From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 389 Emhyr’s Ending

Chapter 389 Emhyr’s Ending
During the Second Civil War, a large part was collected in the "General History of the Continent" of the Royal Academy of Sintra and the Specialized Library of Military War.

[On February 1270, 2, Sintra, which had been on the offensive during the war, suddenly reduced its defense line. This strategy was very unwise for the northern border.

At that time, although the Northern Alliance forces were in full swing under the leadership of His Majesty Lann, the strength of the Northern Territory was still at a disadvantage to the South.

Through historical data, we can calculate that the population of the Nilfgaardian Empire that integrated the south at that time was between 3000 million and 5000 million, and the total population of the north was between 2000 and 3000 million.Even after the massive attrition of the First Civil War, Nilfgaard's army was still several times that of the Northern Territory.

Even though His Majesty Lann consumed his personal prestige for this, conducted an unprecedented unification of the Northern Territory through the wartime alliance, and then spent several years recuperating, the overall war potential of the Northern Territory was still weaker than that of Nilfgaard.

On the surface, this tactic of shrinking the defense line and competing for logistics should not be made by His Majesty Lann.

So His Majesty Lann's subsequent behavior explained this and once again changed the continent's war concept. 】

[On February 1270, 2, the fleet led by His Majesty East, the previous King of Cintra and the then King of Skellige, transported the "Lion Guard" secretly trained by His Majesty Lann to the southern coast.At that time, the Nilfgaardians were still enjoying a rare moment of rest.

On February 1270, 2, the Lion Guards invaded the capital of Nilfgaard and wiped out all the soldiers stationed in the Golden Tower City.His Majesty Lann and His Majesty Cirilla marched in person and captured the Nilfgaardian Emperor Emhyr var Emres. 】

[On February 1270, 2, news of the fall of the Golden Tower City and the capture of the emperor reached the front line. The coalition forces led by Field Marshal Visekid of Sintra launched a general attack on the Nilfgaardian side and invaded Nasser. .

Naser was the first large Nilfgaardian province to fall after Toussaint. 】

[What happened next revealed to us the true face of Nilfgaard’s huge empire.

From a current perspective, Nilfgaard undoubtedly has a more advanced and civilized system than the Northern Territory at that time.Many of these systems were retained even by His Majesty Lann later.

For example, Nilfgaard attaches great importance to law and courts: after the war, many aborigines in the occupied areas could even sue the imperial soldiers stationed there, as long as they could find a suitable legal basis. This was considered extremely unfair in the north at that time. Absurd behavior can also be successful and even encouraged.

However, due to excessive expansion, the core area of ​​the Nilfgaard Empire is only one-tenth of the empire's territory. The other areas were occupied by expansion in the past 30 years. The nationalities, cultures, and customs are different, the degree of assimilation is limited, and the people's hearts are unstable.

After the stagnation of expansion, the ensuing uneven distribution of war dividends, excessive taxes, the consequences of slavery, and conflicts between emperors and ministers also began to surface, until they broke out in one breath after the emperor was captured. 】

[On February 1270, 2, the province of Metina declared its independence.On the same day, it was captured by the Northern Alliance and surrendered.

On February 1270, 2, the provinces of Vicovaro, Yamulak, Rowan, Aetolia, Aetolia, Giso, and Mago Tuga Province declares independence.

On the same day, His Majesty Lann, who was located in the deep south, led the Lion Guards north to attack the province of Aetolia and established the first base behind enemy lines, echoing the coalition forces on the front line.

At this point, the war potential of the North has been basically exhausted, and the North does not have the strength to engulf the South.After achieving a breakthrough victory, the Civil War would theoretically end here.

Then another incident, promoted by His Majesty Lan, shocked the continent. 】

[On February 1270, 2, the secret trial of Nilfgaardian Emperor Emhyr var Emres was held in Cintra.We all now know that His Majesty Lann is proficient in magic, and this kind of cross-continental transmission is easy for him.

The meaning of a "secret" trial is that the trial process will not be spread to the outside world, and we still don't know the outcome of Emhyr's trial.We can only see from the records that Emhyr disappeared after making that statement that shook the continent.

In a sense, Emhyr and the statement he issued provided the last piece of the puzzle for His Majesty Lann's cause of unifying the continent, shortening the establishment of the Cintra Empire by at least 30 years. 】
Footsteps echoed in the empty hall, where the furnishings had been deliberately cleared.

This seemingly "trial court" setting is very unqualified in Nilfgaard. There is no judge, no jury, and no witnesses are called.

The only function seems to be just to give an explanation to the person sitting next to him.

This is not the first time Emhyr has set foot on this land, and the last time he met the person who was looking at him coldly at the same place.

Mossack, East, Kratz, Geralt, and many others all looked intently at the shackled man in front of them.

"It's really him, it's Donnie." Kratz sighed, but after the anger passed, he felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

"Pavetta's death... was not because of me." The man, feared by southerners as the "sea boar," almost burst into tears.

East patted his nephew on the shoulder.Unlike Kratz, there was only anger in his eyes.

They watched Emhyr's footsteps stand in the center of the hall. Two knights each held a spear and inserted it in front of Emhyr to prevent him from entering.

They recognized them as members of the Rann pride: Ace and House.

Another female attendant was under the throne and said loudly at this moment:
"The visitor is: the white flames dancing in front of the enemy's grave, the Emperor of the Nilfgaard Empire—Emhyr var Emres."

There is even a title used in diplomatic situations, but in today's situation it is more like a sarcasm.

Listening to the voice of the female attendant, Emhyr at the bottom of the steps looked up at the man sitting on the throne - and his daughter sitting next to him.

He couldn't figure out how in less than ten years, this guy had transformed from a lost dog who had lost his country to what he is now.

At this time, Milva's voice sounded again:
"Before you is - Her Majesty Queen Cyrela Fiona Aeron Lealen, the Lioness of Cintra and the daughter of Pavetta."

"And." Milva took a deep breath.

"The Lion of Cintra, Heir to the Ancient Blood, Dragon Slayer, Sword of the Dawn, Monster Slayer, Mentor of the Order of Demon Hunters, Lifelong Advisor to the Brotherhood of Warlocks, Savior of Multiracial Equality, Northland Grand Marshal of the Alliance of Military Unification—His Majesty Lann Lannister Wrenlan I!"


Geralt secretly whispered to Yennefer: "It's a bit exaggerated, and he has many other titles in private that he hasn't mentioned here."


This is a pretty serious occasion.

Emhyr took a deep breath: "What are you going to do with me, Cirilla?"

Ciri seemed to have passed her anger stage. She looked at Emhyr, who had straightened her back, with a calm look in her eyes.

Lann chuckled: "You are her prisoner, but she thinks you are not qualified to talk to her."

"This is not a trial, if you really want to struggle with a name - you can think of this as your 'execution'."

"So you have no rights here, and you are not qualified to express any opinion on your situation. The only thing you can do is to listen to every word I say to you next, and then use your lifelong memory to Memorize every word in it—understand?”

Lann opened his hands and showed Emhyr the hall. "For the sake of the Three Lions flag - it's not easy to stop them from coming up and stabbing you, Emhyr."

Emhyr lowered his head, his self-restraint was really good.

After three breaths, he readjusted his tone.

"You didn't kill me directly, so you still need me."

"What will you do with me, Lannister?"

Lann clapped his hands, and a bright emerald flame ignited in front of Emhyr, and then a huge document was spread out in front of him.

"You are partly right, but the most critical part is wrong."

"It's not that I need you, but that you need me - give you a chance."

Emhyr looked at the content above, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

Lan's face was expressionless: "After I finish saying this, I want you to make a copy of all the above content, and then read it out in the most sincere tone. I will use my own method to deliver the above content. To every Nilfgaardian."

Emhyr scanned the content word by word, and remained silent for a while.

"You want me to announce my secret, admit that Cirilla is my daughter, and then announce that I will pass the throne to her, so that she can have the legal inheritance rights to Nilfgaard?"

Lann knocked on the armrest of the throne: "I'm glad you can still understand writing in the North."

"But with the current situation, even if she has this legal right, she cannot inherit Nilfgaard!"

"It's true that it can't, but it will reduce a lot of resistance in the process of Cintra annexing Nilfgaard."

"Cintra annexes Nilfgaard?" Emhyr couldn't help but sneered, as if he heard a snake trying to swallow an elephant.

But he suddenly realized that he seemed to be the one being laughed at.

So he was silent for a few more breaths, and after thinking for a while, he asked dryly: "You won't kill me?"

"Everyone here has a reason to kill you and the right to kill you, but they have another thing in common -"

When he said this, Lan glanced around and looked at East, Geralt and the others one by one.

Finally his eyes stopped on Shirley.

"They all love Ciri." Lann shook his head, "So they don't want to let Ciri, who captured you with his own hands, bear the responsibility of 'patricide'."

"Even if this is nothing to me." Shirley followed Lan and finally said the first words of the day.

Emhyr paused.

Lan held Ciri's hand and continued:
"We used magic to create an island in the Sedna Abyss." Lann chuckled, "If you still remember - that's where Princess Pavetta once died."

"There's enough wood and stone for you to build a shelter, enough fields and seeds for you to till, and occasionally you can try to catch a few fish around - albeit without a boat."

"The straight-line distance from the coast of Cintra is twenty nautical miles, and it is even further away from Skellige. I will not send soldiers or any monsters as guards, but I will release a few gargoyles without language ability to ensure that you will not die."

"For the rest of your life, you will never see a second human being besides yourself, you will never hear a second voice besides yourself, and you will never feel the traces of a second civilization besides that island. ."

"You are a decent and proud man, Emhyr. So you will not die, not now, not for some time in the future. And what we need is not your death, but your sorrow."

"Perhaps you are not grieving now - but you will eventually begin to grieve. And from that time, your judgment will begin."

Lan's voice echoed in the hall.

An atmosphere began to brew in everyone's eyes, and Emhyr's temperament became increasingly silent.

"Is this it?" His throat felt like there was sand in it, "Lannister, is this the end of everything?"

"If you are willing to let some of the people here stab you a few times before going to the island - that's fine with me."

Lann gestured to the pen in front of Emhyr: "Although I don't recommend you do this, to be honest, I really want to see you make this choice."

The eyes of East, Kratz and others erupted with frightening light.

After a long time, Emhyr finally bent down and slowly picked up the pen on the ground.
[On February 1270, 2, Emhyr announced Her Majesty Sirilla’s life experience to the entire continent, read out the conspiracy he had been brewing for decades, and admitted his bewitchment of the young Princess Pavetta and the subsequent A series of cruel methods.

On February 1270, 2, Aetolia renounced its independence and recognized the rule of Her Majesty Sirila.

Subsequently, the provinces of Vicovaro, Yamulak, Rowan, Atolia, Giso, and Mago Touga successively welcomed back their respective crown princes and announced that they would cooperate with Nefer The Gadians fought to the end.

On March 1270, 3, His Majesty Lann returned to the base established in the province of Aetolia and led the Lion Guards to begin their march north.

On May 1270, 5, the south was unified. 】

[Some details in history are now impossible to study.The final whereabouts of Emhyr have always been something that the remnants of Nilfgaard and even subsequent historians have always wanted to find out.

However, these can only end up as "unverifiable".

How did His Majesty Lan know the secrets hidden by Emhyr? "We can only irresponsibly blame it entirely on the magical "ancient blood"."

All myths and prophecies show that it is a power that can rule the continent and save the world.

Judging from the results - they are right. 】

(End of this chapter)

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