The Laws of Werewolf Hunting

Chapter 323 Clearing Blood Stasis

Chapter 323 Clearing Blood Stasis
Di Jetali's figure was reflected in Clara's blue eyes, like a flying insect trapped in amber.

Before the Tinon could notice that she was being watched, Donna turned and walked sadly into the group of dwarves.

She tried to bridge the rift between the three parties with threats, but failed.

Clara's power allowed her to see the subtle emotions of these people, and she could not hide their thoughts from her - the dwarves still could not give up their hatred for each other, and the Dinons had decided to abandon all their allies and prepare to surrender to Edwards.

Uncle Clayton's idea of ​​balance was not wrong. Everyone here had a unique goal and vision. If they were given hope, they could provide their own strength to the collective. It was just that he didn't see this, or he was too impatient and only wanted to take her away from Wonderland as soon as possible, so he overlooked some things. It could also be that he bet that everyone could resolve the issue of the ownership of this country before they could react.

What Clayton intentionally or unintentionally overlooked was that the conflict between Jetali and Edwards could actually be reconciled, and the resources they had could complement each other.

Once the two sides really contact each other, both the Morrells and Clayton will be abandoned, and Edwards will not let go of others.
Jetali felt some kind of gaze, but when he looked back, there was no one where he looked.

Within his field of vision, the soldiers who had been torn to pieces were being repaired by their companions. Soldiers of different races consciously divided into different areas. With the help of the witch, the dwarves finally gave up the position belonging to the Dinons, but he would not be grateful to anyone for this.

The fall of the castle must have been related to the alchemical products of the dwarves, and they owed him money.

While he was thinking about it, the dwarf prince came over with a few guards: "Hey, Dinon, we are going to counterattack, you should join us."

Jetali frowned.

"Don't reject me. I just spoke for you."

"But I feel I'm more needed here, and you couldn't help me just now." Jetali said, his soldiers recovered, which made him more confident.

"Stop talking nonsense, bring your people with us, we can't just lose the first line of defense. Or do you want to surrender now?"

The dwarf prince's tone became more and more impatient, but his eyes were looking at Jetali carefully. The commander of the Dinnon people was a little surprised, but he knew that he could not reveal his true opinions now, so he compromised.

He appointed an adjutant to handle the affairs of the second floor on his behalf, and then selected twenty soldiers to follow the dwarf troops and slowly advance upwards through the spiral staircase.

The witch followed him, which gave Jetali more confidence - she seemed to remember the covenant they had established, so she stayed nearby and waited for his instructions. However, the girl looked a little uneasy, a good wizard would never be like this, after all, witchcraft also requires a strong mind to release.

"You should be more confident, so that you can be useful." He turned to the girl on the steps and said.

Donna gave an ugly smile, and Clara's eyes were not so friendly, which made the Dinons very disliked.

"Also, keep your little pet in check."

The team in front suddenly quickened their pace, so Jetali stopped talking and took big strides, leaving Donna behind.

When he stepped onto the third floor tiles again, the scene he saw was no longer optimistic. Only a few dwarves were fighting against the monsters in the corridor, and more fighting sounds were coming from the rooms. The battle formation had been broken up.

Di Jetali frowned again.

If Edwards' army could easily kill these dwarfs, then they were not worth being betrayed, and he had to make Edwards value his role.

In order to achieve this goal, he should first help the dwarves retake the third floor.

Just as he was thinking this, the dwarf prince in front of the team suddenly shouted, and then all the dwarves squeezed forward desperately, colliding with the monsters without caring about their formation, while also distancing themselves from the Dinnon army.

This is simply seeking death.

Just a few seconds after the feeling of doubt rose in Jetali's heart, he heard the witch's voice behind him.


He looked back in surprise, but this sentence was not directed at him. A blazing white fireball instantly rushed towards him, surging from the back to the front and engulfing him. Under the catalysis of the neglected sediment of human hearts, the flames multiplied and spread wildly, engulfing Jetali and the twenty farmers he brought with him.

All of them rolled in the fire, waving their weapons around, but most of them could only hit their own people. Only Donna was almost cut in half by Dei Jetali's sword, but at the critical moment, Clara used her unique limbs to cling to the wall and dragged her back and forth with her arms. Dei Jetali swung his sword in vain for more than a dozen times, and finally fell to the ground with his companions.

Edwards provided Clara with a constant supply of fuel, and the Dinon people without wizards had no way to compete with her.

The Dinons also contributed a lot of wailing throughout the process of their spirits being gradually destroyed, but in the current castle, such sounds have become commonplace and did not serve as a warning to their companions downstairs.

The flames gradually died out, revealing a number of extremely pale faces.

"You are really cruel. I have begun to admire you." Basham exclaimed at the girl, but this only made her feel depressed.

This operation was planned by the witch herself. After realizing that the rebellion of the Dinon people was imminent, she secretly contacted the two dwarf commanders and finally decided to eliminate Di Jetali first.

Before this, she had never done such a cruel thing, nor had she thought of doing such a thing, but she hoped that her choice was correct. If Jetali finally chose to betray others, they would really be finished. Now, they have perfectly solved the target, and the remaining farmers do not know what happened upstairs, they will still defend this place with all their heart.

"I have no other choice. Now I just hope to win." She covered her forehead and leaned weakly against the wall behind her.

Afterwards, the dwarves regained their formation, and Hohomer's soldiers came in as reinforcements.

With the support, the dwarves counterattacked again and recaptured one-third of the corridor, and then a stalemate ensued.

Donna looked at the unconscious bodies of the Dinons, and her mind became more and more confused. She realized that her confidence was wavering, which seriously affected her ability to cast spells, making it difficult for her to fight Edwards, but she was powerless. She really didn't know if she had made the right choice.

She once thought that if two people could share life and death, then even if they had some bad things in the past, they would be friends in the future. However, the people here broke her perception.

Di Jetali was no friend, and she did some pretty despicable things.

When Clayton teased Edwards with his superb horsemanship, everyone was happy for his victory. The dwarves and the Dinnon put aside their past grudges and congratulated these outsiders like friends. Donna could sense through Clara that the feelings were genuine, but why did it turn out like this in the end?

Things shouldn't have turned out like this, and she shouldn't be here. She would rather fail with a group of good friends than succeed with a group of people with ulterior motives.

A wave of anger surged in Donna's heart, and she began to be silently angry at everyone here, including Louis - she had also wanted to ask Louis for help before, but he didn't know where to run, so she was angry with him too.

Clara suddenly pulled her hair, bringing her back to her senses.

Louis was standing in front of her, still dressed like a barbarian, but speaking with the demeanor of a civilized society: "Child, are you troubled?"

"Yes, but you came a little late. So you can't help me and can only regret it with me." Donna's tone was not very friendly.

But her anger didn't seem threatening at all, so Louis remained calm: "Please believe me, child, I am willing to make any sacrifice for you, but I was just repairing the soldier's body and didn't notice what happened here."

He smiled bitterly and said, "Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to participate in the battle, so I can only do this to help these soldiers."

The tone of the priesthood was humble, and Donna's education made her forgive him immediately.

But she still let out a long sigh. Today's experience made her feel many years older, perhaps older than the group of dwarves in front of her combined, because they only thought about themselves and didn't think as much as she did.

"No, Mr. Lewis, the most upsetting thing for me is over now. Next, we have to be on guard against Edwards' witchcraft here. If you want to help, ask Hohomer for some people to help my father. He must need help."


Several Morrels thrust forward with their spears in hand with all their might. The blunted spear tips pierced through the werewolf's flesh and blood, and also pierced through the evil creature in its arms.

The creature's body, covered with bone spurs, struggled and rolled wildly in the werewolf's arms. A lot of hair and flesh fell off. Clayton raised his neck and roared, but his strong arms covered with long hair did not loosen because of the pain. Instead, they tightened again, as if to press the creature in front of him into his chest.

The battle had lasted for fifteen minutes without a break. No one knew where the Mosquito Slayer was left and his body was so broken that he was unable to fight the evil creature alone.

When he and his prey were pierced by spears from all directions, several dwarf soldiers squeezed in from the gaps between the spears. They climbed onto the two monsters and smashed the exposed parts of the evil creatures with the outer edges of their shields until the joints were completely broken and the flesh and bones were turned into mud.

When the last blow ended, the shield was pulled out of the flesh and bones, making a sticky friction sound, and then the dark corridor fell into a long silence, with only the sound of people's breathing rising and falling.

There are no more enemies.

“Hahaha” A dry laugh came from someone unknown, but it did not continue and did not get a response from others.

After it was over, the sound of weapons falling to the ground was heard, and everyone dropped what they were holding and fell down in relaxation.

Only half of the defenders on the first floor were useful. They had never thought that they could defend this place when they fought, but they still succeeded and counterattacked to the end of the west corridor. Their swords and axes had broken blades after the intense battle, but the result was that all the enemies were dismembered, and the ground was covered with wriggling limbs and severed heads. Regardless of the blood, they would slip just standing there.

"Will there be any more enemies?"

Clayton's weak voice was heard in the darkness. The sound of a blade cutting through flesh and bones rang out from him again after he spoke. He was removing the weapon from his body.

"No." A dwarf sent by the miners said, "Edwards was worried that we would use this trick before, so the positions of the up and down passages of each underground tunnel are regulated and the width is also limited. If you want to go up and down, you have to take a long detour. Those enemies just now should be all of them, unless they have more alchemical explosives."

Another dwarf continued his words: "But the explosion just now should have used up all the explosives, so..."

He suddenly stopped talking and his voice stopped abruptly.

Clayton did not ask any further questions. He stood up, leaning on a spear that he had just pulled out of his body, and staggered forward on the corpses in the corridor, facing the spiral staircase where a faint light came down from the upper floors. The sound of the beast's paws stepping on the pool of blood was clearly audible.

"What are you going to do?" one of the dwarves asked.

"I'll go check out the situation up there," Clayton said. He wanted to see how Donna was doing.

"Go, but remember to curse Hohomer for us." The dwarf who said this was not Basham's subordinate. He was dispatched from Hohomer, but the commander did not send any assistance just now, which made all the miners on the first floor dissatisfied.

"I will." Clayton didn't turn around, but just raised his hand tiredly.

He took a few more steps towards the stairs, but his body began to become uncontrollable. His huge body fell forward to his knees, and then gradually collapsed, lying in a pool of blood.

In stark contrast to the footsteps of the defenders that echoed in the corridor, he heard Edwards' voice.

"I just knew they were a bunch of useless things. They always require me to do things myself."

(End of this chapter)

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