From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 316 Higher Vampires Join Permanent Residence

Chapter 316 Higher Vampires Join Permanent Residence

Brokilon Town, Lord's Mansion, Study.

Ciri sat in Lann's usual position, playing with the quill in his hand a little bored.

I saw her spread her hands, and then the pen was suspended in her hand like a real feather, even lighter than a feather, and then wrapped around her four fingers like a butterfly among flowers. shuttle.

"Dong dong", there was a knock on the door, and after hearing Shirley's affirmative voice, he pushed the door open and entered.

"Keen!" Seeing the person coming, Ciri jumped up happily.

Ciri was once trained in Kaer Morhen. At that time, Coen was also invited to spend the winter as a Griffin school, so he also joined Ciri's "sword training team" for a long time.

At that time, apart from Geralt, Cohen was Ciri's favorite witcher—maybe it was because the behavior of the Griffin School was more decent, unlike the other young wolves who couldn't learn to speak well, Often seize every opportunity to sneer at Ciri.

It is also not ruled out that Cohen and Lann are both griffins, which caused the love house and crow.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness." Cohen smiled and performed a knight salute after entering the door, which was rewarded with a shy kick from Ciri.

"I'm not joking, Ciri." The witcher shook his head.

Because the news he learned during the day was too shocking, Ciri had been depressed since returning from the Ortagar Fortress, and it was only Keen who had the time to make the children happy.

Then he began to report sternly: "My guerrillas have taken over the town's defenses. There are many helpers gathered by Lann, and the defense strength is far beyond the theory. If necessary, we can even withdraw from Brokilon's city. The Dryad will help and won't put you in danger."

Ciri patted Cohen's breastplate like a real princess: "Thank you, Cohen."

Ke En chuckled: "Lan entrusted you to me, and I will definitely protect you. It's just a pity that since he entered the war, the predictive ability brought by his ancient blood has rarely appeared."

When Cohen said this, he showed expectant eyes: "Ciri, you are also the blood of the ancients. Can you see the future in the near future? The Nilfgaardians will really raid the cloth as we judged from tactics. Rocky Long Town?"

Ciri pursed her lips: "It would be great if I could see it. I'd rather you all go to the front line to help Lane, rather than wasting energy on me because of this seemingly invisible threat."

There is a very miraculous phenomenon in the field of magic. When many magic sources are first awakened, they often show more powerful power than senior warlocks who have been famous for many years.

From the perspective of predictive ability alone, even the royal astrologers of Nilfgaard today sometimes make mistakes in their predictions, but warlocks can all regard the fact that "the illusion seen by the magic source will definitely happen" as a truth.

The power during the awakening period of the magic source is too large, powerful, and chaotic, and therefore often causes damage to the magic source.

Many demon sources have various physical deformities, and if the most powerful group can't get the power to teach them how to sort out themselves in time, they basically won't live to adulthood.

Like today's Ciri, compared with the original book, she not only has a complete swordsmanship training group, but also has a more fantastic private magic training group.The magic power in the body has already been thoroughly sorted out. Although the ability to travel through time and space has not been awakened, it is also becoming stronger step by step.

But this also temporarily deprived her of her predictive ability, making Ciri much "ordinary" now, which also made her extremely depressed.

Seeing Ciri's appearance, Cohen couldn't help laughing.

"You are Lann's most important princess, Ciri, how can spending power on your security be considered a waste?"

"Now is just a transitional period for your strength. Look at Lan's appearance, you may be stronger than me, Geralt, and Yennefer in the future."

Just when Cohen comforted Ciri.

On the side, an emerald flame suddenly lit up on the hanging picture directly opposite the desk, attracting their attention.

Wearing a gothic-style plain dress with a black veil cover, the soul in the painting slowly appeared in the room, and gave a lady's salute to Cohen.

"Alice!" Ciri's eyes lit up again, "Is it time to learn to draw again?"

The soul in the painting shook his head slightly.Alice's paintings in various forms are now spread all over the town, and she can have a panoramic view of any trouble in any corner of Brokilon Town, and move to the corresponding position.

At this moment, she just brought over a piece of information.

"Nanomi...that is, the female Night Demon that Lan brought back from Skellige appeared, and she also brought back a middle-aged man dressed as an herbalist." Alice frowned slightly, "They said they wanted See 'Old Blood'."


Lann would always bring back some strange or non-human beings when he went out, and Ciri knew that.

For example, Troll Demon, Ciri likes it very much and often plays together; like Berserker Bill, after hearing the story of the other party and the mermaid, Ciri shed tears rarely.

In the "humanoid female creature" brought back, Triss can provide Lann with strength, and Ciri has already accepted it; Alice has a desolate temperament and elegant appearance, not to mention men, Ciri himself has already fallen in love with it .

As for Saskia who just arrived recently, that heroic look is what Ciri wants to become in the future, and Ciri has no objection after knowing the identity of the other party's real dragon.

These were people Ciri had accepted and even liked.

Only Nanomi, the Night Demon, was something Ciri couldn't possibly like.

Even though Naomi seems to be the favorite of others - such as a small number of Wolf faction members.

At this moment, Ciri looked at Nanomi and the middle-aged pharmacist she brought back with her hips crossed, with obvious hostility; Ke En looked at the pharmacist, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

On the contrary, Alice seemed to have sensed something, fear appeared in her eyes, and she faintly protected Ciri behind her.

It was Naomi who broke the silence first: "Reggis, this is one of the two ancient bloods I told you about, but her power seems to have just awakened, not as good as the other one I told you One."

"I salute you, Your Royal Highness." Unlike the female Night Demon who didn't pay much attention, Regis saluted Ciri in a gesture that even the court teachers could not find fault with.

Then he turned to Cohen and Alice: "Say hello to you two too—this Mr. Witcher, and the miraculous lady."

"My name is Emir Regis Lohorek Tajiv Godfrey, and my friends usually call me Regis." Regis laughed, "I am Nanomi's Old friend. Because I heard that there is an ancient bloodline that needs help here, so I hope to join in and do my part."


It doesn't matter if you don't like it or not, but Ciri is welcome to contribute to help Lann.

She also knew that the people Lann took as "lions" were all people who would not harm them, and at least the female night devil brought back would not be an enemy.

The little princess squeezed out a social smile that was just right: "Thank you for coming, Mr. Regis, all like-minded partners are welcome to join in Sintra. It's a pity that Lan is busy with business, so I can only trouble you to stay in Brokilon temporarily. , and make temporary arrangements when he comes back."

Regis showed a puzzled expression: "But... aren't you a princess?"

Ciri said as a matter of course: "Now I also listen to Lane."

Regis immediately bowed his head apologetically, as if sensing Ciri's dissatisfaction: "Please forgive my offense."

Shirley lifted his chin slightly to show that he didn't care.

Then she glanced at Naomi, showing a curious look: "Since you are Naomi's old friend, Regis, I don't know what kind of power you have? I might take the liberty to ask... Is there' Male night goblin'?"

Nanomi laughed out loud, and said very flatly: "According to your human classification, Regis is a 'higher vampire'!"


High vampires and female night devils are also alien creatures who strayed into the mainland due to the convergence of the celestial spheres and were trapped here, but they are much stronger than the latter.

They are the undisputed top of the food chain.As far as it has been recorded in the illustrated book, the abilities of advanced vampires include but are not limited to: flying, invisibility, infinite strength, invulnerability, incarnation of giant bats, resistance to sunlight, telepathy, manipulation of creatures, and so on.

And most importantly - immortality.

Literally "undead".Advanced vampires cannot be killed, at least humans have not yet found a way to kill them, even if they are chopped into pieces and forged into glass with sand, advanced vampires can recover little by little after a long time.

A king once sent a commission to hunt and kill a high-ranking vampire with half the kingdom as a reward, but this reward has never been received, and the country finally disappeared.

Because advanced vampires have the same appearance as humans, as well as similar ways of thinking and behavior, they like to live in cities very much and live a life that is no different from humans.

No surprise - this race loves blood.Some high-level vampires will follow the animal nature in their hearts and hunt and kill humans like hunting; some will use more elegant methods, such as running an orphanage; more intelligent ones will run a family, using kingdoms or even empires as their cover.

However, there are still some high-level vampires who can completely quit drinking human blood and will not harm anyone—for example, Regis who came to Brokiron Town at this moment.

In the original novel, Ciri is often chased or kidnapped by various forces.And Regis very unexpectedly met Geralt who didn't know how many times he was looking for his daughter of destiny. After hearing the story of the bard Dandelion, he was deeply moved and joined Geralt's girl-hunting team.

Although Regis would not die, for Geralt and Ciri he was still seriously injured to the point where he was almost unconscious for hundreds of years before he could barely open his eyes.

Geralt and Ciri didn't know about these things now, and they probably wouldn't.But Regis, who came to Brokilong Town by accident, is now an undoubted reinforcement.


After hearing Regis' full version of "self-introduction", the study room was quiet for a while.

Ke En twitched his face fiercely, and reflexively pinched out the [Quen Seal] gesture. Although he didn't put on a fighting stance on the surface, his whole person's aura had changed.

Ciri swallowed her saliva. She had read the Monster Manual in Kaer Morhen and knew what a high-level vampire meant.

Having such an existence is definitely a joyous thing for Sintra.

It's just that I suddenly miss Lane a little bit.
With a "bang", the portal opened.

Since Nilfgaard has already reached Aedirn, this is another place that Lann has not set foot in, so Lann can only feel wronged and go through the portal of Aedirn's consultant.

The destination was in the city, but as soon as they left the portal, there were shouts of killing.

It seems that the Nilfgaardians have broken through here again, and the coalition forces are now fighting fiercely.The black cloaks of the cavalry were everywhere in sight, and horseshoes beat the icy ground.

The majestic appearance of the portal was too eye-catching in the center of the battlefield, and a wave of arrows flew directly from the camp of the black-clothed army.Adviser Aedirn who walked out of the portal had just put away his spells, and had no time to set up the protective shield, only a short squeal in time.

Fortunately, a circular shield with a thick color like the earth appeared in time.

[Quin Seal. Active Shield]

The metal arrow hit the magic shield and made ripples, and a stream of clear water rushed into Lan's brain to relieve the dizziness, making him groan involuntarily.


Holding the active shield with his left hand, Lan grabbed Advisor Aden with his right hand and shouted, "The city is broken! Can you find Demavi?"

Adviser Aden stared blankly at Lan En's left hand: "Why don't you cast's so easy to maintain?"

"Because I'm using a seal, so I don't need to chant a spell! Can you find Demavi? Are there any magic items around him that you can locate?"

" can't be a magic seal, it's just a trick made by simplifying magic, how could it have such a strong power..."

Seeing that Radcliffe still couldn't listen to people's words at such a critical moment, Lan En just slapped him in the face without being polite.

Instead, Adviser Yadian woke up. The shouting and killing around him made him shiver suddenly, and he began to say like pouring beans:
"I can't find His Majesty! Because the king in the north is very wary of us warlocks. Your Majesty does not allow us to have the means to locate him, let alone be able to teleport to him at any time!"

Lan gritted his teeth hard and was convinced.

However, it is also understandable that there is no other country in the northern border or even the entire continent that is as compatible with druids and warlock groups as Lann.

In a group dominated by humans, any existence whose strength exceeds the standard of conventional humans may be able to gain superficial respect, but it is difficult to gain real trust.

Lan shook off Advisor Aden and was looking around to assess the situation.

When the rain of arrows hit his seal, it only made a "puff puff puff" sound at first, but then unexpectedly, there was a sudden "bang" explosion, and the entire shield was directly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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