From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 162 Why don't you ask the magic conch?

Chapter 162 Why don't you ask the magic conch?
In the study room, [Griffon School Contact Notes] was spread out, and Lan En wrote vigorously.

"Dear teacher, see the words as the face:
I have reached Redania and visited King Vizmir II at the Bull Castle.I was assassinated by a warlock here, but fortunately everything was saved.But there is still a black hand behind that assassin, now the enemy is dark and we are clear, I can only wait for the opportunity..."

Human translation: I was beaten, the opponent is a warlock, and there may be more powerful black hands behind the enemy, I am being targeted!Teacher, it's all like this, why don't you come to Sintra and help me?

"I am fascinated by the free atmosphere and academic atmosphere of Niubao. Thinking of the tragic situation in Sintra, I can't help but feel sad. Here, different races can live together freely, no matter what identity or origin, here They can all be respected by virtue of knowledge. I very much hope that the future Sintra can also become like this under my construction, and I am willing to give my life for this..."

Human translation: Have you seen this wonderful future?Would you like to join in together, teacher, isn't this prosperous age what the founder of our school is looking forward to?

“I found a huge toad in Novigrad. After my investigation, I found that he was transformed by a cursed prince. He died of viciousness, I want to find a way to lift his curse; but before that, I want to imprison him first, so that he will not go out to harm people again, I don’t know if you have ever met in your long hunting career? In such a situation? I desperately need your advice..."

The witcher's methods are very complicated.In addition to traditional swords and sigils, Geralt has demonstrated a variety of mystical methods in the game that can be performed without magic power, including summoning the souls of the dead, awakening corpse babies, etc.

Lane believes that the Griffin School must have more magical methods to deal with the situation he is currently encountering.

After writing the letter for help, Lane closed his notebook and began to think about the future.

In the original book, the story of [Heart of Stone] is roughly divided into five parts:
[The Devil's First Contact]: Ogierd posted a notice in the city to kill Prince Toad. Geralt completed the hunt after accepting the task, but was captured by the team led by the mage Ofir who appeared later.After the mirror master rescued Geralt, Geralt went to complete the three tasks of Ogierd in return and harvested the soul.

[Open Sesame]: Ogierd's first wish after contacting the player is to entrust Geralt to find the "Maximilian Borsodi House". This house is actually a model, which is the hostile family of the Ogierd family In the model, there is a will representing the inheritance rights of the hostile family; the player just takes the model back.

[Hell Party]: Ogierd misses his younger brother, and thinks that his younger brother, who liked to have fun in his life, is too painful and boring after his death, so he asks the player to summon the soul of his younger brother Vlodimi to let him have a day of fun.Get the brother's handwritten letter to prove that the mission is complete.

[Marriage Memories]: Boss battle, go to Ogierd's former home and get a "Purple Rose" from his wife who has turned into a dead soul.On the way, you will meet many other demons and other monsters summoned by Ogild.

[Injustice and Debt]: Sneak Ogierd to Master Mirror.Here you can choose to let the mirror master take away Ogierd's soul and get the reward from the mirror master; or the player thinks that it is too dangerous to let the mirror master in the world, so choose to keep Ogierd and banish the mirror master from this world.

Among these five tasks, [The Devil's First Contact] has naturally become the first wish since Ogierd hasn't posted the request yet.

Lan was originally worried that Ogierd's follow-up wishes would change too outrageously due to the different time periods, but now that he has the certification of Master Mirror, Lan is relieved.

[Party in the Sunshine], [Open Sesame], and [Marriage Memories], these three tasks respectively represent Ogierd's family affection, family feud, and love, which are the deepest and most true wishes in his heart.

And after gradually losing emotion after dealing with the mirror master, there will be no new things that will leave more imprints on Ogild's heart than these three things.

If one had to choose two of these three wishes, Lann speculated that it would be [Party in the Sun] and [Memories of Marriage]. After all, for an egoist like Ogierd, family affection and love should be more important than family feuds.

But just to be on the safe side, Lane decided to complete all three tasks before meeting Ogierd.

As for how to choose the final [Wind has a head and a debtor], Lan En has already made a decision in his heart...

As for the three tasks that he decided to complete now, Lann did not plan to complete them all by himself.

It's time to let your squires take some of the pressure off of you.

Prince Toad and [Memories of Marriage] can't be sent to boss battles like this, that's food delivery; but they can go there first to communicate with Bosodi's House, and they can also seek help from local snakes like Eternal Flame.

[Party in the Underworld] The same is true, Lan En has no intention of summoning the soul of a little gangster and going crazy with him all night.

Making up his mind, Lane summoned three attendants to his house.

Lane had other things to do before assigning the task.

Looking at the three attendants in front of him, Milva, House, and Levin, Lan called out the only one who didn't have a [Follower] panel.

"Levin, come out and get down on one knee."

The attendant, who had already heard the rumors about the "lion pride", opened his eyes wide in surprise. He looked around his two companions a little at a loss, and received encouraging looks.

Yes, Lane didn't intend to rush to activate the skill point obtained through the new upgrade, but to open a new follower panel and give it to Levin.

This warrior who used to fight against griffins and great griffins with a mortal body, a diplomat who has established a good relationship with dryads, and the future mayor of Brokilon Town has long been recognized by Lane.

Lane said solemnly: "I believe you have heard some rumors, and I can now tell you with certainty that they are true. Levin Brott, you have obtained my approval, and I will accept you as me." A member of the lions', from now on you will be able to gain strength from punishing rape and eliminating evil, and supporting the weak."

Levin flushed with excitement: "I will use my life to repay your trust in me, until I die!"

Consuming skill points to open a new follower panel, Lane placed his hand on Levin's head, and the experience value dropped slightly by single digits.

[Follower: Levin Brott

Sex: Male
Race: human

Rating: 1
Talent: none
Experience Points: 0/1000
Health: 180/180
Mana: None

Inventory: Cavalry Armor, Cavalry Greaves, Cavalry Gloves, Forester's Sword, Blackwood Recurve Bow
Skill column: Jungle Veteran, Clear Mind, Advanced Scouting, Intermediate Diplomacy, Intermediate Archery, Intermediate Swordsmanship, Elementary Horsemanship

Mission: None]

[Shared Follower Talent Failed]

【Sharing follower skills】

[Acquired Skill: Intermediate Swordsmanship]

[Matching Demon Hunter Skills: Intensity Training]

[This skill already exists, the skill level is full]

[Skill Point +1]

Oh hoo, the skill points spent are back.

Levin's innate talent is not as good as Gold Card's Milva and Warlock talent Ace, but he has a lot of skills.

Swordsmanship, archery skills, and the survival and scouting skills honed in the Brokilon Forest since he was a child, it was he who saw through the strategy of Brugge soldiers pretending to be tree spirits to intercept passers-by.

What is even more valuable is that he also has certain diplomatic and management skills.

This is a talent, and he should be able to stand on his own in the future. Lane plans to wait until the restoration of the country to add more burdens to him.

On the other hand, Levin felt a burst of enlightenment in the physical sense, only felt that the exhaustion on his body was swept away, some hidden wounds and hidden dangers that remained in his childhood disappeared, and all kinds of skills he had learned in the past also emerged in his brain together When I came out, I only felt more profound.

At the same time, although the earl in front of him was the swearlord he had decided to follow his whole life, he still felt that Lann in front of him had become more handsome and majestic.

Seeing Levine's reaction, Lan smiled with satisfaction.

Immediately, he asked the three attendants to get closer together, and began to arrange today's business: "I have a task that needs you to complete."

The three looked serious.

"This is not a mission of killing and killing, at least not now. I need you to go to the Borsodi Brothers Auction House to buy an item called 'Maximilian Borsodi House', which is a house The model. It is very important to the Borsodi family, but I must get it. You first tentatively help me contact the quotation, and come back if nothing can be done, and we will discuss the next action."

During the reign of Radovid V, the Borsodi Brothers Auction House will be relocated to Oxburg, but now it is still in Novigrad, which can save a lot of effort.

"House, come and lead the team and bring ten soldiers. This is a diplomatic mission. You have learned similar things in the palace. I can rest assured that I will leave it to you—Levin, you should also learn more, and you also have Talent, I hope I can give you important tasks in the future."

"The Borsodi family is a local force. I will communicate with Shapet of Eternal Flame to see if I can give you a little help."

Lane hadn't told others about the Mirror Master, so the three of them didn't understand why Lane wanted a model of the house so aggressively. It sounded like this model was another family's treasure.

But they would not question the earl's order, so they loudly promised that they would not disappoint the earl's trust.

Lan En encouraged them again, and then the three attendants resigned and began to prepare to complete the task.

Lane was soon the only one left in the room.He thought for a while, opened the system panel, and began to allocate his newly acquired skill points.

 Considering that some readers have responded to the number of words in the status bar.In the future, only the [Follower] status bar that appeared for the first time like today will appear in the main text, or the major changes in Ace's crazy wave before, and Lann's first transformation into a demon hunter, which have a substantial effect on the plot and help readers Interpret the status bar of the plot.

  The rest of Lann's status bar changes every time he upgrades and acquires skills will be included in this chapter to help everyone save some money.

  that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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