.

"Tell me the location and coordinates of the Great World of Hongtian that you know of."

"I will report this matter to the Yuanmie Lord."

"it is good!"

Seeing that the other party had taken the bait, the Demon Owl threw a jade talisman without hesitation, and it landed on the altar.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the third layer of the abyss.

When the jade talisman appeared again, it had fallen into the hands of the mysterious shadow.

After confirming the authenticity of the information, the other party directly cut off the connection with the Demon Owl, and everything returned to its original state.

Although he did not gain any substantial benefits, the Demon Owl still showed a slight smile.

A top-level advanced world and a mythical demon species, even the big shots in the fourth level abyss cannot remain indifferent.

Moxiao believes that it won’t be long before the army from the fourth level of the abyss will appear in the Hongtian world.

"Once the fourth layer of the abyss intervenes, even if the God of Sin wants to take over the Hongtian World, it will be impossible."

"In this way, he can only be trapped in Demon Continent!"

“Even if he controls the entire Demon Continent and turns it into his own kingdom of God, he cannot become a forbidden demon god.”

"As long as you are not a forbidden demon god, you will not be a threat to me..."

The demon owl kept calculating in his mind.

He spent so much time and effort, mainly to prevent the rise of Lin Wudao.

If there is really no other choice, he can only give up everything he has in the third level of the abyss and go to the fourth level of the abyss.


the other side!
Lin Wudao, who was far away in Demon Continent and was fighting with Wuji Demon Lord and others, also caught a glimpse of the conversation between the Demon Owl and the fourth layer of the abyss through his clone left in the third layer of the abyss.

"The Demon Owl actually gave up the Great World of Hongtian and handed it over to the Fourth Layer Abyss?"

Lin Wudao frowned tightly.

This is not good news for him!

Once the fourth level of the abyss intervenes, it will inevitably disrupt his plan, and it will be even more difficult to cultivate into a forbidden demon god.

"It seems that I have to think of other ways. I can't put all my eggs in one basket."

"We must collect enough incense as soon as possible to advance to the Forbidden Demon God."

"Otherwise, the constraints are too great..."

Think of this!

Lin Wudao had no intention of continuing to fight with Wuji Demon Lord and the others, and he disappeared from the spot in a flash.


He escaped directly into the depths of the Doomsday Forbidden Zone.

Finally, through the transformation of the Yellow Springs Divine Art through the Heaven Burial Bronze Coffin and with the help of the will of the abyss, he entered the gaps of the abyss.


However, just as he escaped into the gap of the abyss, he discovered another magical world inside.

Abyss gap!

Although it is under the control of the will of the abyss, it is an independent place outside all layers of the abyss.


Lin Wudao planned to go to the Tianxiao world by walking through the abyss; unexpectedly, he accidentally entered the gap in the abyss.

At this moment.

In front of him, there was a black outline of a world. Through the barrier of that world, he could clearly see the numerous abyss species inside.

This discovery instantly aroused Lin Wudao's curiosity.

call out!
After taking a quick look, he immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed into the mysterious demon world.

When entering the demon world, a huge stone tablet instantly came into view.

"Abyss Black Market!" (End of this chapter)

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