From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 109 New [Followers], what is the gold content of Quint Gold Card~

Chapter 109 New [Followers], what is the gold content of Quint Gold Card~
The world is always uneven. The culture of this world makes family ties not as strong as modern people think, especially in families with many children.It is not incomprehensible for a greedy person to let a child risk his life for a small piece of gold.

Understandable, but not forgiven.

"Those townspeople who disregarded their children were taught by us, even if the children did gain from the forest. Later, my grandson Levin and your retainer, Ms. Milva, communicated with the dryads. The form of trade between the children and the dryads remained."

Is this really the group led by the Dryad Queen Esna who once sheltered the Scoia'tael because she hated humans in the original book? Why does it sound so fantastic...

Lan En rubbed the space between his brows, and felt that things were very strange: "Is there anything else I should know, about the dryad?"

Luca thought for a while and said: "We will choose two days every month to let the young boys in the town go deep into the Forest of Dryads at night. We also want to make it a festival. We originally waited for the Earl to help We named this festival, and it turned out that you went for many days..."

Lan En slapped his forehead and reprimanded: "It's a serious thing!"

The old man smiled and said: "Ms. Esna asked the tree spirit to leave a message, saying that when you come back, I hope to see you. At that time, it was widely rumored that you were murdered by the Nilfgaardians. time, but she seems pretty sure you'll be back..."

Lan En sat up straight, thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed. Whether it is the care the town has received in the past year, or the things that need the cooperation of the dryads in the is very necessary to see Ms. Eisner "

Luka hurriedly said: "Then I will ask my grandson to take you to our camp in the forest, where tree spirits will come from time to time."

"No hurry, I have to finish the matter here first." Lan shook his head, "But I can let Levin start preparations."

After finalizing the visit to Brokilon Forest, the old mayor withdrew, and then Lannister's retainers entered the room, Lann had other orders for them.

The old butler Erns, the future butler Hardy, the attendants Ace, House, and Milwa who rarely communicated with Lann.These are Lan En's current direct line team.

"Tell me, what happened at home when I was away, and what's your situation now?"

Several people looked at Lann with different eyes. The young people like Hardy, Ace, and House all looked excited, even a little unbelievable.At the same time, they were also shocked by Lann's fighting power when facing the Nilfgaardians, and they all felt a sense of excitement at the moment.

Milva's reaction to Lan's return was relatively flat, but he was also very grateful.She was so grateful to Lane for saving herself from the dryads that she might have vowed to follow him.It's just because she hasn't reached the combat power that can be used, so Lan has never brought her with her, and she doesn't seem to be as close as the other people.

The old butler was the most emotional among them, his eyes were already turning red when he watched Lan En speak.

In the end, it was the old butler who suppressed his emotions and entered the part of talking about the business, and was the first to explain the current situation.

During Lann's absence, Calanthe gave all of Lannister's property to Ciri in the name of protection, and Ciri handed over all of Lannister's property to Ens for management.

Ernes was trained by the royal family of Sintra in the direction of the court steward since he was a child, and became Lann's steward after serving the first generation of Lannister.Therefore, after fully accepting the affairs of the Lannister family—in fact, he was almost in charge before—the first thing he did was to build Brokiron.

He went back and forth between Brokilon and the capital many times, devoting almost all of his energy to the construction of the territory.It can be said that he now has a complete set of drafts for Brokilon's population composition, tax revenue, economic foundation, and even future plans.And after the war between Sintra and Nilfgaard intensified, he even transferred most of the Lannister family property in various forms.

I don't know if this is what Ens himself meant, or if it was Queen Calanthe's secret instruction to leave a way for her granddaughter to escape, but after hearing this, Lann only had one thought: You can always trust the old housekeeper.

And only under such high-intensity work, the old housekeeper could temporarily forget the pain of Lann's "death".He didn't know how many nights he confessed to the coat of arms of the Lannister family, and told Lann's dead father about the guilt in his heart for failing to take good care of Lannister.

Lan En thanked the old housekeeper with emotion: "It's been really hard for you during this time, Ernes."

The housekeeper doesn't think what he is doing is hard work, but there is a serious problem: "Master, we will use our own money for the future construction of the territory, you can no longer play with things..."

Lan quickly turned his head to the others: "Is there anything you need me to know?"

Hardy had nothing to say, and continued to study with the old butler. When the old butler couldn't work anymore, he would take over the old butler's class.

House has changed a lot. He used to be a combination of fighting type and internal affairs type, mainly taking care of Hei Feng; he can mount a horse and charge together in a fight, and can replace Hardy when he is resting, and his mind is more flexible.When Lan En was away, he changed his internal affairs a bit, and most of the time he learned from Ernes.

Milva's situation is quite special, she is not in the capital most of the time.Because of her powerful bow and arrow talent, Lann also intentionally trained her to be a combatant when she was still alive, so Ince arranged her to Brokiron during this year, and he didn't know that she used it. What method, I was actually able to learn from the dryads for a while.

Ace has changed the most. He joined the city defense army under the operation of his knight father, and achieved good results by virtue of his relationship with Lann in the city defense army.

It's just that Lann suddenly thought of a question, he hesitated: "Ace... where is your father?"

The arrow attendant replied calmly: "Father stayed in the castle until the last moment, and he fulfilled the knight's destiny."

Lane sighed.

Regarding the development direction chosen by everyone during this year, Lane did not intend to interfere further.After briefly explaining what happened next, he left Milva and Ace alone.

The two people in front of them are fighters who will be cultivated in the future. Ace has already shown his leadership ability, and Milva is the one who can become a Gwent gold card in the future. Lan wants to see if he can let They continue to break the ceiling.

He wants to make a contract between the two of them to become [followers].

And their situation is not the same as that of Heifeng, because in addition to upgrading and sharing skills, the [Follower] system actually has a core effect: providing 20% ​​of their own experience.

You know, the follower panel also has a task bar. Lane thinks that when there are more followers in the future, he can lie down and collect experience.

It's just that skill points are still precious now, and Lann's skills are not enough for himself, so he only decided to open the follower panel for future fighters to maximize their effectiveness.

"I have obtained an ability, which you can understand as magic. After I bestow it on you, you can improve your own strength by killing enemies or helping others in the future."

After hearing Lann's words, Milva's first reaction was disbelief, while Ace's eyes widened.

"Lion..." He thought of some rumors he heard among the troops and refugees, and thought of Lann's heroism before he became a witcher, and felt that he gradually understood everything, "Could it be true, and it happened so long ago?" Has the Earl been chosen?"

Ace froze in shock, while Milva took a step forward out of curiosity: "My lord, how do I get this kind of power?"

Lane said: "Don't resist in your heart, choose to be my [follower], and when I feel your heart, I will respond and I will be able to empower you."

"This is a pride of lions..." Ace murmured and gradually became excited.

After consuming two skill points to obtain two blank follower slots, Lan put his hand on Milva's head, and then the experience value dropped by one bar.

[Follower: Milva (Maria Balin)
Gender: Female
Race: human

Rating: 1
Talent: Marksman
Experience Points: 0/1000
Health: 100/100
Mana: None

Inventory: Forester's Leather Armor, Forester's Greaves, Forester's Gloves

Skill column: Concentration, Accurate Shooting, Jungle Veteran, Wilderness Survival, Advanced Archery

Mission: None]

[Shared Follower Talent: Marksman]

[Talent · Marksman: Shooting weapon proficiency increases, after shooting skills are acquired, the skill level +1]

To describe Lan En's mood in one sentence is: take a breath of air.

This is the first time Lann has shared a talent. It can only be said that [Talent] is indeed above [Skill], and Milva is also a future gold card.This [Sharp Archer] is equivalent to a bow-type low-profile [Magic Tide]. While unlocking new weapons for Lan En, it also saves him at least four skill points in the future.

However, Lann has no plan to activate bow and arrow skills yet, which is not currently in his planned tactical system.

Lan was about to greet Ace, but suddenly saw Milwa staring at him blankly, and his eyes began to look wrong.

"Any questions?"

Milva shook her head numbly, her head was shaking, but her eyes seemed to be glued to Lan En's face: "It's nothing... It's just that all the things I learned before suddenly appeared in my mind; What's more, I suddenly feel that you, Earl... have become more majestic and handsome, making people afraid to look directly at you."

Staring and staring, her face flushed.

Lane responded to Milwa's undisguised gaze speechlessly, don't you dare to look directly?

Because Black Wind is a horse, Lann couldn't obtain a more intuitive change into a [follower] before.Lane estimates that Milva's feelings mainly reflect two aspects after the contract [Followers]: First, all talents and skills are panelized, so what he learned before is more obvious and solidified;
As for Milva, he feels that his image is more handsome and majestic... It is probably because after becoming a real "follower", the eyes of the oath master are naturally filtered.

(End of this chapter)

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