From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 342 Yes, We Have 1 Child

Chapter 342 Yes, We Have a Child

The bells ring throughout Sintra.

It passed over the tallest tower in the capital of Sintra, past the walls of the royal palace and castle, and reached the narrowest and most remote streets.

Fireworks roared into the sky, and firecrackers continued to explode.The crowd cheered, shouted, threw hats in the air and waved handkerchiefs, scarves and flags.

The celebration begins.

Every Sintra person rushed to the street. They looked at the castle in the center of the capital with eager eyes, watching an iron-blooded cavalry regiment pour out of it.

The leader was Marshal Visekid, and the knights behind him all had solemn faces. Each of them had a roaring lion head carved on their left chest plate, shining in the sun.

"Marshal Visekid!"

"Glory to Sintra!"

"Long live the Lion!!!"

The knights moved forward along the main road, their mounts' smooth and shiny coats marching in a row of four at an orderly pace.

Their mounts were like their riders, calm and proud, undaunted by the cheers and shouts of the crowd.Facing the flying flowers, they just shook their heads slightly with an imperceptible amplitude.

They are all veterans who have actually been on the battlefield, whether they are knights or war horses.

When they were still a hundred steps away from the square, two more regiments came from the other two directions of the capital like the intersection of sea currents from the other two intersections.

The Mahakam Heavy Infantry Regiment, and the Kovir Free Corps... No, they should be called the Cintra Corps now.

After the victory in the war, Rann promised the remaining members of the Free Corps the status of citizens of Cintra, promising to properly resettle the soldiers returning from the battlefield as war heroes.

Although they will definitely be disorganized and reintegrated into Cintra's military system later, at this moment Lann allowed them to remain organized to participate in the parade for the last time and accept the cheers of the crowd.

"The dwarves who never back down! The iron walls of Cintra!"

"Free Mercenary Group!"


Zoltan, Gabo, and Petrit raised their chests together, and at the same time, the three of them approached Yalpan, whose head was wrapped in thick gauze, to prevent this stubborn guy who struggled from the hospital bed from opening his wounds due to excitement. Fall to the ground.

Julia, nicknamed "Little Beautiful Cat," quietly wiped away a tear and caught a bouquet of carnations thrown by the crowd. Their mercenary group gathered for this war and sacrificed too much for this war.

Until now, she had some sense of reality. The mercenaries in Kevir could only get remuneration, but never enjoyed the cheers.

The last troops to enter were the reinforcements from Skellige, and the leader was not East, but Kratz, the "Boar of the Sea".

East, who was once the king of Sintra, did not want to overshadow the guests on a day like today. He sat in the stands with other foreign guests who came to watch the ceremony, and his soft eyes were cast towards the central square like everyone who participated in the celebration.

Sintra's main army, Mahakam Volunteer Army, Free Corps, and Skellig reinforcements gathered in the square from four directions and formed four huge square formations.

There are two thrones placed in the center of the square.


The bells are ringing again in Sintra.

A huge bright emerald light spot lit up in the center of the square, and the crowd's cheers couldn't help but be choked by it.

A huge ancient body appeared, carefully cleaned and dressed up to look as majestic as a sculpture.

There was a person standing on each shoulder of him.

The giant knelt on one knee and slowly stretched out his two arms. His strong muscles built a marble-like staircase between his shoulders and the ground.

Duke Lannister and Princess Cirilla descended the stairs.

The crowd burst into cheers again, this time the cheers were even crazier than before, and the enthusiasm almost broke away the clouds in the sky.

Flowers were again thrown into the sky, and then a carpet was spread under the feet of the horses and giants.

"Long live Lord Lannister! Long live the Lion!!"

"Long live Princess Cirilla! Long live the lioness!!"

The celebration reached an unprecedented climax.


And in the center of everyone's cheers, what was Lan thinking?

He is in a trance.

Ciri gave a speech from the front, while Lane cast his gaze toward the stands.

He did not look at East, nor at Radovid, Philippa, or the other envoys who came to watch the ceremony.

He looked at Keira Metz who was talking to Triss.

Turn your mind back to yesterday.

After meeting with Philippa who represented Redania, Lann received Keira Metz who came on behalf of Temeria in order.

During the meeting, Lann asked the question that troubled him: How could King Foltest suddenly decide to send troops to support Cintra, and even went so far as to march on it himself?What does Temeria want from this?
Then Lan got an explosive piece of news in Keira's teasing eyes.

"Yada is pregnant," Keira said.

"Yada is pregnant?!" Lann reacted.

Lann's expression management completely collapsed at that moment.

He was silent for a long time.

He had doubts at first: Was the child his own?

Then he put this stupid question behind him and began to doubt himself: Am I not a witcher?
After a brief blank moment in his brain, Lann's mind raced rapidly, and he quickly grasped the differences between himself and other demon hunters and discovered his blind spots.

[——A certain wandering trader in another dimension smiled and said nothing. He has been gone for a long time, but his shadow is still everywhere in this world. 】

This is good news in the sense that fertility issues are an absolute must for Lane.

Originally, Lann was still thinking about whether Mossack could work harder to conquer the experiment, or simply call Jeron to catch another Dijing and make a wish.

Now it seems that this process can be omitted, and the product supporting services provided by Mirror Master can be completed in one step.

Everyone knows his identity as a demon hunter.The sudden ability to have children is actually easy to explain. Just blame everything on the magical "ancient blood".


Lann looked at Ciri who was delivering a speech to the nation.

[How should I tell Xili about this? 】


Prince Radovid looked at Sirilla in front of the throne and watched a druid appear in the wide open portal.

Amid cheers all over the sky, Calanthe's trusted advisor, a veteran of Cintra's former court, placed the crown symbolizing the queen on Sirilla's head.

So the people's cheers changed from "Her Royal Highness Princess Cirilla" to "Your Majesty Cirilla".The princess became a queen.

Radovid gritted his teeth.

[To actually give such a level of cheer to a druid, the caster who deserves to have his head chopped off, Cintra is no different from the savage Skellig. 】

[A savage girl in a savage country. ] Radovid looked at Ciri and thought, [She is just a girl whose engagement was broken off by me. 】

Redania had regretted her marriage in order not to be involved in Nilfgaard's quagmire, but who could have imagined that Cintra would now be victorious?
They bet on the winner before the opening bell, only to walk away at the last minute.

Radovid looked greedily at the troops surrounding the throne and the giant who seemed to come out of a myth.

【They were all supposed to be mine.The inheritance of Cintra, the ownership of these troops, the dwarves, the giants... and the dragons!Two! 】

Radovid stared at Lann with resentful eyes, and then found that Lann's dark golden lion eyes were also looking towards him.

So he quickly turned his body and hid behind the tall Skellig King East.

This made Radovid avoid Lan's eyes, but then he felt another gaze falling on his neck.

He had never experienced such a creepy look before—cold, hard, as if someone had a dagger nailed to his back.

But ever since Lannister's great victory in the north came and his father handed him over to the warlocks for instruction, Radovid had often felt such eyes.

He turned his head.He saw Philippa Earhart's unfathomable black eyes staring at him.

【Wait, then. ] The prince couldn't help but shuddered, [Just wait. 】

Suddenly, the cheers of the people rose again, far exceeding the previous scenes when the duke appeared with the princess, and even when the princess was crowned queen.

"Your Majesty Lann!" He heard all the people of Cintra change their titles.

He looked up and saw that the Lannister had not yet placed the crown on his head.

But he knew what happened. Just now, Cirilla actually announced her engagement to Lannister to all the people of Cintra.

The queen's husband's coronation and wedding were held together, so Lannister is still a duke.But the people of Sintra have spontaneously changed their name.

Or they sincerely believe that this is the most reasonable name for the lion.

Uncontrollable resentment welled up in his heart again, but then Radovid laughed evilly.

He saw delegations from all the nations except Skellige - representatives from Temeria, Aedirn, Kaedwen, the United Kingdom of Lyria and Rivia, and other surrounding neighboring countries. His expression changed drastically.

A sterile witcher becomes king of Cintra, and he will rule the gateway to the north for hundreds of years.This is actually turmoil for the Northern Territory.

At the same time, Cintra clearly refused to introduce the royal bloodline of other countries into the next generation of heirs, which completely violated the promise of Lannister's original talks in the north.

Sintra is finished! ——
The celebration will last for a long time, and the people need a large and lasting ceremony to express the joy of the restoration of the country and wash away the previous pain.

Then they can start a new life and devote themselves to the reconstruction of the country with a fuller attitude.

But Lann didn't need to stay in this celebration for too long. After appearing with Ciri to make the opening announcement and speech, his mission was completed.

The bells outside were ringing loudly, and people were cheering.

Lan En had already retreated to his study room, with a black-covered, thread-bound book spread out in front of him.

It is filled with square Chinese characters, and there are many sticky notes on each page.

Lan turned over the previous contents with a sigh on his face and found that there were only a few thin pages left in the booklet.

After pondering for a moment, he selected three pages and wrote [Integrate the Northern Territory], [Rebuild the Demon Hunter Order], and [Fight against Nilfgaard] respectively.

After writing [Fringilla Vigo] and [Noble Civil War] under the page [Fight against Nilfgaard], he turned over it and ignored it.

Turn to the page of [Integrating the Northern Territory].

Lann thought for a while and first wrote [United Kingdom of Lyria and Rivia] and [Aedirn], and then drew a "√" behind these two countries.

——These are the allies currently known to be able to unite with themselves.

Then Lann wrote [Temeria] and drew a circle behind it.

——Although Temeria’s attitude is currently friendly, we still need to go north to talk to King Foltest in person about what will happen next.

What does the other party want from me?

If King Foltest gets an appetite and wants Yada's child to inherit Cintra, there's no need to talk about it.

Finally, Lan wrote [Redania] and [Kaedwen] in the blank space and drew an "X" behind them.

- These two are enemies.

Lann first wrote "Philippa Earhart" after "Redania", and then "Thanide Island Coup".

And behind [Kaedwen], after Lann thought for a while, he wrote three words:
【Squirrel Party】.

Later, these three words were also connected with [Thanide Island Coup].

There was something to Philippa's plan, and it was good timing.


The attendant who heard the summons quickly opened the door and bowed to Lan Lan.

"That elf, Iorveth, how is he?" Lan asked, "Has their leader not arrived yet?"

House reported: "According to what he said, Ms. Francesca Findaby is living in seclusion, far away from Sintra. The elves have no way to use the long-distance teleportation arrays set up in major cities, and can only use personal communication to The teleportation magic cast will take a few more days to come over."

Lan nodded in understanding.The elves, especially Francesca, always have an unshakable stubbornness.

So he turned over the page [Integrating the Northern Territory], and Lan looked at the last page.

【Rebuilding the Witcher Order】

"Where is my teacher? And Geralt and the others." Lan asked the attendant, "Are you still attending the celebration?"

House shook his head.

"Sir Lambert and the others had a party at first, but soon went to the training ground and magic laboratory; Master Vesemir was exploring the open spaces in the city, and then discussed some things with Master Geron and the others."

"Since they are not interested in the celebration, then call them together." Lann agreed, "What they are eager for is what happens next."

Soon, the news spread.

One after another, the swordsmen with amber vertical pupils put down their work and rushed into the palace castle as fast as possible.

They looked at Lan with longing and expectant eyes.

"Let's go." Lann smiled, "Get ready to welcome our new brother."

"The first demon hunter of the new era!"

(End of this chapter)

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