Chapter 383 Unicorns
"How are they?"

[No, the clansmen will die. 】

"Then wait a little longer."


"What about him?"

[Yes, he is a faction that tends to capture us and use us to open the space door. 】

"You know very well."

[They have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. 】

"Okay." Lann nodded, slapped the ground, and summoned the power that had come to this world early to come to his side. Several bright emerald-colored spots lit up around him.

"Then take care of yourself, we'll see you soon!"
"Avallac'h, you said you felt the fluctuations in space. Where are you?" An impatient scolding came from beside him, "It's been three years and we haven't even encountered a unicorn!"

At your feet is the shallow water area of ​​​​the lake, which is a place where animals living around you often enjoy drinking.

However, not to mention the lakeside, there was no life in the entire valley at this moment, and no one could hear the chirping of birds and insects.On the contrary, the lake water is clear and translucent, and it is beautiful alone.

The elf knights took a short rest and comforted their horses on the beach mixed with many gravels.Elf Sage Avallac'h was in the center of the team, and he couldn't help but frown after hearing the questions beside him.

"Watch your tone, Eredin. Don't forget who brought us into this situation!"

The leader of the Wild Hunt still wore the skull-shaped armor, and his ferocious temperament was in sharp contrast to the other knights beside him.

He is still working hard to rebuild his cross-border combat force, so he is particularly concerned about the whereabouts of unicorns.At this moment, hearing the Elf Sage's unceremonious reply, he couldn't help but blush.

"Are you happy, ah? You have always opposed the slaughter of unicorns and prevented us from capturing the ancient blood." Eredin stood up suddenly, "You have been preaching your 'peaceful solution to problems' everywhere. Tonality! Now that all my troops are lost in the mountains, you are the happiest!"

Avallac'h maintained a calm expression, as if the person the leader of the Wild Hunt was criticizing was not him.He was doing two things, trying his best to sense the fluctuations around him while looking sideways at Eredin.

"Your doubts mean nothing to me. No one is more saddened than me by the loss of my compatriots; your Red Knights have supported us all these years, and I remain grateful to you."

"But you are the commander. You have an unshirkable responsibility for the annihilation of the Red Knights. Everything we do now is because of your wrong decisions." The Elf Sage's expression and tone did not change from beginning to end, "And for Your description of the power of the ancient blood has always been one-sided, and we don’t know what happened in the mountainous land.”

"That 'Lion' single-handedly wiped out many forces, including the Red Knights - that's what you reported." Avallac'h raised his head, "Even the original Laura couldn't reach this level of power. You said that her descendant, who is only 20 years old, can explode this level of power on her own... it is really hard to believe."

"You mean I, Eredin Brick Glass, am lying?" The armor on Eredin's body opened and closed violently with his heaving chest.

"Avallac'h! You..."

The Elf Sage suddenly stood up, and the leader of the Wild Hunt almost thought that the other party was going to take action.But the next second, the other party's voice of surprise was heard in his ears.

"Found it! There is a new space fluctuation, and it is very close to us!"

The knights hit the horse's belly with their iron boots, and the horseshoes stepped on the cobblestones to create a loud noise, which then transferred to the ground, and the frequency became more and more rapid.

Ahead was the forest, and a flurry of spells burst out from Avallac'h's mouth.The forest in front of them suddenly became active, and the vines and tree trunks seemed to have conscious intentions to make way for these ancient creatures and open the door to welcome them.

The knights set up their strong bows and spears according to their training, thinking that there would be a fierce battle.However, to their surprise, the enemy was almost powerless to fight back.

A dozen tired unicorns gathered in the clearing in the forest, licking each other's wounds, staggering even when they walked.The bright sunlight in the forest shines on them and the grass, making them look movingly holy.

The equally elegant elves had a heart of stone, and their eyes burst into surprise when they saw this group of scarred creatures.

"Surround them up and catch them alive!" the Elf Sage shouted immediately.

The skillful driving skills allowed the elf knights to pull the reins in time, almost letting the horse's mane sweep to the tip of their noses.They surrounded the panicked unicorns in a tacit understanding, with amusement on their faces.

Eredin loosened the bow string regardless, which made the unicorn leader's pupils shrink, and his vigorous body leaped to block the fatal arrows for his tribe.

There was a "crack" sound, and lightning flashed across the air.

The broken arrow shaft fell to the ground. Avallac'h retracted his left hand, which was dancing with arc light, and looked at Eredin coldly: "I said - surround him."

"Three years, Avallac'h! Three years!" the leader of the Wild Hunt roared, "It's rare for a unicorn to appear again. Now is not the time to use your method! We should cut off their horns as soon as possible and squeeze them out. Drain their blood and rebuild my Red Knights!"

"It is precisely because of time constraints that we cannot do that, Eredin." The Elf Sage shook his head, "That would be too inefficient."

"The unicorns have not appeared for three years. It must have been our previous aggressive pursuit that made them take the risk and leave the world. But now that they are back again can only mean one problem - they encountered accidents in the new world."

Avallac'h's eyes swept over the scarred bodies of the unicorns: "Their leader is also among them. They may be the last unicorns."

"Then kill half and keep half for breeding!"

"Like I said, it's too slow."

The Elf Sage still shook his head: "These ten are all unicorns with the ability to travel through space independently. After stripping off the materials, they can only equip an army of more than a hundred people. What can they do?"

"But if we can persuade them to bow their heads to us, with the magic power of His Majesty and I, and the remains of the Gate of Time and Space - we might be able to directly realize legion operations across space."

Eredin clenched her fists noncommittally: "How are you sure you can persuade them to surrender? What we need now is time, three years!"

"If they can agree to our conditions, we can start taking action tonight." Avallac'h refused to give in. "Don't forget that they are intelligent creatures and can communicate."

"How many years have we been fighting them, except at the beginning, when have the unicorns ever surrendered to us?"

"When a race is about to perish, the leader will seize any chance of survival." Avallac'h looked at the tallest unicorn.

"The most important thing is - your sins have not been atoned for, Eredin. Now you obey my command!"

The leader of the Wild Hunt, who had no subordinates, could only give up his activities no matter how unwilling he was. He took a sharp look at the unicorn that he had been dreaming about, tilted his head, closed his eyes, and stopped looking at it.

Avallac'h whistled, and the knights who were tightly surrounded by the unicorn herd skillfully took out their horse ropes.

Sounds of breaking through the air passed through one after another, and each unicorn was pulled in different directions by at least four ropes at the same time.The hard hooves kicked up the sand and flew it as high as a person, but they couldn't move away from the position under their feet. "Before injecting anesthesia into them, collect the blood from their bodies and bandage their wounds." Avallac'h instructed, "Your Majesty needs to use their blood - it has been three years."
"I should have executed you long ago, Fringilla Vigo."

"You are merciful, Your Majesty." Fringilla lowered her head.

"I keep you, not because of your uncle, not because of your family, but because of your loyalty. Can you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fringilla stared at the floor tiles and took a deep breath.

"Over the years, you have trained many warlock soldiers, participated in the reform of the army, and presided over the design and construction of many magic equipment." The black figure in front of him turned around, "Now, my magic consultant. Can you Tell me—why do we still fall apart when we meet a Lannister?"

Fringilla didn't dare to look up.

The person in front of her was a man whose physique was just like that of an ordinary soldier, but his aura was like a stormy sea.Although there was only one pair of eyes staring at her ten steps away, Fringilla felt that there was the weight of an entire empire in that sight.

"The offensive we launched was far greater than before, but the results we achieved were not as good as before."

"Obviously we have more soldiers, a more reasonable troop structure, and more advanced equipment - but we still failed."

Fringilla didn't dare to talk.

"Because while we are changing, the North is also changing." Emhyr did not need Fringilla to answer, "The North has not changed for hundreds of years, but now it has suddenly changed."

After a moment of silence, Emhyr suddenly sighed: "The war should be over."

"……His Majesty?"

"This is something that is difficult to accept, but we must accept it. We must also absorb the lessons from this time, find out the fundamental reason why the North can suppress us, and then defeat them in the next battle."

Emhyr said word by word: "So I will still keep your life this time, Fringilla. Can you live up to my trust?"

Fringilla was sweating like rain: "Your mercy, Your Majesty!"

"I didn't hear the answer I wanted."

"I will not betray your trust, Your Majesty!"


When Fringilla left the palace, she felt like she had been reborn.

Until five years ago, she stayed outside the empire's armament system. She relied on her family background, talent, and appearance to maintain her pride, and believed in the supremacy of magic.

Now, five years later, she still has trouble breathing in front of a man who is not even old enough to be her son.

"He doesn't even have any magic..."

Confusing thoughts appeared in Fringilla's mind, and at the same time there was another figure that made her even more dizzy.As for that figure, besides fear, she had other mixed emotions.

"His magic...has few equals in history or poetry."

Fringilla took a deep breath and returned to her residence.

There is a mountain of information on her desk. No one knows why a sorceress who was not interested in politics in Nilfgaard devoted herself to the magic reform of the empire after fighting in Cintra. .

But the achievements she has made over the years are real.

Just as she lowered her head again into the mountain of copywriting on the table, several black shadows appeared staggered on her balcony.

"Crackling" blazing lightning jumped outside the window in the blink of an eye.Since joining Lan En's command, Fringilla has been tensing up to the extreme every day.

However, the black shadow outside the window was strangely suspended in mid-air, and with a wave of his hand, he split the blazing lightning.

This shocking scene actually made Fringilla breathe a sigh of relief.

Three vampires walked into her room calmly.

The sorceress was about to raise her eyebrows and scold them for their sudden visit, but the next second her eyes widened in horror.

Blood as thick as mud stained the vampires' bodies, leaving clearly visible footprints in the house with every step they took.Philippa's hand was still holding half of the twitching upper body, and she was burying her head intimately in the other person's neck intoxicatedly.

"These are the killers sent by Emhyr. It seems that you have made him quite angry this time." Philippa shrugged after taking a swig, "Look, their arrows and daggers are all made of magic-blocking gold! "

Fringilla's heart was pounding.

After two breaths, she rubbed her fingers and sparks popped out, letting the flames spread on her desk.

"Fortunately, fortunately..."

"Are you out of your mind? Even if they don't kill you completely, you will be dead in Nilfgaard from now on." Philippa sneered, "You are useless against the ancient blood."

Fringilla shook her head: "I mean...fortunately, I carved the teleportation array in the hall of your mansion because of lack of space."

Ophelia Van Moraham next to Philippa showed a dissatisfied look: "Because of you, I haven't held another banquet for so many days."

Fringilla showed visible repulsion, but for the sake of the other party just saving her life, she quickly concealed her emotions.

"Now take me back to your manor. Today, or tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I will activate the teleportation array. Now I have enough time to be on call at any time."

Philippa recalled the huge magic circle in his manor.It can't be seen from the outside, but people inside know that those mysterious runes have filled every corner inside, and some of them are even mysterious to well-informed vampires.

"Speaking of which...can you stun that unicorn?" Philippa touched his throat, "I've been eyeing it for a long time...just one sip, I'll take a sip."

Fringilla no longer concealed her expression this time: "Watch your mouth, Philippa! This is all for Lannister's plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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