From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 244 The Storm Is in My Palm

Chapter 244 The Storm Is in My Palm
The territory of the Todaloch family is Udvik Island. Their family's round coat of arms is painted with the earliest blower used by the islanders, with flying flames lingering on it.

The family emblems of the other six major families in the archipelago are almost all related to mountains, seas, and blood. Only the Todaloch family is different because they are a family of blacksmiths.

Although he is also a descendant of the hero Hamdor, Todaloch is not a family directly established by the six sons of the hero—after all, the hero has only six children, and the archipelago has seven families.

Todaloch was a family established by various branches, so he seldom participated in the political affairs of the islands, and almost never ran for the king of Skellige, always wandering on the fringes.

However, because of the Todaloch family's outstanding iron-smelting technology and dwarf-like forging skills, the other six major families in the archipelago absolutely cannot ignore their existence; There is still a lot of family power, and the wealth from other families' fighting and looting will inevitably flow into the Todaloch family and become their heritage.

It is a pity that today's facts prove that wealth cannot be transformed into combat power, and the weapons that are cast cannot kill the enemy by themselves.A wrought iron hammer is still inferior to a murderous war hammer after all.


Yuna Hoznott has never seen so many sea monsters as today, they almost cover the blue sky; Yuna has never seen a monster as tall as the Ice Giant, which is almost as tall as her family's castle .

A solid stone house is not much harder under its fists than paper.

Even the most powerful man in his mind - his father, Harold Holznott, the patriarch of the Todaloch family, disappeared in that palm.

Moreover, that damn monster can use weapons!

Yuna couldn't help shivering when she recalled the huge oak stick that was as tall as the castle—how could there be such a tall oak tree in the world that could make such a huge stick?

With a sound of "咻", a Heckna flying in the sky found the smaller blond girl. Monsters always like to pick single and thinner prey to attack.Its body shape is like a swimming snake, and it dives down after a leap in mid-air.

"Miss Yuna!" A loyal iron guard slammed Yuna away, filling the defensive vacuum left by negligence in the battle.The siren's sharp teeth were blocked by the tempered steel, and the iron guard split the monster's head with an ax backhand.

However, more sea monsters immediately surrounded the iron guard, grabbed him and spread their wings, then released their claws at high altitude, letting the heavy iron block wrapped in flesh and blood move toward the thick ground. Free fall - no amount of hard armor can stop such an attack.

The short screams stopped abruptly, and Yuna's face turned pale again.

"Miss Yuna, run away, you are the only hope for the Todaloch family!" More iron guards surrounded Yuna, desperately defending the blood of the Patriarch, and retreated towards the edge of the island.

"No, my father is not dead yet. I saw the ice giant take him away with my own eyes. The monster didn't kill my father. We need to save him." Yuna screamed, "Master Feitov has gone back to find reinforcements Now, the blood of the Todaloch family must not abandon Udvik Island! The islanders must not be defeated by monsters!"

Yuna looked anxiously at the place where Fetov left, but couldn't wait for the movement she expected.

"Hold this point! This is the positioning point of Master Feitov's portal! If we retreat now, when the reinforcements arrive, we will be unprepared and exposed to the claws of monsters!"

Yuna stood up, trying to boost morale.

More monsters discovered the humans gathered here, and even though they fought and retreated, they did not leave the sight of the monsters at this time.

They gathered.

There are more and more monsters, and there are fewer and fewer iron guards around; there are more and more screams in the air, and fewer and fewer screams on the ground.

Just when Yuna felt that she was going to be unable to hold on, finally——

With a "bang", an exaggeratedly large portal opened in midair.The wind was so strong that it even lifted the snow on the ground and blew a small storm.

The warriors holding the long indigo shields came out of the portal first. They seemed to have experience in teleportation, and they quickly reacted to brandishing the weapons in their hands. The siren claws on his body were chopped into pieces.

Then came out the Iron Crown King who was surrounded by the guards—East.He saw Yuna as soon as he walked out of the portal, and immediately drew out the long sword around his waist and went into the battle himself, forming a formation with his guards and heading towards this side.

But East was only halfway there, and his body immediately lit up with a bright emerald light, and a group of golden spots lit up around him, taking away the sight of the audience.

Unlike the astonished gazes of others, East and his guards are obviously familiar with the light group.Just like that, East continued to move forward wearing a bright emerald color and the guards, leaving the group of human-shaped light spots behind.


The bright light was gradually extinguished, allowing people to see clearly the hidden scene inside, and the blond knight riding a tall black horse emerged from it.

It was Lan and Heifeng——because he didn't want to experience the dizziness of passing through the teleportation array, the Duke of Cintra directly cast his [Teleportation] with East as the anchor point.

At the first moment of landing, Lan gathered his spirit again, and the four light clusters formed around him again, from which Geralt, Colgrim, Cohn, and Ged appeared.

It's still [Teleportation], but this time it's teleporting teammates to yourself.

Gerd, who experienced teleportation for the first time, was amazed, and the other three had obviously adapted to this method.

"I'm starting to understand why warlocks use portals as a 'senior' status symbol, and I'm starting to like this tactic." Colgrim muttered, then he looked up and looked at the sky. The siren gasped.

"Oh my God... there can be hundreds of sea monsters here... There are also carrion demons on the ground! Are all the monsters from the entire island concentrated here?"

Geralt quickly scanned the battlefield: "At least I didn't see the ice giant, I was lucky."

As soon as the words fell, the white-haired demon hunter pulled out the wolf-headed silver sword behind his back, and together with Ke En, he used the sign to join the battle group. He used the [Igni Sign] that created flames and the [Alpha] that set off a storm. Defayin] skillfully knocked down the sea monster that swooped down in mid-air to the ground, allowing human soldiers to harvest easily.

Land and start fighting.

Colgrim sighed and swam into the crowd and monsters. Except for Leto, the Snake faction was not very good at this kind of frontal group battle battlefield.

However, the venom of the Snake Demon Hunter can still play a huge role. From time to time, he will bring a handful of blood in the carrion demon group, and then flee away; while the injured carrion demon can walk more than ten steps, and then start It swelled and trembled strangely, and exploded like a time-delayed bomb, overturning the monster companions around it and creating an opportunity for other Skellige soldiers to take advantage of.

The most exaggerated is Gerd.Unlike other demon hunters who were only used as support, he let out a roar and immediately glowed with golden light, then swung a big sword longer than other demon hunters and rushed into the group of carrion demons.

These monsters that explode after death make ordinary people avoid them, but they don't seem to have much effect on him.Relying on his own experience, he skillfully shuttled through the crowd of monsters, and was occasionally affected by the explosion that sounded, but it only set off waves of ripples on his [Quen Seal], but it did not hurt him at all.


The special countermeasures of the demon hunter relieved the pressure on the soldiers.

But after all, there are only four "persons" and they cannot play a decisive role in reversing the battle situation.However, their help has greatly relieved the pressure on the soldiers, and also created space and time for the support soldiers to enter the arena, so that they would not have to rush to face the monster group as soon as they landed, which would increase losses.

Soldiers came out of the portal continuously, and finally stopped when there were about 500 people.The last one to come out was Feitov, who quickly appeared beside East, looking seriously at the battlefield in front of him.

"If this continues, there will be too many unnecessary casualties. The ground troops are too disadvantaged to deal with such flying monsters, even with the help of demon hunters."

"The witcher's tactics against sea monsters are correct, we need to learn." Feitov took a deep breath, "I need about half an hour to prepare the spell, and set off a storm enough to cover the entire battlefield to kill these sea monsters." Shoot them all down and give the soldiers a chance. I need your men to protect me during this time."

East looked at the battlefield, approved of Feitov's tactics, and turned around and shouted: "Halma, Caris!"

The youths of the Kleite family immediately stood up.With the help of the druids, Kratz returned to the family to gather soldiers, but still sent his son and daughter to help.

It was the first time for the siblings to visit such a large battlefield in person, and their faces were blushing with excitement.Although their faces were young, East knew that the two youths who inherited Kratz's blood were trustworthy fighters.

"You bring forty people to follow Master Feitov, and you must not let him suffer any harm!" East said loudly, and then ordered his adjutant to blow the horn.

"Others form a shield circle to protect the members of the Todaloch family. If the ice giant is not here, we will wipe out these monsters!"


The dull sound of the horn attracted the attention of all creatures on the battlefield, which was also the effect East wanted.Let the monsters come towards the army formation, and the other affected civilians and other people on the island can be safer.

In the sky, a body that was obviously larger than other sea monsters also noticed this place. Its wings were three times the length and width of normal sea monsters, and the sharp blade-shaped bone spur at the tip of the snake's tail was comparable to a heavy axe.

"Hiss!" A sharp cry resounded in mid-air, even overshadowing the sound of the horn for a moment.And all the sea monsters gathered immediately as if they had heard the order. The bright scales reflected the sun, forming a luminous storm in midair, sweeping towards Skellige's formation.

The abnormal sea monster immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Caris' complexion turned slightly pale: "This...isn't this the giant sea monster 'Melusin' on Spikrug Island? I heard that the local villagers think it is a demigod, and even set up a special priesthood Wild Religion. How did it come to Udvik Island?"

"I don't know..." Halma tightened the ax in her hand, "I once heard that there is a kind of horn that can make the sea monster fall to the ground as long as it is blown... I really hope I can have it in my hand now."

Fear rose in the hearts of the two brothers and sisters, but the reaction was extremely fast.After a brief loss of consciousness, they immediately yelled and ordered the guards around them to set up shields, and surrounded Fetov like a rock, compressing the space between each other as much as possible, hoping to survive the storm composed of sea monsters.

On the other side of the battlefield, Lann also noticed the situation here.


Hearing this, the female servant with a longbow rode her horse to the oath lord's side, and set up her longbow to aim at the target without ordering.

The bow in Milva's hand was almost as tall as her own, and the string was unprecedentedly long.Now that she has been upgraded through the [Followers] panel, her strength has gradually surpassed the level of ordinary people. The archers in the barracks get her bow, not to mention the full string, and even draw it halfway.

Lan En pointed to the huge sea monster Merusin in the sky and asked, "Can you take it down?"

Mirma took two breaths and shook his head guiltily: "It swayed too fast in mid-air, and there were too many krakens as obstacles around it. I need to wait for an opportunity."

The female archer needed an appropriate timing, but she knew that Lann's original intention of asking her was to prevent the monster from gathering the sea monsters to launch a concentrated attack on the soldiers.

"My lord, your archery skills are much better than mine, maybe you can..."

"No, Milva, you are the one with the best archery skills among us." Lan patted the female archer on the shoulder and encouraged, "It's okay, I will create opportunities for you."

The female servant trembled, and before she could react to Lan En's words, the golden swearer beside her had already lit up with emerald light and disappeared, leaving only the black steed impatiently scratching the ground with its hind hooves.

With a flash of golden light, Lan appeared in front of Halma and Caris, looked at Fetov who was preparing for the ceremony, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Halma was taken aback by Lann's sudden appearance, but Caris's reaction was extremely fast: "Master Feitov is preparing to change the weather and use strong winds to knock down all these sea monsters, but the ceremony will take time. guard……"

Lane nodded in understanding.They hadn't discussed tactics beforehand, so they didn't know Master Druid's plan.

"Don't bother, I'll come." He said firmly.

Then Lann's golden light flashed again and appeared beside East: "Let the soldiers on the outermost layer change to a defensive posture, and raise their shields to prevent the formation from being rushed away by the carrion demon; let the archers prepare, but first Don't open your bow, and don't be disturbed. After the storm, it's time to fight back."

East was stunned, and pointed to the long-winged monsters that had almost "twisted" into a bunch of siren pillars: "Storm? You mean them?"

Lan shook his head and raised his left hand, where the chaotic energy condensed: "No, I mean this."

"The storm is in the palm of my hand."


Like the clamor of the deep cave bats enveloping the entire battlefield, the long-winged monsters changed their flying formation again, transformed into a shape like a dark cloud, and covered the formation of the Skelliges with overwhelming momentum.

The huge monster Merusin, who was regarded as a demigod by the ignorant villagers, was hidden in the group of sea monsters. As a commander, he gathered almost all the sea monsters in the archipelago to form this terrifying aggregate of monsters.

Hundreds of monsters are as powerful as natural disasters. They are enough to completely destroy a village, a town, or even a small island in a single blow.

Under the command of East's horn, the outermost soldiers raised their shields high, and the end of the unique long shield of the Tursek family was pressed into the soil. The soldiers tightened their bodies and waited for the impact.

They put their trust in Easter, the brave knight of the sea, and the restored King of the Isles.However, in the face of the natural disaster-like scene, the neighing that could not be suppressed by the sound of horns echoed in their ears, and the sporadic impact of rotting demons in front of them, all these still magnified the fear in the soldiers' hearts.

Someone's hands began to tremble.Someone's breathing became short of breath.

"Rena Luger." A soldier recited Skellige's battle cry in his heart to embolden himself, "Rena Luge."

In the next second, the soldiers who suppressed their fear by silently reciting the battle cry suddenly felt a golden light flash in the corner of their vision.As a shield guard, he was driven by curiosity and did what a veteran soldier should never do - sticking his head out of the shield's defense range.

As far as the eye can see, is the back of a knight.

He was at the forefront of the team, standing in front of himself as the shield guard.

He has a tall and strong body, bright white blond hair that is more dazzling than the sun, and a ferocious big griffin turns into his cloak and makes a loud noise.

He looked directly at the dark cloud formed by the siren, raised his left hand, and made a strange gesture.

[Alder's Seal · Bone Biting · Magic Power Explosion】

【Mana: 4826/5200】→【Mana: 100/5200】

It's almost gone!
Lann had never tried to release such a large amount of magical power at one time. Except for the bottom line of not letting himself pass out due to overdraft, he put all the other magical power into this seal.

He himself was curious about how powerful this blow could be.


Races that live on snow-capped mountains and Iceland all year round have a certain ability to resist natural disasters, but this does not mean that they can ignore natural disasters.

In fact, rather than resistance, what they have learned in their long life is to hide.

Detect the movement of wind pressure in advance, notice the change of temperature in advance, and then make a response, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, preserve oneself, and continue the race.

However, the human being in front of the sea monsters is now facing a group of "disaster" monsters, but there is a real breath of "natural disaster" from his body, and there is no warning.

As if connected to another dimension with only fierce wind, a huge amount of storm roared out in the raised palm, mixed with ice crystals that were colder than winter, and turned into a raging dragon, wrapped in a terrifying The power crashed into the formation of the Krakens.

The huge pressure turned Fengliu into a sharp blade, and any pebble swept in would turn into a heavy hammer.The "Sea Demon Cloud", which was roaring ferociously just now, collided head-on with this roaring wind dragon, and within a blink of an eye, it melted away like a rotten dragon.

The sea monster that came into contact with it for the first time didn't even make a scream, it directly turned into a fist-sized ice crystal, and was torn into finer pieces in the next instant, turning into shells to continue shooting down the sea monster behind it.

And the sea-monster behind continued to be coerced to become a member of this strong wind, pushing back all the way brutally until it penetrated the entire formation.

With a bang, the sea monster cloud was completely dispersed.

Ged was the only person on the scene who saw the whole process clearly. He supported the unique [Quen] seal, which blocked him from the wind pressure like a heavy punch, so that he would not be able to open his eyes like everyone else.

First, countless blood-colored ice cubes fell on his feet and on top of his head, causing ripples on the golden shield of protection; then, the struggling female siren fell down like raindrops, thumping on the ground as if landing fish.

Lann's attack swept almost all the Krakens, completely disrupting the wind on the battlefield, forming a low-altitude no-fly zone.Except for the dozens of sea-monsters who were at high altitude and could not even be touched by arrows, all the rest lost their fighting ability and became fish on the chopping board...

No, there is still a Kraken exception.

The other end is regarded as a demigod by the fishermen, Melusin.

The one with the largest wingspan should have been the most affected, but this monster's intelligence is indeed extraordinary, and when it sensed the change in wind current, it immediately retracted its wings and shrunk into a ball.Relying on the solid scales to sway and hammer in the storm, although it was dripping with blood, it saved a life.

At the last moment it landed, it spread its wings again. Although there was still some wind, it flew shakyly, but it was enough for it to soar into the sky again and leave the battlefield.


A sharp and piercing voice sounded, and the Kraken, which was about to flee in mid-air, suddenly paused when it heard the leader's voice, turned around and hesitated, and vacillated between Lan and Melusin in panic, not knowing whether to overcome the inner conflict. Fear to save his own leader.

"call out--"

A long arrow pierced the turbulent wind current.The sea-monsters who were still hesitating hurriedly scattered and fled.

Melusin, who was hovering in mid-air, landed with a crash, and the metal arrows brutally tore its wings.

Milwa set the second arrow on the longbow.

In order to cherish the opportunity that Lan En finally created, her first arrow did not hit the vital point out of insurance, because the female archer was not sure whether the metal arrow could penetrate the opponent's scales at this distance.

After shooting down the opponent, there is plenty of time to slowly concoct the opponent.

But Milva's second arrow did not go, because her companion had already reached it first.

The black wind passed by, the silk-like mane fluttered in the wind, and the whole body was like a chariot driving across the battlefield, hitting Meluxin, who had lost the ability to fly, into the air for the last time;
House followed closely. He drew a silver light with the lion-headed long sword in his hand, swung his entire upper body like a windmill, and slammed the sharp blade into Merusin's neck with the help of his momentum.

The huge impact force made the Sword Attendant's hands slightly numb, but he still exerted all his strength and pried hard, and the ferocious snake's head rose into the sky.

When it landed, the snake's head turned into an extremely beautiful head, rolled a few times, and stopped moving.

(End of this chapter)

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