From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 357 House and Ace

Chapter 357 House and Ace

Lann left Vizima with the Temerian envoy and headed towards the island of Thaned.

Thanide Island itself is the boundary of Temeria. The addition of Keira and others gave Lan a lot of convenience in transportation, and the travel speed suddenly became more than one level faster.


With a "boom", Leo fired a decent Alder Seal to knock the monster in front of him away. House took advantage of every opportunity and rushed in, using sword dance to harvest lives.

Compared to the last battle where Lan had scolded them, the two fought much more cautiously.

The remaining Cintra guards did not intervene under Lan's order, and after the battle was over, they consciously stepped forward and began to collect alchemical materials.

The commander of the Temerian Special Forces, Vernon Roche, who was wearing blue studded outer armor, watched the whole process, and at this moment he sincerely praised: "As expected of the Lion Guard!"

Not only him, but also the sorceress Keira unconsciously opened her plump lips, surprised by the witcher's crisp movements.

Lan immediately stepped forward and patted Roche on the shoulder. Looking at him, he immediately lowered his head with respect and chuckled: "How does it compare with your special forces?"

Since this journey, Triss and Keira have become close as former colleagues, and Lan has often talked to Roche, intentionally or unintentionally.

Roche is also a character who wrote stories with great color in the original history.

It might be more intuitive to understand him this way - Gwent, modeled after Roche, is a gold card.

He is the commander of the [Blue Iron Guard], a team originally formed by Temeria to fight against the intensifying Scoia'tael.Roche relied on his superb personal ability to elevate this force to a level beyond its functions: from the beginning, it was just a special force targeting non-human races, to serving as the king's bodyguard, and later they occasionally engaged in espionage and assassination. In the end, the Blue Iron Guard even began to serve as an officer in the army, and Roche also got the opportunity to lead an army alone to fight against Nilfgaard.

Although Temeria was still trampled to pieces by Nilfgaard's cavalry in the end, Roche still led the remaining forces to hide in the north, plotting to restore the country.In a horizontal comparison, Roche is equivalent to a younger version of Marshal Visse Kidd.

What is even more astonishing is that Roche did not receive formal military education before reaching adulthood. His achievements were all based on his superb personal ability and outstanding talent. He is an absolutely rare talent.

Although the Scoia'tael are now gradually disappearing due to Rann, causing the Blue Guards to lose many of their historical performance opportunities, Foltest still took the opportunity of forming this team to discover that Roche is indeed a talent. And entrusted with important tasks.

I have to admit that Foltest's vision is very good.

Lann also admired Roche very much, but he didn't want to pry into the corner.

Roche was absolutely loyal to Temeria. After Foltest's death, Lann hoped that Roche's ability and loyalty could be transferred to his children.

So Lan En had many exchanges with Rochi along the way, and selectively taught him a lot of military knowledge and combat skills, which can be regarded as training a team for his children.

Although Roche is now the commander of the Blue Iron Guard, he does not have a title.Facing Duke Lannister, whose reputation for bravery was resounding throughout the north, his attitude was extremely respectful.

He also learned quickly from Lann's teachings.


"Lord Lannister (Lan), we are here!"

Just as Lan was communicating with Roche again, the voices of Keira and Triss sounded together at the front of the team.

They looked up and soon saw a prosperous city - surrounded by high walls, towering steeples, and gleaming tops.

On the other side of the city is the sea. The gray-green sea surface reflects the morning sun, and white sails are scattered among it. The salty and moist smell brought by the sea breeze instantly makes the soldiers coming from the inland feel relaxed and happy.

Gos Velen is one of the largest port trading cities in Temeria. Next to it is the island of Xenide with Arethusa Magic Academy.

Due to its unique geographical location, this city has developed a prosperous trade market, even surpassing Novigrad in terms of trading volume of magic materials.You can often see teachers or apprentices from the magic academy going into the city to make purchases.

The envoys from the north who came to Thanede Island to participate in the meeting this time will also be stationed in Gos Velen to receive hospitality.

At the city gate, riders and carriages lined up in front of the drawbridge, and travelers gathered around the gatehouse, waiting for guards to search them.

Lann's team had just appeared, and those who were still complaining quickly gave way and bowed.The guards in mail armor saw the flying flags of the Three Lions of Sintra and the Lily Flag of Temeria from afar, and immediately let them through, and used their spear poles to hit those who stubbornly refused to let go or who were too slow to move. Guy.

The captain of the guard rushed out and took a breath of cold air when he saw this elite armored cavalry. He eagerly led the way: "Please go this way - get out of the way, get out of the way, you country bumpkins!"

Keira and Roche were enjoying all this with peace of mind, but Triss, who was listening and watching next to Lan, frowned.

"Stop, it doesn't matter if we go slower." Triss suddenly shouted to the guards. This request received a surprised look from Keira.

"Of course, noble lady." The guard captain took a peek at Triss's long, fiery hair, and then immediately lowered his head.Here, sorceresses are even more respected than ordinary nobles.

The travelers were spared the rude drive of the soldiers, but gave way more quickly, and their salutes became more respectful.

Diplomats in the city who got the news immediately came over to guide Lann and others, leading them to the villa area specially designed to receive foreign guests. Lann also saw several acquaintances here.

"Lord Lannister." The visitor greeted Lann respectfully. She was also wearing mail and a leather tunic, with black, gold, and red floral decorations on her shoulders.

"Captain Layla." Lan greeted the Aedirn female officer in front of him with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for a long time after the battle outside Layria City. Are you...promoted?"

Helena saluted Lan with a fanatical look on her face: "Yes, my merits in that battle allowed His Majesty Demavi to promote me to the rank of major - all relying on the leadership of Duke Lannister."

Lann waved his hand: "It's you who fight bravely."

They continued walking inside, and Lann's arrival caused quite a commotion among the envoys from various countries, and quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

After briefly separating from the Temerians, Lan settled the guards he had brought over, and then led Triss and House out.

He did not come to the meeting honestly. He still had a lot of things to do before officially meeting the sorceresses of the Magic Academy.


A majestic building appeared in front of him. Even the residences of ordinary nobles from small countries were not so exaggerated - at least Lann's residence during the earl period was far from this exaggerated.

"Bank." Triss introduced the person behind her.

Lan's expression remained normal, but House and other guards showed curious expressions. After all, banks were something that Cintra did not have.

Maybe there will be in the future, but it will definitely not be in the form it is today.When a group of dwarf servants saw the person coming, they rushed over and bowed.Although they were short, stocky, and bearded, they looked nothing like the Yalpans and Zoltans House had seen.

These servants looked dusty, uniformly dressed, nondescript, and respectful.

House lived in Mahakam for some time, and he thought that dwarves were born warriors.

"My dear Triss!" A loud voice sounded, and this voice was very similar to the dwarves of Mahakam.The dwarf who made the sound wore a jingling gold chain and was much longer than his white beard. "And Lord Lannister! It's an honor to meet you for the first time! Please come to my office!"

"Oh, damn. are still breathtakingly beautiful!"

Triss narrowed her eyes with a smile and greeted the other party: "Long time no see, Giancardi."

The dwarf in front of him is named Morna Giancardi, a dwarf banker, and the target of Lann's trip.

The office was dim but pleasantly cool, smelling of ink and parchment and the dust that coated the oak furniture, tapestries, and old books.

Lan sat down calmly, and House then placed two things on the table in front of him.

The dwarf banker put on a pair of glasses, looked at the two things, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Ha, lead ring, I heard that Colonel Barclay once fought for you. Sure enough, only people like you can get it. Mahakam's friendship! Let me see, besides the lead ring, there is a letter, and it says..."

"...It's the Great Elder's seal." The dwarf banker's voice suddenly dropped.

His expression became serious, and that exaggerated respectful expression suddenly disappeared.He read the letter in front of him meticulously, word for word.

The room suddenly fell silent.

At the same time, Lan waved his hand towards House.The attendant immediately began to remove his armor, and then respectfully took the clothes Lan took out from the [Inventory] and put them on.

Triss also handed him a bracelet. After House put it on, his dark amber vertical pupils immediately turned into a normal person, and he suddenly became an ordinary mercenary who came to the bank to seek loan opportunities.

"Go." Lann nodded and signaled the attendant to complete his instructions.

The dwarf banker looked up at this moment.He let out a long breath and looked at Lan with a careful look.

"I am aware of the High Elder's attitude, Lord Lannister. What can I do for you?"

"Let's start with something simple - I want to know how many markets, business routes, and industries your bank controls in Gos Velen, and what percentage of the city's tax revenue it controls?" Lan En laughed, "I heard that your family used to have a bank in Vengerburg in Aden? It would be great if you could briefly tell me about the situation there."

House listened to the conversation behind him, closed the door, turned around, walked out of the office, walked out of the bank, and met Gos Velen like drops of water.


The streets were filled with the sound of wheels rolling, the heavy hooves of cattle and horses, and the sound of coopers rolling barrels.

Everyone was busy, and the hustle and bustle made the female students who skipped classes and left Aretusa a little overwhelmed.She awkwardly left the wooden walkway, and in her panic stepped into ankle-deep mud and garbage.

"Be careful, Elena."

A strong arm stretched out, and the slightly rough palm covered the delicate skin, making Elena shiver as if she had been electrocuted. In an instant, her face turned red as if she had drank a whole glass. wine.

With a little force, Ace pulled the female student up from the mud with his strong body that never slackened in training.He used a little too much force, causing Elena to press against his chest uncontrollably.

Elena exclaimed in a low voice and subconsciously put her hands on Ace's chest. The touch of those strong chest muscles instantly took away the little strength of the female student, and her arms just flopped down.

However, just before Elena's red face touched her strong chest, Ace took a step forward and held Elena's shoulders, keeping the two of them at a close but not sweet distance.

"Are you okay, Elena?"

The female student was a little disappointed, but she still thanked her in a low voice: "Sorry to trouble you, Ace. I didn't expect you would really take me to skip school. This is my first time to Goos Velen's market. This is really, It is really……"

The gentle smile on Ace's face became more sincere, because he felt that at the moment Elena thanked him, a warm current surged out of his body.My body, which was originally exhausted from staying up late last night, instantly became full of energy, and even my strength and magic power reached a new level.

Even though he had experienced this feeling several times, Ace still couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated.

Praise Lord Lannister, praise the power of the lions!
Ace's heart was filled with joy, and he calmly took out a notebook from his arms: "It doesn't matter Elena, this is just a piece of cake for me."

That's true. Aspen is coming to the market soon, so it's just a matter of taking a female student with him.

Now that I have completed one task, there are still a lot left.Ace opened his notebook and looked at the notes related to purchasing.

Well, Katerina wants a pearl, little Bokari needs a doll, and Rowling wants a hairpin decorated with white lilies...

Oh, by the way, Ms. Lydia will definitely be happy if she brings a new batch of paints back, right?
Elena was still talking to herself: "But skipping class is such a crazy thing. If you are caught by the teachers, it will definitely bring you big trouble. Ace, you took such a risk for me , I really don’t know how to feel... Huh? What are you doing? "

Ace closed the notebook with a warm smile. If anyone from Sintra were present, they would definitely find that his smile was almost exactly the same as the one shown by Lord Lannister in social situations.

"My mentor asked me to purchase some magic materials and I just want to take you to visit the market. Do you want to come with me?"

"Your mentor is Mr. Wilgefortz, right? Then let me help!" Elena said excitedly, "My father gave me a lot of pocket money. I have been locked up in the academy for so many years and have never had the chance to spend it. , I am the daughter of an earl! What do you want to buy? Leave it all to me!"

Ace's smile became more genuine.


Boys and girls were laughing on the street as if no one else was watching.

In the alley beside him, House looked at his friend whom he hadn't seen for several years with an expressionless expression.

His hand first grasped his lion head necklace, and then slowly and involuntarily touched the hilt of his sword.

The Duke asked him to find Ace, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.


"This guy... suddenly doesn't want to talk to him very much..."

(End of this chapter)

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