From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 195 Not Losing to Calanthe's Another Queen

Chapter 195 Not Losing to Calanthe's Another Queen

"Slackers, get moving!"

Hearing the horn for help, the nearest Kaedweni officer immediately shouted at his soldiers to attack.

But these sloppy soldiers were still drinking and having fun just now. Although order was quickly restored, it was obviously still some time before they could face the battle.

Lan En looked far away at the little black spot in the sky for a while, and suddenly showed a look of joy.

"Let's go first!"

Earl Lannister made a decisive decision, and led his demon hunter squad and cavalry to gallop towards the place where the call for help was sounded, leaving behind the Kaedwin officer who yelled at his troops for their disaster.

The sound of the horn was not far from the gate of the camp. Lann led his subordinates and approached the troops of the rescuers in a short while.

And the reason why Lan ran out in such a hurry was only one purpose - to grab monsters, and use this to obtain the right to distribute the spoils.

The things flying in the sky are not monsters in his eyes, but bottles of decoction.

The two monsters seemed to be a pair of partners, and they cooperated with each other tacitly.Their appearance looks like some kind of legendary creature called "Dragon", but it looks more miniature, with a body length of only about four meters, similar to a Griffin.

At the same time, they have extremely degenerated wing-like forelimbs, the scales on the body surface are thin and broken, and the tough skin is even directly exposed in many places, and their calls are hoarse and unpleasant.

They are more like winged lizards than "dragons".

They have inverted spikes on the upper end of the bridge of the nose and the ears, and there are even larger butcher knife-like horny protrusions on the tail.Just when Lan and the others were dozens of steps away from here, they saw that the tail blade easily shattered an oak shield under the master's swooping throw.

[Genus of Dragon-like Creatures]——Fork-tailed Dragon.

Few people know what the dragon really looks like. After all, it is almost impossible for someone who has seen a dragon up close to survive to tell others.Therefore, some people always mistake other monsters for giant dragons, such as the fork-tailed "dragon" in front of them.

For this large winged lizard, people give them the good name of "Dragon".

The fork-tailed dragon is named for its deadly tail, but the creature is clearly far from a true dragon.An experienced witcher is enough to single-handedly kill it with sufficient preparation, and a well-trained team of archers is enough to suppress, drive, and even shoot them.

The army in front of him was a bit bigger than Lann's. There were about a hundred people, and there were more than a dozen genuine knights among them.

Just two fork-tailed dragons will definitely not be able to make such a troop sound the horn for help.And the fact is just as Lann expected, besides the fork-tailed dragon, the troops on the ground are still fighting with a group of monsters the size of a teenager.

These monsters look like skinned humans, with hideous and ugly faces, thick hands and feet and sharp minions, and stubby necks that are almost gone.Some of them are on all fours like felines, while others with shorter claws stand on two feet.

[Ghouls] - Ghouls, carrion demons.

The four-legged ones are ghouls, and the two-legged ones are scavengers.According to their names, you can guess their respective habits.

Ghouls are similar in combat effectiveness to water ghosts, the only difference is that one is on the ground and the other is in the water.The Carrion Demon is a little bit special——

"For the Queen!" A knight shouted his faith, urging his horse and stabbing a rotting demon as fast as the horse with his lance.

However, just as this heroic knight was about to turn the spear head to the next target, he saw the carrion demon wearing the lance like carrion suddenly twitched and trembled, and then——

With a bang, it exploded.

Knowledge point [-]: After being killed, the carrion demon will stay away immediately, but if you look at it again, it will explode.

The knight who was recruited screamed, and the horse under his crotch also screamed and fell to the ground. Immediately, ghouls surrounded him and buried him.

The iron can-like armor bought the knight some time, and immediately the infantry stepped forward to slash and drive away the monsters and pulled him back.But after taking off the mask, they were surprised to find that the knight's face was green and black, obviously poisoned.

Knowledge point [-]: The gas produced by the explosion of the carrion demon is poisonous.

"Stay away from those two-legged monsters, use a bow and arrow!"

The commander yelled like this, and immediately some archers turned their arrows towards the carrion demon.

But this time created a gap for the fork-tailed dragon hovering in the air that was being suppressed by the rain of arrows. A black shadow flashed, and immediately an archer's neck was cut in half by the dragon's tail.

Objectively speaking, a fully armed centurion is enough to deal with these monsters, and even one more fork-tailed dragon is no problem.But the human army has one of the biggest problems facing monsters--inexperience.

Therefore, there will always be many more casualties, defeats, and even massacres that could have been avoided.

Lann, who was watching all this, frowned. In addition to the wrong way for the army to face monsters, he also discovered an additional problem: there should be no cooperation or even friendship between corpse-eating creatures and dragon-like creatures, attacking humans together Troops have violated their habits.

Even monsters must conform to biology, right?
Just thinking about this, Lan saw another fork-tailed dragon in the sky swoop down and grab a rotting demon, and then flapped its wings and threw the rotting monster down.

There was a "bang", and then a "bang", as if a biological bomb had been dropped.The impact like an alchemy bomb and the pervading poisonous gas knocked down a few more unlucky ones.

Well, it seems that they are not in a cooperative state, this is a three-way melee between unlucky humans, corpse-eating creatures, and fork-tailed dragons.

Although this dense distribution of monsters is also outrageous, it is much more reasonable than Lann's previous guess of pairwise cooperation.

Several knights were protecting a woman in gold armor in the middle of the team. They were overjoyed when they saw a knight appearing at the end of the road; but they were disappointed when they saw only one knight appearing.

Black Wind was so excited, it had already left Lei Suo and the others behind with its excellent speed.

"Don't come over to the knights in front, go back and call for backup!"

Lan's speed was even faster: "I am Lannister Ray Allen. Support will be here soon!"

Seeing Lan En's reckless posture, the shouting knight was filled with admiration and anxiety, while the protected woman behind him was suddenly thoughtful:
"Lannister? Lion of Cintra?"

"Gass——" The fork-tailed dragon in the sky saw a human coming alone, and its habit of attacking single enemies first made it lower its altitude and swoop down.

The other knights were shocked when they saw this, but they really didn't have the strength to come to support.

Lan En's eyes showed excitement.It is here for you, Forktail Mutation Inducer, Forktail Decoction!

Stretch out your left hand and pinch out the mysterious seal.Facing the fork-tailed dragon in the sky, it fell down with a forceful wind pressure, and the powerful long tail drove the sharp tail blade to attack at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

【Alder Seal】!
The stronger wind pressure immediately messed up the air in front of Lann's eyes, and the monster that flapped its wings and glides immediately crooked like a puppet with a broken string, and fell to the ground.


The black wind couldn't use the magic seal, but the gust of wind it ran wildly at the moment was no less than that of Lann's Alder.

There was only an astonishing muffled sound, like a chariot breaking through the roadblock at full speed, and the fork-tailed dragon flew into the encirclement of ghouls like a rag sandbag.

The four-meter-long sky behemoth was smashed by a horse that was only half the size of itself. The visual impact of this scene is simply not too great!
The knights protecting the queen looked at their horses, and then at Heifeng.

This horse!Bring on the fork-tailed dragon!Collide!fly!up!
Who is this?What kind of horse is this?

"The Lion of Cintra." The woman protected by the knight repeated the title again, this time with a different tone.

There was also a fork-tailed dragon in the sky. Lan En flipped his left hand and took out a longbow.

The crossbow is easy to fire, and it is suitable for hitting the enemy with the Weiming swordsmanship during battle.But now that his hands are free, the traditional bow can more reasonably display Lann's current archery skills and superb strength.

This bow is a fine bow Lane purchased from Novigrad, made in Zerikhan.The bow handle is carefully crafted from mahogany, and the sleek limbs are a composite of wood, whalebone and tendon.Standing almost as tall as Lane, the longest bow, and the biggest pound.

The trembling "crack" sound sounded when Lan En opened the bow, and when Lan En hit a fine iron feather arrow, Lan En slightly adjusted his breathing.

"Crash", the bowstring roared, a black shadow streaked across the sky, and the wing membrane of the fork-tailed dragon was pierced.The monster fell headfirst, following in the footsteps of its companions.

It wasn't until this time that the sound of a feathered arrow piercing through the air with a "swoosh" reached everyone's ears.

The ghouls and carrion demons in the melee immediately separated and pounced on the body of the fork-tailed dragon, which greatly relieved the pressure on the team calling for help.

And Lann lightly knocked on the horse's belly to stabilize Hei Feng's body, and continued to draw his bow and arrows, piercing through the ghouls and carrion eaters.

The explosion sound of "Boom" and "Boom" mixed with the loud sound of solid bowstrings can be heard immediately, which is more exciting than war drums.

The onlookers were about to pursue the victory, but they heard Lan yelling at them: "Stand back!"

"Back?" The knight was puzzled, it was clearly a victory.

"Stand back!" The woman who was protected by them ordered firmly.

Immediately afterwards, Lann took out a clay pot out of nowhere in the sight of everyone, and rubbed his fingers to ignite the flames.

With a "bang", [Honeycomb] crossed the battlefield under Lann's amazing arm strength.

With a "boom", the violent explosion far surpassed [Dragon's Dream] hurt everyone's eardrums and eyes.A whirlwind of flames spread out from where the bomb exploded, as if a real dragon roared at this moment.

Knowledge point [-]: The gas produced by the explosion of the rotting demon is flammable and explosive.

At this moment, an unknown number of Corruption Demons had died on the battlefield, and the light green gas had already spread out.

More carrion demons were affected by the explosion, and then they were detonated one by one like firecrackers, and the ghouls flew out like fireworks, smoking and flying in all directions, and slapped the ground like rotten meat.

The Snake Witch Hunters and Lann's troops were only late at this time.

"Lei Suo, you and I will deal with the two fork-tailed dragons. The others will clean up the battlefield and clean up the ghouls."

The witchers drew their swords and nodded.

"Yes!" The attendants and soldiers echoed loudly.

It is not flexible enough to ride a horse in the face of large monsters.Lane landed, and a black wind made him chase the ghoul like a whack-a-mole to play.

The flames and smoke gradually dissipated, revealing two blood-stained fork-tailed dragons.At this moment, most of the scales on their bodies fell off, and the two wing membranes were torn, and one of them even had its proud tail blown off.

With such a monster, any one of them, Lan En, could fight alone, let alone five of them?

Pulling out the sword of the lake girl suddenly, the golden light wrapped around the other four snake-headed swords and drew a silver arc in mid-air towards the fork-tailed dragon.

Lann first chose a larger fork-tailed dragon, and Colgrim followed him to cooperate with him; Lesso, Oakes, and Serrit tacitly chose another smaller one.

Considering that it was in front of the human army, Lann even felt like he was playing an exhibition game now.He controlled his movement of casting the seal, but only swung his sword, deliberately wanting to show his bravery in front of his future allies.

With his current level of strength, it is indeed enough.At most a little trouble.

The fork-tailed dragon in his hand rushed towards Lann, even if the monster in the air landed, it still had something that should not be underestimated.

Lan flipped his left hand, and this time he took out a crossbow.

With a light pull of the trigger, the arrow shot out and pierced into one of the fork-tailed dragon's eyes.Lann turned slightly sideways, passing the fork-tailed dragon who lost his balance in mid-air as if taking a stroll in the courtyard.

Colgrim rolled over on the ground, swung his long sword along the fork-tailed dragon's hind legs, and used the monster's own movements and strength to remove half of its feet.

The fork-tailed dragon roared in pain, and swung its dangerous tail like a butcher knife towards Colgrim.

With a flash of golden light, the sharp rune sword accurately bypassed the hard horny protrusions and cut into the flesh, chopping off the dangerous tail.

Then Lann began to turn his body by inertia, twisted his waist and turned his body, and the long sword drew circles one after another in midair.Jian Guang mixed with blood energy and entered and exited the fork-tailed dragon, causing it to lose its hind legs, left wing, and front wing until it was unable to move.

The knights watching did not know how many times they were dizzy, and how many times they admired in their hearts.The person in front of him is dexterous but full of strength, elegant but violent, this is the dance of death of swords and knights!

The fork-tailed dragon had no power to resist. On the one hand, it was because of the previous explosion and Lane's attack, and on the other hand, black blood had begun to flow from half of its foot cut off by Kolgrim.

This is a poison unique to the Snake Sect.

Cutting from the dragon's tail to the dragon's head, Lann finally stopped spinning, and finally raised the rune long sword high towards the neck of the fork-tailed dragon, and made a slash that could not even be struck by a heavy axe.

With a "boom", the head of the fork-tailed dragon fell to the ground.

Taking a breath slightly, Lan looked around the battlefield.

There is no reason for the three snake demon hunters to overturn the car against the seriously injured fork-tailed dragon. The monster has been poisoned to the end, and Lei Suo is about to insert his long sword into the opponent's spine.

On the battlefield of the ghouls, Heifeng ran like a chicken, and the knights had already begun to clean the battlefield.

Seeing Lan En turn away, two Sintra soldiers stepped forward immediately, skillfully took out a knife and stuck it into the body of the fork-tailed dragon, after a while, they took out a group of blue-green mutation inducers, Stuffed into an alchemical clay pot.

With such a leader who likes to kill monsters and collect materials, the people below have also been trained.

At the end of the battle, Lann only had time to look at the team asking for help.

Their identities are easy to recognize, because the knights in battle wear robes embroidered with coats of arms.

It is a very odd coat of arms, split in half down the middle.The left half is a Lyrian eagle soaring in the yellow sky, and the right half is a red square with a white background.

It feels as if two coats of arms have been rubbed together abruptly.

Lann, who had studied heraldry, recognized this heraldry, and only one country in the entire northern border would use this "fused" heraldry.

The United Kingdom of Leiria and Livia is a country completely united by the marriage of King Reginald of Livia and Princess Mivi of Leiria.

Seeing Lan En coming, Queen Mi Wei, who was guarded by the knights behind her, ordered her subordinates to get out of the way and face Lan En.

In the northern border, Queen Miwei is a strong woman like Calanthe.She is famous in the North for her keen insight, stunning beauty, and unrivaled courage.

It is said that her husband once wanted to please Mi Wei after he got married, and after soliciting the opinions of the noble ladies in the palace, he wanted to present his wife with a gift to express his love.However, Mi Wei threw away the excellent Ophire brocade one after another, threw the necklace inlaid with sapphires out of the window, and smashed the Kevelqin on the floor of the boudoir.

It wasn't until Reginald presented an elaborate set of gold-encrusted armor that Meeve's heart melted.

Although King Reginald of Livia has died of illness, Queen Mivi has been crowned as queen, maintaining Livia's ruling power with her amazing prestige.When the old king passed away and the situation was in turmoil, she fought off the enemy many times, and finally merged the two neighboring countries into a unique United Kingdom in the Northern Territory.

If there is a real difference between her and Calanthe, it might be that she came to fame a little later.When Calanthe won the battle, Mi Wei was still in her boudoir to be married.

But in the future, she might achieve more than Calanthe.

Just when Lan En walked over, the Queen was also looking at Lan En curiously.She has been curious about Lann Lannister Ray Allen, who is in full swing in the north.

Witnessing Lann playing with a fork-tailed dragon, she sighed sincerely: "I have heard of the name of the Lion of Sintra a long time ago, but today I know that seeing is believing."

After she finished speaking, she looked back at the soldiers she had killed and wounded a lot.

The United Kingdom of Leiria and Livia also belonged to the front line against Nilfgaard on the edge of the northern border. Coupled with the long journey, Queen Mivi did not bring too many soldiers.I thought that there was no need to worry about the safety of the [-]-member legion in the northern border, but I didn't expect that it would suffer heavy damage when it was approaching Haji Fortress.

Lann gave a slight salute: "I hope I came in time and didn't surprise the queen."

Mi Wei also saluted equally: "Thank you very much for your help. If it wasn't for you, I don't know how many people I would have lost."

It wasn't until this time that the call to dispatch troops came from the direction of the fortress, causing Mi Wei to grit her teeth fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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