Grand Arcanist of Azeroth

Chapter 220 Destroying Kil'jaeden's Throne

Chapter 220 Destroying Kil'jaeden's Throne
The fel energy furnace was destroyed and tens of thousands of troops were lost, but it did not cause much reaction from the Burning Legion.

In a country's military system, the loss of tens of thousands of troops can no longer be considered low.

But the Burning Legion is a super criminal organization that spans countless galaxies.

The number of troops they have is measured in billions.

If hundreds of millions of troops are not invested in a war, it is not normal.

Burning Legion's wars are based on planets.

How could it be possible to dispatch only tens of millions of troops?
However, the Burning Legion currently has not many troops in Draenor.

Draenor is just a climateless planet.

Just throw in an army of millions of demons.

But this kind of accident, no one can predict.

Elune's divine punishment on the Nagrand Prairie wiped out most of the demon army.

The rest of the demon army scattered to various regions of the mainland to do things.

They don't appear to be many in number.

The Throne of Kil'jaeden and Fel Furnace, which were first occupied, were not equipped with many troops because they felt that the operation here was very stable.

As a result, in such an important place, the troops were very empty.

There are some decent defensive weapons for such a place, though.

The Mage Eyes that Horad dropped on the throne of Kil'jaeden were often destroyed by fel anti-aircraft guns on the ground.

Fel AA Cannons have powerful detection capabilities.

Even a small thing like the Mage's Eye can be accurately locked and destroyed.

Compared with ordinary fel cannons, the difference is not 01:30!
This situation is actually quite normal.

The indicators of anti-aircraft weapons are very high.

Longer range, higher accuracy and faster rate of fire.

Otherwise, how to fight the enemies flying fast in the sky?

There is such a big difference between professional air defense and amateur air defense.

Fortunately, the base of the fel anti-aircraft gun only has an elevation angle, and there is no operation to level the anti-aircraft gun.

Otherwise, the Broken who are moving around will suffer!

Seeing that Kil'jaeden's throne was indeed empty, the attack resumed.

The Breaker destroyed the fel cannons on the outside, Zlali and the small arcane puppet blossomed in the center, and immediately destroyed the important facilities inside.

As for the Fel AA Cannon, let it cool off for now.

Anyway, no matter how you adjust the angle, it is impossible to attack ground targets.

There are few significant installations inside Kil'jaeden's Throne.

There is only one legion portal, a few miserable green obelisks suspended at low altitude, and a ground magic circle with complex patterns.

The Legion Portal currently has no place to teleport.

The height of the miserable green obelisk is about 15 meters.

It is an energy storage building that can store fel energy.

That magic circle is a dangerous thing.

It is a teleportation circle that can open a trans-galaxy portal.

Once the obelisk is full of evil energy, it can power the teleportation circle and open the portal to the demon world.

The Fel Forge has been destroyed, theoretically there is no possibility of these obelisks being fully charged.

Just in case, Zlari and the small arcane golem decided to destroy the obelisk first.

After all the obelisks are destroyed, the teleportation circle will definitely not be able to be opened again.

When the Breakers outside attacked, Herald teleported the two Kings of Destruction into it.

The demon army responsible for the defense of Kil'jaeden's throne was first attracted by the explosion in the outer area.

Seeing the fel cannon exploding inexplicably, they know that the enemy who destroys the fel forge is coming.

Just as they were rushing to the outer area, the evil energy storage device was attacked by enemies that suddenly appeared.

The appearance of the fel storage device is very mysterious, but it is actually not strong.

Destroying the fel runes on the base that provided the levitation power, the obelisk fell and broke in two.

The destruction of this very important energy storage building is unacceptable to the demons.

They turned around and rushed towards the two enemies who were shifting targets.

But how easy is it to stop those destruction kings?
Small arcane golems are fast.

In a blink of an eye, it has crossed hundreds of meters and came to the side of the evil energy storage device.

When it raised the bloody greatsword, the demons could only let out a roar that symbolized incompetence.

Who made them too slow?
Should we stop and wait for them?
The speed of the other golden giant is slower.

But no demon can resist the golden ball of light and rush forward.

The damage of the golden light ball is very high.

Many demons were burnt to ashes by the Holy Light just after one hit.

The frequency of such attacks is even more exaggerated.

Several shots can be shot in a second.

The stronger demon resisted the first one, and the second ball of light had already covered his face.

Before he had time to rejoice, he was killed!
In fact, Zlari was already releasing water.

If it wasn't for worrying about accidentally injuring the small arcane puppet, she would have cleared the field with a golden beam of light.

The golden beam of light quickly circled the field, and it was almost impossible for there to be standing demons.

Of course, the current clearing efficiency is also very good.

The golden balls of light flying around harvested the demons in the field, burning them into coke or ashes.

Zlari came to the side of the fel energy storage device, and chopped off the base with a single blow.

She supported the fallen obelisk and lowered it steadily to the ground.

This is because evil energy is leaking from the fractured obelisk that was violently destroyed earlier.

Fel has long polluted the lands of Tanaan Jungle.

But it is obviously inappropriate to let these high-purity evil energies deepen the pollution.

Naaru are not as keen on protecting the natural environment as the life system.

But for things that pollute the natural environment, we will avoid them as much as possible.

Fel pollution is definitely one of the most serious pollutions!

After discovering this terrible situation, it is naturally impossible for her to break the obelisk again.

The small arcane puppet on the other side also discovered this situation.

It is small, and it is not easy to support these behemoths that are more than ten meters high.

But when the obelisk falls, it can fly to the bottom to support it, so that the obelisk will not break.

After destroying all the obelisks, it began to specifically deal with the surrounding demon army.

Rush to the place where the demons are densest and spin at high speed, and kill a bunch of demons in minutes.

The blood-red sword qi shot out, and pieces of demons were cut in half.

It can proudly announce: "In the demon army, there is no one who can fight!"

Occasionally, a fel lord would appear, but he would end up being killed by it with a single strike.

If there is no powerful artifact in hand, it will take ten or twenty rounds to fight against a powerful demon like the fel lord.

Urshalus, a powerful artifact that can grow, turns powerful demons into meat on a felt board.

Gron, who had a very strong defense, was killed by it.

What other demons can't break the defense?
The invincible defense of the Abyss Demon King, which is comparable to that of a giant dragon, should be able to compete with Usales.

Herald was looking forward to the Abyss Lord surviving Elune's attack.

Then you can try how powerful this powerful artifact is.

The defenders of Kil'jaeden's throne are few in number.

There are less than [-] demons, and it is not enough for two destruction kings to plug their teeth.

Soon the Burning Legion's most important base in Draenor was taken.

Zlari began to purify the obelisks that housed the fel energy.

The Broken collect weapons and armor dropped by demons.

The well-preserved teleportation circle, Herald recorded it.

When you are free, you can see where it leads.

The Burning Legion has taken over many worlds.

The most famous of these is Argus, the former homeland of the Draenei.

Argus, like Azeroth, has a star soul that can become a titan.

However, it was targeted by the Burning Legion and never had a chance to breed a normal Titan.

Demons have polluted the entire planet with fel energy.

Turn it into a green fel planet.

Argus, who has become a fel planet, can only give birth to fel titans.

Judging from the composition of the demon's troops, it is unlikely that Argus is on the opposite side of the portal.

Otherwise there should be a lot of eredar demon mages here.

There are only a few eredar demon mages, and the number is too small!

Judging from the many mo'arg engineers here, Herald is estimated to be a demiplane like Marton.

(End of this chapter)

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