From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 314 The upcoming decisive battle

When the guerrillas were in place, they quickly dispersed inside the fortress.

According to the original plan, their combat mission was to pull out the siege equipment at each commanding height under the leadership of their respective witcher leaders, so as to create conditions for the rampage of Saskia and Kelturis.

The interior of the fortress has been completely disrupted by the red dragon at this moment, and there is no force to stop these highly mobile small elite troops.

Coupled with the magical help of Triss and Yennefer, remote support from time to time or simply using portals to help the guerrillas strengthen their mobility, the threat on the battlements was quickly removed.

Lann also frequently flashed around those siege crossbows and giant trebuchets, but his purpose was not to kill.


With a flash of golden light, Lan fell to the ground, holding his own Lake Maiden sword tightly in his hand.

After the "blood recovery" help from the demon hunters just now, his physical function has returned to its peak.


These crossbowmen saw the brutal killing of companions on the commanding heights around them. Immediately, some people dropped the siege crossbows they were manipulating and turned around and ran away;

Lane treated both types of people equally.

The golden light of the rune sword flashed, drawing arcs of light in the air one after another, and Lan walked through the Nilfgaardians with civet-like steps.Whether it was the soldiers rushing towards him, or the deserters who turned around and left, they were all shrouded in his sword light.

The sound of "噗嗤" sounded intermittently, and blood was splashed in the air like a fountain, and then fell one after another.

All the crossbowmen turned into corpses.

Lann shook off the remaining blood on the sword, and patted the giant siege crossbow with his left hand. Afterwards, the weapon disappeared into this area as if it had been abruptly erased from the space, leaving only a slightly sunken mark on the ground.

He raised his eyebrows in satisfaction. This is Lann's tenth siege crossbow that he has put into the [Inventory], and there are eight other giant Nilfgaardian catapults.

The combined cost of these monsters made of giant wood and steel is worth several manors, and the technical value contained in them is even more immeasurable.

As I said before, the war between Nilfgaard and the North was not in the same era. This is not only reflected in tactics and war concepts, but also in technology.

The range and power of these siege equipment are several times that of the existing equipment in the north. This is from the fact that the trebuchet that attacked Earl Thorgil in Skellige almost smashed an old castle with three rounds of salvo. It can be seen.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.Moreover, after bringing these siege equipment back home, they can do a good job of dismantling the technology, which can also improve the strength of Sintra.

At this time, Lan looked around again, and Nilfgaard's air control methods had basically been removed.

The two giant dragons no longer had any scruples, and began to dive frequently at low altitudes, wantonly breathing flames at the people in the castle.

They should leave too.

Suddenly, Lann raised his hand as if feeling something, and on the other side of his line of sight was the banner of Nilfgaard.



"My lord, all the siege crossbows and trebuchets have been destroyed, we have nothing to do with those two dragons!"

The adjutant reported to Duke Werther with a pale face, the cold sweat of fear and the hot sweat from being scorched by the flames flowed together, as if he had just been fished out of the Yaruga River.

"I saw……"

By now, Duke Werther had calmed down instead.

He looked at the blond knight in silver and black armor at the end of his line of sight.

From the moment Lann flashed into the city, Duke Witt only had in his mind the information that Duke Darcy of the Eastern Group Army was beheaded and seized the flag, so he immediately summoned all the Imperial Guards to surround him to protect him. Own.

This kind of chaotic order is also one of the reasons why Lan's guerrillas can wantonly destroy equipment in the fortress.

But the banner is clearly here, but Lannister seems to have deliberately ignored it.Not only Lannister, but even the summoned guerrillas, and even the flames sprayed by the two giant dragons in the sky deliberately avoided him.

Now, the tower at the foot of Duke Werther is the most peaceful place in the whole fortress.

Faintly, Duke Werther had a sense that Lannister didn't want his own life.

With a "bang", a pillar of fire rubbed against the tower at Duke Werther's feet and sprayed into an arrow tower next to it.

The flames penetrated into the building along the windows and every gap, and then accompanied by a violent explosion, the entire arrow tower was blown into pieces.

"My lord, we, we may have to retreat!"

The adjutant threw Duke Werther to the ground, avoiding the bricks and rocks that flew into the sky and smashed towards him, and anxiously spoke to Duke Werther.

"Withdraw? Withdraw under the circumstances?"

Duke Werther jumped up and pointed fiercely at the Sintra cavalry and the dragon in the sky in the distance, and then pointed at the infantry on his side that had almost become a defeated army.

"In this case, do we need to leave the fortress and retreat to the wild?"

The adjutant panted heavily with red eyes and remained silent.

And Duke Werther quickly calmed down after yelling at the adjutant, and said decadently:

"We really should withdraw."

There was another "bang", and the entire city wall on the south side collapsed, revealing a huge gap, as if telling Duke Witte that he could escape from there.

Looking around, more than one-fifth of the entire Ortagar Fortress has collapsed.The fortress that was originally used as a city defense shelter has now become a cage instead, making it impossible for Nilfgaardian soldiers to avoid the dragon flames falling from the sky, and causing the most elite black-clothed soldiers to die directly.

At this moment, the troops arrayed outside the fort still maintained most of their combat effectiveness.

"A giant dragon that can be defeated by hundreds of people... or even dozens of people, can it be used in this situation on the battlefield to achieve such results..."

Duke Werther muttered to himself and looked at Lan not far away.

At this moment, the guerrillas had reassembled around him, and the warlocks opened the portal to help evacuate, but Duke Werther could only watch these people come and go as if his fortress was deserted, but there was nothing he could do.

With a "bang", another pillar of fire fell down.From the perspective of Duke Werther, the flames spread behind Lane, as if the curtain was coming to an action that would shock the continent.

Just at this moment, he saw Lannister's gaze projected towards him, and he smiled.

In the next second, the lion of Cintra and the remaining witchers disappeared in a bright emerald flash.

"My lord!" The adjutant's urging voice came from next to my ear.

The dragon was still roaring, the people of Nilfgaardian were still screaming, and there was a scene of doom around them.

Duke Witt gritted his teeth and ordered harshly:

"Align the guards, let's withdraw!"

The only remaining cavalry in the city mounted their horses as quickly as possible, and escorted the commander of the Eastern Group towards the gap in the city wall blasted out by the dragon before. It was really calm along the way, and such a big movement did not attract the dragon in the sky. focus on.

But when Duke Werther tried to gather up the remnant army and bring more soldiers and horses, dragon flames immediately rained down from the sky, turning those Nilfgaardians who thought they had a chance of survival into coke.

By the time Duke Werther left Ortagar Fortress, there were only a few horses around him.

On the other side of the fortress, the sound of shouting and killing was loud.

Regardless of the ruined fortress, the dragons began to wreak havoc in the infantry formation outside the city, and the Sintra cavalry also decisively chiseled in after the infantry phalanx was defeated, and entered the pursuit from the first moment of hand-to-hand combat. pawn pattern.

"My lord, shall we..."

"No, leave them all behind us." Duke Witt gritted his teeth fiercely, "They can only stay."

The commander of Army Group West looked back at his troops for the last time.

"The mythical Lannister in the people of actually real."

"Western Army, it's over!"
After half a day.

In the Fortress of Ortagar, Lane sat in the study of the only main building that had not been washed by dragon flames—that is, where Duke Werther was before.

[Dear teacher, see the words as faces:
It's been a long time since I last greeted you.In fact, because the war in the northern border is critical and Nilfgaard is watching, I am running around looking for a reliable ally, and it is difficult to find time to ask you for advice.

Fortunately, everything finally turned the corner.Now I have almost driven out all the enemies entrenched in Sintra, and the restoration of the country is imminent.When everything settles down, we can finally push forward the process of rebuilding the Demon Hunter Order...]

He is using [Griffon School Contact Notes] to write a letter to Geron in Kell Siren.

Since Geron had already agreed to help Lann in a critical moment, and Kelda, another master of the Griffin School, had already gone north with Mossak to seek help from the Kingdom of Kovill, Lann no longer engages in such actions. There are words in the previous words, and the trick of begging the teacher to go down the mountain in a subtle way.

The letters he writes now are more simply to communicate with Geron about the current situation, enhance their relationship, and send warmth to the empty-nester old man of Kyle Siren.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Lan is not satisfied with the level of help at a critical moment, and wants to pull the two Griffon masters to stay in Sintra in his heart.

"Crack——" Before Lann's letter was finished, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open.

This made Lann raise his eyebrows involuntarily.

In the whole of Sintra, there was only one person who knew he was in the room but dared to come in without knocking on the door, and was able to prevent the guards at the door from notifying him in advance.

Sure enough, a familiar crisp "Lan!" call came to his ears immediately after.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Ciri running into the study wearing the white armor that was similar to Calanthe's when he was alive, and then suddenly turned to his arms, looking curiously at the notes spread out on his desk.

"Is this the magic item that your Griffin School uses to communicate with each other? Can I have a look?"

The Daughter of Destiny of the wolf faction asked curiously.

"Is there still room for me to say 'no'?" Lann lightly smiled and touched Ciri's head, and then asked in confusion, "Why are you here? You should stay in Brokilon obediently, but here front."

"It's no longer the front line." When he said this, Ciri's eyes were moist and shining, "This is 'home' again!"

When Lan En heard this, the smile on his face became dizzy even more.

"You're right, Your Highness." The right hand touched the silver-gray head with muscle memory, "But how did you get here?"

A voice sounded outside the door:

"it's me."

The old advisor Mossak came in through the door, followed by Field Marshal Vesekid.

"Before I set off, Ciri has been pulling me to beg." The druid watched the interaction between Lan and Ciri, and the smile on his face could not be suppressed, "And the Ortagar Fortress was recovered, and the Western Army was defeated. After that, I felt it was time to send a message to the warriors of Cintra as well."

When he said this, Mossak took a deep breath, and the face of Marshal Vesekid behind him also turned red.

"Sintra can be regarded as recovered now." Mossak said, "In this case, it is enough to let the princess and the duke appear in front of the soldiers together, and make a declaration and reward to them. Historic."

The fact is also true, Lane and their strategic goals in Sintra have basically been completed by now.

If it weren't for the consideration of the strategy against the Central Army in the future, and the need to leave a passage for them to ambush, Sintra can now start the pace of regaining the whole territory.

And it will be successful soon.

"Indeed." This reason convinced Lan, "It has been two years since the Nilfgaardians entered the country, and everyone is looking forward to it..."

"After the Ortagar Fortress is cleaned up, let's gather the soldiers. At this moment of staged victory, we really need to reward them."

"But we still have a decisive battle ahead, and the soldiers can't relax." Lan En warned, "I still need the Marshal to help me control this aspect."

"Don't worry, Lan." The spirit in the marshal's eyes is nothing like that of an old man with gray hair and beard, and the flames seem to be burning inside, "Everyone's morale is unprecedentedly high—after all, this is the recovery of Ortagar. Fortress."

"This is the last section of the road leading to dawn. The battle after that will let everyone sacrifice on the battlefield, and there will be absolutely no complaints."

This is not what the marshal said on behalf of the soldiers, but what he really said in his heart.

Lan En's expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "I don't want everyone to fall in the final battle. I have been working hard all the time—whether it is finding allies everywhere, or improving my own strength, or it is outside. Flying dragons and yet-to-be-seen giants—all to keep as many people alive as possible, and to witness with us the re-raising of the Three Lions banner in the capital of Cintra."

"Not to mention." Lan laughed, "I still need your help to rebuild Sintra. It's all down, where can I find someone?"

The room immediately began to be filled with a relaxed atmosphere.

Lann quickly asked a new question: "How's the battlefield cleaning up? You two are definitely not here just to send Ciri here?"

Speaking of cleaning the battlefield, Mossak's face suddenly became complaining.

In the previous battle of the dragon riding the face, Saskia and Kelturis almost burned their throats with their flames. The frontier fort fell to pieces.

Not to mention anything else, just to put out the fire and let the soldiers have a temporary shelter to rest and recuperate, Lann flashed around and used [Bone Biting] to cool down, and hid in the study after the mana was exhausted; then Moss The two old druids, Sak and Feitov, prayed for rain again, finally cooling down the hot fortress.

"Most of the city has been destroyed, one side of the city wall has collapsed, and the other three sides can't stand people. We can only take a temporary rest here, and then we will withdraw." Such an Ortaga fortress obviously lost its strategy before it was rebuilt. value.

"However, those semi-melted towers may be preserved later to commemorate today's battle." Mossack began to enjoy the post-war battle, "This will become a rich stroke in history."

Lane nodded.

The marshal began to report the casualties of the enemy and the enemy: "The enemy was defeated before our cavalry came, so the cavalry in Sintra headquarters did not die, only a dozen minor injuries."

"That's why Kevier's Free Corps was at the front. They killed more than 100 people, and the exact number and wounded are still being counted."

The troops brought over this time were [-] Sintra elite cavalry and [-] Freedom Corps mercenaries.The average quality of the mercenary regiment is very high, and all of them can fight immediately and be used as cavalry.

However, in terms of organization and discipline, they are much worse than the Sintra people. The slightly injured people have been counted here, and the death toll there is not yet accurate.

Lan En didn't say anything: "This is the value of the mercenary group. However, in terms of treatment, it is better not to be too different from our own people, and the wounded should be treated with all their strength. When the decisive battle is over, some of them will even be large. Some of them will become Sintra people."

"I know." The marshal nodded.

"What about the Nilfgaardians? How many did we capture and how many were captured?"

This question caused the Marshal to show an embarrassed expression: "The difficult to calculate, and it can only be roughly estimated to be between 5000 and [-] people. After all, most of them have been burnt to ashes; there are many others who have been buried. Underneath the collapsed building, it hasn't been dug out yet."

Understandably, Lane nodded.And even if the numbers are not clear, such a result is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

Every soldier who goes to war will see himself in poetry.

"Where are the captives?"

"No prisoners," said the marshal.

Lan En paused slightly, but said nothing.

Even Ciri's expression didn't change.

"The main force of the Western Group Army is here, but there must be scattered troops around, and there must be a lot of defeated troops who escaped in this battle. Let our people continue to go around, and I will let the Red Dragon continue in the air." Patrol, let the soldiers cooperate with her more."

"Ten days. No matter what the result is, we will regroup the army." Lane made a decision, "Then soldiers will be dispatched to Soden, ready to start the decisive battle we planned."

The marshal knocked on the greaves, solemnly performed a standard military salute, and used the honorific: "Your will!"
Town of Brokilon, square.

A portal suddenly opened, and a strong wind blew.

Warlock Radcliffe, the advisor to the royal family of Aedirn, stumbled out of it, and saw a tall troll covered in rocks rumbling towards him.

Radcliffe's already bloodless face grew even paler.Fortunately, he looked around, and soon saw the Three Lions flag flying aside.

"I am the royal advisor of Aedirn! I am here to find the Duke of Lannister on the orders of His Majesty Demevi III!"

"I'm here for help!!" (End of this chapter)

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