From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 171 House also has unique skills

Chapter 171 House also has unique skills

[No. 20 six days.

The research subject has now experienced sharp weapons, poisons, flames, freezing, starvation, dehydration, but even so his body continues to function, not only can eat, drink water, move around the room alone, and speak simple words (" Please", "Drink water", "Do no harm", "Stop").

Conclusion: As I guessed, the Witcher is a great collection of powers!If there is a demon trapped in such an excellent body, it will definitely become the reincarnation of the god of death, and everything is under my control!That would be a great individual that never existed.

What a great time for science!

It's time to start chanting the mantra, and I'll record the experimental data later. 】

"This is the end of the experiment log. It seems that this warlock failed to record the subsequent experiment data. This is a good thing."

After saying this, Lan fell into deep thought.

He shifted his body and looked thoughtfully at the black cat statue where the cat sent the witcher to kneel and pray.

So, is the current state of that Maopai demon hunter possessed by a demon?
If this is the case, maybe there is a turning point in the matter, and that Maopai demon hunter can really be saved by himself.

"Human experimentation and conjuration, these are things that have been banned by the order of the Brotherhood of Warlocks a hundred years ago." Triss said disgustedly, "This Irenius died too cheaply."

After spurning the cruel experimenter, the female sorceress gave another professional opinion: "Lan, if that demon hunter is possessed by a demon, then things will be very difficult. Can conjuring magic be listed as a forbidden technique?" There is a reason. Whether it is casting a spell or breaking it, it will bring a huge price, and some scholars even believe that it involves fate."

Lan shook his head: "If it's a devil, it's just so simple..."

Lane rummaged on the table for a while, and found a badge with the head of a cat.

Seeing Lan En's determined statement, Triss frowned secretly.But she didn't directly refute Lan En's thoughts, she just decided in her heart that she must be present when the other party dealt with this unknown cat-pie demon hunter.

After that, the two spent almost an hour sorting out the laboratory, mainly for Triss to identify the experimental data in it, hoping to help the research of Mossack and Kyle Siren.

When they left, it happened that the sky had revealed the fishy white.

Guards on patrol spotted this classic combination of witcher and sorceress.

But they immediately recognized the lion coat of arms on Lane's chest. Obviously, Chapelle had explained to these patrolling soldiers in advance.

The security officer of Eternal Flame doesn't need to respect Lan En in terms of status, but even if these guards are believers, they can't change the concept engraved in their bones, and they can't help but be polite when talking to Lan En.

"Is that Lord Lannister?"

Lane nodded: "Go and talk to Chapelle, that huge toad is no longer a problem for Novigrad. If he wants to find me for details, he knows where to find me."

The two went away under the watchful eye of the Eternal Flame patrol. On the way, they joined the Sintra soldiers they brought out and walked all the way back to their residence.


House sat on a chair in the hall with a tangled expression.

Levin folded his arms and leaned on the chair, his eyes looked around restlessly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"You said, our mission this time has been completed... or not?" In the end, Levin was the first to ask House:

"This is my first mission after joining the 'Lion Pride'...but I suddenly don't know how to evaluate it."

House's tangled complexion didn't change, and he didn't know what to say.

Milva didn't think about these things with the two men, she was lying on the tree in the courtyard, looking into the distance, waiting for the return of the Earl who had gone out.

"Hey, hey." She suddenly called out, "I'm back, I'm back!"

No matter what actions or expressions they made before, at this moment Levin and House instantly turned into guards with serious faces and upright postures, welcoming the return of the oath lord.

Lan stepped into the courtyard, and he was familiar with the attendants, and he could easily see the tension and apprehension of these people hidden under the serious masks.

He chuckled: "I saw Milva on the tree from a long distance away. It seems that you have been waiting for me for a long time."

Lan En scanned the courtyard, looked at the empty attendants, and asked:

"Failed to bring the things back? Did the Borsodi family embarrass you? Or do you want me to come forward in person?"

Several people looked at each other, and finally House stepped forward and explained: "Sorry, Mr. Earl, we failed to bring back what you wanted. This very tortuous."

Lane signaled the soldiers who had been with him all night to go to rest first, then found a reclining chair, made a comfortable posture and signaled the attendants to continue talking.

"The head of the Borsodi family is now Horst Borsodi, who sternly rejected us after hearing our appeal. But we met a duchess again, and she saw the Lannister tattoo on us Zhang took the initiative to talk to us, and after knowing our purpose, he helped us buy the Borsodi house."

Lan En was taken aback: "Duchess?"

House nodded and said, "We thanked the Duchess afterwards, but she did not accept it and said that she would not give us the Bosodi House for free."

Lane nodded: "It should be so, how much money does the Duchess want?"

"She doesn't want money." House shook his head, "According to what she said, she wants to talk to you in person. And judging from the information in her words, she seems to be very interested in the witcher. interest."

"Witcher?" Lane had a guess in his mind, "Did the Duchess tell you her name?"

House said: "She asked me to call her 'Duchess de Minoole'"


In Redania, and even the entire Northern Territory, when an auction house is mentioned, people will think of "Borsodi Brothers Auction House".

Its scale and the richness of its collections are rare in the north, and some people even think that it is no longer an "auction house", but a "collection market".

There is a collection of treasures, curios, foreign works of art and all kinds of curiosities from all over the world, and auctions are held every quarter.

Many things that are dusty pearls in other places can often shine here and fetch sky-high prices.

In the game, because of the war, the Borsodi Brothers Auction House will move to Oxburgh, where the political situation is a little more stable, but at the moment its headquarters is still in Novigrad.

The auction is only held once a quarter, and the trio of servants just caught up with this quarter's auction.They once wanted to visit the patriarch of the Borsodi family in private, but they always couldn't get the other party's free time. Only at this time did they have the opportunity to meet each other.

House has lived in the royal family of Sintra for many years and has also received a certain degree of housekeeping education, so he is not stage frightened on such occasions.Now that he had put on a decent outfit, he was comfortable among the crowd.

Levin and Milva were tense all over, fearing that they would almost damage the gesturing clothes on that gentleman or knight, causing unnecessary trouble to the Earl.

The two of them looked a bit like House's bodyguards.

At this moment, House was sitting at a small table by the window, opposite him was a well-dressed gentleman who was said to be a Gwent master.

"My last card - 'Lion Rider Rann'."

Faced with House's round attack, the Gwent card master blushed at the moment, looking at the collection card that determined the outcome in disbelief.

"How is it possible, how could you have this card!"

House laughed loudly: "Lannister is invincible! Your Nilfgaard deck is not my opponent at all!"

The unnamed Gwent master slammed the table hard, dropped a money bag, shouted about "cheating" and "witchcraft", and left angrily.

The gentlemen who were playing Gwent cards at the nearby tables looked this way in amazement, as if they wanted to take a good look at this rare collection card.

But House changed hands, and put his deck into his arms with lightning speed.

With a modest smile on his face, he bowed to the surroundings, and said sorry that his battle for today was over.

Milva curled his lips in disdain, and said to Levin: "Do you think his current actions are very similar to the count, it is really a poor imitation."

Levin glanced at Mirva: "Do you feel that the tone of your speech is also a bit like the Earl?"

Milva was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to think of, and blushed.

But seeing House smiling and returning, Milva immediately put on a mocking expression: "Finally enough fun? I thought you had forgotten what the purpose of our coming here today is."

Milva didn't have any complaints about House, but the environment she was in now made her feel very uncomfortable, and House left the two of them to play cards at this time, which made Jungle Shooter somewhat unable to control his temper .

House shook his head: "Do you think I've been playing? Card tables and taverns are the fastest places to find news."

Before Mirva could respond, he grabbed the two of them and whispered as he walked, "The wealth of the Bosodi family is far beyond our imagination. Have you seen the auctioneer over there? That's a nobleman. A jazz is now doing such a dishonorable job, just because the Borsodi family wants to improve the style of the auction, so they paid him a lot of money."

"I also inquired about the turnover of their last auction. It is said that their auction items here are limited to gems, collectibles, artworks and antiques. The tax paid in one day is enough to produce the town of Brokilon for two years. out!"

As the grandson of the mayor of Brokilon Town, Levin was immediately stunned by what House said.

House shook his head and continued to his two companions: "I just chatted with a dwarf banker who often comes here. That Horst Borsodi—that is, the owner of the Borsodi family The patriarch—only shows up for a while at the end of the first auction, to greet some important clients. That's the only time we can get close to him."

When it came to business, Milva and Levin also turned serious and nodded together.

What else did they want to discuss, when suddenly an old woman's voice sounded behind them.

"I heard that a Gwent master from Sintra appeared here... the coat of arms of a lion, you belong to the Lannister family? The family of the Lion Knight?"

(End of this chapter)

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