From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 70 Ciri's Dream

Chapter 70 Ciri's Dream
"I dreamed of Cintra..."

At the beginning, Mossack still had the mentality of coaxing a child, but as Ciri narrated, his expression gradually became serious.

Ciri said slowly: "In my dream, I saw our castle—it was burning. Many nuns and servants ran out of it. They were running for their lives, but they were quickly painted with sun on a group of armors. soldiers fell to the ground."

Ciri raised his head and asked, "Do Nilfgaardian soldiers paint the sun on their armor? I dreamed about Nilfgaardian soldiers, right?"

The druid moved his head silently, pondering over his words and said, "That's right... Maybe it's because some rumors have spread to you recently. Sometimes what you hear during the day will slip into your dreams at night. This shows that little Ciri has also begun to care about national affairs."

Mossack comforted, but with little effect, Ciri's emotions did not calm down, but gradually became agitated.

"But." Ciri seemed to have tears rolling in her eyes, "Those look as if they are real, and they are different from previous dreams. It's as if... it's what I will really see in the future."

Mossak sighed, he had a few guesses in his mind, and planned to talk to Queen Calanthe later.

As for Ciri, he still comforted him: "I will help you pick some herbs later, and I will instruct the maid to ignite them in your bedroom before going to bed, so you can have a good night's sleep tonight."

Shirley nodded, wiped his eyes and said, "And..."

"and also?"

"Well. Behind those Nilfgaardian soldiers, there seems to be a man with golden eyes chasing them. He has a lot of injuries and has been bleeding..."

Mossak's thoughts moved, this was so similar to the dream Lane had told him before.

【"After my parents died, you know that I was seriously ill for a while. During this period, I had many dreams. I dreamed that the soldiers of Nilfgaard invaded Sintra, and the iron cavalry crushed everything here, and the flames burned everything here. Everything. And in the flames, a man with golden glowing eyes gathers the refugees and uses spells to protect the only remaining seeds of Cintra.”]

At this time, Mossack didn't know that Lann made up this dream to fool him, and he always thought it was true.And after Ciri had the same dream, he became even more convinced of it.

"The man with the golden eyes." Mossak asked. "Is it Geralt?"

Ciri shook her head: "No, Geralt has white hair. That man is blonde."

"And... I seem to know him very well."


Toussaint, thanks to its pleasant climate and fertile volcanic ash soil, is rich in grapes and has a continental reputation for its high-quality wines.Here is known as the "fairy tale kingdom", "the kingdom of wine and love".

According to the poem: "Bad weather does not exist in Toussaint. Even in winter, it is cloudless and there is only a gentle breeze blowing. I don't know what the cold wind is. The word hunger loses its meaning in Toussaint." , because the woods and groves of this land are full of rich and juicy fruit all year round. The feeling of loneliness is no longer there, because everyone in the country regards the traveler as a friend whom he has not seen for a long time...

In this land of surprises, there will be no backwaters of boredom, dullness, or restlessness.Rivers of wine flowed from Toussaint, music never ceased, and birdsong and beautiful maidens sang everywhere.When a handsome knight comes to call, the girl will never be stingy with her charm. "

Ran and his party, who came from the northern kingdom on military alert, clearly felt the difference between Sintra and Toussaint.

At this time, they were transported by Mossak's portal to the capital of Toussaint - Beauclair.

It was once ruled by the elves for 500 years until it stopped in 781 of the human calendar. The sights are full of spectacular and beautiful elf memorial sites: detailed towers, carefully carved reliefs and mysterious ruins.

Only a few scorching sun on a black background, and the weird combination of gold and black on the pure buildings remind people that this living fairy tale land is actually a vassal state of Nilfgaard.

Yes, although Toussaint is a principality with great independence and has its own independent armed force - the palace guard, it is a territory of Nilfgaard.

In theory, Lane and his party shouldn't have come here at all.Otherwise, the kingdom of fairy tales will soon turn into a dark fairy tale in front of them.

But how should I put it... The current ruler of Toussaint, Anna Henrietta, is very "enlightened".Even her official official title is "Enlightened Lady."

She is also very beautiful.

When Lan led Geralt and several attendants to visit her, he saw the Duchess chatting and laughing with the palace officials.

She has a pointed nose, jewel-blue eyes, and auburn hair tied in ribbons and artistically styled.The neckline of her dress was cut low, embroidered with a dense and uniform pattern of golden chrysanthemums.Her neck was adorned with a necklace of emerald, onyx, and lapis lazuli, and the pendant was a cross of jade that fell just between the peaks of her bodice.

"Lord Lannister, you are indeed a dazzling knight as the poem says." The Duchess laughed loudly.

It's hard to imagine that the act of "laughing" can also make people feel elegant and beautiful. Any behavior of the Duchess seems to be subtly attached to these two qualities.

"The druids have already told me why you came here. This is really great. I never thought that there are such wonderful things as magical relics in Toussaint! After you finish exploring, I must The guards took me to have a look too, maybe we can hold a special banquet there!"

Lane saluted the Duchess and said, "Thank you, Your Highness. Please allow me to extend my sincere greetings to you and Prince Raymond. I heard that he was bedridden due to a sudden illness some time ago. May the Prophet bless you." he."

Duchess Anna's expression was quite disapproving: "Thank you for your greetings from a long distance away. Because Redmond's illness is really unseemly, I cannot accept your visit. But I accept your intention."

This indifferent attitude is obviously not the attitude a lady should have towards a seriously ill husband, but Lan just happens to understand the hidden story behind it, because this is also the plot introduced in the original book with a lot of ink:

Once a bard was invited to perform in Toussaint. During the whole winter and summer, he had a secret love affair with Duchess Anna.

At that time, Prince Raymond was attending a meeting in Sintra, and found several mistresses in the local area to have a good time...

I can only sigh: the life of an aristocrat.

(End of this chapter)

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