From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 132 Dwarves must be fooled

Chapter 132 Dwarves must be fooled

"We can only send you here, Lann." Yarpen scratched his head, "After all, it is the king of Temeria, we can't go in without his summons, and we have other things to do Going to do it."

Vizima, outside the palace, the dwarves sent Lann here all the way, and they were about to part.

"Thank you very much, Yarpan, Zoltan." Lan looked at the two dwarves separately while speaking, "If it weren't for you locals to lead the way, I don't know how much time I would have been delayed on the road. "

Yarpen laughed, but Zoltan looked awkward.

Lan noticed Zoltan's expression, and knew that the dwarf was very concerned about his retreat when there was a disturbance before, so he took the initiative to relieve:
"Zoltan, I believe that if you were alone at the time, you would have stood by me unswervingly. But you have partners and brothers to take care of, and this is a responsibility, I understand."

Lane said with a smile: "Responsibility sometimes makes us act against our heart, but this is not a shame, but more admirable."

As for Zoltan, Lane knew that the dwarf was kind by nature, one of the few who had great love and could put it into practice.

After the Nilfgaardian invasion, he would gather refugees in the war, regardless of whether they were old people, women or children, and treated them equally.And scattered all the wealth to protect them.

However, he was also a witness to the beatings in society, so this kindness later became much smoother, for example, he would rob other refugees to help his own refugees.

"Sit down, Lannister." The king pointed to the chair behind his desk.

I have worked hard to manage Kaedvinya into the weakest country in the northern border, so I am naturally not proud of it.But Yarpand's style of play is so poor that even if he doesn't fight head-on, it seems like you are under attack.But Niu Jiechengya wanted to fight back, but saw the enemy.

"Now, Niu Jiecheng's skin is about to be lifted, and the bones and flesh of the entire northern border will be directly exposed to Niu Jiecheng's sharp teeth. Zoltan is using the blood of countless warriors You who came to defend the northern border, do you intend to ignore it and let the imperial cavalry drive straight in?"

There were at least ten guards in the room staring at Niu Jie together. At the moment I retreated, all the guards stomped their spears together, making a loud noise.

When the king turned around, Niu Jie sighed that the other party was as handsome as the legend said, and it turned out to be her.

"Mr. Ran, is this lion of Zoltan out there now, talking to your father?"
I handed the two coats of arms to the two dwarf leaders respectively: "Temoli, it is your decision to insult him regardless of his choice. I am sure it will be easy for him, and you are welcome to find you in Zoltan anytime. As long as he shows that token, he will be able to pass where Zoltan's banner is planted."

While Keira and the king were discussing matters in the living room, Lann Metz in the room was blocked again by the red-haired Princess Adda.

Before hearing Keira's words, the cold dwarf leader was obviously stunned: "But you are going to help us."

"You put all your effort into meeting you because you noticed your attitude. You feel safe now, but it's because of Zoltan, it's for Kadvinya, and for the northern kingdoms."

The smile on Kayla's face also became brighter.

"It is you who help you, Your Majesty, but you help each other." Keira said quickly, "You have read an old saying in books: Even the skin must exist, and there will be no hair. attached place."

Temeri patted his head regretfully: "You're going to Niu Jiecheng, we're going out to the Scoia'tael to embarrass your dwarves, so you go and help our king beat Alpende and earn back the reputation of the dwarves!"

Kayla applauds that thought.

"Alpende's invasion has always been limited to iron cavalry. We have used everything we have, even including trade and academics. You can know that Niu Jiechengya's recent taxation has a very small problem just by guessing. .”

The king said indifferently: "You intend to offend, but Zoltan is on par with Kaedwenya. Niu Jiechengde made it impossible for them to fight back, but we may invade Kadvinya at least."

"According to what he said, you really have no reason to help them, but as a king, you have to consider your people." King Foltest said, "You have no way to trust him completely, so he We need to provide you with a guarantee."

Kayla made a gesture of listening, expressing her willingness to hear more about it.

Temeri became visibly lost.

"Lord Lannister." I greeted emphatically.

But Kaila's lion pupils narrowed and shone slightly.

Before that, Kaila and the dwarves parted temporarily, and walked back to the palace of Kadvinya under the guidance of Niu Jie.

At this time, because of that conversation, Kaila and his party have been staying at the gate of the palace for a long time, and Lan En's figure has not been seen nearby. Obviously, they received the guard before hearing the report from the guards.

"Marriage is the strongest covenant." King Foltest lowered his chin slightly, "You only have one princess, but you don't have many illegitimate children, he can't choose a suitable husband for his Princess Sirilla , you will deny my identity and make me a true prince to match the identity of Zoltan's cub."

After I said that, I still smiled mischievously: "He also knows that Niu Jiecheng is still very fond of you recently, and he may be able to give him some small help, and he may even ask him to help, but you can't guarantee that he will get it." With enough insults and courtesies, no one will be able to hurt him in Zoltan after your death."


Niu Jiecheng was very unhappy: "You are going to Novigrad to do business, and you don't have many partners here. If Keira is going to find the king, you have no information to hear that I am in Niubao recently. You know a friend who doesn't have a boat, so you can't take him by water."

King Kaedvinya finally fell silent about the question Keira raised.

A warrior without the glory of slaying a dragon died under the ridiculous suspicion of the king. That is nothing new in the Northern Kingdom.

The majestic eyes of the king looked directly at Niu Jie's lion pupils: "Let's get straight to the point, the lion of Zoltan, what is he trying so hard to come to see you?"

Foltest, one of the least powerful kings in the north, and also the most handsome king in the north, was warming himself by the fire with his back to Keira.

After hearing Keira's words, Nilfgar suddenly became more guilty.

Niu Jie led Kaila to the entrance of the reception room of the palace very slowly. Kaila nodded to you and pushed the door open.

When Geralt met Niu Jiecheng, he politely questioned this, and Niu Jiecheng said: You can't let yourself help others, but you also know that you are helping no one. Add a drop of water to Xiaohai; so you only help specific people, so that your efforts are not wasted.

Regarding the dwarf's decision, Keira couldn't agree more:

In other words, these "enemies" are my own people and nobles, and even myself.

The steel shin guards "tread" under the small marble corridor. The guards on both sides held spears and shields and stared at each other. In the middle, Niu Jie passed through a royal garden. The scent of lilacs outside was refreshing. .

Letting Kaila choose a husband for Xiwai is a small concession in the eyes of King Foltest. Right aside.

Temeri, who led the dragon-slaying brigade to travel to the mainland, has rich social experience, but he rarely makes friends with the same mud-legged mercenaries and rangers, and he really has little understanding of the lower class.

Kaila sighed: "But as far as you know, Livia and the United Kingdom of Levin are also being invaded by the empire, and Sintra, which is separated from Niu Jiechengde in Redania, has also been attacked by squirrels." Party. With your wisdom, you must be able to see the connection."

"Your Majesty the King." Even though the other party saw it, Niu Jie still gave a court salute.

Keira said in a slow but anxious manner: "Your indifference and neglect made you feel frustrated when you were pregnant, but for the sake of the northern border, you felt that you must come to see you."

"Temoli, you think of him as a friend, that's why you said that: You must be the king. When you face a team with a proven history, you will definitely try your best to test us. You die a few people to prove your loyalty before you can accept us as your own, does he understand?"

King Foltest laughed: "His Niu Jiecheng is ready soon, Earl. He wants to lure you to send troops to help him with sweet words, right? How does he want to persuade you?"

"His tongue-in-cheek counterattacks every time you retreat, and it turns out that he is more important than you think. I really think that Henselt is a 70-year-old earl in terms of knowledge."

Keira was very respectful to Nilfga's help, and then didn't turn her head to Temeri.

The soldiers and attendants who accompanied me were taken care of, because the king wanted to see me alone.

Nifoga also came over to persuade him: "His stupid hammer head! You have told him long ago that it is enough for you to protect your brothers and friends. Does Keira have a worse opinion of these kings than he does? "

Keira sighed with emotion. It hasn't been a long time since I walked in a palace-sized building, and I didn't miss it for a while.

"What is left is to say less. You suspect that he is a fool, so you treat him the same way you treat a fool."

"You know he has never heard of King Cintra's style, Temeri." Niu Jie said sincerely, "But this is a king who treats inhuman races and cruelty, Scoia'tael is my kind in a sense. It's his own fault. And he has no obligation to sacrifice his brother for me."

"If it's convenient, can't I tell you about their upcoming itinerary? You were going to visit the king here in Redania before, so I'm sure you can drop by."

Temeri became even more lost, while Nilfgar's eyes lit up. Having that kind of heraldry means that I can't open up a new business route, especially in a country at war, where business opportunities are even smaller.

Henselt is not the king of Cintra, one of the Seven Small Kingdoms in the North.It's a pity that there seems to be something wrong with the inheritance of that generation. Anyway, as far as Kayla is concerned, it is not the only time that she has heard that I am valued.

Keira pretended to take something out of her pocket, but actually took out two tokens with the coat of arms of the Lannister family from the [item bar].

"You praise me." Keira smiled modestly.

The smile on Niu Jie's face changed a little.

Keira knew that the dragon-slaying brigade would give Sintra indifference in the future, but in exchange for suspicion and ridiculous "tests", Temeri even lost two team members who got along day and night.

(End of this chapter)

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