The Laws of Werewolf Hunting

Chapter 18 Volunteer Expert Jomani

Chapter 18 Volunteer Expert Jomani

"Why are you delivering food here?" Clayton stared at Joe Mani.

Joe Mani looked shocked with a spoon in his hand: "Why are you eating here?"

"Because I donated three hundred gold pounds, I can personally inspect the living conditions of my donated objects."

Clayton made a bold statement.

The dining room was full of gaunt-looking people in old clothes.There are people from children to middle age, but nothing too old.Clayton stood out among them deadly.

At this moment, they were all queuing up with bowls, watching Joe in a white apron eagerly, waiting for him and the nurse next to him to scoop out the food from several buckets on the ground.

The behavior of Clayton's arrival was simply illogical, but Joe didn't wonder how long, because he had to work.

He scooped Clayton a bowl of rich-smelling stew, which also contained potatoes and diced carrots, and there might be some minced meat in it, but Clayton didn't get any in his bowl.In addition, there is a piece of black bread the size of a palm.

After getting the food, Clayton went back to the long table and found a seat to eat.

The stew is such a mess, the taste of these things is not bad, but the portion is not enough to fill up an adult male who is often manual labor.

And there are some mint leaves floating on the not know why.

The nurse who led him in for a visit was sitting next to him during the meal, staring at him nervously since Clayton put the food in his mouth, for fear that he would shake his head or complain.

Clayton's performance made the nurse relieved.

The silent eating sounds of the beneficiaries on both sides of the long table suppressed his discouraged voice.

"I'll see for myself in a while, you don't have to follow." Clayton told him.


The orderly retorted automatically, but Clayton's mere blinking of his eyes startled him.

The beast-like pupils of the werewolf can shrink very small, making the person being watched fully aware that they are being targeted.

After dinner, the beneficiaries scattered to their temporary dormitories, and Clayton easily caught Joe in the corridor.

"You acted very quickly, and you got in touch with the Holy Grail Society so quickly. Have you negotiated with them?"

"What do you mean?" Joe asked blankly.

Clayton carefully observed his expression, but found nothing unusual, he may not know it.

But since he didn't hang out in the church with a false identity anymore, and even took off his disguise, maybe Joe had confessed to the church.

"Forget it, it's nothing, I thought they found you."

"How is it possible? It's strange that you can find me, lieutenant." Joe pressed his neck uncomfortably: "I thought no one could find this place."

The priest had promised to keep him secret.

Clayton said frankly: "I really didn't know you were here. I came here following the clues of another Holy Grail member. It was just a coincidence that I met you."

Joe's eyebrows flew up: "They came in too?!"

"do not know."

"Then don't use an affirmative tone, Lieutenant." Joe looked around, and there was no one in the corridor, so he rubbed his hands: "I told the priest everything, but it didn't involve you. They said The Holy Grail will be resolved immediately. So I'm just studying here now."

"When did you tell them these things?" Clayton asked him.

"It's been four or five days."

Clayton took out the note that the Holy Grail Society stuffed in the store and shook it in front of Joe: "Then I think the priest's response was not very 'immediately'. The Holy Grail Society's theater was not closed, and a threatening letter was sent to my shop .When you think about it, it's like they thought Rusted Silver Coins was your store. But that was at least four years ago."

Joe opened his mouth, and then reacted: "Do you think I lied to you on purpose?"

"I didn't think so, but you should really try to remember."

"Can't it be that because they couldn't find me, they had to send the threatening letter to the only person who seemed to have a relationship with me?"

Clayton said with regret: "I thought so for a moment, but I told them that you and I were not in the same party, and even had enemies. Just a word, or just a word with my assistant, there is no need to be so formal."

He pointed to the note: "I got it wrapped in an envelope and Holy Grail seal,"

Generally, such a formal mail would only appear in the communication between government departments or famous families. The pattern on the wax paint needs a seal and a ring to knock it out, and ordinary people cannot make an equivalent response.

"But I really don't know anything." Joe sighed hopelessly.

"Maybe your parents know."

"Maybe, but they're long gone."

Clayton also heard the news for the first time: "Sorry."

Joe waved his hand: "Actually, I'm not that sad. I've been separated from them since I was a child, and I'm used to not having them."

"Uh, then I take back my apology."

The atmosphere fell silent, and Creighton's honesty destroyed something invisible.

Joe held his forehead, and he felt that he knew why the old boss was still unmarried. Just like the scriptures said, the Heavenly Father would not make a person perfect.

"If you must find out about this, go to my old house. If my parents have anything to do with the Holy Grail, they may leave the evidence there."

"Aren't you going, that's your home?" Clayton asked him.

Joe's eyes quickly glanced at the stairs at the end of the corridor, and quickly retracted: "Forget it, I have more important things to do now."

Clayton looked at him suspiciously. It was really not like what someone who was chased by the Holy Grail Society not long ago could say.

But Joe's attitude was very firm, and he had no choice but to stop here.

"Then give me the key."

Joe Mani lifted one side of his apron, untied a large bunch of keys and counted them, looking for the keys of his old house, rustling.

Clayton frowned. The amount of this key made him doubt that the other party could open the doors of all the rooms in this workhouse.
"The dean trusts you so much?"

Joe finally counted his keys, raised his head and handed them to Clayton: "These are not the keys of the poorhouse, but the keys of the workhouse next door. To be precise, I do volunteer work there, but I come here occasionally to help at night. , because their shared restaurants are all in this building.”

The so-called training center is an institution jointly organized by the government and the church, which specializes in taking in and raising abandoned babies and orphans.

The workhouse and the workhouse here are in a building with a large area, but they are not connected internally. There is a layer of spiked iron fence outside the building to separate them until the main entrance. Contact outside.

Usually the deacon or priest of the diocese manages the workshop, but the church in St. Solot diocese was abandoned due to a fire and has not been restored so far.The neighboring diocese of St. Mellon had no workshops, and the clergy were relatively free, so the task fell to them.

"That's really amazing. The director of the workshop must have believed in you." Clayton was very happy for Joe Mani.

Being able to entrust so many keys to his management shows that the people in the workhouse recognize that Joe is a respectable gentleman.

But Joe was indifferent to his praise, and on the contrary was a little colder.

"What is your current position in the workshop?" Clayton asked Joe with a sense of approval.

Mentioning this matter, Qiao Mani's face suddenly showed an indescribable emotion, which was a complex emotion that incorporated negative emotions such as regret, fear, helplessness, and decadence.

"Probably mother."

Shocked, Clayton left the workhouse.

Joe Marney also returned early to the workhouse next door.

Night had fallen, but his work had only just begun.

The loud halls and corridors were empty during the day and the kids had to go back to their rooms by 08:30.

Holding a lantern, Joe walked forward along the corridor, gently pushed every door to make sure they were locked, and checked all the rooms on the lower two floors before going up to the top floor, where there were already two black-clothed men. The deacons of the church were waiting for him, with holy water bottles at their belts and armed with revolvers.

On both sides of the hallway on the top floor there are some rooms besides offices and warehouses.

Those brown-red wooden doors were pasted with no-entry labels, and the deacons faced them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Joe took out the keys from his waist, counted the keys corresponding to the numbers of the doors in front of him, and opened them one by one.

There are no prohibited items inside, and the layout behind each door is similar to that of the dormitory downstairs.Plus an almost dirty but energetic kid.

"Slow down, follow me."

Joe went downstairs again with the lantern, only this time he was followed by a group of slinking boys and two stern-faced deacons.

These children have one characteristic without exception-they are educated by their godfather Ji Li together with Joe Marney.

When they arrived at the open space behind the practice hall, they finally didn't have to control their voices, and started to play freely.

Or use the sticks you picked up to dig holes in the ground, or chase each other.

The moonlight shone on the children, illuminating the fur, scales and tails that were uncontrollably stimulated, creating a warm and eerie atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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