From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 350 Wolf Faction: We have endured this for a long time

Chapter 350 Wolf Faction: We have endured this for a long time

As soon as Kian looked at Lann, he knew what he was going to do, and his already scarlet eyes almost started to bleed with excitement.

But in the next second, his expression changed drastically. He pulled over several nearby companions and propped up the khaki protective shield with his left hand.

On the other side, Yennefer also reflexively supported the magic protection, firmly protecting the remaining demon hunters.

[Alder's Seal·Bearing·Magic Explosion! 】

The mine in Redania seemed to be connected to the canyon of Mahakam, and terrifying glacial torrents surged out of Lann's palm.

Now Lan En's control over his own power has reached a new level. He deliberately controlled the creation of wind currents to prevent the impact of the storm from damaging the structure inside the mine. On the other hand, he did not restrain the cold current, which completely transformed the mine. The Ice Age.

"Hula", just the wind blowing by, the gentle touch immediately caused the contact area to be frozen by frost. The swaying and approaching living dead turned into ice sculptures within a breath, along with their feet, heads and sides. The rock walls are condensed with sparkling ice crystals.

Keyan and Yennefer continued to send their magic power to the magic defense until the movement outside finally disappeared.

In just an instant, the icy cold air poured towards them.

With a "warming" sound, all the demon hunters neatly took out the [Igni Seal] and created a ball of fire in their palms to keep warm.

Yennefer crossed her arms and walked to a torch, only to find that the wood was also covered with a layer of ice, which obviously could no longer be ignited.

"As for that? It's enough for the six of us to go up and chop for one round. If it doesn't work, just add a few more seals..." Lambert complained in a low voice.

Vesemir raised his eyebrows: "When did you become so reckless Lambert? Have you forgotten the principles by which we demon hunters live? Who knows what these monsters can do! You should all learn from this Learn from Lann’s caution and methods!”

"We can't learn this either..." Lambert muttered a few times and quickly stopped.

Everyone bypassed the terrifying ice sculpture and walked straight to the passage behind them.The icy ground almost made the soles of the feet slippery, but Yennefer managed to hold Geralt from falling.

An extra tall door appeared in front of everyone.For such a high door, there must be an extra large cave space behind it.

What surprised everyone was that there was a letter stuck on the lock in the middle of the door.The surrounding ice did not freeze or tear it into pieces. It seemed that there was really some power condensed on it, stubbornly wanting to present the words to the visitor.


My voice was hoarse from shouting, but no one was willing to let me out.

Now I know why...

Death is everywhere: darkness, blood, corpses, rotten stench, and the smell of plague is everywhere.These pains coalesce to create the evil spirit of pollution and pain.

It is the "red plague ghost", born from the death of young and old, descending from the rotten flesh.It clung to me the first moment I stepped into the cave.

I had no strength to resist, so I could only seal myself in the cave with it.I'm not sure who you will meet when you arrive, but you must be fully prepared...

If necessary, you can kill...

Do not……

no no no...

Save me, save me, you are my only hope!
quick quick quick quick...

Hurry! ! ! 】

Vesemir took a deep breath, and the cold air calmed his moved heart slightly.

Even the oldest wolf has never faced the "Red Plague Ghost".

The Red Plague Ghost is classified into [Ghost Spirit].People often confuse it with [Plague Banshee].

However, the Plague Banshee is just a monster that spreads diseases after death due to the curse on human beings. The Red Plague Ghost is a monster condensed through the painful distortion of countless disease patients.

Its appearance is far more harsh than ordinary people imagine. Only when encountering a man-made disaster like the plague, coupled with countless greed, selfishness, and cruelty, can a red plague ghost be born. This is why it can spread far more than other monsters. of despair.

Vesemir's eyes were sad: "The red plague ghost has no entity and can only possess other people's bodies, and its host will be irreversibly damaged by the plague. But the resistance of the demon hunter to poison and disease makes Leonard It has become the best receptor. The Red Plague Ghost and the Demon Hunter are a perfect match."

"This letter is much clearer than the previous one. It is obvious that Leonard has begun to merge with the Red Plague Ghost, which has made his mind become clearer to a limited extent. He can escape at this time with the help of his recovered power. Go, and then whether you ask for help from other demon hunters or collect the materials to cook the magic potion yourself, there are many ways to get rid of the plague ghost."

The old wolf let out a long sigh: "But this carries the risk of spreading the plague, so he finally chose to use his own body to seal the Red Plague Ghost and stay in this dark mine."

"And these letters, letters that should have been torn apart by wind, moisture, and time, were torn apart by magic or some other means he didn't know - or by borrowing a little reason and using the power of the Red Plague Ghost - It was preserved as a warning to later comers of what happened here.”

"Is this what you saw with the ancient blood, Lann?"

Lann nodded heavily: "Yes. That's why I will bring you here to rescue this senior."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Geralt, Lambert, and Eskar pulled out the silver swords behind their backs.

They were murderous.

The nameless voice that had been urging them to come to rescue them as soon as possible died at this time. Everyone now knew that it was the voice of the senior of the Wolf Faction controlled by the Red Plague Ghost.

Everyone entered the fighting state together, without a single unnecessary word.

Lan took the lead, raised his left hand and pressed against the huge wooden door that had been frozen into ice.

【Alder Seal】!
The pure telekinetic bomb came out of his hand and tore the frozen door into pieces.


In front of you is a huge underground cave, which has been built like a small square after simple repairs.

More than a dozen torches were distributed around the rock wall, lighting the flames to illuminate the place. However, what came out after they burned was not black smoke, but a faint red mist.

At the end facing the gate, scattered stalactites protruded from the ground. A warrior dressed as a demon hunter with messy hair and beard was held up in the air by these stone pillars with his arms outstretched.

He must have been in this posture for a long time, and some of his limbs were even wrapped in slowly growing stalactites, almost blending into the rock wall.

Ever since Lann cast his seal to freeze everything outside, the voice that initially guided everyone in the direction has never appeared again.Now that it seemed to know that it was inevitable, it finally tried to pretend to shout:


"help me……"

"Break these me."

...The expressions on the faces of the Wolf Faction were even more fierce than those of the Cat Faction, and more ruthless than those of the Bear Faction.

They all turned to look at Lan, waiting for his instructions.

"According to the records of Eternal Fire, the first epidemic occurred hundreds of years ago. If Raymond had already been possessed by the Red Plague Ghost at that time, the situation would be very bad."

"He is actually considered dead. He is just hanging on for breath by the possessed Red Plague Ghost. Once the Red Plague Ghost leaves the body, he will immediately turn into a corpse." Lan said in a deep voice, "And mine Ancient blood can only 'cure' but cannot 'resurrect'. The use of this healing ability also requires the cooperation of the subject itself."

"So next we need to release this guy first. We will consume the power of the Red Plague Ghost by fighting him, and awaken Raymond's consciousness to cooperate with my subsequent actions." Lan turned his head and looked at Yennefer, " And Ye Naifa uses magic to suppress the possessed Red Plague Ghost to prevent the other party from escaping from the possessed state if the situation goes wrong."


"what are you guys saying……"

"Save me quickly...Brothers of the Wolf Faction..."


No one pays attention to the evil spirit like the drama queen anymore.

They strode forward together, and the badges on their chests began to vibrate together.Not because of the Red Plague Ghost, but because of the flickering of magic runes on the stone pillars that sealed Raymond.

Yennefer observed for a while and admired the magical attainments of the senior wolf sect.Then he took action himself and shouted loudly to the people of the Wolf Faction to start acting according to his instructions.

Except for Geralt, the Wolf Faction didn't like Yennefer or even the sorceresses very much, but this time they were extremely obedient and cooperative.Soon, dense stripes and runes were smeared on Raymond's body, and the smell of complex magic elixir emanated from it.

As Yennefer sang loudly, these runes glowed together, almost turning Leonard into a sun for a short time; when the light reached its peak, it quickly extinguished, and all the runes disappeared. Got under Raymond's skin.

Yennefer nodded to everyone, signaling that preparations were complete.

"Lan." Geralt suddenly patted Lan on the shoulder, "Can you lend me your Sword of the Lake Lady first?"

Lan watched Lambert impatiently place his left hand on the stalactite and shrugged: "It's okay, just have fun."


With a "boom", the three-person-high stalactite shattered under the impact of telekinesis, and the demon hunter who was being lifted up in mid-air immediately fell to the ground.

His face was as pale as a dead person, with countless years of dust and blood accumulated on his body. There were even bits of frost on the ends of his hair and eyebrows due to Lan's previous seal.

He didn't have the slightest idea of ​​communicating with the group of people in front of him. As he flew out of the air, there was a wave of fluctuations around him, and billowing red mist escaped from every pore of his body. It seemed that something wanted to escape from this body. The inside broke out.

But with a "bang", the light of the runes lit up from his body, and all the red mist was suppressed back into his body.His body lost balance in mid-air as if someone had slapped him in the face, and the broken sack was slapped on the ground.

Yennefer smiled proudly.

Lann slapped the ground with his left hand, and the huge [Aden] seal enveloped the entire cave.Then he took a step back and left the battlefield. This seal was all his output tonight.

The Wolf Faction needs to take care of a little housework of their own.

"Ah...ah..." The Red Plague Ghost realized something at this time. It controlled Raymond's body and raised its head with a heavy breath, cheering in a vicissitudes and joyful voice, "Finally someone came to save me. Have you heard the guiding voice before? That was me..."


With a "boom", Fayin interrupted his words.

Lambert, who had the most violent temper, slapped Raymond on the chest, and with a "Drink" sound, telekinesis exploded in his chest, and the Red Plague Ghost flew out without any resistance.

A mouthful of foul-smelling rotten blood spurted out immediately, and was blown away in the aftermath of [Alder's Seal].

Purple brilliance clung to the Red Plague Ghost's torso, and its body that was still flying in mid-air suddenly slowed down.

Eskar had been waiting halfway, and Lambert's seal specifically knocked the enemy away in his direction.Before the Red Plague Ghost landed, the same mental impact came to the Red Plague Ghost's back again, knocking him to the ground, smashing a few floor tiles and then bouncing his body back up.

"Wait...wait, I'm awake...I'm a demon hunter just like should be here to save me..."

The scars on Eskar's face were furious. He sighed deeply, twisted his wrist to adjust the back of the knife, and slapped the Red Plague Ghost hard on the side of his face with a "clang" sound.

At this moment, you can clearly see that the stiff face is beginning to deform, the sound of tearing bones and cracks reaches everyone's ears, and a few black teeth fly out in the direction where the Red Plague Ghost's neck is twisted upside down.

The demon hunter is not a timid person who can be manipulated.Lann has already said that his healing power can restore Leonard to his original state, and even the horrific situation of being skinned like before by Kyaan can be solved.

As long as there are no fatal injuries such as beheading or tearing limbs, the others can be beaten at will.

Anyway, there are red plague ghosts hanging on this body for its last breath.

"What are you doing! Wake up! I am..." Red Plague Ghost You was still controlling Leonard's body and wanted to argue. He reflexively pulled out the steel sword behind his back to meet the enemy.

With a "swipe" sound, a golden arc flashed, and Geralt held the rune sword with a stern look on his face.The Red Plague Ghost looked down, only a rusty sword hilt was left in his hand.


It raised its head, and Geralt, Eskar, and Lambert gathered around it again with cold faces.

Putrid blood splattered everywhere, screams occurred one after another, stalactite pillars continued to collapse, and bricks on the ground shattered one after another.

Kian raised his hand to slightly block the wind caused by the [Alder's Seal] in front of him, looked at the Sword of the Lake Lady in Geralt's hand and praised: "What a good sword."

Then he looked at the armor on Raymond's body: "This armor is not bad, it looks like it's just medium weight armor, and it shouldn't have been maintained for hundreds of years, but it's still not broken even after being beaten! "

Lann nodded: "The manufacturing technology of this armor is also one of my main purposes. In addition to the defensive power, the alchemy technology on it also has a huge increase in the demon hunter's seal."

"As long as Mossak's secondary mutation can be successfully researched, and with this armor... each of you will have hard qualities comparable to high-level vampires."

Keyan's bright red eyes brightened even more.

Finally, Vesemir joins the battlefield.

With the final strike of [Alder's Seal], the armor on the Red Plague Ghost finally shattered completely, and fine blood was squeezed out from the countless pores on his back, splashing like raindrops to every corner.

The red mist surged repeatedly on his body and was suppressed again, and the magic in Yennefer's mouth finally became more and more urgent.

Finally, at a certain moment, the Red Plague Ghost's eyes became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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