From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 84 The Tomb of Thomas Molu

Chapter 84 Thomas Molu's Tomb (Fourth Change)
"You devil, I will not hand over my brother! Change the terms!"

The female succubus narrowed her eyes slightly: "Oh? Do you want to change someone? But other people don't have the 'power' of this warrior."

The eyes of many soldiers behind him focused on Ace again, but this time something was slightly wrong.

Ace finally slowed down a bit, and patted House on the shoulder: "Don't do this, brother. You don't have to defend me like this, I think I can..."

House turned his head and elbowed again, forcibly beating Ace into a shrimp bowed on the ground.He turned his head and said to the succubus righteously:

"Succubus, we are here following the orders of the Lord Earl Lannister of Sintra. We need everyone to complete the task of the Earl, and it is impossible to exchange brothers for information. I know you don't want to fight, if If you are willing to try to help us, the generous Earl will definitely thank you."

"Lannister, you must pay your debts!"

The succubus smiled disdainfully: "Men always promise the future with sweet words... Wait, you said your earl is called Lannister?"

House nodded.

The succubus finally put away his indifference, thought for a while and asked, "I seem to have heard of this name before. What's his full name? He is indeed from Sintra, right?"

House replied: "My lord is the Young Lion of Cintra, Lord Lane Lannister Ray Allen. You seem to have heard of my lord's name?"

The succubus sat up straight, staring at the people in front of her with blood-colored pupils, chewing the words carefully: "Lan, Lannister, Lei Anlun...Lei Anlun, ha."

She chuckled, and said softly: "So you are Lei Anlun's subordinates? He has much more 'power' than this warrior, then..."

"Thomas Molu's grave is not here, but in a cemetery south of Beauclair. You can look for it there. It leans against a tree, and there is a river twenty steps away. It's easy to find. "

The succubus was in a good mood, as if she had received some excellent reward, she jumped up with a twist of her waist, standing on a branch like a light bird.

"You guys have to tell your lord earl well about what happened to me today, and I'll go find him when you're done with what you're doing~"

House stared at the succubus, but was horrified to find that the figure of the succubus gradually faded under the moonlight.

He wanted to ask clearly the purpose of the other party looking for Lann, and he must not let his Lord Earl suffer unknown harm.

Unexpectedly, the crows that were originally perched on the tree suddenly flapped their wings and rushed towards him.After he drew his sword to drive away these annoying ominous birds, the succubus was no longer in sight.

Ace on the ground squirmed his body slightly: "Master Earl's...'power'? How did this kind of news spread to this kind of place?"

House angrily stepped forward and wanted to help his companion: "The earl has always praised his bravery, and he is clean, how could such a reputation spread? At least I have never heard of it.

I think what the succubus said is not the same as what we understand, but I don't understand what it is..."

Ace on the ground didn't catch his companion's help.He waved his hand, and got up from the ground with one hand, as if he had been beaten so hard that he couldn't get up.

Looking at his stunned companion, Ace glanced at him angrily, and said, "I'm the son of a knight, you don't really think that the fist you raised from your horse can knock me down?"

When House heard the other party's questioning, he was anxious: "Don't pretend, if it doesn't hurt you, why are you lying on the ground! I also practice martial arts diligently!"

Ace shook his head, and said sadly: "I'm just worried that I can't control myself and delay the task of the Earl, so I deliberately borrowed two punches from you. After all, it's a succubus..."

"When I said 'I can', I really meant it..."

House clenched his fist, hard again.

Following the information given by the succubus, everyone went out from the south of Bauclairn's city during the day.

Because he had to go out of the city, he had to go out during the day; and since he was already out of the city, there was no need to act in the dark to cover up his indecent behavior, and no one was watching.

They quickly found the group of tombstones by the river that the succubus had mentioned, and encountered five small groups of water ghosts by accident.

Not difficult, a small wave of arrows rained and then charged in formation with drawn swords. After killing three of them, the rest jumped into the water and fled.

Although the number and equipment of the six people are superior, it is the first time to face the enemy.Moreover, these water ghosts were more cunning than those encountered by Lan En and the others. In a haste, two soldiers fell on their faces and were slightly injured.

The process of exploration immediately became more careful. The six-man team no longer moved separately, four soldiers kept vigilant at all times, and two attendants screened the tombstones.

Soon, they discovered their purpose.

A tombstone with the inscription "Thomas Lymoux" in the common language.

Below the name is a series of epitaphs carved out of ancient languages:
Ellas k'havani allder aen Dol Naev'de, ellas allder n'corrason. Glorsann a'Aelirenn
Meaning: Salvation is not in Dor Navid, but in our hearts.Glory to Eri Ryan.

"Dor Navid" is the name of the "Nine Valley" where Lann and the others went during the elves' rule, and "Aili Ryan" is the name of a tragic leader of the elves.

This epitaph full of artistic background was not understood by the six-member team, because they did not understand the ancient language, and if they understood it, they probably did not understand these terms that required a certain amount of historical knowledge to understand.

House and Ace looked at each other, and Ace took a step back: "I am the son of a knight, I don't dig a grave, I just keep watch..."

House gave him a blank look, and took a step back, letting two sentry soldiers step forward and start digging.

The soil covering it was unexpectedly shallow, and within a few clicks, Professor Molu's sarcophagus came out.The two soldiers lifted the heavy stone slab together, and a pair of thin skeletons were displayed in front of everyone.

The stench that was stuffed in the coffin rushed over immediately, but fortunately, everyone was prepared, so they wouldn't be flustered by this blow.

House covered his nose, picked up a twig and rummaged inside for a while, and found a broken parchment, but nothing else.

[XNUM X Year X NUM X Month X NUM X Day

I have confirmed that Geron is here and is currently living in Usharburg.I'm too excited to work, I haven't seen him in ages, my son.But I have to try to calm down and carry out my plan. 】

[XNUM X Year X NUM X Month X NUM X Day

I was a little surprised that he came so soon after sunset!He had changed a lot, very lean and covered in scars.Of course he was very angry that I asked him to come here for other reasons, but what other options did I have?If my experiment is successful, someday he too will be a father, and he will understand why I am doing it.

I opened the portal in the study and brought Geron to my laboratory.The crystal is out of power, but luckily I have another one.I gave him some time to think about it, because I still wanted him to volunteer for the study.While I was waiting, while I was getting my utensils ready, I thought the leather straps on the table should be replaced. 】

 Originally, it was planned to be updated in one go in the old time of the afternoon, but I saw that the authors who were on the shelves in the same period all started in the early morning and scattered updates throughout the day.Let's put some of the wood in the morning.

  Thinking about it carefully, this arrangement is also reasonable. If the results of the four shifts are good, it will be convenient to add the shift after the second shift in the afternoon...

(End of this chapter)

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