From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 365 Assassin Berserker Creed

Chapter 365 Assassin (crossed out) Berserker Creed

An ice-blue portal appeared in mid-air, and Eredin was thrown heavily out of it by the cold wind.

He lost his mount, his skull helmet was lost somewhere, the armor on his body was cracked, and the wounds were covered with ice.

The black armor was stained with blood, both his own and Francesca's.

Eredin danced in mid-air for a while, and then slammed hard to the ground under the influence of gravity. Fortunately, there was a lakeside embankment under him.

Huge water splashed, and he felt countless lake mud filling his armor, while his internal organs were rushing to vomit out of his mouth.

Eredin shivered violently, not sure if it was because of the cold lake water, the pain all over her body, or because of the dark golden lion eyes that could not be erased from her mind.

Very embarrassed, but still alive.

But then Eredin's joy of escape was swept away again, because he saw two snow-white horses drinking water on the shore of the lake.

They stepped on the water with their front feet, and now they raised their heads due to the movement of Eredin, and the lake water dripped from the corners of their mouths.

What made Eredin feel chills all over was that on the tops of their heads, the two "horses" both had spiral-shaped horns as long as forearms!

"Damn it, unicorn!" The leader of the Wild Hunt immediately reached behind him and suddenly pulled out his sword. The next second, he was shocked to find that only the hilt of the sword was left.

Yes, the Son of Ancients broke his own sword with that blow.

Fortunately, the unicorn did not immediately lower its head and charge after seeing Eredin's embarrassment. Instead, it neighed and then turned and ran away.

They were frightened away, but not because of Eredin.

There was the sound of hoofbeats from behind, and as they got closer, a unique singing voice came.Eredin breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to see a troop of cavalry.

They did not wear ferocious skull armor like the Wild Hunt, but instead wore armor made of incredibly small interlocking steel rings that clung to the body like wool fabric; the riders wore red jackets under the armor, Wearing feathered helmets and capes of various colors fluttering behind them, the bright reds, tawny and purple colors are reminiscent of the evening sky.

Most of these riders have black hair, but the leader has golden-grey hair. The leader is not a knight either. He wears a robe, a thumb-sized gold-embossed emerald necklace, and a staff hanging on the side of the horse.

They stared at each other, and silence fell on both sides.

The silence lasted for a while before Eredin broke it.

He pointed at the unicorns going away: "Avallac'h, what happened to them?"

"The Alder King has some physical problems, so we had to take some blood from the unicorn leader. This has made them more violent recently."

"I bet you took away that big guy's life when you took the blood." Eredin spat hard, "You should hunt more, there are more practical methods for unicorns than blood. Okay. Help us open the portal more conveniently, now we need..."

"Now is not the time when we first came here, Eredin." Avallac'h shook his head, "What's the matter with you looking like this? I thought you would stay on the other side longer, and when you come back, There will be more people.”

"If I hadn't sensed that your portal was open in a place it shouldn't have been, I almost didn't even lead the team here right away - then you would have been in danger."

The Elf Sage asked softly: "What happened?"

Eredin's body trembled violently again, which surprised Avallac'h.He could not imagine what could frighten the leader of the Wild Hunt to such an extent.

"Francesca is dead, and the Iron Sid tribe needs to change its leader." Eredin swallowed, "My Red Cavalry was completely wiped out... Only I am back."

"The son of the ancient bloodline...the bloodline in his body has awakened to a terrifying level. He is only a human, but he did it..."

Not only Avallac'h, the elven knights behind him began to become agitated because of Eredin's words.The Elf Sage immediately realized something was wrong, and the leader of the Wild Hunt had lost his cool.

So Avallac'h immediately stopped Eredin's words. With a flash of magical aura, his figure moved from the horse to Eredin's side.

"You shouldn't say this here. Soldiers shouldn't hear this kind of news... I will take you to the Alder King immediately. You still have some time to reorganize the report of this battle."

The elf sage let out a loud roar, and a knight immediately dismounted to help Eredin peel off his armor, check and treat his injuries.After confirming that there was no big danger, Eredin was immediately helped onto the horse and ran towards the palace.

Eredin was in a daze during the whole process because he was really recalling the battle he had just experienced.

The fear that had been suppressed with great difficulty surged into her heart again. This was an emotion that Eredin had not experienced in hundreds of years.

Suddenly, he shuddered involuntarily, recalling the sword that split everything in sight.Francesca was helpless as the protective shield was broken and she died in front of herself.

But somewhere, he felt that the son of the ancient bloodline named Lannister had his hand.

Because the other party did not pursue the victory after killing Francesca, but said something to himself.

"People of Armored Wood, go back and prepare your Alder King." He still remembered those dark golden lion eyes, "Your era of tracking and capturing the ancient blood is over. From now on, the wheel will Come to the Ancient Blood to hunt you."

What does it mean?
Eredin suddenly touched his chest, and there was a dull pain from the bandaged sword mark there.

But he didn't know, the knight who bandaged him didn't know, and even the Elf Sage Avallac'h didn't know: deep in the scar, there was a mark that no one could notice had been engraved in it.

The bright emerald light flashed slightly, then fell silent and fell into sleep.
Putting aside everything that happened in the other world, the elves of Ain El who lost the Wild Hunt will no longer be Lan's problem for a long time to come.

The subsequent impact of Thanede Island will last for a long time.

Not to mention Arethusa Palace, which completely collapsed due to the three-party melee, other buildings on Xenide Island also suffered devastating damage.

On the one hand, Lann's magic was affected, but also on the Nilfgaardian warlocks who were running for their lives in the battle, and the Wild Hunt knights who were sent out by the confident Eredin from the beginning.

Although their large army was defeated in Arethusa Palace in one fell swoop, because all the warlocks who could fight were gathered in Arethusa Palace intentionally or unintentionally, the scattered troops still caused harm to Xenide Island. A devastating blow.

The rescue missions from various countries were also belatedly arriving. Fortunately, Cintra's troops rescued almost all the students in the magic academy in time, and the situation was not completely out of control.

Many people survived, and they will all be grateful to Sintra.

But no matter what, the station was gone, the organization was disbanded, and the Warlock Brotherhood on Thanede Island completely became history.

Representatives from various countries attending the meeting in the north smelled a strange smell and sensed an opportunity.

It's a pity that they are just representatives attending the meeting and have no decision-making power.The Duke of Lannister from Sintra decisively made his promise to the Brotherhood at the first opportunity, giving the surviving warlocks and the academy students a safe haven.

At the same time, we immediately started communicating with Temeria and transferring the refugees.

After a letter was sent back to their respective countries and opened by their rulers, everything was a foregone conclusion.


"Is this the big thing Lan has been planning during this time? It's really exciting..."

Kolgrim picked up the wine glass in his hand and took a sip. The liquid inside was crystal clear and was water. "Geralt and Cohen actually participated in such a grand battle, but among all the demon hunters in the entire cult, only the three of us stayed here and waited for the opportunity to take advantage of the mission."

Kolgrim looked at Seret and Oaks beside him, and sighed in the helpless eyes of the two snake sect companions: "But our mission is still far away!"

The three demon hunters filled the wine glasses with water and drank.

It’s not that they don’t like wine, but they need to stay rational at all times.

In front of the three snakes was a simple dining table, with soft grass under their feet and bright flowers and plants around them, as if they were in a huge garden; behind them stood a huge manor, with a fountain rotating in the center of the road.

But there is not a single butterfly or bee in this garden, and there is not even a trace of flower fragrance; not even the wind has set foot in this territory, as if this is a corner forgotten by everything in the world.

None of the three snake sect members paid attention to these things. They just sipped water and stared at an easel three steps away.

There is a canvas spread out on the easel, and the colors on it outline distinct figures, which seem to be moving with their own consciousness.

Sounds could even be heard, and a voice like "Your Majesty Henselt has an order" could be heard faintly.

The three members of the Snake Faction are waiting for their chance.

Suddenly, the scene on the canvas changed, and ripples appeared as if the lake surface was broken.

Kolgrim stood up with a roar, and saw bright emerald flames suddenly burning on the canvas, and then condensed into a majestic bald figure.

With a "bang" sound, Lei Suo fell to the ground.Raising his head, he looked at the surprised sect companions in front of him with helpless expressions.

"Letho? Why are you here?" Kolgrim screamed.

Seret and Oakes also gathered around, looking at the new armor on Lei Suo in amazement: "Has your second mutation been completed? Is this the powerful armor that Lan said? Can you now stand alone? Did the man slay the dragon head-on?"

"Alice comes to see us occasionally these days. She told us what you and Lan did on Thanede Island. It's great!"

These three snakes may have really been suppressed. Lei Suo rubbed his head with a headache.

Since the establishment of the Witcher Order, perhaps because life is no longer as depressing as before and there are more people to communicate with, the originally cold-blooded Witcher Assassins have gradually gotten rid of the bitter hatred of the previous school being destroyed. Each character has become a lot different.

It must have been infected by those cats, right?Lei Suo sighed inwardly.

"You've wasted too much time and haven't completed the task." Leisuo shook his head, "It just so happened that my matter at Lan's place had been resolved, so I came over to help. So let's talk about it - what troubles have you encountered? "

"After all, what we want to assassinate this time is a king." Kolgrim shrugged, "And since the reputation of demon hunters is now so famous in the north, we cannot use any school-related methods to avoid being associated with others. Until we are Lann’s people.”

Seret echoed from the side: "This has slowed down the progress a lot."

Oaks spread his hands: "But our progress is much faster compared to previous work."

Lei Suo rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little uncomfortable with their way of talking in unison.

"How far have you progressed these days?"

At this point, Kolgrim became excited.

"Leso! You can't imagine how wonderful it is to use Alice's painting to spy on you. This feeling..." Kolgrim smacked his lips, "Without the boredom and pain of lurking to spy on intelligence, we just have to sit here. You can monitor what's going on in the palace by watching a drama, palace!"

"At night, we can take turns to go to the manor to rest, instead of hiding in the chimney or straw pile like before..."

Lei Suo felt that he was starting to have a headache: "Tell me the important point!"

"The people in Kaedwen hung the painting of our hiding place in the hall. During this period of time, we have used the night time to draw the surrounding defense map, figured out the alternation time of each class of guards, and also found out the next few days. Henselt’s itinerary.”

"It's a pity that because this painting is in the hall, we have never found a suitable time to assassinate. Alice's secret cannot be exposed just this time. We hope that the news from Thanede Island will reach them in a few days. After that, there will be a period of commotion in the palace, and that may be an opportunity..."

Faced with Kolgrim's proposal, Letho nodded repeatedly.

Then he gave an explanation that was beyond everyone's expectations.

"We can take action tonight and launch an assassination directly."

The three Snake Faction members were stunned together.

"Now that you've drawn the map, all you have to do is know where Henselt's bedroom is at night."

Lei Suo's fingers traced the route: "After you leave the painting, you will first hide yourself, and then set fires in three different places in the palace to attract the attention of the guards."

"After finishing, try to avoid fighting and come back through the oil painting as soon as possible."

"What about you? You don't mean to..."

Leitho nodded: "I will go to Henselt alone and take off his head for Lann."

Colgrim immediately jumped up: "No matter how crazy Henselt is, he is also nervous about his own safety! During this time, we found out the defense inside the palace. There were at least four groups of guards around when he was sleeping. Patrol near the dormitory!”

"Even if we create a commotion in the palace, they will only send out a team of guards at a time to check, and at the core, there are at least [-] people who will not go anywhere!"

"Then I will deal with these twenty people." Lei Suo said decisively.

The three snakes were frightened by Lei Suo's confident look.

They looked at Lei Suo. Even though this bald man was wearing new armor, he still showed two thick arms, and every muscle on them contained explosive power.

Kolgrim looked at the abnormal leader of the school, and suddenly thought of a possibility: " strong did the second mutation make you?"

"It's a bit difficult to deal with an entire palace of guards without using magic seals and poison." Lei Suo said modestly, "So I need you to attract other people's attention."

"Then you want to break through the encirclement of at least twenty fully armed royal guards, knights, and even warlocks by yourself, break into Henselt's dormitory, and then kill him?"

Kolgrim was in disbelief: "Aren't we here to 'assassinate' the king? We also have to ensure that our identity is not revealed!"

"As long as the seal is not used, no one will be able to find out after the scene that it was the demon hunter who did it." Leisuo said matter-of-factly, "As for the witnesses who may be identified by my body shape... assassinate them all. 'Isn't just light enough?"

 This chapter is late, I overestimated my coding speed...

  sorry, sorry......

(End of this chapter)

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