From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 241 Bill's Great Contribution

Chapter 241 Bill's Great Contribution

The Principality of Aksi, also known as the "Arc Coast Principality", is a subsidiary country of Redania, one of the four northern kingdoms, and it constitutes the northern coastline of Redania.

Not long ago, a civil war broke out in the Principality of Axis. The two sides in the battle were a Duke and his daughter Helena Lange Hall.After a bloody civil war, the Countess overthrew her father and was crowned Duke.

"The Lady Countess once condescended to invite the demon hunter to join the righteous way, but the mutant who didn't know how to praise actually humiliated Her Lady Countess, damn usurpers!"

"Does the demon hunter think that he can escape the trial of the baroness by fleeing to the lair of pirates, bandits and criminals? Impossible!"

The deck shook even more violently under his feet, but the knight Chasturk ignored it.

"Chasteker..." A sailor seemed to have noticed something, calling out the knight's name in an attempt to remind him.

"The gods must have blessed our quest to find Gerd's evil trail! It's a pity we couldn't kill him on Great Skellige, the damned pirates were defending him and even killed Chad Rimil Knight and half of us!"


"What an honor it is to serve His Majesty the Most Honorable Countess! Anyone who refuses to serve is an unforgivable villain! A witcher whose humble mission is to hunt monsters is unwilling to kill the usurper who wears A beast with skins violates morality and the rules of the witcher, so naturally he should pay the price in blood..."

"Chasturk! The storm is coming!"

The sailors shouted in horror.

The knight turned like a storm hammer on his well-maintained steel armor.

I don't know when and how it moved. It was obvious that the small sailboat was only able to be observed clearly with a telescope just now. Now it has arrived at a place less than a hundred yards away from them. A bearded bald head in a robe.Knight Chasteker had never seen such a fast schooner.

[However, if the transport ship under your feet collides with that sailboat, the ship must be destroyed by the other party. 】

Chastek thought so, and in the next second, he only felt the small transport ship flying under his feet.

He is puzzled:

"Why... that sailboat is still so stable?"


The sea was churning and the sky was cloudy.

The huge waves raised from time to time gathered in the air, like giant palms that couldn't catch the prey, and felt that there were one or two warships missing in the palm of the hand.

This is the weather that no sailor or fisherman with any experience would choose to go to sea.

However, this huge wave seemed to be sane, forming a circle and only raging on the edge, but in the center of this wave circle there were only a few waves.

Attis stood on top of his boat.The sail was bulging high, and the strong wind stretched every fiber to the extreme, as if it would be torn apart in a second.But at the same time, the sea wind brought the speed of the whole ship to a speed that its structure should not have.

The fallen druid is meditating with his eyes closed, concentrating on controlling his natural magic.Suddenly, his ears moved, and he seemed to hear something vaguely. There seemed to be screams and calls for help.

But he didn't care much: "Just treat it as a new blood sacrifice."

The fallen druid Yatis drove for another half a day in the storm, until the wooden structure under his feet was already creaking and shaking, and finally saw his target - Udvik Island.

After Artis stepped on the rocks on the coast with both feet, the small sailboat finally broke its mast with a mournful cry, and disintegrated behind him.There are especially vines connecting each piece of wood. It is obvious that this ship has long been unable to hold on, and it has been relying on the druid's natural magic to barely maintain it.

Kneeling on the ground and placing his oaken staff in front of his knees, Attis began to meditate with a pale face, recovering his nearly exhausted magic power.

It was not until the third pole of the moon that he finally opened his eyes, and his complexion barely returned to ruddy.At the same time, frightening monster neighing sounds began to appear in the sky.

Looking up, the sky is densely covered with two-winged monsters with human bodies and snake tails. They obviously smelled the smell of strangers and came to hunt them.

And Atis also showed a bloodthirsty smile at the right time, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with hunger: "The siren... the hybrid beast... is so beautiful!"


After half an hour.

Attis pulled the head out of a severed snake tail, chewed and swallowed.Eat blood and flesh, and get rid of the fatigue caused by casting spells all day long.

With the sticky blood, Atis took out the bright mushroom and herbal juice that he had prepared earlier from his bosom.Although he just had a full meal, he still ate everything in his hand like a long-starved refugee.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his gaze to the snow-capped mountains of this island.

Meditation recovered a lot of magic power, but Attis didn't use spells at this moment. He carried his oak cane that had become a long stick, and walked towards the snow-covered place step by step.

Along the way, the robe on his body was burned by the explosion of the carrion demon, the top of his head was caught by the bloodstains of the swooping sea monster, and more countless monsters tore his robe and body along the way.But Attis still only used his combat skills to fight these beasts, saving his magic power like a treasure.

Until a huge cave appeared in front of his eyes, and a huge figure appeared in the cave.

Artis, who was covered with scars, smiled: "The ice giant!"

He forcefully inserted his oak cane into the hard frozen rock, and began to chant a spell in his mouth, and magical fluctuations began to appear around his body.In a burst of blood-colored light, his oak staff began to extend and deform, gradually turning into a wooden sculpture with claws and bear-like fur on it, and blood scabs on every strand.

Statue of Svalblo.

The wave of magic attracted the attention of the ice giant, and the muffled sound like a landslide echoed from the throat of the ancient.Immediately afterwards, more frenzied magic fluctuations began to surge from the huge body as if in response, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, faintly beginning the prelude to the blizzard.

Even Artis in his heyday was definitely not the opponent of this ancient beast in front of him—physically he was not an opponent, and even his ability to cast spells was not as good.

But the eyes of Artis who was covered with scars lit up, and a fascinated smile appeared on his face.

"The unparalleled tyrannical body, the innate ability to cast spells, the powerful record that has been invincible for thousands of years, and the majesty of the king who commanded the beasts in the snow-capped mountains, all these are really..."

"So beautiful!"

The statue of Svalblo, which was transformed into an oak cane, began to emit a terrifying bloody light, and the stench was painfully surging on it. There seemed to be faint prayers and screams echoing.

Attis knelt down and shouted reverently amidst the blizzard and the giant's roar: "My god Svalblo!"

"660 six islanders with the blood of the hero Hamdor, 160 six the most elite Valka braves, 33 desperate berserkers under the archipelago, seven most devout believers feeding bears with their bodies, and three The druid apprentices offer blood full of magic, and together they form a blood sacrifice for you."

"The battle of betrayal at the family banquet, the chaos erupted by the islanders fighting for power, and the final battle cry of the believers before their dedication, all are just to please you, my God!"

The ice giant let out a roar, seeing the little man exuding a strong bloody smell standing still, he strode forward.

"Although... a few berserkers have escaped, which makes the blood sacrifice seem lacking. But it doesn't matter, the seeds of faith have been planted in their hearts, and they will continue to pray for you instead of me and provide you with strength."

"I fought all the way, I only hope that I can make you look sideways for a short time with my solitary battle. In the end, I will make up the last sacrifice."

Looking at the big hand stretched out towards him, the palm lines on it were longer than his own, and the frightening cold air made people tremble even from a long distance.

Attis smiled, "The last me as the source of the demon."

The big hands are closed together, and the villain is gathered in the palm of the hand.The arm was raised high and suspended in the air, then let go, and the flesh and blood were thrown down.

Indistinctly, it seems to be able to hear fanatical shouting: "My God, Svalblo!"


All sounds were cut off by the large teeth of the door panel, and the ancient behemoth made a swallowing motion, burying everything in its body.

With its eyes shifted, it looked at the wooden stick stuck in the entrance of its own cave, which just blocked its way out.

Every footstep would send the ground trembling, and the ice giant was trying to remove it like a stone.However, the moment its fingertips touched the statue of Svalblo, an ominous light suddenly burst out from the wooden eyes of the statue.

Like a huge wave of stench that can only be emitted by thousands of bloody slaughterhouses, it rolled in the cave. The thick blood light almost dyed the ice-blue rock wall red, and then this blood light caught the cold ice again. The existence of the giant, like a conscious leech, permeated its body and burrowed under the skin.

The ice giant began to scream, the voice was heavy and hoarse, as if it came from the abyss; its eyes became red, emitting a violent light, as if it was going to burn everything around it.

The huge sound echoed for a long time in caves, in valleys, on cliffs, and on the coast. The huge sound waves disturbed the habitually silent snow on the top of the mountain, and rolled down to form an avalanche.Countless birds, beasts, and monsters panicked and disappeared in this natural disaster-like scene.

Eventually, the voice became thinner and thinner, as if from rock to knife.The muscles and bones of the ice giant also began to shrink strangely.There was a thunderbolt in the clear sky above the snow-capped mountains, as if some unique ominous opportunity was brewing.


In Little Skellige, the dungeon.

The three surviving berserkers were kept here under strict supervision.But Skellige's soldiers still have special preferential treatment for them, because they are not real prisoners, and they are even the ones that Master East specially ordered to be incorporated in the future, but it is not easy to control them and take care of them for the time being.

These "berserkers" were just honest farmers and fishermen before.Although some soldiers who fought against them may have hatred, many soldiers also expressed sympathy.The keen East selected a few of these soldiers as guards, together with the solid iron cages that could not even be blown away by the siege vehicles, constituted the prison for these berserkers.

They thought everything was safe.

But today, the three berserkers suddenly fell to the ground together, hugging their heads in pain.They were once infused with medicinal juice in a psychedelic state, and they were instilled into a large section of prayers as if they were brainwashed.At this moment, those words suddenly appeared in their minds, and even moved their throats and mouths, and began to recite desperately.

"What happened? What happened to them?" There was a sudden panic in the dungeon, but frightened by the ferocity of the berserkers, no one wanted to go into a cage where three Skellige bears would appear at any time to check the situation.

At this time, two people appeared at the end of the corridor.

One was Bill, with a gloomy face, as if the destruction of the stronghold of the Velcans would not bring him out of the shadows.He was accompanied by House at Lane's command.

"What are you doing here?"

The guard, who was worried about the change, saw another berserker coming, and his temper was really not good.

Facing the rude Skellige soldiers, House frowned slightly, and protected Bill behind him: "Let's deliver food, and let my companion come to visit the fellow countrymen, after all, he will return to Sintra with us. "

After seeing the chaotic scene clearly, House was also a little anxious. He looked at the berserker who was reciting vague syllables, and asked Bill: "The three of them happened at the same time, it can only be the berserker's problem, Is there anything uncomfortable about you, do you know why they behave like this?"

Bill, who had become Lann's attendant, shook his head: "I don't feel anything, and I don't know anything..."


On Udvik Island, the ice giant that was undergoing a terrifying transformation suddenly stopped.

There seemed to be a loophole in the blood-red light covering its whole body, and it failed to release the planned energy intensity.The wooden statue looked even more ferocious at this moment, but faintly revealed a sense of lack of succession.


After hearing Bill's slightly innocent words.

The Skellig soldier was in a hurry, striding forward and trying to grab Bill by the collar, but he glanced at House with fear, and just shouted: "You must know something! You are the same as them, tell me!"

Bill froze for a moment, and said very plainly: "If they're talking about something, just block their mouths. It can also prevent them from biting their tongues..."

The soldiers froze for a moment and looked towards the iron cage.

As if seeing their cowardice, Bill, who was also a berserker, shook his head again and volunteered: "I'll go..."


All the changes on the ice giant came to an abrupt end.

The light gushing out from the oak blood-colored idol shrank back like a frost-beaten eggplant, and finally faded and disappeared; the shadows above the sky dissipated, and the thunder and strong wind also subsided.

Only the avalanche caused by the giant roar is still going on, but fortunately, the beings who have lived in the snow-capped mountains since birth always have their own ways to avoid natural disasters.It's a pity that they still lost their homes. At this moment, they can only look at the place where everything was created, the lair of the ancient giant beast——

The strange color faded from the rock wall, and it turned back to the cave that had been cold for thousands of years.

The ice giant collapsed to the ground like a clod of mud that had been kneaded.After an unknown amount of time, its eyes suddenly opened.

Crazy, confused, ferocious, hungry, contempt, joy, fear, countless emotions flashed in these eyes, and the emotions displayed by the left eye and the right eye were different, as if there were multiple consciousnesses vying for the brain. General control.

The ice giant hugged his head in pain, and hammered on the rock wall, as if he wanted to use the pain from the outside world to relieve the pain in his head.

Gradually, its screams suddenly became clearer and more specific, and even became understandable syllables.

"My God! Swapo..."

"My God, hiss..."

"My God..."

At a certain moment, the ice giant stopped moving, and the tide of pain receded, but the difficulties were not over yet.

In the dust of the collapsed rock wall, the ice giant was confused. It looked at the statue at the entrance of the cave, and then at the vast glacier and sky outside, as if it was looking for something.

"My God..."

"Gods bless!"

A merchant ship draws its anchor.Several sailors clung to the ropes tightly, trying to get their bodies out of the icy water.

With a bang, the body hit the deck. The sailors looked around and found that most of the shipwrecked companions survived miraculously—except for one person.

"Where's Chasteker?" Among the rescued people, the knight wearing the coat of arms of the Principality of the Arc Coast was the only one missing.

"As soon as it fell into the water, it sank. That idiot was still wearing a full set of armor on the sea, looking for death..."

"No one tried to save him?"

The person who answered said with a disdainful smile: "Have you gone?"

The sailors were silent, as if they didn't expect that they would fall into the water so ridiculously, and they were about to go to Little Skellige Island to assassinate them, but now they were rescued by the Skelligers.

"Wait, no," said an experienced sailor suddenly, "they're not Skelligs, and this isn't a merchant ship."

"There is not a single merchant on this ship. They are all capable. If it is a guard, it is definitely not a merchant who can afford the price. It is definitely more elite, or even a regular army."

"The draft of this ship is also very shallow, and there is no cargo at all... Woohoo!"

The sailor's mouth was suddenly covered to keep him from speaking.

The sailors who had just been salvaged from the icy sea only felt that the cold around them was getting thicker, and they began to tremble violently.

The "merchant ship guards" who "rescued" them looked at them unkindly.Immediately afterwards, the crowd parted suddenly, and a muscular figure wearing leather armor and a helmet walked out slowly.

The sailors from the Arc Coast held their breath, because the other party had a very iconic coat of arms, and the other party did not seem to intend to hide their identities.

It was a dark day.

This is a Nilfgaardian officer.

As soon as the Nilfgaardian waved his arms, several soldiers immediately stepped forward to grab the sailors, one by one forcing them to pose as if they were about to be executed by the executioner, making it hard for them to breathe.

The sailors trembled more violently, this time from fear.

"I originally only wanted to catch a local guide for questioning, but you seem to be very united and have a strong sense of survival. Although you don't look like Skelligs, I have more choices because of this. "

"Listen, I only need one person, and I only ask my question once..."

Before the Nilfgaardian officer could speak, the sailor who revealed the true identity of the "merchant ship" spoke again. Under the fear, his teeth could hardly stop chattering.

"My lord, we are sailors from the Principality of Aksi—that is, the arc coast! We are here to kill traitors under the order of the Countess. It seems that your sailing direction is also going to Little Skellige Island, our lord. It has been carefully scouted there, and it is definitely enough to serve as a guide."

When he said this, he looked around cleverly: "My lord, there don't seem to be many people on your side. But no matter what you do, you always need soldiers, right? We don't know the big picture, but Skellige There is also a grudge against us, if necessary, we can take a knife and rush to the front line at any time!"

The Nilfgaardian officer choked, as if he saw something extremely interesting.

The sailor grinned.

In the next second, the light of the knife flashed, and the sailor was beheaded by the executioner while maintaining the posture of being executed.

The Nilfgaardian officer shook his head, and repeated unhurriedly again: "Listen, I only need one person, and I only ask my question once...""

(End of this chapter)

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