Chapter 88 Geron Molu
Thomas Molu raised his hand again, and his palm began to fluctuate with the magical fluctuations of rigid magic: "I am Thomas Molu, and on the 18th of Joel, I launched the biggest plan in my life here, more than my research so far. It is much greater, because this is a study that is closely related to myself, it is related to me and my son..."

no!no effect!This guy started to endorse again!

Lan En was quick to wit, and shouted the second sentence angrily: "Damn Molu, I'm a witcher!"

Thomas Molu was unmoved: "When I was young, I was attacked by monsters in the forest. There was a witcher who helped me. At that time, I didn't know that the price of his saving me would be my son's future. The witcher brought The day my son died, I vowed to restore my son to his original state..."

It's not enough to disturb Thomas Molu's mind with hatred. At this time, the light in his hand has solidified, and he is about to strike out the magic!

There is only enough time for the last sentence, this is the last chance, it is really a last resort!

Lan En called out affectionately: "Father, I am Jielong!"

In an instant, the wind pressure covering Lan En's body suddenly dissipated, and Lan En, who was pressed against the wall like a painting, fell heavily to the ground, and the thick armor on his body hit the ground with a crisp sound of "clang".

The rigid magical fluctuations in Thomas Molu's hand slowly dissipated, and he stared wide, one in the eye socket and one outside the eye socket, and his incomplete brain was working hard.


Lan raised his hands high under his scrutinizing gaze, and approached with awkward steps, one magic prop after another was stepped on the soles of his feet like stepping stones.

These magic props only need to make partial contact with the body, and the system can judge whether it is the source of magic power, even if it is stepped on the sole of the foot.

【Discover the source of magic power】

found it!
Lann paused, absorbed!
A magical power suddenly poured into his body.

Thomas Molu began to think with difficulty.If he was in the form of a demon spirit at this time, he might not be deceived. Unfortunately, while the body of this decayed warlock gave him magical abilities, it also restricted his thinking.

"No... Geron is like me, with brown hair and eyes, you..."

The blond-haired and blue-eyed Lann explained solemnly: "It doesn't matter, this is the mutation caused by your experiment! Although the mutation changed my hair color and pupils, it also reversed my witcher signs. I now I'm back to being human again!"

He yelled emotionally in an almost recitative tone: "Father! Your experiment has succeeded!"

Lan felt that the process of magic power pouring into his body was over, and the system also sounded a prompt sound in due course.

[Skill Point +1]

Bring up the system panel, add points, and add [Swirling Sword Dance]!
[Whirling Sword Dance]: Use the weapon in your hand to attack all nearby enemies with a spinning attack. Continuous whirling sword dance needs to consume one or more of all energies including stamina, adrenaline, and magic power. The energy consumption will increase with the Skill level down (1/5).

The strength surged up. This is the blessing of [Battle] classification skills to physical fitness, and the increase of the third-level skills is far more than before, making Lan's physical fitness officially far away from mortals!

On the other side, Thomas Molu looked at Lane thinking for a while, then turned around suddenly.

In the center of all the glass culture chambers in the room, there is a huge container made of metal with higher technological content. Judging from the luster of the surface, it is at least composed of various metals such as copper, anti-magic gold, and meteorite. become.

Densely dense metal conduits are connected to it, and through a palm-sized transparent observation window on the surface of the container, one can see a brown-haired man soaked in the dark mutant mixed culture solution, with a painful expression on his face, struggling gently as if haunted by a nightmare with.

"No, Geron... over there!"

Thomas Molu finally realized that something was wrong. He turned his head and saw Lann rushing towards him with a lion's head and silver sword in his hand, and he would be close to him in three steps!

The dark blue protective shield was erected immediately, and Thomas Molu hid behind, skillfully began to control the chaotic energy in the air, and the fluctuations of magic converged in midair again.

At the same time, an anti-magic gold bomb exploded in mid-air, and the green debris brought up bursts of static electricity in the air, as if sharp blades pierced through the magic shield.

With a "whoosh", the hurricane descended on the laboratory again, and the shards of opaque gold in the air were swept away feebly, and lightning crackled everywhere.

In the storm and lightning, Lan rolled out, as if it was nothing but a breeze in front of him.

Thomas Molu raised his hand again, and Lane raised his hand too.The two of them were only one step away at this time, one of them condensed magic waves in his hand, and the other held an alchemy bomb with the latch pulled out.

This is the last 【Demon Resistance Gold Bomb】.

"My 'Father' is not so easily bearable, try this now!"

The anti-devil gold bomb exploded almost close to the face, covering Thomas Molu's whole body in an instant, annihilating the magic he was preparing invisible.

A large amount of debris was sucked into his body by him, making this body that carried a lot of magical energy suddenly heavy and clogged.

Thomas Molu coughed violently, and his decayed flesh kept dropping meat and bone fragments.He flapped his hands and feet indiscriminately, as if he wanted to get rid of the magic-forbidden area that made him struggle.

Naturally, Lann would not let go of the fighter he had finally created. He held up the lion's head silver sword, wrapped in a strong wind, cut through the green smoke, and split Thomas Molu's body in half from head to toe!
Then, he rushed forward, like a running calves in iron armor, venting all the impact force on the tattered body in front of him.

"Wow", the stench of blood rained down all over the sky, and an illusory figure in a tattered robe came out of it, blurring the figure and hiding it for the first time.

Thomas Molu has lost his physical body, and will finally meet the enemy in the body of a demon spirit.

At this time, Lan En had just stabilized his figure from the momentum of the slash, and took out [Moon Dust], but lost the enemy's target.

The green figure appears and disappears in the room, and the spirit monsters also have short-distance flashes that come with their talents, which makes Lan even more unable to grasp the opponent's figure.

There are only two [Moon Dust] left, and if you are not fully sure, you must not attack rashly.

Lane took a deep breath.He remembers that the most old-fashioned way to deal with this kind of flash and blur is to seize the moment when the opponent attacks and counterattack.

Fortunately, most of the attacks of demon spirits are materialized physical attacks. As a researcher-type warlock, Thomas Molu should not be very familiar with it, right?

In the room, the empty voice began to echo:
"Lan Lannister Ray Allen! How dare you destroy my body! Invade my laboratory, destroy my experiments, destroy my body! I'm going to sew you and the water ghost's body tissue together, I must let you go through all the mutation process soberly! Watch your body collapse with your own eyes while screaming!"

After getting rid of his body, Thomas Molu, who was in the state of a demon spirit, became much more sober, and his speech became more coherent.

The voice came from all directions, making it impossible for Lan to judge the other party's position. He chuckled and said, "Dear 'Father', how can you continue to do experiments without a physical body? Why don't you just give up? Failure to fulfill your dream means that you don't have the ability, so don't continue to toss after death, it's better to let your son be freed earlier.

Oh, by the way, are you hiding everything you did to your son from your wife? What's her name?Isn't it—dear Lydia? "

"Shut up, Lannister! You don't understand my love for them!"

A mass of green phosphorous fire ignited beside Lan En, which was the teleportation of the demon spirit.The figure of Thomas Molu emerged from the flames in an instant, and his sharp claws ground a series of sparks on Lann's armor.

The force of this grasp was so great that Lann felt that his armor was a little deflated, and the awkward feeling of being squeezed by deformed metal could clearly be heard from one side of his body.

Lan En was about to pull out the latch of [Moon Dust], but the figure of the other party disappeared sharply again.The speed of the demon spirit was also so fast that Lan En couldn't react.This time, he seemed to be a brushed BOSS, waiting for the players to scrape him to death one by one.

"The tortoise shell...but it's not that hard." An old voice echoed in the air, and the traces on the plate armor hinted at the opponent's strength.

Professor Thomas Molu may not be good at melee combat, but Tomas Molu the "demon" is not necessarily.Even if it doesn't know weapon skills, it still has the power of a monster's body.

Lan En's heart turned sharply. It was unrealistic to fight back at the moment the opponent attacked, and his own reaction could not keep up; he had to find a way to actively lure the opponent out.

Lan En thought for a while, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Molu! Does your love for your son mean keeping him in a cage for hundreds of years of experiments? What kind of love is this! Let him be freed earlier! "

After yelling, Lann was ready to fight, his left thumb had already passed through the ring.

It's a pity that Thomas Molu in the demon spirit state is no longer so easy to be fooled, and the aggressive method doesn't work for him.

In the empty room, there were only the sound of Lann's own breathing and the sounds of various training cabins operating.

It seems that just talking is not enough. Lan looked back and saw the all-metal advanced training cabin along Thomas Molu's line of sight.

The man inside is Geron Molu, the demon hunter who has been tortured by mutation experiments for hundreds of years, and the source of his obsession to turn Tomos Molu into a demon spirit!
"Since you don't want to." Lan En chuckled, "Let me help you."

Lan En suddenly ran towards the metal training cabin, pointing his sword forward.


There was a scream that shattered the glass, and it finally caught Thomas Molu's deathbed so that he could not ignore it.

 After reminders and suggestions from some friends and book friends, I increased the number of words in each chapter. In the future, each chapter will have [-] words, and two chapters a day will total [-] words, which is equivalent to the three chapters before it was put on the shelves.

  The saved manuscripts were instantly reduced by one-third...

(End of this chapter)

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