Chapter 147

"I have heard about your deeds a long time ago, Lannister, I heard that you are only 17 years old this year?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In the largest living room of the Bull Castle, this place has now been requisitioned by Vizmir II. The burning incense wood in the fireplace is continuously steaming outside.

"I can't tell from your appearance at all, and I can't tell from the battle reports I have come into contact with. Every once in a while, there will be a few incomprehensible people in the mainland, and only people like you can stabilize this situation. of Sintra."

"You are ridiculous."

The king twirled the ring on his finger, noncommittal about Lane's modesty.

Vizmir II, the current King of Redania, known as the "Justice", is the leader of the backbone of the resistance against the Nilfgaardian invasion.He has three children, the eldest son Radovid, and daughters Darimilla and Milena.

It is said that Vizmir II had always wanted to combine the two northern neighbors of Temeria and Redania into one powerful state.There had been an agreement between the two countries that King Foltest of Temeria was supposed to marry Vizmir II's daughter, Princess Dalimila.

This is a super plus for the backhand.

But then Foltest's orthopedic hobby was known to Vizmir II, so the plan fell through, which further deteriorated the relationship between the two countries.

Vizmir II is enough to bear the title of "Smart Lord". At least when he was alive, no one noticed that there were actually so many capable careerists in his country.But as a king, his political convictions also overshadowed his personal moral convictions, at a level Lann couldn't understand.

It can be illustrated by the example just now: Vizmir II and Foltest are barely the same age, but he wanted to marry his daughter Dalimila to Foltest for his political ambitions, and Dali How old is Princess Mira this year?

Lane didn't know the exact number, but he knew that the princess was the little bald sister who was pouring wine for him now.

Radovid, who will become Radovid V after his coronation in the future.He is less than ten years old this year, and Ciri is even older than him.

Radovid's name was taken from Radovid I, the founding monarch of Redania. Obviously his father had high hopes for him and took him with him when he went out to tour the administration.

At this moment, letting the underage heir serve as bartender to Lan En is an absolute courtesy in terms of diplomatic occasions. It can fully demonstrate the broad-mindedness and friendly attitude of Vizmir II, and it also shows that he has secretly regarded Lan En as a bartender. Put it in the position of the head of a country and talk on an equal footing.

At the same time, there were more than ten guarding knights in the living room as a rule, staring intently at Lane, the rumored heroic warrior, to prevent him from harming the king.

He is polite and military, making people unable to fault him.Vizmir II deserves the title of "The Fair One".

Lan En didn't care about the knights in the room. He took a sip of his wine and said calmly, "You must be clear about the purpose of my visit."

Vizmir II raised his chin slightly: "Is it for the talks with the various countries in Haji Fortress soon? You want to win allies for Sintra and regain the lost ground. I heard that you have met Foltest before? "

Lane nodded: "He is hostile to Nilfgaard, but he doesn't like Sintra either. We can't reach harmony with each other."

Vizmir II glanced at Lann, and unexpectedly relieved: "Don't worry, Lannister, Redania is your friend. We have already made a mistake, Sintra is the consequence, and the northern border bears the burden." Sorry for the consequences of making a mistake again."

The king raised his hand, and the prince, who was temporarily serving as a bartender, bowed his head and obediently poured wine for his father.

He went on: "When our ancestors landed 500 years ago, the elves refused to face the threat like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand. The ancestors took the land from them bit by bit, and they retreated again and again. This is the last time, feeling that the enemy will not continue to eat them - now it is our turn, only now we are the elves and Nilfgaard is the invader."

"Calanthe was a mighty king, and her martyrdom made the North look. At the Battle of Mount Sodden, our armies fell on Nilfgaard's throat like wolves and raging dogs, for the hen of the North." Lion's vengeance. Without Calanthe's sacrifice, there would be no victory for us."

These are polite words, but they give Lan En enough face.

Lan En's expression also became sad. At this moment, what he said had nothing to do with diplomacy, but came from the heart: "I just hope that my aunt can rest in peace, and I will give my life to protect Cintra."

"I firmly believe in this, Lannister. I also admire it." Vizmir stared at Lann's lion pupils, as if he was confirming something, "The Northern Territory cannot lose its portal, so we need Cintra. I Will bring this up in the northern talks, Redania and Sintra will be friends."

"I am amazed by your wise thinking, and I am grateful for your long-term vision." Lan En thanked with an excited expression, "Sintra will always be Redania's friend."

Vizmir II nodded calmly, and raised his glass as a gesture. Lane clinked glasses with him very cooperatively, and the two drank the mellow wine in one gulp.

"Facing Nilfgaard, the Northern Territory should be integrated." Vizmir II's voice twitched a little, as if chatting, "I plan to marry Foltest again, but this time Let his daughter Adda marry my son, what do you think?"

Lan En looked at the little bald head, at least he could understand the age difference between the two parties in this marriage.Although there is not so much difference in the women's college thirteen, it is at least within the normal range.

But what else can I see about your chores?I feel very stimulated now?

If this matter really became Lan En's only thought, he felt sorry for the little bald head.

Naturally, Lane couldn't say the second half of the sentence, and Lane could only express the first half of the sentence tactfully: "You also know that the communication between me and King Foltest was not very pleasant, so I can't understand what he thinks. Think about it. But I agree with your point of view: Facing Nilfgaard, the North should be integrated."

If the marriage partner Vizmir II mentioned was Ciri, then Lan might turn his back on the spot again, but Yada... I'm sorry, it was just a pure exchange of benefits and mutual exchange.

Vizmir II nodded in satisfaction. He didn't really want Lane's opinion. It was enough to have Lane's statement on "Unity in the North".

After all, if there is a full-scale war with Nilfgaard, Sintra, as the gateway to the northern border, will definitely be beaten the most. With such an attitude, he can rest assured.

Looking at the young Lan En, Vizmir II sighed in his heart, it would be great if his son could grow up like this in the future.

"Do you have any plans in the future? Go directly to Haji Fortress, or do you plan to go to Kaedwen to see Henselt? I don't like to speak ill of people behind their backs, but you really have little hope of persuading Henselt."

Lane's face twitched, he had forgotten that this was the first time he had heard contempt for King Kaedwen.

"With your permission, I would like to go to Novigrad." Lane said, "I have a dwarf friend in my team who wants to do business there, and I have other friends who want me to bring a message. I have always heard that This city is the 'Pearl' of the North, and I have long wanted to see it."

Praising his city's good governance in front of the king made Vizmir II very useful, but at this moment he suddenly thought of something, pondered for a moment and suddenly said:

"If you go to Novigrad, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Um?Lann leaned forward slightly, assuming a listening posture.

"The Everec family, I don't know if you have heard of it. He is one of the founding heroes of Redania, and my ancestors have given them enough courtesy."

"However, their greed and lack of foresight led to several bankruptcies. Now they have set up a private armed force called the 'Wild Boar Army', and their actions are faintly moving in the direction of robbers and bandits, but I still have no evidence to judge them. "

King Vizmir showed a distressed look: "He is the founding hero, I don't want to deal with him too fiercely, it will make other nobles in the country sensitive. So if you go to Novigrad, can you help me dissuade them? ?”

The system's prompt sounded as the king said:
[Mission - Fairness and Selflessness:

Vizmir II was troubled by the armed forces in the territory, but he was also afraid of the identity of the other party and worried about causing a reaction from the domestic nobles.The king's intelligence agency told him that Novigrad is also the destination of your trip, so he wants to take the knife in his hand with your forty cavalry.But it seems that there is no loss for you, after all, the other party is your target, isn't it? 】

Lan was obviously taken aback. Why is everyone thinking about dealing with the Everec family? Master Mirror wants to collect debts, the king wants to stabilize him, and even the system has sent tasks.

This is what kills two birds with one stone, one fish eats three.

It's just that the information revealed in the mission description made Lann very concerned. Redania's intelligence agency knew a little about him.

Seeing Lan En stunned, Vizmir II relieved: "Don't worry, Lannister, even if you don't want to go through this muddy water, it won't interfere with our friendship. Redania will support Sint." pulled."

Lan was originally going to deal with Ogierd Ifric, so there was no reason to refuse.

He said sincerely: "Your friendship is the most precious thing in Sintra, but I also know that friendship is a mutual friendship between friends. You give Sintra support, and I must give back. Now I I can only help you with such trivial matters, how can I refuse?"

"I don't know how much you mean by 'dissuading'?"

Hearing Lane's question, Vizmir II tapped his chin with his finger, as if he was thinking.

The fragrant wood in the room crackled and burned, as if the sparks of thinking were constantly colliding.Vizmir II did not give clear instructions, but due to his identity, he has always been ambiguous.

Lane wanted to hear him say it in person. This kind of explicit words are very important in diplomatic occasions.

Ke Lan didn't expect that it was another person who broke the silence.

Radovid, who had been obediently pouring wine for the two of them, suddenly said, "All rebels should be hanged, or their heads should be cut off!"

(End of this chapter)

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