From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 287 The Scoia'tael in Action

Chapter 287 The Scoia'tael in Action
With the Ice Giant's attribute panel jewels in front, the Red Dragon Kelturis' skill panel is powerful, but it will not surprise Lan En so much that he loses his composure.

For comparison, Kelturis' health is lower than that of the ice giant, which means that it is inferior in physical strength; while the mana of the red dragon is higher than that of the ice giant, but according to the setting, the red dragon is not a giant dragon that is good at using magic. Lann also confirmed the lack of magic knowledge of the red dragon through follow-up inquiries.This made Lann kill the expectation of the magic fort in the cradle.

The main combat method of the Red Dragon is still as a mobile bunker that can fly into the sky and breathe fire.The abundance of magic power is more just to provide Kelturis with magic resistance, as well as the ability to channel magic as a material after being hunted down and decomposed into alchemy materials. As for the red dragon's own spellcasting ability, there is no need to expect it...

In terms of spellcasting ability, the red dragon is not as good as Mossak or even Triss, and it is better than itself.Lan felt that this was a waste of talent, so he ordered Sakia to serve as Kelturis' magic teacher in Sintra to help her familiarize herself with the use of chaotic energy.

Saskia readily agreed.

After Kelturis, Lann contracted the remaining three dragon eggs one after another. Since the young dragons have not yet hatched, they are all poor and useless boards with no skills.Although no new talents or skills were obtained, the skill points spent were all returned, and the last three dragon eggs hatched into young dragons after waiting for a while.

So far, Lann has obtained a red dragon with immediate combat power, four young dragons, a new [Chaos creature] talent, matching the red dragon's [rapid metabolism] with the demon hunter's [metabolism enhancement], and at the same time, there are three skill points of wealth.

The growth cycle of young dragons is very long, longer than the time it takes to train a warlock to form. Lane feels that there is no need to expect these young dragons to play any role in decades.But they were a windfall, and it was their mother that Lan was plotting against.

As for the remaining three skill points, Lan En was not in a hurry to add points to himself after thinking for a while.

He is not in a hurry to increase his strength now, and most of the skills in the system are not capable of bringing him significant enhancement. It is better to save up and open a big skill in [Secondary Mutation]; or contract a few more useful followers so that they can bring him more experience.
"Duke Lannister!"

The ice giant came back from afar with a slight earthquake, and Wavzhnek rushed to meet it, and asked Lane before he could stabilize his body.

"We just saw Kelturis leave, didn't you manage to kill it?"

Lan En shook his head regretfully: "After all, she has grown wings, and if she wants to leave, even the ice giant can't stop it."

Kelturis is definitely going to be on the battlefield. She is an important weapon Lane uses to bridge the numerical gap between Sintra and Nilfgaard.But Curturis doesn't have the ability to transform into a human form like Sakia, and Lan can only hide her for the sake of secret weapons, and then summon her when needed.

As for why it was hidden from Wavzinek—Lan felt that after the dwarves knew about it, the outside world would soon know about it, so there was no need to talk about secret weapons.

"That's really a pity, I don't know if she will come back in the future..." Wavzhnek was disappointed by the result.

Unable to kill the red dragon as the Ferenc clan wished, Wavznek refused to provide half of the clan warriors for Sintra as previously agreed, on the grounds that the red dragon might come back to harass the clan.

Lan En expressed his understanding. Although he made a promise that "the red dragon will not harass Ferenc again", it is still "empty words".And now that he has subdued the Red Dragon and has more than half of Ziglin and Fuchs, Ferenc Clan's support is actually not on his mind.

But what should be Sintra must be Sintra.They were not able to "slay the dragon", but the Sintra people did help the Ferenc clan pay off the monsters. Lane negotiated with Wavgenek based on this, and with the mediation of Gabo and Petrit, the number of reinforcements was finally finalized and a considerable infantry support was also drawn.

From the current point of view, this is the most normal support negotiation for Lann after going through the three clans.

It's over now, and there's no need for the Sintra people to stay in the Ferenc clan anymore. Next, they need to return to Carbon Mountain, pick up the Chieglin fighters who went through the procedure to be judged there, and hand over to the elders, and then return to the country with these reinforcements.

When they return to Sintra with this dwarven heavy infantry, they are ready to fight Nilfgaard and formally prepare to recover the country.Thinking of this, all the people of Sintra feel hot even if they stand in the snow and cold wind.


"Duke Lannister, we have another request." Just as Lann and the others were about to leave, Wavzinek approached Lann again.

Under the puzzled eyes of the Lion of Sintra, Wawzhinek took a step back, revealing the Scoia'tael prisoners behind him and the Ferenc youth who were guarding them.

Wavzhinek explained: "We are preparing to escort these traitors to Carbon Mountain to be tried by the Great Elder. These guards are young people from the clan with little experience, so they want to go with the Duke of Lannister, and I ask you to take care of them."

Lan looked over and found that most of the young people responsible for escorting the Scoia'tael were the young dwarves he had brought back from the foot of the mountain.

"Are you going to Carbon Mountain?"

After listening to Lan En's words, a young dwarf walked out of the queue and saluted. Lan En recognized him as the young man who asked him to hunt down the red dragon and save the clan.He was the smartest of these young dwarves, and he was faintly the leader of the young people at the beginning.

"Yes, Lord Duke. We have just returned to our hometown, and we want to find our position in Mahakam as soon as possible, and arrange our future positions and work. Detaining these...Squirrel Party is the beginning of our work. Afterwards, young people from all clans who have just returned to their hometowns will send representatives to meet with the Great Elder for inquiries and arrangements."

Lan En had a realization at that moment, he showed a meaningful smile, and his eyes jumped back and forth between these Ferenc youths and Scoia'tael.And Colgrim, who was behind Lan, looked at the team escorting the Scoia'tael, and couldn't help feeling sad, because he found that most of the young dwarves they brought back were inside.

"What's your name?"

The Ferenc youth saluted again: "You can call me Beatrirk, Your Excellency the Duke."

"Okay, Beatrirk." Lane nodded, "Finish your work well and keep up with my team."
Returning to Carbon Mountain again, even if it was not the first time I saw it, the people of Sintra were still amazed at the city that was built by hollowing out the entire mountain.

And the guards of Carbon Mountain were facing the ice giant they saw for the first time. The last time Sintra came here, he didn't bring this big guy; but this time Lan didn't transfer the ice giant to other places, but just let the giant follow the team all the way back to Carbon Mountain ostentatiously.

The existence of the ice giant is no longer a secret, and Lann has no intention of concealing the existence of the big man; it just so happens that one of the purposes of Lann's coming to Carbon Mountain is to build a suitable armor for the ice giant, and to show the ice giant openly is also convenient for future communication.

However, the visual impact of this ancient behemoth on Carbon Mountain was indeed too strong, and it was now difficult for Lan and his party to enter the city.

While Lann was waiting outside the city, looking up at the giant city, and wondering whether two dragons and a giant could work together to take down the city, a familiar figure rushed out from Carbon Mountain.

Barclay Ayers, the Colonel Mahakam who helped Lan pass the order of the Great Elder and prevented the war between the Ziglin and the Fuchs clan.At that time, he had a brief but pleasant exchange with Lann in the land of Davor, and he was the receptionist for Lann when he returned to Carbon Mountain.

"Duke Lannister, you never said that there is such an astonishing thing before." Barclay raised his head high on the ground, and was amazed at the guard of the ice giant. "I heard what happened in Ferencz. He drove Kelturis away, right? If you had summoned him back then, Ziglin and Fuchs would never have fought!"

Lan En didn't answer this sentence, but just said with a smile: "I didn't have the right time before, but now I want to call him out to try to see if I can give him a suitable armor in Mahakam."

Barclay couldn't help but tilted his head again when he heard the words: "Will you put an iron armor on it... I can't imagine the expression of the Nilfgaardians anymore... Come in."

The city gate of Carbon Mountain is so high that the Ice Giant can barely pass by bending over.The dwarves did not keep the ice giants out of the city. The power contained in the capital of a country and an outside clan are two concepts. Even Kerturis would not dare to attack Carbon Mountain rashly if he had wings, let alone the ice giants.

The ice giant can defeat the red dragon head-on, but for civilizations like humans and dwarves, the ice giant is much easier to deal with than the red dragon.Although the dwarves were on guard against the ice giants, they didn't feel ashamed as if they were facing an enemy.

"You guys came back too fast. The Great Elder hasn't returned to Carbon Mountain yet. We won't be able to arrange your meeting with the Great Elder until tomorrow." Barclay explained in a low voice while leading Lan to the residence arranged for him.

"It's okay, I understand this kind of life very well. It just so happens that I can use this emptiness to deal with other things."

Lan En said so, his eyes turned not far away.

At the end of his line of sight was House, who he had left behind in Carbon Mountain to be in charge of negotiations. He had been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw Lann appear, he strode forward:
"Lord Duke."

Out of procedural needs, Barclay gave a few instructions to Carbon Mountain before leaving, and then handed over the space to the oath master and attendant.

After handing over and arranging the accompanying guards and the dwarves who followed, Lan sat down at the table, and his own attendant brought him a wine glass and prepared it.

"Tell me, House." Lann smelled the fragrance of Mahakam ale, and motioned House to pour himself a glass, "How did you talk with the dwarves during the time in Carbon Mountain? How much equipment did you win for us?"

"Besides the equipment, how much information did you get?"

A confident smile appeared on House's face.


At night, Mahakam Dungeon.

The guards here are still talking about the scene of the arrival of the Cintra people during the day, admiring the astonishing power of the ice giant.

However, this kind of amazement towards outsiders soon stopped, and the attention of the dwarf guards quickly shifted to the compatriots who were imprisoned in the dungeon. These new prisoners all wore squirrel tails as accessories.

"When the Ziegrins caused trouble before, I thought I saw Colonel Barclay's angriest face." The guard sighed a long time, "But when he escorted you over, the expression on his face almost made me think we were at war with that country."

"Children, why did you just learn from those elves? It's no secret that Scoia'tael was created by elves to fight for a gathering place. And we have Mahakam." The dwarf guard said earnestly to the Scoia'tael inside the cage, "Do you know how embarrassing the Great Elder was when he faced humans because of the movement you made?"

Although the Scoia'tael were imprisoned in the dungeon, their current appearance was fairly neat, and it could be seen that they were treated well.

After hearing what the guards said, the dwarf who tied his beard into three whips retorted loudly: "We don't need to compromise with humans to gain benefits, that is a shame! We are dwarves, and we should rely on hammers and axes to fight for what we need!"

"The era when the dwarves ruled the mainland is long gone. We should wait for the time now instead of being so impulsive... Forget it, it's too late to tell you anything now." The guard shook his head and stopped trying to communicate with the Scoia'tael.

Soon, there were footsteps at the end of the road.

"Bitterke! Come here to visit your brother from the same clan?" The Scoia'tael locked in the cell are all young dwarves from the Ferenc clan who went out a few years ago and did not come back. The guards felt sorry for them and at the same time understood the feelings of the Ferenc dwarves very well.

"I'm really sorry." Beatrirk showed an apologetic look to the guards, as if expressing apology for the trouble caused by his brother of the same clan.

"What kind of nonsense is this, obviously... Woo!"

The guards of the dungeon had no vigilance against these Ferenc youths, and were easily stunned by them at the same time.Although these dwarves returned in despair after staying in human society for a period of time, they had already learned "cunning" and "sneak attack".

Beatrirk was gasping for breath because of his nervousness. He searched for the key from the dungeon guard with trembling hands, but failed to insert the key into the lock cylinder after repeated attempts, and made a sound of "cracking" metal collisions in vain.

Until two hands climbed over the bars and grabbed Beatrirk's wrist.Looking up, it was a dwarf with three braids.

"When we fight for the rights of the dwarves outside and avenge them against the human society, they will understand us and know that we are just." The three-braided dwarf reassured.

Beatrirk took a few more deep breaths, and gradually stabilized his hands.

Soon, the Scoia'tael in the cell came out in a file. They skillfully stripped off the guard's armor and were about to put it on for themselves, but they were immediately scolded by the three-braided dwarf.

"Stop it! We'll just keep our clothes on, we'll let our people know what we're doing to gain their support. This is Mahakam, and in Mahakam we don't need to hide our identities!"

After saying this, the three-braided Scoia'tael dwarf turned around and asked Beatrirk, "How are you getting ready to tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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