From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 255 Gerd's Law of Accident

Chapter 255 Gerd's Law of Accident
Ged was not dead, the bear demon hunter's strong seal shield gave him a solid defense; after being buried under the rubble, the ice giant, whose efficiency was much higher than that of an excavator, quickly dug him out in time .

However, he was hit by the stone bullets from the trebuchet after all, and he was almost half dead when he was dug out.Fortunately, Feitov was on the scene, and he immediately used the druid's healing magic to stabilize his injuries, and then opened the portal to bring him back to the Oak Ring.

After so many days of treatment, Ged's injuries have basically healed, and even the old wounds from previous adventures have been cleared up. Ged's current physical condition can be said to be better than before he was not injured. How many.

However, at this moment, Gerd did not have the energy that a healthy person should have. Instead, he was depressed, suppressing an uneasy atmosphere.

Gerd's eyes lit up briefly when he saw Lan come in.

"Lan, you're here? How's Torgil?"

The bear sent the demon hunter to ask eagerly: "Have you tried that special ability of yours on him? Can you save him?"

Lan En was silent, shaking his head regretfully.

"I'm ability can only 'heal', not 'resurrect'. When Lord Torgil was excavated, he was already silent, and even... even his body was broken."

That was a whole city wall falling on one person, and Torgil didn't have Ged's seal as a defensive buffer.

The briefly lit eyes of the bear demon hunter dimmed again, but in the suppressed place, a force began to gather.

"Lord Torgil has no heirs, and he should have chosen a branch from the descendants of the Tursek family to inherit his property." Lane said what East told him, "But according to the castle steward's description, Lord Torgil had a verbal will before his death, saying that after his death, he would distribute his property to the warriors loyal to him. And Ged, you are the one with the highest ranking.”

"Although no written document was left behind, the Tursek family decided to respect the will of the old lord. You are still recovering from your wounds, and the other warriors of the Torgil family are unwilling to choose their own inheritance before you. "

The soldiers under Torgil also respected Ged from the bottom of their hearts. Before the battle broke out, they had even agreed that Ged would be the leader of all the soldiers.

The honor-seeking archipelago warriors have also made an oath together, and they will not discuss property matters until they have avenged their lord.But Lane didn't say this news, because it seemed too deliberate.

Gerd took a deep breath: "Torgil...he died at the hands of the Nilfgaardians, and the Nilfgaardians were able to sneak into Little Skellige because of the people of the Arc Coast Principality. The Arc Coast is He came here because of hunting me... If we want to go back to the source, Torgil actually died because of me. What face do I have to inherit his legacy?"

There was silence in the cabin for a while.

"Lan, it was your ice giant who dug me out, right?"


"That's you for saving my life." Gerd looked up, "How do you want me to thank you?"

Lan was taken aback for a moment, he had expected a lot of Ged's reactions, but this was definitely not one of them.

What's the reaction?How did Gerd suddenly become so divided?

"We are friends, even comrades in arms. What are you talking about..."

But Ged shook his head firmly: "Our Xiong faction has never owed favors, and there is no such thing as a comrade-in-arms. If a partner of the school saves his life, he will be paid."

Bear Witchers generally have no sense of community and are emotionally apathetic.But Gerd is not an ordinary bear. He has feelings. He fought side by side with Lan and Geralt before, and they were quite happy with each other.

Could it be that the druid's treatment suddenly activated the bear factor in his body?

Lan looked into Gerd's eyes, and there was anger and anticipation in them. It definitely didn't look like a state where the emotions in his mind were suddenly washed out.

He looked at Lan En, as if urging Lan En to say something.

As a witcher, Lan suddenly realized something.

"If you are so determined to give me a reward." He tentatively said, "Then how about following the 'law of accident'? Give me something you already have but don't know."

Gerd let out a long breath of relief, as if his anticipation had been answered.

He lowered his head and muttered to himself:
"Is it something I already have but don't know it... I'm tired of fighting, and Ben has decided to retire. So I pledged my allegiance to Thorgil, and I was going to spend the rest of my life in the archipelago. But at this moment Thorgil was captured by Nilfgaard. Killed by people, even the castle has become a ruin."

Gerd raised his head: "If there is anything I don't know about now, it is the life of a witcher that I have abandoned, but now I have to regain."

"You want to rebuild the Demon Hunter Order in Sintra, right? Then I will dedicate my future life as a Demon Hunter to you, Lane."

"Because of the 'law of accidents', I will spend the rest of my life fighting for you under the shackles of fate. If I have two hearts, fate will punish me. But I have one condition." Gerd stood up, the scars on his body seemed to be As if alive, he was swimming on his knotted muscles, "After joining the religious order, I will not only be responsible for the activities of the demon hunter. After that, I will participate in the battle for the restoration of Sintra and the counterattack against Nilfgaard. go in."

"Will you say yes, Lane?"

Can this be considered a condition?
Lan solemnly extended his hand towards Gerd: "This is exactly what I was looking forward to."

"Welcome to join, Demon Hunter Ged."
For everyone on the mainland, the law of accident is an iron law that cannot be violated.

History also proves that everyone who violates the law of accident will be punished by fate, from individuals, to families, and even to the country.

Lann didn't understand why Gerd wanted to join the Demon Hunter Order in this way at this moment, and tied himself to Cintra's chariot.Under the supervision of the law of accident, he will fight for Lan's Demon Hunter Cult for the rest of his life, and it is impossible to seek the so-called "retirement".

He originally wanted to make Gerd take back his promise and tell him that he could build the religious order together as a comrade in arms and a brother.

But when Lan saw Ged's depressed eyes, he thought of East inexplicably.To shake such a man's determination to take revenge, no one would have expected what he would do in the future.

Bran and Lann are still wondering whether the sea knight who was dazed by the flames of revenge would be alone Into the mountains of Udvik, and never come out again.

So Lan finally extended a welcoming hand towards Gerd.

The future demon hunter order also has a legendary demon hunter, the hardest shield, and the heaviest sword.

Lann also has the confidence to control Gerd's vengeful fire, allowing him to destroy the enemy to his heart's content without burning himself.


On Little Skellige, in the castle of the Tursek family, everyone in Sintra began to pack their luggage and prepare their clothes in an orderly manner.East successfully ascended the throne, and the Skellige crowd enthusiastically agreed to fully support the fight against Nilfgaard. Lane and his party's mission so far has exceeded expectations.

Although there were many twists and turns in the middle, these twists and turns brought Lane greater gains.

Everyone was happy - except Ciri.

The little girl was standing in the middle of the hall with her hips crossed, her cheeks bulging like a hamster.

"Lan, is this the female night devil they said, are you going to bring her back to Sintra?"

Ciri yelled without hesitation, and the voice probably could be heard by the entire floor of the castle.The attendants who were carrying the luggage quickly lowered their heads, and the objects in their hands seemed to suddenly become heavy, which made their footsteps involuntarily slow down.

Colgrim and Cohen sat in the corner, scanning several people in the field repeatedly with a look of "as expected of Lan", and at the same time filled their glass of wine - Skelliger's wine tastes very good too!

Yes, the Night Demon Nanomi is also in the house at the moment.

But Nanomi didn't care much about Ciri's hostility, instead she was pleasantly surprised.

This is another ancient blood!

For the female night devil who had joined Lan En's command in order to survive, Ciri's appearance was almost equivalent to doubling her chances of survival. Why wasn't she happy?
As for Ciri's rejection of her at this time, the female night devil said that this is not a problem. Her race is best at gaining the favorability of others—whether male or female.

"Hello, Princess Cirella, right? I'm Nanomi Vera Love Timmetine." The female night devil showed the most appropriate smile. In order to take care of Ciri, who was still young and not tall, She also bent down deliberately.

In order to penetrate into human civilization, the female night devil has wrapped cloth strips on her naked upper body at the strong request of Lan En.

But the female night devil's style... I know everything, I can only judge that it is better not to wear it.At this moment, she seems to have an extra piece of equipment that increases attack speed and critical strike-it is just a bonus to other people's attributes.

The onlookers' eyes immediately widened.And Geralt suddenly felt a chill behind him, and he didn't need to think about it to know that this needle-like gaze came from Yennefer.

A blush climbed up Ciri's cheeks, and she couldn't resist "thumping" back three steps, neither the court lessons, the training of the witcher, nor Yennefer's teachings told her how to deal with the situation in front of her. woman.The deliberate face completely collapsed at this moment, and even the draft of the accountability speech that he had planned before became hesitant.

【What an obscene body this is, what a despicable method this is! 】 Ciri screamed in her heart.

There was no way to continue the conversation with the female night devil at all. Ciri could only change his expression, waved his griffin cape, and then trotted over to grab Lan's big griffin cape, and began to blink his big eyes .

"Lan, are you taking her back to Cintra?"

Lan En just felt that his head was getting bigger.

"Nanomi's nature... is actually very similar to my 'lions'. You should have learned similar knowledge in Kaer Morhen. The race of female night devils has strong physical strength and good spellcasting Ability, and the life span of a thousand years also knows a lot of knowledge..."

"Oh." Ye Naifa, who was watching, sneered.

"My purpose is not what you think... Even if there are considerations in that regard, it is not for myself. It is better for Escal, you know..."

"Heh" *3, Geralt, Colgrim, and Kern all sneered.


The female night devil shrugged helplessly.Looking around at the warlocks and demon hunters in this room, she knew that although these people were all acting out of character because of their racial charm, when they really went into battle, they would all be able to cut off their beautiful heads without hesitation .

In normal times, she would rather go to the side of the ice giant than choose to enter this room, but since she met the golden-haired son of the ancient blood, she trusts him inexplicably, and in order to avoid the disaster of the convergence of the heavens and the earth As well as the coming Bai Shuang, she must also follow the son of the ancient blood.

It's just that I didn't expect that there is another ancient blood now. Although I am very surprised, it seems that it will take some time to gain the trust of the other party.

The chaotic and irrelevant topics in the room continued for a while, and finally ended with a long sigh of relief.

The person who made the sound was Alice.The soul in the painting with a cool temperament has been sitting quietly in the corner of the hall painting her drawing board, and the emotions and topics of other people in the hall do not disturb her at all.

When a person who is usually very cold and quiet, but who can make people feel good about him suddenly makes a voice, no matter what topic he is talking about at the moment, he will stop, and no matter who is paying attention, he will be attracted past.

Alice satisfactorily looked at her drawing board through the black veil, on which was the scene of Easter's accession to the throne.Her slender fingers dabbed lightly on the drawing board, and a bright emerald flame instantly ignited on it. The paper and cloth were not damaged at all, while the originally damp paint dried in an instant.

"Completed, seven paintings, one for each of the seven families."

All the people in the room gathered around, admiring the painting.Even Yennefer, who used to be an advisor to the royal family of the King of Aden, admired Alice's painting skills from the bottom of his heart. Works of this level are enough to become a high-end collection hanging in the king's living room to show off to all the nobles.

For each family in the archipelago, Alice chose a different theme.For example, the one for Lord Dona is a copy of the Freya Temple and the surrounding woods, and the one for Kratz is the battle scene when his two sons and daughters fight against the sea monster.

"Thanks for your hard work, Alice." Lan En thanked him sincerely, and then hurriedly called the attendants to come over and frame these works with the picture frames that had been prepared a long time ago, and said in the angry eyes of the soul in the painting, "We are leaving soon Now, I have to hurry up and give these gifts to the patriarchs."

Then he took his attendants out of the house, leaving a group of people staring at him.

Ciri wrinkled her nose and looked at the night demon Nanomi, who responded with a racial smile.


Little Skellige, by the sea.

Vats of fresh water, pickled vegetables, and other goods were brought aboard, and skilled sailors came aboard to inspect sails and equipment.

"Kratz, are you ready to go to sea so soon?"

The man whom the Nilfgaardians fearfully called the "Boar of the Sea" turned around when he heard the greeting, and hugged the lion of Cintra with a big laugh.

"I know you're in a hurry, Lane. But I'm sorry, it's just a ship of supplies." Kratz patted Lane's shoulder, "The other families were only preparing for cross-island support, but going to Sintra requires More complete logistics. The sea is far away, and we still need some preparation time."

Lan En nodded in understanding: "Then what is this ship of supplies?"

Kratz smiled and said: "Of course it is for you. Although we can't get there for the time being, we can first support some urgently needed materials, craftsmen, and manpower. Relieve the urgent need."

It can only be said that the old relatives of the archipelago are reliable at critical moments.

Although Lan now has the ability to make money and can purchase resources from other countries, I don't know how annoying the wrangling is; and compared with craftsmen, the importance of materials has to be put aside for the time being.

When the city of Sintra was broken, almost all the craftsmen of the royal family failed to escape. Although the old housekeeper Ens transferred a batch to Lann's territory in advance with the acquiescence of Queen Calanthe, but with the launch of the Restoration Compared with the standards of war and national reconstruction, it is still a drop in the bucket, and Enns and Mossack are almost dying of worry.

"It was a great help, Kratz." Lane sighed sincerely.

He raised his head, and then saw a blond girl on the deck ordering the sailors to carry forging equipment to the deck. Her clothes were embroidered with the flame hammer emblem of the Todaloch family.

Lan couldn't help being taken aback, but Kratz laughed even louder: "You read that right, that's Yuna. She took the initiative to apply to be the chief craftsman who supported Sintra this time. I heard that there are very few women on the mainland. She is an excellent craftsman, but don’t underestimate her, she has learned all of Todaloch’s forging skills, and she needs a lot of experience.”

And war is the best experience, even for craftsmen.

Lan En pondered for a while, thinking that this was a good thing, so the smile on his face became even more wanton.


Putting his arms around Lann, Kratz took a closer look at Sintra's situation, especially Ciri's, before he sighed for a while.

"Lan, you must take good care of Ciri... This child has a terrible fate. Her parents died because of me when she was young, and the queen died because of Nilfgaard when she grew up. Fortunately, I have you now."

"I swore in front of the queen that I would give my life to protect Ciri. This is an oath of the islanders. If there is anything I need to do, just let me know!"

Looking at Kratz's sincere face, although Lan was delighted to receive support, he was abruptly silent and speechless.

Kratz really gave Ciri and Lann his heart and soul, and the help he gave far exceeded the level of the so-called "oath".Lan believes that even without the oath, he is willing to give everything to protect Ciri - this has also been verified in the previous game.

When weak, such a person can be the most steadfast reliance; when strong, such a person will be the most loyal ally.

But Lane also knew that every time Kratz looked at Ciri lovingly, he was actually tortured in his heart.It is Lann's unwillingness to let such a righteous man be burdened by his own guilt.

So he decided to help Kratz unravel the shackles on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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