From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 63 There is one more good news

Chapter 63 There's Another Good News
Lan En was very pleasantly surprised, this is not as simple as good news!
Others don't know, but Lane knows what Thomas Molu's laboratory means.

There lies the secret of the witcher's second mutation!Not to mention that the warlock's laboratory is a treasure in itself, and it is likely that there will be a source of magic that Lann desires, or other precious materials, blueprints, magic equipment, and the like.

Seeing Lan En's obviously excited expression, Mossack couldn't help laughing, "There's a second piece of good news."

"There is also news about the purchase of magic items that I contacted you before. I have a warlock friend who just wants to sell some of them. I told her that she will come to Sintra in a few days."

"Her?" Lane noticed Mossack's careful choice of words.

Mossak nodded: "She is the royal advisor to King Foltest of Temeria. We druids rarely make friends with warlocks, but she is a nice person. You should like each other."

Lane nodded, and began to search in his mind who the sorceresses in the original book had a good relationship with Mossack.

And Mossack looked at Lan En's pensive expression and might have misunderstood something, patted him on the shoulder to attract attention, and said solemnly: "Lan, I know you want to explore Thomas Molu's laboratory, but I want to tell you: the remains of any warlock are in great danger.

And I can't follow you because of the recent war.I won't send you a portal to Toussaint until I think you're ready. "

Lane knew the dangers of Thomas Molu's laboratory without Mossak's words.In addition to a large number of water ghosts and drowning ghosts surrounding the ruins, there should be guards such as golem guards, gargoyles, and other monsters in the laboratory.

Traditional organ traps are also indispensable.

Going there rashly like this is courting death.

While Lann was thinking, the two had already arrived at their destination.

"Go in," Mossak said. "The queen and king are waiting for you."

Two guards opened the door, and Lan tidied up his clothes before striding in.

Calanthe and her husband were sitting in the living room chatting.

Seeing Lan En coming in, without the instructions of the two, his own attendant brought him a seat and a wine glass.

"Aunt, uncle."

Lann saluted the two in front.

He is not very familiar with Queen Calanthe, but he is not very familiar with Calanther's husband—his uncle in name.

It's not that His Majesty the King has targeted Lan En.On the contrary, as an outsider, the king has a bold and delicate temperament, and treats the younger generation as his own.

Lann, or the original body, spent a lot of time with the king in his childhood.It's just that during the year that Lann traveled here, the king happened to travel frequently to and from the Skerrit Islands, and he rarely met him.

"Long time no see, Uncle."

"Hahaha." King Ester Tursek laughed heroically, "How long has it been? I didn't expect that I could hear your poems being sung at the pier, little lion."

Lan showed a shy and reserved smile that fit his identity as a junior, and looked up at the man with a dark face and a hooked nose beside Calanthe.

Ester Tursek, he was more like a sailor than a king.Easter's life is quite legendary, he was originally the king of Skellige.But when he discovered that his brother Bran Tursek had talents far beyond his own, he handed over the throne to Bran.

Here I have to lament Skellige's special political ecological environment.Skellige, usually referring to the Skellige Islands, is located in the west of the mainland and consists of six large islands and a dozen scattered small islands.The Kingdom of Skellige ruled all the islands, and its inhabitants mainly lived on fishing, hunting, trading and armed plundering at sea.

This kind of life makes the Skellit people have the blood of advocating romance and freedom. A Skellig fisherman and the family lord have almost the same rights, and the class conflict between the high-level and low-level people is relatively mild.

Moreover, the throne of the Skerrit Islands is not traditionally hereditary. The king is voted by the lords of the seven largest families distributed on the six large islands in a traditional election meeting.The king was usually from the most powerful family, or was related to that family.

When Ester Tursek, a romantic sailor with waves in his blood, abdicated his throne Zen to his brother Bran, he turned to wandering between sea and continent again.Attempts to add his own name to those widely circulated poems.

Until he met Queen Calanthe in Sintra.

Here is a little emphasis, although East is a sailor who has been exposed to the wind and sun, his skin is dark.But he is still handsome, and he is well-read in poetry and books, with a personable demeanor, and he is especially good at saving the beauties by heroes.

Thus, the story of the legendary sea knight Ester Tursek came to an end, and the king of Sintra, Esther Tursek, came to the throne.

He became king for the second time, but not for power and power.He was written into another theme of poetry, not a hero, but love.

It is also because of this that Skellet and Sintra, whose relations with most countries on the mainland are very tense, have started a long-term close alliance. Shirley often went to Skellet for vacation when he was a child.After the destruction of Cintra, Skerlet often launched revenge operations against the southern coastal areas of Nilfgaard.

"Welcome back, Lane, thanks to you this time." Calanthe drank the wine in one gulp, and the attendants hurried up to add more.

Her Majesty the Queen was really frightened this time.After her own daughter died, Ciri was her only relative.When Mossak reported that Ciri was almost converted into a dryad, she almost put on the armor herself and went to order soldiers.

Even if she had already fought with Nilfgaard and Verdon on two fronts at that time, she would not hesitate.

"It's something that could have been avoided, Auntie. You know what I'm talking about."

"Bang!" Calanthe slammed the table hard.

But looking at Lan En's stubborn blue eyes that were exactly like his father's, the anger in her heart could not help but vent again.

King East smoothed things over and said, "Tell me about what happened. Although Mossack has already reported it, we think it must be more complete for you, Lane."

Lan nodded, and talked to Calanthe about his experience in Brokilon during this period of time.From the outskirts of the forest to wipe out Verdon soldiers, to travel in the land of oak trees, to kill griffins with Geralt, and finally to negotiate a peace agreement with the tree spirits.

Calanthe frowned: "Mossak told me about the witcher, why did you bring him back? You have to keep him away from the palace!"

Lan En replied: "It happens that he also wants to stay away from the palace, so he can rest assured now."

Calanthe raised her eyebrows.

East came over to smooth things over again: "Lan, besides learning about these things when I came to you today, your aunt and I also want to talk to you about rewards. What do you want?"

PS: The information about Ester Tursek once abdicating the throne Zen to his brother comes from Wikipedia, but I have never seen it in other game materials.If you have read any materials, welcome to add.

 Thank you book friend Qianfei for rewarding 500 starting coins, and thank you book friend Jixiang Rulong for rewarding 500 starting coins, thank you~
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(End of this chapter)

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