Chapter 230 Wild Heroes
Five pairs of eyes of different colors looked at the strange young man who just ran out, trying to stop the demon hunter from killing the siren.

He has very typical islander features: brown-gray hair, strong build, and dark skin.

If anything...

His face is very handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a bit of innocence unique to young people in small villages - the kind of innocence that is pure at a glance.

It is in stark contrast to those villagers with rough appearance and even casually long facial features.

But at this time, his handsome face was covered with bloodstains, his cheeks were chapped and gray, extremely dirty, and there were thick dark circles under his eyes.

At that moment, Lan even reminded Lann of Udarek, the lord of the Brockval family. This was another face that seemed to have been smothered with anesthetic powder.

In the eyes of the demon hunters, thick red smoke surrounded him, which was the pheromone in the demon hunter's sensory field of vision.

He is the young man who escaped death that everyone has been looking for, the warrior who has a close relationship with the mermaid——

"Bill?" Lan didn't take back the sword, but just stared at the young man's face, confirming him.

Colgrim and Gerd showed great interest in Bill. They looked at the young man up and down, but found that his condition was really not good.

In addition to that face that looked extremely weak, the clothes on his body were also tattered, and it could even be said that there were only strips of cloth wrapped around his private parts, which were full of torn marks and dripping with blood.

But Bill turned a deaf ear to his own state.He strode forward as if wanting to stop Lan and the others from slaughtering the siren, but he was overwhelmed by the aura of the demon hunters.

So he could only stop not far from Lann, at a loss.

"I don't know how this lord knows my name, but I am indeed Bill." The young man anxiously looked at the siren lying on the ground and whining, his gentle and anxious eyes seemed to be looking at his sister.

However, the young man turned his head and saw Guslav wearing the coat of arms of the Kleite family, and immediately bowed down to him, hoping that he could order the rescue of these sea monsters.

Guslav was still immersed in the blizzard that Lan just cast, which was an ability comparable to the strong ones in the ring of druids.And according to rumors, the lions of Cintra are better at sword skills.

He gestured in Lane's direction with a straight face: "This is the Duke of Sintra, Lord Lane Lannister Ray Allen, the cousin of Lord Kratz."

So the young Bill bowed down to Lane again, begging for mercy.

"Lord Lannister, these sea monsters are not malicious, they just want to protect me, they are just asked by her to protect me..."

While the young Bill was speaking, the demon hunters noticed that the sea monsters seemed to have seen something extremely disgusting and extremely frightening.

In order to stay away from Bill, they even took the initiative to "flee" and struggle in the direction of the demon hunters.

This is abnormal.

"They don't react like they want to protect you."

Lan shook his head, looked around and said, "I've heard rumors about you, and I'm not sure about the evaluation of the mermaid, but look around..."

Lan pointed to several directions of the courtyard with his finger: "This is the lair of the sea monster, and there are bloodstains all over here. I don't care if it's for love or what, but as a human being, your position must also be human. They are If you eat a human monster, you must pay the price."

Bill still bowed to the ground without raising his head: "No, my lord. Since I came, they have never gone out to hunt, and their numbers have even become less and less... They didn't hurt others, but People are hurting them!"

Guslav frowned, and looked at this brash young man.

And Lan En also realized that something was wrong. The young man was a little too excited, but the logic of his language was very confusing... Could it be that he really took an anesthetic powder?
Colgrim suddenly leaned forward and whispered in Lann's ear, "The blood on the ground is not human blood, but..."

The Snake Demon Hunter pointed his gaze in the direction of the Kraken.

Lan En froze for a moment, looked at the young Bill, and suddenly understood something.

"We came from the village of Fulhalla, where we met one of your companions."

Hearing Lane's words, Bill's body trembled suddenly, and the key words in those words seemed to stimulate him.

"You saw the bear, didn't you? Or let me put it bluntly—you saw the Velca, didn't you?"

Bill was on the ground, hesitating for a long time, motionless.

Lan frowned and said, "Look up and look at me."

This time Bill didn't hesitate, and raised his head according to his words, but what he saw was a left hand emitting white light.

【Axie Sign · Charm】

Bill's expression gradually became confused, but Lan's expression became serious.

"What's wrong?" Geralt stepped forward and asked concerned.

"There's something wrong with this person." Lan frowned. "Hypnotizing him consumes the same amount of magic power as hypnotizing a monster. No, even a little more, comparable to hypnotizing an ordinary warlock."

Geralt froze for a moment.

But soon the white wolf began to analyze: "Is it possible that it is because of the mermaid? Just like the young man said that these sea monsters are protecting him, this kind of spiritual protection is also the magical effect of the mermaid?"

Lan En looked thoughtful: "But such a method can't even be done by a warlock?"

Geralt shook his head: "It's not a question of strength, maybe it's just a difference in the system. I've seen mermaids turn their fish tails into legs, which is something most warlocks can't do; but if you want to say that she Do you have any profound magical attainments? Not necessarily."

Gerd also gave his conjecture in a timely manner: "I remember that mermaids can hypnotize sailors with singing, right? Maybe this Bill just listened to mermaid songs too much and developed mental resistance? Or maybe it was him. Is it natural to be so gifted, so you can attract mermaids?"

There is some truth to what they say.

"Maybe." Lane shook his head.

Seeing that Bill had completely fallen into a hypnotized state, Lan asked him, "Your name?"


"You're in love with a mermaid, yes or no?"


Lan En nodded, and asked the purpose of his party here.

He didn't expect that he would gain more this time than he imagined.


Although the world is cruel and the world is difficult, fairy tales will always exist.

Bill considered himself lucky to be treated to poetry and legend—he met the mermaid and fell in love with the beautiful creature.

Although poetry is not practiced with swords and personal valor, love is often more attractive than power to young people.

What's more, what the mermaid gave Bill was not only the nourishment of love, she also had magical powers, which allowed Bill to evade the monsters near the sea, so that he could return with a full load of fish every day, and even other villagers in the village could take care of.

Unfortunately, the situation took a turn for the worse afterwards, which was basically the same as what Lan and the others had learned: the fact that Bill fell in love with the mermaid was discovered by the villagers, and the villagers who were afraid of the unknown believed that the mermaid was a scourge, so they organized manpower to hunt and kill the mermaid, and in the end Bill used it. The reason for the trial of glory prevents.

The turning point came with Fulhalla.

"As we went up the mountain, we heard voices that sounded like ballads, as if we were praying to the Virgin Freya. But their voices were higher-pitched... and more disturbing."

"Before we got any closer to investigate, a giant Skellige bear rushed out. I swear I've never seen such a big bear, but it walked as lightly as a cheetah. We didn't have time to react... Or it’s useless even if we react.”

"I passed out as soon as I met my face. Some of my companions may have escaped, or maybe not. I never thought that I would be able to wake up after passing out..."

Colgrim raised his eyebrows: "When you woke up, you found that the giant bear and its companions were gone, so you went back to the village by yourself?"

This is a very classic suspense description.And if that's the case, there won't be much to gain today.

But Bill, who was under hypnosis, turned a deaf ear to Colgrim's question and continued:

"When I woke up, I found myself being held in the mouth by that giant bear. It bit my arm, but retained its strength... It seemed that it wanted to take me somewhere."

"I fell into a coma several times, and woke up several times. When I was fully awake, there was a circle of people around us. They were all warriors; and the leader was holding an oak staff. I guess he was a German Rui..."

Lan En's spirit was shaken suddenly. Listening to this self-report, the young man in front of him was taken to the gathering place of the Vilka people, and even saw the Vilka people with his own eyes?

"The druid told us that from now on I am also a Velcan, and at the same time asked me to perform a Vilcan ceremony."

"They smeared some animal offal, honey, and other things on my body. It is said that they are things that attract bears. Then they gave me a mushroom with a strange color, and then stood facing a wooden sculpture of a giant bear. Shouting 'Svablo,' while throwing us into a cave."

When he said this, even though he was still in a hypnotic state, Bill began to tremble uncontrollably.

"The giant bears were attracted to us very quickly. I have never seen so many bears in Skellige in one sitting."

"I just found out that there were three other people who were sacrificed to the bear besides me. They all lost their minds. I was also in a trance after eating the mushrooms, but I still have a little sanity."

"I escaped while the giant bear was hunting several other people, and went all the way back to the village. But the village chief showed me a harpoon before I could explain..."

"I don't know where else I can go. I just remember that Xinaz told me before that if I encounter danger one day, I can come here. The sea monsters here will not hurt me..."

The story ends here.

Lan and the demon hunters exchanged glances. This story is too bizarre, but the amount of information displayed in it is astonishing.

Guslav swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "'Let the believers drink special herbs, and then let them fight the giant bear. In the end, the warrior will be swallowed by the giant bear, but the real Velka warrior will stand up'—this is The birth process of the Vilka Berserkers was a ceremony that only the strongest in their tribe could perform before, but now..."

Lann took over his words: "Now the villagers they kidnapped from the mountains let them perform this ceremony, which only shows one problem - the Vilka people, or the Swablo sect, they are trying to find ways to They want to mass-produce Berserkers!"

Guslav's eyes became terrified: "Are they going to make a comeback and take revenge on the Skelligs? We must report this news to Lord Kratz as soon as possible... No, report it to His Majesty Bran!"

"We will report this as soon as we go back. It just so happens that we are also here to look for the Vilkas." Lan looked at Bill, "and he was able to take us to the gathering place of the Vilkas."

Lane had already stopped the magic supply of the seal at this moment, and Bill soon woke up from the hypnotic state, looking around in panic.

Seeing this extremely fast recovery speed, Lan raised his eyebrows again.

"Where's your mermaid? You seemed to say her name just now—'Sinazzi', didn't you?"

Bill was lying on the ground shaking, as if begging: "I haven't seen Hina Zi since I came here, she must have been scared away..."

"Don't lie, you know I can get you to tell the truth, and then you will tell more than I want."

Bill trembled more violently: "I really never saw her again."

Lan sighed, and kicked the Kraken, who was still struggling on the ground, aside.

"Now that you have regained your senses, you must know who you have met. That is the enemy of the entire Skellige Island, and also the enemy of our trip. That is why I came to Aiglo Village to find you."

Lan En said in a persuasive manner: "And you are the only one who has reached their hiding place, so you must be able to go back the same way. As a guide, you have wiped out the entire Skellige enemy. How much glory do you think it will be? With such a reputation, I believe that no one will hurt your Hinazi, even King Bran and my cousin will take the initiative to help you."

Bill suddenly raised his head, and the cloudy eyes with heavy bags under the eyes suddenly started to flash: "You, are you serious?"

The Guslav steward scolded Bill angrily: "Do you think Lord Lannister will condescend to deceive you!"

Bill lowered his head again in horror.

Lan waved his hand at Guslav and lowered his voice towards Bill: "I don't need to lie to you, and I believe you have seen my ability, I can force you to take us there without your consent .”

"But I think you are a talent, you have talent, so I want to give you a chance, a chance to become a smart person and regain your glory."

Bill's body trembled twice, as if recalling what had happened recently, ten fingers dug hard into the seawater-soaked ground under his feet.

In the end, he bent his whole body to the ground and shouted his allegiance to Lann: "Thank you for giving me the opportunity, Lord Lannister."

Lane nodded with satisfaction.

Under Lane's signal, Bill stood up, he hesitated and said: "My lord, I still want you to know - when I came back, I was half-conscious and half-conscious, and I ran in a hurry, so I can't remember the exact route Well, I only have a rough idea in my mind."

Lan En waved his hand indifferently, and the dark golden lion eyes lit up: "Where you walk, there will be traces, and we only need traces to trace back to the original body."


There is no need to go to the village of Aiglo. With Lane's promise, even Bill doesn't want to see the people there again.

The group went straight back to where Kratz, East and the others were, and told them what they had gained during their trip.

The emotions of Kratz and East were quite ups and downs, because the stories Lann and the others brought over were so bizarre, it was as if someone was reciting a children's bedtime story in front of them—and only half of it was recited.

"So what do we do now? Follow this lucky kid directly to the Svalblo sect's hideout."

Facing this question, East shook his head firmly: "No, the current situation is too different from what we expected."

"The Svalblo sect at its peak didn't have many berserkers, and we killed a few more at the banquet. I thought we were just going to wipe out the remnants of the sect, but now it seems that's far from the case."

East analyzed: "Since they can create berserkers regardless of the cost, they must have a way to control them. You must know that a giant bear of such a size can disperse a small team head-on. If these giant bears fight in groups , The consequences are even more unimaginable.”

As he said that, he turned his head to look at his soldiers: "They followed me for glory, and I am responsible for their lives. This is no longer a simple battle for the throne, but a matter related to the entire Skellige big event."

After thinking for a while, East decided: "We need two experienced demon hunters, follow this lucky boy to find out the hiding place of the Vilkas first. And Kratz, go back and mobilize as many soldiers as possible within the family ——If necessary, I will ask other families for help!"

Kratz hesitated to speak.

East knew what his nephew wanted to say, and raised his hand to block his words: "The throne is nothing, and Skellige's safety is the most important thing. I can't imagine that the Svalblo sect made a secret in a hidden way. There are so many berserkers, and I don’t know how long they have been hiding in the shadows and planning tricks like this. Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, we must proceed with caution.”

Kratz had nothing else to say, so he could only nod towards East with a serious face.

"When I go back, I will investigate by the way, how many people in the nearby villages have recently gone to Vulhala to look for the so-called glory just like the village of Aigro... Or to be more direct, I will investigate how many people have disappeared recently. "

With Skellige's regime, this kind of investigation is very difficult.

Lan looked at the serious East and Kratz, and said with relief: "Maybe things are not as serious as we imagined? The birth of a berserker requires bears in addition to humans. Although Skellige is big, the number of bears That's it, that's an apex predator."

However, Easter was not relieved by Lann, but his face became more serious: "No, I hope that the Vilkas will capture the villagers just to make berserkers, otherwise, the situation will only get worse."

(End of this chapter)

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