"The leader of the Yinshan Demon Clan, Ji Xuan!"

Looking at the middle-aged man in blue walking towards him, Lin Wudao glanced at him and instantly knew the other person's identity.

As the current patriarch of the Yinshan Demon Clan in the third layer of the abyss, Ji Xuan’s strength has reached that of an ordinary master.

This qualification and background are extremely extraordinary, whether in the abyss or in the human world.


This is all he can do in his life. It is almost impossible to go any further.

Legendary overlords and mythical overlords are not levels that can be reached by relying on qualifications and opportunities.

If one wants to become a legendary master, or even a mythical master, the most important thing is one's own talent and ability.

You must walk your own path to become a legendary master, or even a mythical master.

Every step forward is an unprecedented sublimation and transformation...

The Yinshan Demon Clan, as a major force in the third layer of the abyss, had a mythical overlord in their ancestors, but has now fallen.

Only Ji Xuan, an ordinary master, can hold up the facade!


"Ji Xuan pays homage to the Great God!"

While Lin Wudao was examining Ji Xuan and the others, Ji Xuan and other powerful men of the Yinshan Demon Clan were also secretly sizing him up.

As the clan leader, Ji Xuan was extremely enthusiastic and respectful towards Lin Wudao, and was very humble.

after all.

Nowadays, the situation in the third layer of the abyss is almost completely under the control of the Kingdom of Sin. Even though their Yinshan Demon Clan's forces are spread throughout the four layers of the abyss, they are unable to fight against it.

Therefore, if they want to maintain the development of the ethnic group, they have no choice but to submit to and compromise with Lin Wudao.

Lin Wudao was quite satisfied with Ji Xuan's ability to understand the current situation.

"Patriarch Ji Xuan, there is no need to be so polite!"

"I heard from Meng Yuan that the ruler of the fourth level of your Yinshan Demon Clan wants to meet me?"


"The great god is rising strongly, and unifying the entire third layer of the abyss is just around the corner. My Yinshan Demon Clan also wants to get a share of the great god's glory."

"In the fourth level, my Yinshan Demon Clan controls a total of eighty-eight high-level demon realms. I believe it will be of some help to the great god."

"The details will be discussed by our Lord Qingcang and the Great God..."

Ji Xuan said with a smile.

After that, under his leadership, Lin Wudao came to the deepest part of the Demon Palace, where he saw an ancient and mysterious altar.

at this time.

There are many offerings placed on the altar, and there is also a brilliant divine light blooming above the altar.

In the divine light, the majestic figure of a middle-aged man with a square face appeared.

Qingcang Lord, an ordinary Lord of the fourth level!
"Qingcang, I've met the great god!"

After looking at each other for a moment, Lord Qingcang was the first to say hello.

See this.

Lin Wudao also nodded lightly and gave a polite response.

"Lord Qingcang, let's get straight to the point."

“I heard that the Yinshan Demon Clan controls a total of eighty-eight high-level demon realms in the fourth layer of the abyss. Their power and foundation are quite impressive.”

"It just so happens that this God also needs such a powerful force to join the Kingdom of Sin."

"Tell me, how can you make the Yinshan Demon Clan willingly accept me as your subordinate?"

he asked straight to the point.

This time he came to negotiate terms. He didn't have that much time and energy to waste talking to Qingcang here.

"Haha, God is so refreshing!"

"In that case, I will not hesitate any longer."

"I believe the Great God has long known about the power of our Yinshan Demon Clan in the abyss."

"The Yinshan Demon Clan can be incorporated into the Kingdom of Sin, and can even worship the Great God, but we can only give the Great God a hundred years." "Within a hundred years, the Great God must be promoted to become the fourth-level myth master, otherwise, our Yinshan Demon Clan will submit to other forces."

"In addition, if the great god is promoted to the fourth-level myth master in the future, he must also agree to let the Yinshan Demon Clan on the third level produce a myth master."

"Our request is not difficult. I believe that with the great god's talent and strength, we will definitely be able to succeed."

"Regarding the 100-year deadline and the emergence of a mythical master on the third level, we require these two conditions to be written into the contract."

"Only if the Great God can do it, will we have sincere faith and worship him; if the Great God cannot meet our requirements within a hundred years, we have the right to abandon our faith and seek another way out."

"Moreover, the Great God must not make things difficult for my Yinshan Demon Clan, or even destroy it..."

Qingcang stated the conditions of the Yinshan Demon Clan.

Within a hundred years, become a mythical master?
Do we also need to cultivate a mythical overlord of the Yinshan Demon Clan in the third level?

Hear this!

Lin Wudao frowned secretly.

"I can promise that you can become a mythical master within a hundred years, but I cannot guarantee that the Yinshan Demon Clan on the third level will produce a mythical master."

"After all, becoming a myth master depends on one's own talent, ability, qualifications, background, etc. It is not something that can be achieved by just saying achievements."

"What you Yinshan Demon Clan ask for is nothing more than being able to rule the entire third layer of the abyss after I leave."

“I cannot guarantee the Mythical Overlord, but I can guarantee to create enough ordinary Overlords for you Yinshan Demon Clan.”

"In short, I guarantee that you, the Yinshan Demon Clan, can control the third layer of the abyss."

"You can rest assured about this!"

"After I reach the fourth level, the third level will also need a strong person to rule and manage it."

"In my opinion, the Yinshan Demon Clan is very good. I feel more at ease handing over the third layer of the abyss to the Yinshan Demon Clan."

Lin Wudao pondered for a moment and then spoke.

After he said this, Qingcang agreed to this condition after thinking about it for a while.

What the Yinshan Demon Clan wants is indeed to control the third layer...

As long as one can control the third level of the abyss, it doesn’t make much difference whether or not a mythical overlord appears.

For the abyss creatures, the mythical overlord is more of a deterrent; at the same time, it can also prevent other abyss creatures from challenging the status of the Yinshan Demon Clan.

"In that case, let's do as you say, Great God, and draw up a contract."


"I want to add one more thing. That is, I want the faith of all the Yinshan demons on the first, second, third, and fourth levels."

"You Yinshan Demon Clan have a demon god, so this is not difficult for you."

Lin Wudao temporarily stopped Gong Ziyu's contract and continued.

After thinking about his condition for a while, Qingcang understood the plan and intention behind it.

Lin Wudao must be here for the abyss marks of the first two layers of the abyss.


"The more powerful you are, great god, the greater the benefit will be to us, the Yinshan Demon Clan."


"In addition, I have already promised Lord Zilong that all the commercial management rights of the Kingdom of Sin will be handed over to her."

"Therefore, you, the Yinshan Demon Clan, must not interfere and break the contract between this god and the Purple Dragon Lord."

"Of course, you can rest assured about this great god!"

"Zilong is also a member of our Yinshan Demon Clan. We are very happy to hand over all the business management rights to her..."

Qingcang agreed to this condition very readily.

The wool comes from the sheep!
Zilong is also a member of the Yinshan Demon Clan and has no impact on the interests of their entire clan.

"Gong Ziyu, let's draw up a contract."

After discussing the specific terms, Lin Wudao and the Yinshan Demon Clan signed a contract under the witness of Gong Ziyu, the guide to the abyss.

From now on.

He then possessed the entire territory and faith of the Yinshan Demon Clan... (End of this chapter)

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