From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 247 The Ice Demon and the Big Man

Chapter 247 The Ice Demon and the Big Man

The soldiers of Tursek lined up in the middle of this wide cave hall as soon as they left the tunnel. Made a fighting stance.

The corners of East's eyes twitched, it was the irrepressible anger.

Skellige's new king yelled, "Fire the arrows!"


The best way to deal with monsters with solid carapaces like trolls is blunt attack with a war hammer.It would be even better if the impact of the galloping horse can also be added.

If it doesn't work, let a few people cover it with a coarse net soaked in oil, and then let the soldiers surround it to dig.

Even using shields to shoot and create dizziness can be done—at least it is better than the long swords and hatchets that soldiers are holding now,

In fact, the hundreds of people brought out by East were too hasty, and their daily training was to fight with people, not to attack monsters.At this moment, it is the best choice to use arrow rain to cover it.

And the five-headed trolls in the cave immediately rolled their bodies into balls like hedgehogs after hearing East's order, but what was attached to their bodies was not hedgehog-like biological horniness, but solid and solid. ice and rocks.

The sound of "ding ding dong dong" was endless, and the finely forged arrows collided with the thick ice rocks, making a crisp sound like wrought iron, sparks popping up, leaving scratches.

Behind Lann, Milva pulled her exaggerated longbow with all her might, and shot out meteor-like arrows with a teeth-gritting sound.

"Ding——click" the entire arrow was directly buried in the rock layer on the surface of the ice troll's skin, and the arrow shaft couldn't bear the huge reaction force and exploded directly from it, making the ice troll's body tremble slightly.But it didn't scream, obviously it didn't touch flesh and blood.

Milva curled his lips, made a "cut", and drew his bow again in an attempt to find the gap between the ice and rock connections on the ice troll's back, causing substantial damage.

And although these ice trolls are slow in thinking, their reactions as predators are extremely fast.In the absence of ice giants, they were at the top of the food chain, and the appearance of ice giants revived their ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Facing such a large number of human soldiers at this moment, the sense of crisis has long overshadowed the sense of hunger.So these ice trolls chose the most direct strategy - run!

They directly maintained the state of lumps of stones, and rolled up.This cave hall is connected to several different corridors, and they are also separated by soldiers, just to escape.

Their behavior seems a bit funny when described in words, but only when they really face these ice trolls can they feel the terrifying vicious momentum.A huge boulder taller than a human rolled over at the speed of a chariot, and the huge force contained within it was definitely not something that could be stopped by human strength.

—with human power.

The soldiers had already dispersed, the archers continued to shoot, and the shield guards were responsible for blocking the passages to prevent the enemy from escaping.Facing the astonishingly powerful ice trolls, they felt that they could even break open the city gate together.

But they didn't retreat a single step in the face of the enemy, they just chiseled the tip of the long shield in their hands into the rock mud, trying to block the enemy's steps with artificial walls.

Just as they tried to meet the impact with resolute expressions, a huge purple halo magic circle suddenly spread out in the entire cave hall.

For human soldiers, this magic circle is just a little more light in the field of vision; but for these ice trolls, it is a reminder.

The magic that makes the body sluggish climbed onto their bodies in an instant, and their amazing rolling became sluggish in the next second; the next moment, a white lightning hit the side of the rolling ice ball, savagely throwing Their advancing route changed, and their bodies swayed and hit the rock wall beside them.

【Yarden Sign·Magic Trap】!
"Woo..." Two trolls opened the rock shell slightly in a daze, and how could the archer and Mirva, who were staring at the battlefield, miss such a good opportunity?Bows and arrows pierced through the darkness like clusters, turning these ice trolls into real hedgehogs in an instant—but their thorns grew on the front.

The horrifying screams began to echo in the cave, causing the remaining trolls, who were already dizzy, to tighten their bodies, trying to be a turtle to avoid harm.

This can indeed block the sharp teeth of the beasts they usually encounter, and it is also enough to block the swords of humans.

However, the soldiers of the archipelago retreated, and the witchers surrounded them.

Three trolls, five witchers.

Geralt and Cohen surrounded one end, both of them were holding a sword with their left hand and right hand; the Griffin school demon hunter used the [Igni Sign] to restrain himself and continue to spray a pillar of fire, roasting and forming a group. The white wolf's left hand began to emit a faint white light as a preparation, just waiting for the ice troll to bear the heat and expose its head.

Colgrim and Ged surrounded one end, and the snake sent the witcher out an alchemy bottle containing poison, and began to pour it into the cracks in the ice rock, emitting dangerous green smoke from time to time; I brushed a layer of [Quen's Seal], and then firmly held down the trembling ice troll, but I didn't want him to stretch his body at this moment.

Lan En stood beside the last troll, holding the Lake Lady's sword above his head, and Jin Guangyi seemed to be holding a golden torch, and began to recklessly accumulate power.

After a few breaths.

With a sound of "嗷", the ice troll surrounded by snakes and bears was the first to be unable to hold on, and the entire ice rock ball began to tremble violently amidst a burst of "sizzling" corrosion, but this huge stone was caught by the grid. De pressed tightly and couldn't stretch it out.Gerd didn't let go until he couldn't feel the opponent's struggle, making the whole troll limp like mud.

Then came the troll concocted by wolves and griffins. It roared and struggled under the flames like a barbecue, but was swiftly dodged by the two demon hunters.Geralt's left hand squeezed the [Axis Seal] and invaded the ice troll's brain in the next second, and then the two silver swords pierced through its chest and neck respectively.

As for Lan, the sword of the Lake Maiden in his hand became brighter and brighter, making the whole cave seem to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Accompanied by a low shout, the runes on the long sword finally shone to the extreme, and the archipelago soldiers who had been staring at this legendary weapon felt that their vision went blank for a short while.

I just felt that the air seemed to be torn apart by the wind. When they opened their eyes again, the soldiers only saw the troll that was so hard that it might take a battering ram to knock it open. It split into two neatly, revealing the disgusting flesh and blood inside.

And following the direction in which Duke Lannister swung his sword, the ice mud under the ice troll's body and the rock wall five steps away from the ice troll also left deep sword marks, as if an invisible giant stood there just now. Behind the Duke he swung the sword for him.


Looking at the ice troll's body, Lan sighed softly.

It can be seen from the actions of the trolls in dealing with the soldiers just now. Without special countermeasures, this kind of monster can still come and go freely in the face of mortal soldiers ten times their size.And without the help of the demon hunter, the crazy attack of these five trolls would definitely cause a lot of damage to the team, especially in the rugged terrain like the mine, the human side may not be able to wipe out the opponent in the end so that they escape.

Even if Sintra already has a family of rock trolls, the "Troll Demon", Lane's attitude towards this advanced combat unit is "the more the better".

It's a pity that these ice trolls have done unforgivable things, so they can only be turned into alchemy materials.It just happened to repair the blindness of the alchemy potion on Lan En's body. He had never had a troll decoction.

Speaking of which, although Lan was keen on collecting all kinds of potions and decoctions, he seldom needed them in real battles.So far, it seems to have only been drunk twice—once when he was fighting a griffin with a mortal body, and once when Kaer Morhen hunted the Cyclops "Old Spearhead".


Clapping the troll's corpse into the 【Inventory】, Lan's eyes turned to look at the huge forging furnace in the middle of the cave hall that was turned into a boiler, and the inside was still exuding a strange fragrance.

Someone wanted to approach the cauldron, but hesitated.

"Is it possible..." Colgrim looked at the cauldron and hesitated to speak.

Even if these ice trolls were dealt with harmlessly, no one present showed even the slightest joy.

Because the unspoken meaning of Colgrim's words is also the guess in everyone's mind at the moment: Is there anyone we want to save inside, the patriarch of the Todaloch family has turned into broth?
East obviously also thought of this, his face could no longer be ugly.As one of the patriarchs of the seven major families, Harold died in such a humiliating way, and no islander could accept it.

And this also means that East and the others have completely failed in this operation.

Even well-informed demon hunters would hesitate when they saw such a scene, and they didn't want to get close to it. In the end, East insisted on the mentality of "seeing people to see people, and seeing corpses", and ordered people to go forward to clean up the mouth. cauldron.Even if the patriarch Harold they were looking for wasn't there, it would be fine to keep the remains of the islanders and give them a decent funeral.

But Lan thought for a moment, and walked to the side of the ice troll who was poisoned by the snake demon hunters. The ice troll was dying because of the poison, and there was still a breath.

Lane felt that this ice troll could play a role, because after repeated brain searches, he finally recalled some information about the Tordaloch family in his previous life.

In the game of the previous life, the Todaloch family has already existed in name only because of the ice giant, and it can basically be judged that the family has been exterminated. Therefore, there are not many appearances in the game, Lan is not familiar with it, and he didn't react for a while.

Thinking back carefully now, Patriarch Harold is actually still alive in later generations.Lann remembered that he was captured by the ice giant when everyone thought he was dead, and was raised by the ice giant with all kinds of weird meat.By the time the player finds Harold in the course of the mission, the man is already insane enough to have a lively conversation with the dead.

The ice giant kidnapped Harold for only one purpose - to build a ship.

Yes, shipbuilding.

No one knew why the ice giant wanted to capture the patriarch of a family to build a ship for himself, but the strange move of the monster at least allowed the patriarch of this big family to survive.

It's just that Lann now knows that his arrival has produced a butterfly effect. The celestial sphere convergence caused by the ancient blood awakened the ice giant in advance, which led to a deviation in the current situation.Although the ice giant still captured Harold patriarch as in the future, no one knows whether it wants Harold to build a ship at this moment, or simply wants to eat him.

Looking at the ugly faces of East and the others, Lan only hoped that the event line of Chief Harold would be the same as the future.


Lan pointed to the poisoned ice troll that was still twitching on the ground, and asked Colgrim, "Can you make it regain consciousness?"

Colgrim froze for a moment, as if thinking about why Lan would wake up a doomed ice troll.

"I want to ask if it knows Harold's whereabouts, and if it really threw Harold into the pot." Lann took the initiative to explain.

Colgrim's eyes lit up suddenly: "Are you going to... show that? Just the hypnotized monster one! I heard Gerd said that you hypnotized a cursed werewolf before, so that the other party would know everything and say everything all!"

Colgrim joined the team very early, but he has never seen Lann's "hypnosis" monster's skill display. After all, he rarely encountered occasions where he needed to show this skill before.

Lan looked at the snake witcher who suddenly burst into enthusiasm, and nodded with the corners of his eyes twitching.

Colgrim immediately erupted with great enthusiasm. He took out an alchemy pot after wiping the alchemy backpack on his body, and lightly dripped a few drops on the bloody mouth of the poisoned ice troll.

No response.

Colgrim thought for a while, and he simply slammed the mouth of the bottle in. Gulu Gulu poured down the entire bottle of potion, and soon the ice troll's body began to twitch violently.

The trolls all have a powerful self-healing ability. Even if ordinary people have worked hard to break through their hard shell and tough skin and caused injuries, as long as it is not fatal, they can recover quickly.As a price, the ice troll's extremely fast metabolism allows the poison to spread quickly throughout the body. It can be said that the snake sent the demon hunter's method to defeat the troll.

Now, using an antidote to the ice troll is actually useless, and just such a short period of time is enough for the poison of the Snake School to cause irreversible injuries to it.But if the ice troll regains consciousness briefly like a flashback, Kolgrim can still do it.

The ice troll's ugly face covered with hard ice rocks twitched, and he opened his eyes vaguely. There was nothing in his sight except a left hand glowing with milky white light.

【Axie Sign · Charm】

Perhaps due to the newly superimposed female night devil's talent, the not-so-intelligent ice troll in front of him quickly became dazed, and Lane also felt that he was consuming a lot less mana than usual , easily put the ice troll into a hypnotic state.

The demon hunters all came together curiously. Except for Ged, none of them had seen Lane's ability to hypnotize monsters.

Ran glanced left and right, ignoring these guys.As usual, take a deep breath and start with the simplest question: "What's your name?"

Unexpectedly, the ice troll didn't respond, and just continued to look at Lan with that confused look.

The lion-eyed demon hunter couldn't help but frowned—what's going on?Judging from past experience, this level of hypnosis should be enough for the other party to answer every question, right?

The onlookers looked at each other, and Geralt suddenly said to Lan: "Perhaps the way you ask the question is not right."

"A way of asking questions?"

White Wolf nodded: "Lan, you should say this: you, Ice Demon, what's your name?"

Lan was taken aback for a moment.

Makes sense.

Because Geralt was not the caster of the sign, the ice troll didn't respond to his words.And when Lann repeated it, the ice troll's dull eyes finally turned, and its mouth began to slam into words.

"Yes, Ice Demon, no, Ice Demon."

Great, we can finally communicate.Although the content is a bit strange, it is not important.

Lann racked his brains to recall the troll's grammatical structure: "Ice giant... no. Big man, for ice monster, little man?"

The ice troll nodded sluggishly: "In the morning, the big man will come back and throw it to the little ice troll."

East also gathered around at this moment, looking at the ice troll nervously, hoping to hear good news from it.

"Among the villains, are there any old ones with big beards and patterns on their bodies?" Lane tried his best to describe the characteristics of the patriarch Harold, a middle-aged man with a gray beard and tattoos.

"Little people, they all have big beards and patterns."

Lane snorted with a headache.

But the ice troll then added: "A small man with a big beard, and the big man doesn't cook. If you are not good, hit a stick and throw it behind!"

East's eyes lit up, and he quickly motioned for Lan to continue to ask: "Where is the little guy who doesn't cook?"

The ice troll pointed to a corridor deep in the cave, and it was pitch black inside.

East hurriedly let the large army rest on the spot, and rushed towards the dark corridor with Lan and others.

Their figures quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

The hypnotized ice troll collapsed on the spot with a dazed look, and the poison of the snake demon hunter continued to ravage its body.

"Big man, don't cook the little people, come back and look for the little people. The other little people can only cook, not eat, Ice Ice Demon..."

With a sound of "噗嗤", the long swords of the soldiers of the Tursek family pierced into the chest of the ice troll. They had just cleaned up the meat in the boiler, and their eyes were red.

As if feeling puzzled, the soldier stomped hard on the hilt of the sword again until the point of the long sword penetrated to the back and was blocked by a solid stone and could no longer advance an inch.

"Bah, monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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