From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 373 The current version doesn’t care about skills anymore, contracted followers are the way

Chapter 373 The current version doesn’t care about skills anymore, contracted followers are the way to go.

The black figure thrown out by the red dragon has limbs and appearance similar to that of a human child. It has chestnut hair and a headband made of vines on its forehead.

From a distance, it does look like a wild child who ran away from some family.

Thinking of the public security in Willen, such wandering children are even more common.

But Roqi looked over carefully and found that the child's skin was as smooth as leather soaked in tung oil, and even had a faint dark green color; when he showed his face with a grin, he could clearly see the On it were wrinkles that were deeper than those of an adult, and the most inhuman eyes - strange amber eyes.

——It seems a bit disrespectful to describe the amber eyes like this.

"Little earth spirit?" Roche murmured to himself, "I only heard about it in fairy tales when I was a child."

Keira chuckled softly: "Did you also have a childhood where you listened to fairy tales? I thought you started touching knives and singing dirty jokes since you were sensible."


The classification of small earth spirits also belongs to [remnants], but unlike deer-headed spirits, high-level vampires, etc., small earth spirits are more inclined to the kind camp of the fairies in the lake, and are also frequent guests in various fairy tales.

In fairy tales, little earth spirits are very smart and hard-working, and are willing to help the ones they protect with small things; the reward they ask for is nothing more than respect, a little food or unnecessary tools.

However, they are shy by nature and will always try not to be seen by the person they are guarding.

But if they are rude, ungrateful, scolded or treated unreasonably, little earth spirits are easily offended and may retaliate with pranks.

Kayla's popular science about Roche is more theoretical: "The little earth spirits have a very close relationship with their habitats, and they will also take care of and protect the people and animals living near their caves."

"Little earth spirits are also attracted by joy and innocence, so this group likes to get along with children. Usually they only let young humans see themselves."

"But they attach great importance to peace. When the population of the village they protect becomes too large, or the residents forget their old traditions, they will leave the caves they live in forever and head to unknown destinations." Keira shrugged, "It is estimated that in the entire Temeria, only the province of Velen can live with small earth spirits."

Roche was aroused and curious: "Where is the 'unknown destination' you said they would go to?"

Keira ruthlessly shattered Roche's illusion: "The 'unknown destination' is mostly used by adults to deceive children. Most of the little earth spirits who 'left' are dead, and some may have been moved by adults. hand."

The commander of the Iron Guard in blue, who had always been cold and iron-blooded, felt like he was struck by lightning.

Lan smiled and patted Roche, comforting him: "As far as I know, there is also a little earth spirit living in Novigrad - although I didn't find her. But it can also be seen that these little guys still have their own of life tips.”

"But compared to before, their lives are indeed more difficult." Lann shook his head, "But this is the inevitable price of our human development - fairy tales fade away and reality comes."

Lann didn't know whether Roche was comforted or not, but the little earth spirit in front of him became even more excited and started jumping up and down after listening to Lann's words.

"Can't the little earth spirit speak?" Roche hesitated for a while, but still asked Keira.

The sorceress frowned: "It should be possible...wait, it's magic, he was sealed by the wizard with magic!"

Roche became extremely angry after hearing what Keira said: "Who is it! Who took away the voice of the little earth spirit!"

Lann held down Roche and tilted his head towards Kelturis who was spreading his wings.

"What's going on? I asked you to hide in the clouds and follow the baron to find the witch in the forest. How did you bring this little earth spirit back?"

Roche also shouted angrily: "How did he lose his voice?!"

The red dragon curled his lips in a humane manner, and then his eyes widened.

After glaring out Roche's anger, she slowly began to answer Lan.

A dull sound like the vibration of an ancient bell echoed around:

"I followed the baron to a church in a swamp. It didn't look like a good place."

"Lan, you told me not to act rashly, so I didn't move the church and just continued to circle around to familiarize myself with the terrain."

Having said this, the red dragon pointed with its wings at the little earth spirit jumping on the ground.

"Then this little guy suddenly came out of a tunnel, followed by a bunch of flies and crows. I heard him shouting something like 'help', 'the witch is going to massacre the forest', and I became interested, so I caught him. I want to take it away.”

"As a result, the crows and flies that were chasing him actually came towards me." Red Dragon showed a mocking look, "I sprayed fire and burned most of them, but the remaining flies went into this little guy's mouth. That’s what he became.”


The speechless little earth spirit put his hands on his hips and followed the red dragon's explanation with an angry expression.

He was actually not afraid of Kelturis at all, nor was he afraid of Lann or the others. He was really like a wild boy who was not afraid of anything.

Through Kelturis's narration, Lan basically clarified what happened - it seemed that the red dragon had found the hiding place of the three witches, but the three witches were underground and the red dragon had nothing to do.

This little earth spirit seemed to often cause trouble for the three sisters, but today he happened to hear some dangerous plot and was being hunted down. Kerturis happened to be passing by and saved him.

After the three witches sensed that the red dragon was invincible through crows and flies, in order to prevent the little earth spirit from leaking information, they finally used magic to take away his voice.


Lann felt sick at the thought of this weird way of casting spells.

Roche also moved away from Keira.

Keira was furious: "That's not the way a warlock casts spells! It's a witch... No, that's a monster!"

"Do you have a way to break this spell?" Lan asked back.

Keira looked confused: "This is not a systematic magic. I can't directly break the spell, but maybe I can use other methods to break a hole."

"is it hard?"

"There may be some harm." Keira made a small gesture.

Little Di suddenly jumped up, ran left and right, and actually hid under the red dragon's wings.

Lan smiled and shook his head.With a wave of his hand, Kelturis very obediently raised his wings to reveal the little earth spirit behind him.

"Don't worry, I have a less rough method." Lan comforted him, striding forward to the little earth spirit.

He squatted down and stretched out his left palm: "I have the ability to recover any injury and undo any curse. It can only be used once on anyone."

"If you believe me, don't resist for a while, okay?"

No one would believe such words spoken under such circumstances.Even if they finally comply, they are often forced into submission unwillingly.

But little earth spirits are different. They are natural creatures that can be attracted by the kindness and innocence of children, and they are born with the ability to sense kindness.

The little earthling wrinkled his nose. This blond man felt more comfortable than the man in the blue turban behind him.

You can believe it!
The small left hand hesitated for a moment and then passed it into Lan En's palm. …

There were a lot of magic stones and magic items that could be absorbed from Xianide Island. After excluding the ones needed for Mossak's experiment and the regular storage, the rest were absorbed by Lann.

Converted into skill points.

However, Lann did not rush to use all of them for system skills. After possessing the two important skills of [Guide] and [Addiction], the remaining skills will not bring him any subversive power. has grown.

He would rather store these skill points to build the future Griffin Cavalry Regiment, or contract a new batch of trained Demon Hunters and then scatter them, and sit in the Palace of Sintra to collect the feedback from the [Follower System] experience.

However, Lan also plans to use this method to contract various strange non-human races and monsters on the continent to share their unique racial talents.

There is no need to create an extremely abnormal ability like Regis's [Immortal Seed], or Raymond's [Plague Body], which is rare to find, even if there is an ability like the Troll Demon Family's [Barrier]. The talent that increases physical fitness by a percentage adds up to a terrifying increase in Lan's current body.

Worth several skills!
Even if there is no talent, the extra followers can be thrown out for commissions to gain experience, and there is no loss at all.

Now Cintra has begun to collect various rare monsters and non-human races overtly and covertly. Lan also plans to make this request at the Cintra meeting where all the countries in the north will gather.

Anyway, Sintra is now a country that promotes "racial equality". Its citizens include humans, dryads, elves, dwarves, halflings, dragons and other races. The fraternity is very consistent with the character.

And today's little earth spirit was one of Lann's original contract targets.

It was a coincidence.

Click on the system, consume one skill point, and open a new follower panel.

The experience value jumps and stops when it reaches a double-digit level.

[Entourage: Johnny
Race: little earth spirit
Rating: 1
Talent: Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages

Experience Points: 0/1000
Health: 50/50
Mana: 100/100
Inventory: Hibiscus Headband, Numb Pants

Skill column: Jungle veteran, mischievous heart, advanced social skills, intermediate herbology, intermediate occultism, low level general knowledge
Mission: None]

【Shared follower talent】

[Shared Talent: Seeking Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages]

[Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages: The owner of this talent can keenly perceive the thinking and emotional background of others, and is especially sensitive to extreme goodwill and malice. 】


There's nothing much to say about the attribute base. This is the weakest minion currently contracted by Lann.

Not even as good as the Milva whom she had just met. At that time, the little girl was still a wandering hunter who had never finished a meal.

But the little earth spirit's talent is very interesting.

Although this [seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages] is not a fighting talent, in human society, this talent can turn people with negative emotional intelligence into social experts.For people like Lann who will rule in the future, it is also a powerful tool for screening subordinates and partners.

After all, no matter how powerful you are, you still have trouble with rats and moths secretly causing trouble.

On the other side, the little earth spirit clearly felt that the goodwill radiating from Lann was stronger, and at the same time, his trust in this good-looking human being became stronger.

A majestic force surged into his body, destroying another evil and obscure force entrenched in his body with a devastating force.

The little earth spirit suddenly fell to his knees, coughing and retching heartbreakingly.

A crow suddenly spurted out silky saliva and colorful body fluids from the little earth spirit's mouth, followed by countless flies and insects.

This strange scene made everyone retreat.

"Disgusting!" The little earth spirit screamed loudly, "It's so disgusting... Huh? Can I speak?"

He immediately stopped stepping on flying insects and beating crows, and happily began to use his voice like a mouthful.

"Whiskey! Slugs! Bumblebees! Toads! Trash! Scared me to death! Haha! I can talk again!"

The little earth spirit danced with its tongue and feet, and even started dancing around Lann.

He was happy, but for a moment Lan felt as if his head had been smashed into a wasp's nest.

"Okay, okay, little guy." Lann shook his head, "Are you happy now?"

"Ah~ ah~ thank you, thank you, kindhearted person who doesn't know the name." The little earth spirit's dance did not stop, "My name is Johnny, thank you very much. Thank you. I almost thought I would be speechless in the future. Got it!"

Lan waved his hand: "I helped you, so we are friends, right? Then are you willing to do a favor to your friend?"

Johnny, the little earth spirit, suddenly became lost and even stopped dancing: "Oh no... Such a beautiful and selfless act of kindness, why does it have to turn into an exchange of benefits?"

Lan stretched out his hand and began to rub Johnny's hair. The touch felt surprisingly good: "You should have heard our purpose just now. We plan to deal with the three sisters in the forest. How much information do you know about them?"

"Ah? Those three ugly witches!" The little goblin jumped up again, "Yes, yes, they are going to attack the entire forest!"

"Then you should lead us to stop them." Lan said with a smile.
In a book called "She Who Knows All" circulated among the people of Willen, there is this passage -

[A long time ago, the only person who ruled the whole of Willen was the Fairy Mother.Her daughter would convey the people's requests to her and speak for her.Every spring, on the night of the Lady of the Wood's special feast, villagers sacrifice grain, animals, and people. 】

Some local folklorists in Willen have attempted to study the myths and legends related to the Lady in the Forest.

They believe that there once existed on the land of Velen - at least in mythology - a fairy mother who has been living alone in Velen, listening to the pleas of the people of Velen and letting them feed them with grains, animals, and living people. Serve as a sacrifice in exchange for gifts to get through hard times.

Later, she created three daughters from mud and water to relieve her loneliness and help her rule Velen.But she didn't expect that the long-term demands of the people of Willen would eventually drive her down, causing her to fall into despair and madness, and even start to harm the lives of Willen.

In the end, the three sisters did not want to see their land trampled by their mother's madness, so they worked together to kill their mother on the Sabbath when spring came, buried her deep in the Wellen Swamp, and continued to bless Wei Lun in their own way. The people of London.

The above are the research results of folklorists, and are also legends recognized and believed by Waylon's followers.

But when future generations read history, they will basically find that when contemporary folklorists study legends and stories, they will come to conclusions that are completely different from the facts.

This time is no exception.

Dark clouds of crows and flies descended, covering the land in front of them.

The three sisters in the forest looked at the giant tree in front of them. Strange blood flowed from the gaps in the bark of the tree, nourishing a giant tumor that was constantly expanding at the bottom.

Zhi Po licked her lips: "After being sealed for so long, it should be time to eat it, right?"

The cook opened his fingers and threw a huge wolf head in front of the giant tumor.The giant tumor suddenly started beating violently, as if something was about to break out of it.

"Don't you know if you try it? We need to gather every bit of power to fight against the ancient blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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