From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 35 Lan Wants to Know What's Wrong

Chapter 35 Lan Wants to Know What's Wrong
The dryad opened his bow and arrow in front of the man, and a pair of comrades who had just fought side by side suddenly became tense.

"I want to go to Doon Canal." Behind the man, Ciri said suddenly, sullenly, "I have nowhere else to go."

"Son, you don't know what you're talking about." The man protecting Ciri whispered, but put down his hand holding the hilt of the sword.

He may be helpful, but never meddling.This is one of the codes of conduct that people like them have summed up over the years - only help those who ask for help.

Seeing this, Dryad Brian put away his bow and arrow with satisfaction.

"Son, you don't know what decision you just made." The man sighed again.

The dryad Brian went to investigate around. According to her, the giant centipede of Yogoen lived in groups. They needed to leave here as soon as possible to avoid being surrounded by centipedes. Therefore, a dryad who was familiar with the environment was needed to find a way to walk.

"Actually, I know." Ciri whispered, and secretly glanced in the direction of the dryad.

"That's a Dryad, right? I've learned about them. Dryads are a female-only race, so they capture little human girls and turn them into dryads with some Dryad magic ,Right?"

"I've also read in books that they would arrest men of other races to have children, but this made me wonder why."

For young children, magic seems to be better understood than physical science.

The man looked at Ciri in surprise, and he was amazed by the knowledge and reason displayed in Ciri's words: "'s hard for me to explain to you the principle of the tree spirit's reproduction, little lady. It may be the transformation of magic Make it easier."

Facing the man's surprised gaze, Ciri sniffled, she seemed to have a bit of a cold.

"I also know that this forest is full of them, and you will definitely not be able to defeat them. You are not Lan." Ciri looked at the tree spirit not far away, and whispered, "Lan taught me, I As a public... I will definitely encounter the situation of being kidnapped, and I will encounter bad guys who are stronger than me.

He told me that at this time, you must first agree to the conditions offered by the other party and give yourself a chance to escape.When the other party relaxes his vigilance, he will find an opportunity to sneak out and find a place to hide, and then wait for him to come to rescue me. "

The man didn't know what expression to make, the little girl in front of him was beyond his expectation.

But he was pessimistic about Ciri's plans: "You're smart, little Sheila. But I don't think the one who taught you this method... Lann? He could come here and save you."

"Lan will definitely come, definitely!" Ciri raised her head proudly, dismissing the man's doubts.

"You saved me, and you are willing to confront the dryad for me. You seem like a good person. Lane taught me that I can use my own advantages to find someone to help me when I encounter difficulties, instead of doing it myself .” Ciri then looked at the man.

"I'm hiring you to protect me now. I have a lot of money, enough for a mercenary like you to live comfortably for the rest of his life. If you have any enemies, I can ask someone to cut off their heads for you. Don't worry, Everything I say counts, and my grandma gave me that right."

"Give you the right to cut off other people's heads? That's not a good grandma." The man smiled and said, "It seems that you are still a princess? Which country are you from?"

"You are not allowed to speak ill of my grandma. If it weren't for you saving me, what you just said would be enough to cut off your head." Ciri said angrily, "You have this privilege because you saved me .

Lane also taught me that I couldn't take someone else's sacrifice for granted, even if that person would gladly give their life for me.If someone dies for me, I will reward him and treat his family well.

You just blocked the centipede in my place and saved my life.So I give you the privilege to forgive you for knocking me into the air, and forgive you for speaking rudely to my grandma just now.But you also need to pay attention to your words, do you understand?Otherwise I'll take back your privileges. "

The man thinks that the little girl in front of him is really interesting. He has seen too many princesses, but he has never seen a princess like this one. It is so... that people can't think of words to describe it immediately.

"Your Lane must have a bad relationship with your grandmother." The man teased, "But what you said makes sense, Your Highness, I will cherish the privilege you gave me."

"Don't care about things you shouldn't care about." Ciri sniffed, "If you behave well, I can even confer you a knight, understand? You can become a nobleman. But I won't proclaim you personally , because only Lan is my knight, and my knight can only be him."

"Yes, yes." The man coaxed in a low voice, "So Sir Lane is your knight. Speaking of which, I met Baron Fresnet outside the forest, and he said he lost a princess. You are The princess he lost, right?"

"Lan is an earl now, but he'll always be my knight. You'll get his friendship when you get me out. He's a great man, you'll know," said Ciri, "so Don't mention Faithnet again, even if he is your friend."

Brian, who was observing the situation nearby, came back, and she reminded the two to leave early, as night was approaching, and they needed to find a place to camp.

Ciri suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked, "No. Feixnet can't come into the forest, why can you come in, why didn't the dryad kill you?"

"Because strictly speaking, I'm not human." The man replied, "I'm Geralt of Rivia, a witcher."

"Okay, Geralt of Rivia. Get ready, I'm going to run away tonight."


Lane knew that something must have gone wrong now, but he didn't know exactly what went wrong.

According to the plot of the original book, the witcher Geralt will accept the entrustment of King Brueger to deliver a peace agreement to the Dryad Queen in the past few days, and accidentally rescued Ciri who was attacked by the giant centipede of Yugoen.

The experienced demon hunter, after a little questioning, managed to get her identity out of the inexperienced princess.And decided to take Ciri to Verdon to meet the prince.

Ciri, who didn't want to be married, immediately hugged the dryad's thigh and wanted to follow to Brokiron's capital of the dryad.It wasn't until she met the Dryad Queen that she knew she was about to be transformed into a Dryad.

In the end, for some unknown reason (Lane guessed it was the blood of the ancients), Ciri was not affected by the dryad's transformation magic, and the dryad queen allowed Geralt to take Ciri away.

And the above episode should have ended a day ago.According to the normal development, Ciri could be spanked by Queen Calanthe in the palace at this time.

The fact is that Ciri is still in the forest without any news.

Looking at the dryads in front of him, Lan needed to know what went wrong.

Lan stepped over the corpses of Verden soldiers on the ground and walked to the front of the line, shouting loudly: "Tryants, we are here for peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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