From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 92 The Awakened Sleeper

Chapter 92 The Awakened Sleeper

Time passed minute by minute.At last Thomas Molu could bear it no longer:
"Golem, stay...protect me, gargoyle...get rid of that kid!"

Swirling, the three gargoyles had magical fluctuations, and suddenly lost their figures in the hall. When they saw them again, they moved to the top of Lann in a short distance.

Three gigantic monsters weighing several tons crashed down like meteors, smashing the floor into three giant craters, setting off a wide range of rain-like rocks crackling.

Lann escaped the pressure of the three gargoyles and the spreading shock wave, but was hit in the head by the following stone, and his body was black and bloody.

The shortcomings of [Mountain Like a Mountain] are finally exposed.

Lann can avoid damage during the rolling process, as long as he has enough physical strength, he can hide until the end of time, and he is stuck with the invincible bug.But there is always a slight connection between the take-off and the landing, and that is Lane's flaw.

He is immune to incoming damage only "while dodging".

Lann has always suffered one-time attacks such as slashing, explosions, and hammering. He has never suffered continuous attacks, nor has he performed continuous evasion in such a embarrassing manner.

The demon spirit's eyes lit up in mid-air, and the young man in front of him finally showed his flaws.

He was about to send the golem out together to end the battle while the iron was hot, but when he turned around, he found that the golem was entangled by three giant centipedes like pythons.

At the same time, more and more water ghosts and ghouls were clinging to the stone body like ants and locusts.

Without the cooperation of the gargoyles, the golem alone and a magic guard can't stop this group of monsters at all!
Thomas Molu had to face more than that.

Just when Thomas Molu focused his attention on Lann, an individual with an exceptionally dark carapace in the giant centipede had already climbed to the roof through the rock wall, and its tentacles were shaking towards the monster directly below. spirit.

Water ghosts and ghouls may not be able to deal with ghost spirits floating in mid-air, but giant centipedes are not.After all, this is indoors.

It seemed that a giant was waving a giant whip thicker than a human being, and the eardrum-stinging sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded.Thomas Molu looked back and saw the figure of the giant centipede, and the next second his remaining body was photographed like a torn sack.

The giant black centipede fell heavily to the ground, and the landing damage caused by its huge weight cracked some of its broken carapace.This kind of volley is definitely not an attack option for this Predator, but it is not stingy with using this attack under the trend of the badge of hatred.

Thomas Molu let out a scream, at this time a giant white centipede entangled his remaining body, and water ghosts and ghouls kept climbing up.

These little monsters tore apart the giant centipedes and demon spirits regardless of whether they were enemies or not. The giant centipedes splattered poisonous blood and attacked all creatures around them indiscriminately.

When Lan saw it, he endured the pain all over his body and rushed towards this side. He couldn't believe that Thomas Molu could bear it!


Sure enough, with a shriek full of unwillingness and resentment, violent green flames once again steamed from Thomas Molu's body.

Suddenly, a blue portal opened above his head.

However, Thomas Molu, who was entangled, hadn't entered yet. Instead, some monsters entered the portal by mistake while jumping.


The portal opened beside Thomas Molu, and now he is surrounded by monsters, causing the portal to be surrounded by monsters.

Lann squeezed out his last strength and rushed forward. The portal opened in mid-air. He had no choice but to use the body of the albino giant centipede to climb up like a runway. There were not many opportunities to roll and dodge in the crowded space.

During the running process, his body was torn apart by countless monsters, and Lan En's whole body became dripping with blood.

Suddenly, he felt as if two daggers had pierced his thigh, and the pain at that moment almost made him fall to the ground.

After the pain, there was another burst of numbness, which made Lan Dun feel bad.

At this time, his body had jumped up in mid-air, and the demon spirit was left behind by her.The arm burning with green flames seemed to want to pull Lan En, but then the demon spirit was pulled back by the monsters.

Lan looked back in mid-air, and saw that the demon spirit now had only a head, and the silver necklace had no place to hang, and fell to the ground. The demon spirit regained the ability to blur and get rid of the monster.

Lane showed his right hand from a distance, holding an [Amogold Bomb] from Geralt, and the latch had been pulled out by Lane.

With the few remaining limbs of Thomas Molu, it is absolutely impossible to cast magic again, even displacement is impossible.

In other words, this is his last portal.

"No!!!" The demon spirit roared mournfully, but he was so weak that he couldn't let out the scream of the demon spirit. This kind of scream couldn't even shock Lan En's ears, so he could only watch helplessly as the destroyed All his guys rushed into the portal.

The short-term dizziness almost made Lann vomit. The moment he landed, he felt a shock in his right hand. The anti-magic gold bomb that had been unplugged already shattered, and the debris of forbidden magic exploded in mid-air.

The portal became distorted in the next instant, and a small explosion occurred under the chaos of magic power. The aftermath caused Lann to roll on the ground a few times.

But he didn't feel that he was particularly in pain—this was wrong, the sense of pain was an important self-protection mechanism for the wounded.

Lann opened his eyes, and found that the body of a giant albino centipede more than one meter long had fallen from the place where the portal had just closed.Obviously, it also had a part of its body in the portal just now, but now it only sent this "part" of its body over.

The problem was that part of the teleportation was the head of a giant albino centipede, whose dagger-like fangs were spewing venom.

Lan looked at the fangs of the giant albino centipede, and then at his leg that seemed to have been stabbed by a dagger just now. The place was now numb and unconscious.

... not good.

What was even worse than this was that behind him he heard cries and neighing sounds like babies.Lan looked back and saw a few water ghosts and ghouls who strayed into the portal the moment it opened.

They also suffered serious injuries, and after landing, they all began to bite each other.But one or two still shook their heads on the ground and got up, looking at Lan En.

Not good.

The lion's head and silver sword were taken away by Sward in the previous battle. Lan could only drag his unconscious legs and staggered to the side of the two training cabins of the Sintra soldiers, picked them up on the ground weapons.

Thomas Molu, who was possessed by the corpse, was not so meticulous in his work. He roughly tore apart the soldiers' weapons and armor and threw them around, so that Lann would not be in a defenseless situation now.

Immediately afterwards Lann picked up the big ax and began to smash the glass cultivation cabin. He was not strong now, and it took him several times to smash the target.

The Cintra soldiers in the training cabin fell to the ground with a plop, and the last trace of luck in Lan's heart disappeared.He originally thought about whether he could wake up these people as helpers, but now he can only rely on himself.

Lan threw away the tomahawk and picked up the dagger instead, which was all he could do with his current physical condition.

A water ghost sneaked around behind Lan En from the wall, jumped on Lan En's back and bit his shoulders.At the same time, another water ghost jumped up and attacked with its sharp claws.

Lane roared and rolled into a ball with the two monsters.

He has already killed Thomas Molu, escaped from so many monsters, how could he die in the hands of a water ghost in the end!
Sword light and sharp claws flew, and the blood of monsters and humans splashed all over.

But in this room, besides Lann and the monsters, there are several other beings, and one of them is watching the fight in the laboratory.

War horse, Black Wind.

As an animal, Hei Feng was treated differently from humans. It soaked in a huge, topless cultivation tank and did not lose consciousness.Thomas Molu's zombification magic just zombified its body.

Thomas Molu only did simple mutation reaction experiments on animals, so he didn't need to be as delicate as he was with humans, and he had to go through conscious anesthesia and other processes.

The infusion tube on Heifeng's back continuously pumps high-concentration mutant solutions and various chemical potions into its body, affecting its body in a simple, direct, and brutal manner.

This kind of body modification in a short period of time is extremely destructive, and Thomas Molu probably didn't want Hei Feng to live for too long.But at this moment, it can just weaken the influence of rigid magic and give Heifeng a certain amount of action.

Can Black Wind keep Lan from these monsters?Of course not, no matter how strong and psychic it is, it is still just a horse.

A water ghost even jumped on it and gnawed on its ass. Fortunately, Hei Feng felt no pain for a short time because of the potion.

But the loyal and protective horse still wants to help his master, just like the one that gave his life to hit Thomas Molu.

And just now, Hei Feng saw Lan trying to open the training cabin.With Ma'er's ability to understand, what the master is trying to do must be able to help him.

The infusion tube pumped high-concentration mutation solution and various chemical medicines into Heifeng's body. At this moment, its pupils were turned up, the muscles on its body were abnormally stiff and swollen, and bloody saliva flowed out of the corner of its mouth uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, it slammed into the cultivation tank that could only be broken open with a hammer, the rubber infusion tube was torn off abruptly, and the huge inertia even threw off the water ghost biting on its back.

"Crackling", one, two, three.The training cabin was constantly smashed, skeleton-like corpses fell to the ground and were broken, and the Sintra soldiers who had lost their breath fell to the ground and turned into pieces of meat delivered to the door, swarmed by ghouls.

All the glass cultivation cabins were smashed, and none of them could help Lan.

No, there is another one, the largest in the room, the cultivation cabin made of metal and connected with the most pipes.

The training cabin where the demon hunter Geron Molu was kept!
"咴", Heifeng stood up, as if preparing to charge before the battlefield.

The horse's body cracked and cracked, and the metal shell at the point of impact sank shockingly. The entire huge training cabin rose slightly from the ground in an instant, and fell to the ground with a "bang bang" after shaking twice.

The hatch was cracked, a large amount of culture fluid leaked out, and air poured in.

 This battle plot ends here, and many book lovers find it lengthy.

  Mu Muyuan thought that because Lann fought a century-old warlock with a mortal body, winning too easily would definitely shake the power system of the entire work, so there were twists and turns.

  But according to the feedback in the past few days, everyone's reading experience is not good.I express my review here, and at the same time absorb everyone's opinions, and I will arrange the plot more reasonably in the future.

  Thank you to everyone who is still supporting the book.

  After this wave is over, the protagonist will usher in a wave of strengthening later.Defeating such a strong enemy must have a big harvest, right?
  The book friend group posted at the end of this chapter yesterday that some book friends said that it would be better to add the group to the introduction because it is inconvenient.The wood hung up, but it failed to pass the review for a day, I don't know why.

(End of this chapter)

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